Научная статья на тему 'Health state estimation of simmers-veterans before the important start'

Health state estimation of simmers-veterans before the important start Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
swimming / “Masters” category / veteran swimming

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Evgenya A. Raspopova, Olga A. Khorosheva

During the period of training for important competitions in the “Masters” category sportsmen have to overcome many problems, such as lack of free time, no affordable and available swimming pools and others. However, the main group of problems, which face not only swimmers-veterans, but all swimmers, is health problems. With age health problems become urgent and influence more the process of training for competitions and sports result. Materials. The article considers health state of sportsmen-veterans before World Championship 2017 in “Masters” category in Budapest. Research methods: questionnaire, statistical data manipulation methods. Results. Among men and women differences in physical health state and its components estimation were revealed. For swimmers-veterans it is typical to have some neglect of own health state during the training process, but during competitive activity they are inclined to estimate their health more realistically. Conclusion. This article pays attention to own health state estimation by sportsmen during important starts, as eventually they are responsible for own physical state, which influences directly the result.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Health state estimation of simmers-veterans before the important start»

DOI 10/14526/01_2018_299



Evgenya A. Raspopova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, House 4, Sirenevyi Boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Olga A. Khorosheva - Post-graduate Student Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, House 4, Block 1, the 2nd Selskokhozyaistvennyi Passage, Moscow, 129226, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. During the period of training for important competitions in the "Masters" category sportsmen have to overcome many problems, such as lack of free time, no affordable and available swimming pools and others. However, the main group of problems, which face not only swimmers-veterans, but all swimmers, is health problems. With age health problems become urgent and influence more the process of training for competitions and sports result. Materials. The article considers health state of sportsmen-veterans before World Championship 2017 in "Masters" category in Budapest. Research methods: questionnaire, statistical data manipulation methods. Results. Among men and women differences in physical health state and its components estimation were revealed. For swimmers-veterans it is typical to have some neglect of own health state during the training process, but during competitive activity they are inclined to estimate their health more realistically. Conclusion. This article pays attention to own health state estimation by sportsmen during important starts, as eventually they are responsible for own physical state, which influences directly the result.

Keywords: swimming, "Masters" category, veteran swimming.

Introduction. Training for important competitions in "Masters" category is a difficult task. It is necessary to overcome a lot of problems, such as lack of free time, no affordable and available swimming pools and others. However, the main group of problems, which face not only swimmers-veterans, but all swimmers, is health problems. With age health problems become urgent and influence more the process of training for competitions and sports result.

According to the results of FINA, 508 Russian sportsmen were to take part in World Championship among veterans in Budapest. However, in final protocol there were only 367 sportsmen. Certainly, some sportsmen were disqualified for competition rules violation, some couldn't come to competitions because of personal problems or problems at work. But there also were

sportsmen, who were not able to finish or they even were not able to start because of their health state [3].

For many swimmers-veterans it is typical to overestimate own organism abilities, that is why they can't show their best results or even can't finish the distance. In this connection, it is interesting to estimate health state of swimmers in "Masters" category directly during competitive period.

Research methods and research organization. The research was held during the XVII Swimming World Championship in "Masters" category in Budapest in 2017. 34 sportsmen took part in the experiment (men and women equal number). The average age of the participants in the research is 53.

The aim of the research is health state estimation of swimmers-veterans during

competitions. Before the research the following objectives were set:

- with the help of a questionnaire define current health state of a swimmer (his physical component);

- to compare physical component indices of health among women and men;

- to estimate general physical component indices of health according to 4 scales.

Research methods: questionnaire, statistical data manipulation methods.

The base for the questionnaire was RAND 36-Item Short Form Health Survey [1, 2]. According to this methodology, life quality can be estimated according to 8 scales, which are grouped into two indices: "physical component of health" and "psychological component of health". Speaking about swimmers-veterans, it is interesting to mention physical component, as psychological state of a sportsman during competitions is mainly conditioned by motivation and will power.

Scales of health physical component:

1. Physical Functioning (PF) -reflects how current physical state restricts a person in different intensity physical load fulfillment (from hard physical labor to selfservice).

2. Role functioning, conditioned by physical state (Role-Physical Functioning -RP) - shows how health state influences a person's everyday activity (work, way of life). For "Masters" category sportsmen this scale is urgent, as their training activity is also closely connected with work and everyday life.

3. Pain intensity (PI)- the scale, which reflects how pain (of any character) influences a person during work, everyday life and

trainings. The lower is this index, the higher is pain of different character influencing a sportsman.

4. General health state (GH) - a person's estimation of own health for the present moment. The subjectivity of this scale is justified by the fact that concerning sportsmen objective health state influences the training process and a result no less than his well-being.

All these components were estimated according to 100-points system, the less is the number of points, the greater is this or that index influence on a sportsman [1, 2].

Research results and their discussion. According to the research results a general table and two separate tables for men and women were created. Everywhere the arithmetic average for the parts of physical component of health (physical functioning (PF); role functioning, conditioned by physical state (RP); pain intensity (PI), general health state (GH)) and for their sum was calculated.

The average physical component of health was converted into percentage. On the basis of calculations a table of average values was created. These tables show that physical functioning and role functioning indices differ greatly. It means that in the opinion of sportsmen, their health state has less influence on their physical (sports) activity and more influence on work and everyday life. We come to the conclusion that swimmers-veterans in their training activity tend to ignore the problems with health, which cause difficulties in everyday activity. In other words, malady, because of which a swimmer-veteran didn't go to work, isn't the reason for him to miss the training.

Table - The ^ average values of physical component of health

and its parts

Women Men General

Age 54 51,2941176 52,6470588

PF 87,9411765 94,4117647 91,1764706

RP 57,3529412 75 66,1764706

PI 47,8235294 68,3529412 58,0882353

GH 73,7647059 77,8823529 75,8235294

Total 266,882353 315,647059 291,264706

Sum in % 67% 79% 73%

Conventional notation: PF - physical functioning, RP -intensity, GH - general health state, Sum - the index of ph

The received results also prove that general index of pain intensity is more than 50%, it means that even if sportsmen experience pain of any character, they don't permit its excessive influence on their lives. We also see that this index among women is considerably lower, than among men. It can be connected with the fact, that though the average age of the respondents is 54 years old, most respondents have menstrual colic or chronic pain, gained as a result of complications during pregnancy.

General health state (GH) estimation by the respondents according to 100-points scale practically coincides with percentage estimation of physical component of health in this test and it proves a high degree of objectivity of sportsmen in own health estimation. Swimmers, regardless of sex, estimated general state of own health in the average as 75 points and it means their confidence in readiness of their organism to start.

Conclusion and recommendations.

According to the results of this research the following conclusions can be made:

1. During the competitions physical component of health among swimmers-veterans is estimated in the average as 73% from maximum possible and it proves readiness of sportsmen's organism for competitions, swimmers' confidence in their health.

2. The average age of women and men, who took part in a questionnaire survey, is within one age group (50-54 years old). In spite of this, some results among men and women differ greatly. The index of role functioning (RP) among women is 57,3 and among men -75. This index characterizes the influence of health state on everyday activity (except physical labor). It is noteworthy, that the results for "Physical functioning" (PF) scale, which reflects health influence on

functioning, conditioned by physical state; PI - pain component of health

physical activity, practically don't differ: 88 and 94 among women and men. Hence, both women and men are ready to neglect their health for the sake of the training process, however, in everyday activity they don't ignore own diseases.

3. Pain intensity index (PI) among women and men also differ considerably: among women- 48, among men- 68. However, both women and men believe that their general health state (GH) is at a high level (74 among women and 78 among men).

4. In percentage terms the sum of the health parts physical component among men and women differs not critically - 79% and 67%.

5. General results according to the scale of physical functioning are 91 and it proves that sportsmen-veterans don't think that their health prevents them from training activity realization, regardless of the fact that their average age is 53. These tables prove that the respondents' health state is at a high level and gives them an opportunity to take part in competitions without any risk and subjectivity of a questionnaire survey proves their confidence in own abilities.


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Submitted: 24.01.2018 Received: 27.01.2018

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Evgenya A. Raspopova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, House 4, Sirenevyi Boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

Olga A. Khorosheva - Post-graduate Student Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, House 4, Block 1, the 2nd Selskokhozyaistvennyi Passage, Moscow, 129226, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Raspopova E.A., Khorosheva O.A. Health state estimation of simmers-veterans before the important start, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Pshycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2018, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 145-148. DOI 10/14526/01_2018_299

DOI 10/14526/01_2018_300


Marina A. Chichkova - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Astrakhan State Medical University, House 121, Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, Russia, 414000 E-mail: [email protected]

Anastasiya A. Svetlichkina - Assistant Astrakhan State Medical University, House 121, Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, Russia, 414000 E-mail: [email protected]

Alexsandr V. Dorontsev - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Astrakhan State Medical University, House 121, Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, Russia, 414000 E-mail: [email protected]

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