Научная статья на тему 'Group dynamics and the role play activities to raise awareness on social issues in the ESL classes'

Group dynamics and the role play activities to raise awareness on social issues in the ESL classes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kaharova Madina Bakhodirovna

In article, it has been described the new methods of using role plays, the review and interaction of group dynamic rules in the ESL. Outstanding group dynamics and role-play activities author’s citations and the researcher’s feedbacks and improvisation s had been done.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Group dynamics and the role play activities to raise awareness on social issues in the ESL classes»

3. Weinstein L. & Laverghetta A. College student stress and satisfaction with life // College Student Journal, 2009. 43 (4). P. 1161-1162. Retrieved from: EBSCOhost.


CLASSES Kaharova M.B.

Kaharova Madina Bakhodirovna - English language Instructor,


Abstract: in article, it has been described the new methods of using role plays, the review and interaction of group dynamic rules in the ESL. Outstanding group dynamics and role-play activities author's citations and the researcher's feedbacks and improvisation s had been done.

Keywords: group dynamics, learner types, designing a lesson, role-play, social awareness, motivation, adjust.

There are number of problems that ESL learners encounter throughout their learning English process. For instances: heterogeneous classes, no study conditions, unqualified teachers, conservative and traditional education systems, indifference and despair, or the interference of working for living situations, shortage of direct contact with native speakers, difference and misunderstandings with pronunciations and dialects; memory and lack of enthusiasm issues with adult learners. There are no any failures or mistakes in the life that goes transparent, all they make us to learn and innovate new ideas. When teacher helps to learners to overcome inhibition and all of those social-individual challenges in ESL classes, the extrinsic motivation becomes intrinsic and helps them to build great dreams. Also more than 6 months learners come with hesitation, apathy and miss every other class, while pronunciation, structuring and other basic grammar and speaking tasks so essential. Even the qualified teacher will try to trigger their intrinsic motivation and bring them up as a united team, situation little bit dilemmatic and needs care and improvisations, self-educating and partnerships, consultations with peer colleagues; as direct theoretical conceptualizations and manuals may fail to accomplish the task. Group dynamics. What is the group dynamics? Group dynamics is when teacher organizes the tasks for foreign languages learners, which demand movements such as: grouping and re-groupings, active learning, actions, role-plays, poster-making, playing games and so on. Active involvement into the class process, understanding, delivering, accomplishing the task is important and result will be marked. In the methodological book by Penny Ur, learners are divided into 3 categories by their preferences with which channel they actively digest the new information. That learning styles are: "auditory, visual, and kinesthetic/tactile" [1, p. 183, 232.]. Group dynamics mostly deals with kinesthetic/tactile learner or explains how to be. In dynamic group there are a lot of activities that make learners move around, play, participate, give a hand, share, and contribute and so on. These group works always either in progress or in regress. In spite of that, learner makes effort and makes a contribution to output. Walter Burke Barbe [2, p. 385, 378, 380.] and colleagues proposed three learning modalities to those kind of learners: "Visuals: pictures, shapes, sculpture, paintings; kinesthetic, tactile: gestures, body movements, object manipulation, positioning; auditory: listening, rhythms, tone, chants". If Z. Dornyei & T.Murphey give states about the probability of apathy's evolvement, Penny Ur suggests adjusting or adopting the activities if they are not matching

the aim or not fulfilling the goal [3, p. 3, 29, 34,]. Apathy and conflict may evolve, say Z. Dornyei & T.Murphey . What causes the apathy? Lack of interest, not-relevant topics, strict or unskillful teachers, dominating students, over speaking, interruptions, changes in schedule and so forth issues are causes for conflicts, as I added from my point- of view too. Apathy should be replaced with empathy. Empathy is towards class, teacher, language, culture, interaction, group work, norms, and group cohesiveness. How to do it? One should educate themselves to be able to interact and be able to communicate socially well. According to Rogers, there are 3 attributes of teachers who fight against the conflicts in dynamic classes: "Empathy, acceptance, and being congruent" [4, p. 74, 90, 134] - which I would like to suggest to apply to students, while they have conflicts. As they first share same values, feelings and bring up empathy towards language learning and their opponents, then, they start accepting advantages, disadvantages, strength and weaknesses of themselves , other team's and may be lesson's. Then they start take into control every step of the process and manage the activity, even lesson autonomously. Interpreting feelings and appreciating the company of other will lead students to get most out of it and reach the target established by group norms and teacher plans. 1. How role-plays should be organized? They can be taken from methodology or ready-designed books or can be prepared by teachers. They should be related to student life or at least to their environment. 2. How long they should be? Their length should be according to time management. Also they should not be too long to read and comprehend as there also should be time left to come up with conclusions. 3. Should they be related? Should content be checked? They should be meaningful, appropriate to leaner's age, social background or goals. Content should be checked if necessary. It's highly recommended. Especially, when role-plays are taken from foreign books and cultural differences and clashes exist. 4. What are the benefits? One of the great benefit of role-plays are they enhance oral proficiency and students can learn even by imitating to each other, or they feel in their shoes when they speak to their classmates, whose speech nearly the same with theirs, rather than fluent teachers. Sometimes in role-plays making posters is possible situation. Colorful and vivid posters which describe issues and solutions by drawing and can be presented before, after and while plays. Some talented students act and create trustworthy atmosphere, where students foster their autonomy, show their voice and individuality , they will be empowered by free movement and sometimes it gets too interesting to both sides how everything is goes. Role-plays help minimize incorrect language, especially pronunciation, word choice; students can integrate their other subjects into role-plays and add their own outlook or outcomes from experiences. Associating their field, personal problems and other highly-related topics can improve their vocabulary because this relevance causes intrinsic motivation. It makes student flexible, communicative, sociable, and compromising, appreciating other's contribution to team-work, appreciating diversity and personalities, it brings self-correction to their behaviors. Role plays also helpful to the teacher to monitor student speech. All in all, dynamic groups cause intrinsic motivation, triggers enthusiasm of students. Role-play activity is possible way of organizing productive dynamic group. Topics that are relevant and involving social and family issues are the best which enable students to speak even by imitations. Teachers are only designers and carvers of the speech art. 5. Purpose and adjustment: can be targeted to solve social-global issues or just simply directed to facilitate how to built good relations with family members. In American and Uzbek cultures the roles, duties, behavior samples are very much distinct. So, the role-plays differ in tasks, content while instructor composed them and student solutions also look way too far from those who are in the US. If the US culture urges students to be more independent, take control over everything and have a voice in the family; Uzbek culture appreciates more obeying and respecting elders, to take account social norms and folks' point of view; compromise and do not react immediately.


1. Penny Ur. Methodology in language classroom // A Course in Language Teaching, Practice and Theory. Trainee book. Cambridge teacher training and development. Cambridge University Press, 1991. P. 183, 232.

2. Barbe W.B. & Milone M.N. What we know about modality strengths // Educational Leadership, 1981. P. 385, 378-380.

3. Zoltan Dornyei & Tim Murphey. Group dynamics in the language classroom // Cambridge University Press, 2003. P. 3, 29, 34, 74, 90, 134.


Комолова Шахнозахон Адхамовна - преподаватель немецкого языка, кафедра иностранных языков, факультет филологии, Гулистанский государственный университет, г. Гулистан, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются критерии, установленные разными учеными в соответствии с немецкой лексикографией. В первой части статьи приведены некоторые иллюстрации об историческом развитии лексикографии. Там автор выделяет некоторые существенные феномены, относящиеся к лексикографии. В целом в статье мы можем найти ясные понятия о лексике немецкого языка. Ключевые слова: лексикография, интер-дисциплинарная, словарь, дефиниции.

Быстрое развитие практической лексикографии, отмечаемое в последние десятилетия в целом ряде стран, обусловлено действием таких факторов, как научно-техническая революция и информационный «взрыв», расширение контактов в гуманитарных областях, функционирование некоторых языков в качестве средства интернационального общения, научное описание и нормализация языка, повышение культуры речи.

Растет социальная важность словарей: ведь они не только фиксируют совокупность знаний, которыми располагает общество в данную эпоху, но и служат надежным инструментом современного научного познания [1. а 121]. Какие же тенденции определяют развитие современной немецкой лексикографии?

Нынешний лексикография оформилась в самостоятельную интердисциплинарную науку. Необходимо различать ее объект и предмет. Растет количество и улучшается качество словарей. Совершенствуются специальные методы и метаязык лексикографии.

Лексика языка - это конечное множество языковых элементов, открытая динамическая знаковая система, которая носит потенциально коммуникативный характер. Словарь -наоборот конечное подмножество, закрытая статическая система информативно-номинативного типа, которая представляет собой незнаковый способ организации лексики. Важнейший признак, присущий и лексике, и словарю, заключается в системном характере элементов и отношений между ними. Словарный состав современного немецкого языка содержит свыше миллиона слов и выражений [2. а 119].

При отборе словника для толкового словаря общего типа применяется система научно обоснованных критериев, в которую входят: частотность заголовочного слова, его номинативная и коммуникативная ценность, характер и многообразие его лексико-синтаксических связей с другими словами, т.е. сочетаемость слова, его словообразовательная активность, принадлежность к современному языку и др. В толковом словаре для учебных целей производится двойная редукция словарного состава: сперва отбираются лексемы, относящиеся к общеупотребительной лексике,

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