УДК 69 Ershova N.A., Iblyaminova M.R.
Ershova N.A.
Student of the Department of Architecture Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia)
Iblyaminova M.R.
Teacher of the highest qualification category Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia)
Аннотация: the paper examines various aspects of innovations in design and design of medical facilities, including bold architectural and design solutions, improved comfort and safety, and innovative technologies for improving patient care.
Ключевые слова: medicine, health care, medical architecture, design, health, space-planning.
In today's world, health facilities play a key role in ensuring the health and well-being of populations. However, in addition to highly qualified specialists and modern equipment, an important factor affecting the effectiveness of treatment and patient comfort is the correct space-planning solution and design of medical facilities. That is why the issues of innovation in the design and organization of space in hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions are becoming increasingly relevant.
Main tasks of the design of medical institutions. Originally, the main task of designing medical institution was to comply with all mandatory sanitary and building standards. After a long time, thanks to the progress in design,
engineering, construction and ergonomics, the focus shifted to creating an enabling environment with increased comfort for both patients and healthcare. employees. Today, the specialists want to make technological solutions an active part of the treatment process.
Building medical facilities is a high-tech process that requires the team of developers not only competence in construction, but also profound knowledge in medicine, engineering and project management. Responsibility for creating a functional, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment for patients, doctors and health care staff rests on the shoulders of architects, builders and customers. The features of such institution building include both adherence to strict norms and standards, and integration of innovative technologies to ensure treatment effectiveness.
The importance of these buildings is not limited to their primary function -providing medical services. They are symbols of progress and concern for the health of citizens. Therefore, every aspect of the design and construction of medical facilities, from location selection to ventilation and oxygen systems, must be carried out with particular attention to detail, ensuring convenience, safety and accessibility for all segments of the population.
The architectural plan should provide easy access to essential services, optimize patient and staff movement. Engineering systems, including ventilation, electrical and plumbing equipment, are designed to meet increased requirements for cleanliness and infection control. Buildings should also be adapted to use modern medical equipment and technology. [1]
In the construction of medical facilities play an important role 2 aspects: 1) Specialization and functionality (for example, a hospital oriented to provide emergency medical care should be designed for the urgent reception of victims, their placement in some cases - for rehabilitation. To do this, designers need to consider the access and parking space for ambulances in the hospital courtyard, patient rooms, offices and operating rooms, as well as walking areas and places to meet with relatives).
2) Safety and hygiene (e.g., infectious disease clinics should meet high standards of safety and hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases in case of an acute outbreak). [2]
The new generation of health care buildings differs from its predecessors by flexible approach to the placement of medical technology, frplanning that takes into account the specific urban situation, new space-planning and constructive solutions, Application of new building technologies and materials. [3]
The use of new modern medical equipment and life support engineering systems also required adjustments to the planning schemes.
The most current trends in the design of medical facilities:
1) Design and build for efficient and beneficial delivery of medical care even under tight budget constraints.
2) The need to build and design health facilities that are capable of rapid adaptation to any crisis.
3) In the design of the hospital should be rooms where employees can rest, get out of a stressful working state. It will also have a positive impact on the performance and ability of employees.
4) Integration of virtual personal technologies.
5) Accelerating the introduction of artificial intelligence and robotics.
6) Equipping health facilities with digital kiosks.
7) Telemedicine technology is being applied in medical practice: equipping health facilities with equipment for remote patient health monitoring, such as remote heart monitors. This would also require the design of conference rooms with large video monitors and desktop and/or mobile computers equipped with web cameras, which would allow for consultations to be conducted regardless of location.
Another new trend that has many advantages is the creation of adaptive spaces. Health care designers recognize the benefits of flexible, multi-purpose spaces. Architects help health care administrators treat as many patients as possible and increase the square meters.
When building a hospital, focus should be not only on creating beautiful spaces but also on using materials that protect against the spread of infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in twenty-five patients in the United States is infected with hospital infections every day. To prevent this, healthcare designers often apply antimicrobial coatings on hard surfaces and use lighting that fights the spread of diseases. Such materials include: copper, photoactive pigments (namely glass, ceramic, steel surfaces covered with photoactive pigments), LED indigo lighting.
Regarding the interior, for a medical institution, the concept of a biogenic interior can be implemented. In hospitals, biogenic design most often connects public spaces - entrances, waiting rooms and cafeterias - with daylight and nature to create a soothing environment for everyone who enters. [4]
By analyzing innovations in the architecture of medical facilities, it was found that bold architectural and design solutions contribute to creating space that can reduce stress and improve the psychological state of patients.
From the above, it can be concluded that technological innovations in medical design and engineering play a key role in improving diagnostic efficiency and accuracy, as well as in improving the conditions for operations and procedures. Developing innovative technologies to improve patient care allows for improved quality of care and more personalized treatment.
1. Специфика строительства медицинских учреждений [Электронный ресурс].ШЬ: https://sirius-project.ru/;
2. Проектирование и строительство медицинских учреждений [Электронный ресурс].URL:https://gectaro.com/blog/tpost/5urza629n1-proektirovanie-i-stroitelstvo-meditsinsk;
3. Гайдук, А. Р. Новая типология медицинских учреждений / А. Р. Гайдук.
— Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2011. — № 3 (26). — Т. 2.
— С. 212-216;
4. Экспертный обзор. Новые подходы к пространственным, архитектурным и интерьерным решениям для медицинских учреждений [Электронный ресурс]. URL:https://palisyv.nii.nii-test.ru