“GREEN” MARKETING AS A TOOL FOR INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Krotenko T. Yu.

Aim. In the modern world, when the environmental requirements for the environment are being transformed, difficulties arise that require a new arsenal of means to resolve them. “Green” marketing, which has adopted and is developing the values of social and ethical marketing, is considered in the article as an effective tool for innovative management, with the help of which environmental problems are solved. The aim of the article is to summarize the existing interpretations of the concept of “green” marketing in scientific sources, to establish its content, to develop useful recommendations on the application of the principles of “green” marketing in the hotel business.Methodology. The article proposes “green” ratings used in the hotel business as a technology for the formation, maintenance and preservation of the “green” image of the company.Results. The study found that the main features of “green” marketing are the sound and prudent use of resources, environmental protection of the environment, the reduction of harmful effects on humans and nature, environmental obligations, conscientiousness in providing services, reasonable consumption of products and their competent processing.Research Imlications. Arguments are given in favor of using “green” marketing in the domestic and foreign hotel market for effective branding, competent promotion of a service or company, attracting customers, expanding the target audience, building a company's reputation and strengthening consumer loyalty.

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УДК 339.138:502.17

DOI: 10.18384/2310-6646-2023-1-61-70


T. Krotenko

State University of Management prosp. Ryazansky 99, Moscow 109542, Russian Federation Moscow Metropolitan Governance Yury Luzhkov University ul. Sretenka 28, Moscow 107045, Russian Federation


Aim. In the modern world, when the environmental requirements for the environment are being transformed, difficulties arise that require a new arsenal of means to resolve them. "Green" marketing, which has adopted and is developing the values of social and ethical marketing, is considered in the article as an effective tool for innovative management, with the help of which environmental problems are solved. The aim of the article is to summarize the existing interpretations of the concept of "green" marketing in scientific sources, to establish its content, to develop useful recommendations on the application of the principles of "green" marketing in the hotel business. Methodology. The article proposes "green" ratings used in the hotel business as a technology for the formation, maintenance and preservation of the "green" image of the company. Results. The study found that the main features of "green" marketing are the sound and prudent use of resources, environmental protection of the environment, the reduction of harmful effects on humans and nature, environmental obligations, conscientiousness in providing services, reasonable consumption of products and their competent processing. Research Imlications. Arguments are given in favor of using "green" marketing in the domestic and foreign hotel market for effective branding, competent promotion of a service or company, attracting customers, expanding the target audience, building a company's reputation and strengthening consumer loyalty.

Keywords: innovation management, "green" marketing, "green" communication, "green" ratings, reasonable consumption of resources, environmental responsibility, hotel business, ecological hotel


Кротенко Т. Ю.

Государственный университет управления

109542, Москва, Рязанский пр-т, д. 99, Российская Федерация

Московский городской университет управления Правительства Москвы имени

Ю. М. Лужкова

107045, Москва, ул. Сретенка, д. 28, Российская Федерация Аннотация

Цель. В современном мире при трансформации экологических требований к окружающей среде возникают сложности, требующие для своего разрешения нового арсенала средств. «Зелёный» маркетинг, который принял и развивает ценности социально-этического марке© CC BY Кротенко Т. Ю . , 2023.

тинга, рассматривается в статье как эффективный инструмент инновационного управления, с помощью которого решаются экологические проблемы. Цели исследования - обобщение имеющихся трактовок понятия «зелёного» маркетинга в научных источниках, установление его содержания, выработка полезных рекомендаций по применению принципов «зелёного» маркетинга в гостиничном бизнесе.

Процедура и методы. В статье предложены «зелёные» рейтинги, используемые в гостиничном бизнесе как технологии формирования, сопровождения и сохранения «зелёного» имиджа компании.

Результаты. Исследованием установлено, что главными чертами «зелёного» маркетинга являются здравое и целесообразное расходование ресурсов, экологическая защищённость окружающей среды, сокращение вредоносных эффектов на человека и природу, экологические обязательства, сознательность при оказании услуг, разумное потребление продуктов и грамотная их переработка.

Теоретическая и/или практическая значимость. Даны аргументы в пользу использования «зелёного» маркетинга на отечественном и зарубежном гостиничном рынке для эффективного брендинга, грамотного продвижения услуги или фирмы, привлечения клиентов, расширения целевой аудитории, формирования репутации компании и укрепления лояльности потребителей.

Ключевые слова: инновационное управление, «зелёный» маркетинг, «зелёная» коммуникация, «зелёные» рейтинги», разумное потребление ресурсов, экологическая ответственность, гостиничный бизнес, экологический отель


Green marketing concepts: main ideas, principles and stages of formation

1979-1980 characterized by a rise in public interest in environmental issues . Different countries pass laws aimed at preserving the environment. Scientists, ordinary residents, at first glance, prosperous states, to varying degrees, are involved in the discussion and solution of problems of nature conservation, streamlining the system of production and consumption . Actions and eco-events are organized aimed at preserving natural resources - the wealth of the subsoil, water, air, rare animals and plants. It becomes customary when discussions arise at various public venues about ways to rid the world of accumulated industrial and domestic waste, reduce noise levels, and eliminate careless economic activities

As a logical continuation of social and ethical marketing, which refers to the shift in advertising from the product and its manufacturer to meeting the needs of the buyer, ethics and social benefits, in 1980-1990. a new type of marketing is emerging and gaining momentum - ecological, referred to in the scientific literature as "green" [7].

Following the concept of social and ethical marketing, organizations began to formulate the needs and goals set in the advertising company as one of the central strategic objectives of achieving a purchase in a way that is much more effective and less costly than that of competing companies . At the same time, the fundamental elements of the corporate philosophy of production are the preservation and strengthening of the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole . This concept of marketing arose due to the fact that the postulates of traditional marketing, which consist in satisfying the immediate needs of customers through a set of factors, including product, price, promotion, distribution, could not be achieved due to an obvious lack of resources, an increase in the population of the Earth, a decrease in biodiversity, deterioration environmental quality in relation to human activities

"Green" marketing, the main principles of which are declared to meet the needs of society by promoting goods and services that have the least negative impact on nature, the use of a small amount of resources in production, the minimum "toxicity" of these benefits for the environment at all stages of their life cycle, continues the tradition of social and ethical marketing. The concern of people with the state of the environment is transformed into state decisions taken by the governments of different countries regarding nature management and ecology All sorts of consumer associations, ecological structures, expert groups appear, whose influence is important for everyday life and the future of mankind . The interest of citizens of different countries in ecological consumption is increasing, which is beginning to form new models of social behavior. Increasingly, publications appear in the media about environmentally friendly production technologies, environmentally friendly products, eco-construction and eco-transport, eco-tourism, environmental friendliness not only of the goods put up for sale, but also about the conceptuality of its packaging, methods of stacking and displaying goods on the trading floor, environmental qualities of the store, in which it is presented . Large format press releases and value-oriented publications about a healthy lifestyle, changing consumer consciousness, attempts to revise and reassess personal needs are becoming commonplace . All this testifies to the growing attention to the indicators of environmental friendliness of goods and services [2].

Of course, "green" marketing meets obstacles on its way of development. As a rule, the advantages of eco-products, their purpose are not obvious, their "friendliness" to the environment is rarely evident . Marketing practice has shown that it is impossible to arouse interest in eco-products by the methods of ordinary social advertising (which quite successfully appeals to the mind, points to the problems of the world order, but from an emotional point of view, it sometimes does it dull and minor) . To attract the interest of buyers, advertising full of optimism, calling for moderate sustainable consumption, is required We need advertising that unobtrusively forms the eco-status of a product or service, revealing its eco-history to a potential buyer. Psychologists have one somewhat paradoxical, at first glance, explanation of people's tendency to consume natural eco-friendly products -this is the desire to control the processes taking place in the world, inevitably striving for dynamism and, as a result, becoming technogenic, causing chronic stress in people -long-term activation of adaptive reactions of the body under the influence of adverse factors

Of course, in the practice of "green" marketing there are a lot of stories related to the exaggeration of the environmental friendliness of the goods of manufacturers and the services they offer. Brainwashing falsifications of "environmentalism" have even been given a name - greenwashing ("green brainwashing") . Naturally, greenwashing reduces the influence of the growing honest "green" marketing . In most US states, a forced measure to combat this phenomenon has been the introduction of regulations for the use of the adjective "green" in relation to the product .

Ways to bring true green marketing into business practice are now on the agenda Creating a positive image with consumers is not an easy task. However, the emergence of the company's ability to constructively solve environmental problems is a huge step in its development [3]. On the one hand, the costs of energy and material consumption are reduced On the other hand, stable consumer confidence in relation to the manufacturer and seller is being formed, mutual loyalty is increasing, a positive corporate reputation is being formed, which gives an incentive to create new "green" projects, which allows formulating new trade offers And very important achievements, of course, are not the demonstration and imitation of environmental activity, but the formation of a transformative mindset that supports innovation, thereby contributing to the gradual changes in the culture of consumption that result from the cooperation of shareholders, investors,

suppliers, customers in the course of establishing new types of communications . between all participants in the production process . As a result, consumers appear who have an individual opinion, who are disillusioned with the stereotypes of "glamor", who have figured out marketing tricks and are able not only to evaluate eco-advertising and eco-products, but also to successfully implement "green" projects .

Development of the theory of green marketing.

Statement of the research problem

The main catalysts for the introduction of "green" technologies throughout the world are not so much the shortage of natural resources and environmental pollution, but the increase in consumption rates, the growth of the market for environmentally friendly and safe goods and services, the success of companies that oppose their activities to green-washing methods, sincerely striving for the greening of production processes that position themselves and at the same time really and consistently work in the direction of competent, environmentally friendly, socially responsible behavior in the market

The environmental friendliness of a particular service becomes one of the key motives for a consumer's decision to purchase a product. Numerous studies show that consumers are willing to pay a price premium of 10-40% for an environmentally friendly product (service) .

Marketers have to look for new ways to satisfy the desires of consumers, which arise in connection with a change in the set of environmental requirements in today's society. Under such conditions, green marketing tools are the most effective for solving new problems, due to the fact that the rapidly changing emphasis in the sale of products and services requires an integrated strategic approach At the same time, provisions regarding the implementation of the principles of "green" marketing in the hotel business remain insufficiently studied .

Materials and methods of research

An analysis of scientific publications shows that numerous works of foreign scientists have been devoted to the "green" marketing criteria since the 1970s, and the interest of domestic researchers in the essence of the concept and tools of "green" marketing has arisen recently and has a significant tendency to increase . It should also be noted that publications devoted to this topic do not use a single terminology Thus, in foreign scientific works one can come across such essentially similar concepts as "green marketing", "environmental marketing", "environmental marketing" and "sustainable marketing". Scientists mainly operate with a concept called "environmental marketing" [5]. It should also be noted that some researchers advocate the synonymy of these concepts, while others see in them a significant difference that arose as a result of the evolution of views on environmental problems

Based on the concept of "green" marketing in the global hotel industry, a new concept has arisen - "eco-hotel", which means a hotel that sets itself the task of observing the principles of preserving the environment through the use of eco-products and eco-technologies in internal business processes [6].

Content analysis of literary sources and websites of companies adhering to a high level of corporate social responsibility revealed the attributes of "green" marketing: rational consumption of resources, environmental safety, minimization of negative impacts on humans and the environment, environmental responsibility, conscientiousness in the provision of services, environmental consumption and environmentally friendly recycling of products, "green" communication, achieving business profitability, complexity,

innovation, long-term and perspective . To ensure the satisfaction of "green" motives in the actions of companies and the receipt of an environmental product (service), consumers are willing to pay a price premium of 10-40%, so it is important to find new ways to meet the needs that have emerged due to a change in the set of environmental requirements in modern society

The most effective for solving new problems and tasks are the tools of "green" marketing . An analysis of the work of enterprises that carry out the triad of actions: production-sales-consumption, and focused primarily on respect for the environment and human health, showed the following . The use of "green" marketing can be a key factor in the successful promotion of a brand, service or company in the hotel services market, which will help attract new customers, expand the target audience, develop, improve and protect the company's reputation through the formation of consumer loyalty.

Today, "green" marketing is defined as a concept that refers to the efforts of an organization in the design, advertising, pricing and distribution of services that do not have a harmful effect on the environment [4]. They note that "green" marketing should contribute to the deployment of business in such a way as to minimize the negative impact on the environment and provide people with a healthier lifestyle

In other words, the focus of "green" marketing should be the simultaneous desire, on the one hand, for sustainable economic growth and the introduction of the latest technologies, and on the other hand, for the growth of environmental awareness, responsibility and safety [7]

Thus, "green" marketing is defined as an approach in which an enterprise carries out a triad of actions - production - sale - consumption, focusing on the environment and human health . In some sources, the term "green" marketing refers to efforts aimed at consumption, production, distribution, advertising, provision of services and use of products, carried out so that environmentally sensitive people are satisfied in their requests [1]

The concept of "sustainability marketing" is used, which refers to the process of managing the satisfaction of environmental and social needs of the population, ultimately turning them into competitive advantages . In this case, "green" marketing is an integral part of decisions made for "green" development, while sustainable marketing should be only an integral part of activities that support sustainable development [8].

The term "green" marketing is intended to convey to consumers information about the environmental benefits of purchasing a particular product. In addition, "green" marketing contributes to improving the quality of service provision at all levels, which provides additional benefits for the manufacturer [2].

It can be said that environmental marketing was formed at the intersection of such components of the development of society as meeting the environmental needs of solvent buyers, preserving the environment and achieving profitability of the enterprise

Ecomarketing aims to play the role of informing consumers about the environmental problems caused by intensive farming, encouraging them to participate in solving environmental problems

Based on the concept of "green" marketing in the global hotel industry, the concept of "eco-hotel" was formed, which means a property complex intended for temporary residence of travelers, which operates without harming the environment through the use of eco-products and eco-technologies in internal business processes [6].

In such complexes, innovative technologies come to the fore, allowing to save electricity, heat, water and other important resources It is the use of natural forces (light, sun, wind) that forms the basis for the functioning of such establishments to accommodate guests The main indicators characterizing the environmental friendliness of the hotel industry include:

- volume of water and electricity consumption;

- amount of atmospheric emissions;

- degree of use of natural resources (volume of use of renewable and non-renewable resources);

- a sign of the impact of chemicals on the environment and human health;

- volume of emissions into water;

- probability of fires, accidents and other emergencies [9].

One of the challenges that green hospitality businesses are facing is the increasing consumer focus on green product quality in an attempt to find a balance between environmental cleanliness and business viability

One of the tools used by hospitality companies to form and maintain their "green" image are specialized ratings (table 1) .

The organizations listed in the table assign a quality mark to hotels that comply with international environmental requirements . Undoubtedly, any certification system needs to be adapted to the realities of a particular country, taking into account its natural resources, climatic and social characteristics . The variety of modern programs for environmental certification of hotel businesses indicates that the preservation of the environment is of concern to the prevailing part of the world's population, and it is predicted that ecotour-ism will increase annually

Therefore, the timely adaptation of the concept of the hotel business to comply with environmental requirements can bring much more income in the long term than conservation . Therefore, already when designing a new hotel, it is necessary:

- plan a gradual transition to environmental compliance in order to make it a truly unique object through the formation of its internal space, for example, thanks to phy-towalls, widely used by eco-hotels around the world and which are automated, vertically located plant growing systems based on hydroponics and drip irrigation, which can be considered as an aesthetic design element and at the same time an effective means for cleaning and humidifying the air, as well as noise protection;

- in the establishments of the restaurant industry of the hotel complex, it is necessary to organize the supply of consumer services exclusively with "green" products;

- it is important to take care of the air condition in the accommodation facilities for guests and staff. The best option for this is centralized vacuum dust collection with a dust extraction system - an environmental innovation with good affordability The central vacuum cleaner does not have a return exhaust of exhaust air to the room where cleaning takes place, which ensures a clean room, fresh and clean air inside, reduces the need for ventilation after cleaning, and hence heat loss . The main advantage of such systems for the hotel is silent cleaning, saving time and energy. Moreover, European countries have long ceased to produce cleaning products containing phosphates, but cheap goods of low cost are still being imported to Russia. The best option would be to use phosphate-free household products, such as probiotic detergents

Discussion of the results of the study

The main goals of "green" marketing in the hotel business are:

- saving all resources used without exception;

- reduction of energy consumption in the production of products for the hotel restaurant;

- dissemination of information about innovations aimed at protecting the environment;

- detailed consultations on environmental issues when servicing guests;

Table 1 / Таблица 1

"Green" certification in the hotel business / «Зелёная» сертификация в гостиничном бизнесе

Name of the certificate Logo Description Name of the certification organization Region of action

Biosphere Responsible Tourism label Certifies accommodations, restaurants, amusement parks, golf courses, attractions, etc Responsible Tourism Institute Europe and Latin America

International Organization for Standardization I I The ISO 14000 family of standards is an environmental management Private Certification Bodies International level

J Щ system

Green Tourism ЩщщЩ! There is a gold, silver or bronze Green Tourism award . Hotels, campsites, restaurants, attractions, shops, etc . are evaluated . Green Tourism UK and others

Earth Check ^^ V EarthCheck Evidence that the hotel business facilities comply with «green» standards . Earth Check Pty Limited International level

The Green Leaf TM Eco Standard ® The hospitality business aims to meet environmental and social indicators of sustainability Green Leaf™ Environmental Trust South and East Africa, Europe, North and South America, Australia and Oceania

Green Globe Certification Ф Certifies businesses, convention centers, hotels, resorts and attractions . Green Globe 94 countries

Green Growth 2050 - Travel Beyond Ш Certifies objects of hotel business, tourism and travel, whose activities are aimed at solving environmental problems Green Growth 2050 - Travel Beyond Australia and others

Source: compiled by the author.

- achievement of certain norms for the return of funds invested in eco-development;

- formation among consumers of the desire to consume ecosystem services and use eco-products on the territory of the hotel;

- cleaning of pollution or maintaining the cleanliness of the hotel with the help of eco-techniques;

- protection and protection of the surrounding and internal flora and fauna; - the use of organic, biodegradable and / or recyclable materials that are necessary in the process of providing hotel services;

- whenever possible, the use of environmentally friendly energy (wind, geothermal sources, sunlight, etc. ), technologies for cleaning and restoring resources;

- reduction of production waste (both energy and material);

- the most imperceptible integration of the hotel facility into the environment (for example, eco-friendly buildings) with abundant landscaping of the area around .

The above list of goals should also be separately added, firstly, the satisfaction of environmentally oriented needs and demands of consumers; secondly, making a profit (since, although green marketing has a significant social component, the commercial component still prevails) [10; 11].


"Green" marketing means improving the quality of services at all levels, which provides additional benefits for the competitive development of the hotel industry.

An ecological hotel that operates with the help of "green" marketing tools is a modern certified facility that can improve the state of the environment by minimizing its own negative impact on the environment. In the best marketing strategy model, eco-hotels should be located in ecologically clean natural areas and built from environmentally friendly building materials

The use of "green" marketing can be a key factor in the successful promotion of a brand, service or company in the hotel market, which in turn will help attract new customers, expand the target audience, develop, improve and protect the company's reputation through the formation of consumer loyalty to the brand The theoretical aspects of green marketing outlined above will allow hotel companies to successfully promote their services in the domestic and foreign markets

Prospects for further research in this direction are to study the experience of using "green" marketing tools by foreign travel companies and identify ways to implement them [12].

Статья поступила в редакцию 28.11.2022.


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Tatyana Yu. Krotenko - Cand . Sci . (Philosophy), Assoc . Prof. , Department of Management Theory and Organization, State University of Management; External Part-time Assistant, Department of Public Administration and Personnel Policy, Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow, e-mail: krotenkotatiana@rambler. ru


Кротенко Татьяна Юрьевна - кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры теории и организации управления Государственного университета управления, внешний совместитель кафедры государственного управления и кадровой политики Московского городского университета управления Правительства Москвы, e-mail: krotenkotatiana@rambler. ru


Krotenko T Yu "Green" Marketing as a Tool for Innovative Management In: Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Series: Economics, 2G23, no. 1. pp. 61-7G . DOI: 1G 18384/231G-6646-2G23-1-61-7G


Кротенко Т. Ю . "Green" Marketing as a Tool for Innovative Management // Вестник Московского государственного областного университета. Серия: Экономика. 2G23. № 1. С. 61-7G . DOI: 1G. 18384/231G-6646-2G23-1-61-7G

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