Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2009 2) 176-183
УДК 908
Great Siberian Highway and Process Urbanization on Southern Ural (1891-1914 Years)
Aleksandr A. Timofeev*
South-Ural state university, 76 Lenin av., Chelyabinsk, 454080 Russia 1
Received 23.03.2009, received in revised form 30.03.2009, accepted 6.04.2009
There are considered urban population's processes occurring on Southern Ural after construction of the Transsiberian railway (Transsib) at the end of XIX - the beginning of XX centuries in clause. The reasons of strengthening of the urbanization process , the increase of the urban population's share on Southern Ural were growth of industry and trade, requirement for a cheap labour. Ufa, Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk cities, located along the Transsiberian railway, become the large railway stations.
Keywords: Transsiberian railway, Southern Ural, urbanization, modernization.
The considered period of 1891-1914 it is possible to characterize as an initial stage the urbanization's transition of the Southern-Ural region. The essence of a urbanization consists in territorial concentration of the human activity, conducting to the intensification and differentiations down to allocation of new city forms and spatial structures of population moving. Urban transition is qualitatively allocated, supreme stage of the urbanization's process, which conducts to radical transformation of all society on «the city beginnings», that is to transition of the society in new quality, where the city plays a determining and dominant role. The transition, which was stretched in time as any multilane process.
The urbanization means process of movement of agricultural population in cities and concentration of economic activity accompanying these, administrative and political institutes,
communication networks in the urbanized territories. Modernization, «industrialization, urbanization frequently proceed in interrelation». In conditions of modernization of the end XIX -the beginnings XX centuries cities concentrated in themselves economic, administrative, scientific, spiritual potential of all society. The economic maintenance of modernization consists in development industrial, transport, trading, financial-bank systems and other kinds of not agricultural branches.
The urbanization contacts increase of urban population's share, its concentration in cities (as a result of migration of agricultural population), with increase of the role of cities in country's or region's life. The concept of a urbanization is meant, first of all, with social process, which environment is not only city, but also a society as a whole. The considered stage of the urbanization is connected mainly to extensive
* Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]
1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved
factors of development (increase of a share of urban population, expansion of cities' network, strengthening of the big cities' role in the country or region).
One of the factors of real realization of concentration of activity as essence of process of a urbanization is the intensification of communications between separate regions and branches by modernization of transport. Transport communications have got special value during development of capitalism when as a result of industrial revolution qualitatively new transport communications have appeared. Change of transport value of city frequently determined development of all its economy. The degree of realization by cities of functions of the transport centre defined a level and rates of development their industries, trade, growth of the population, employment of inhabitants.
The construction ofthe Transsiberian railway pawned preconditions of transformation transit position the mountain-plant zones of the Southern Ural from the closed rear industrial enclave in an economic nucleus of the country, using all benefit transit position between the European and Asian parts of Russia. The mountain-plant Southern Ural with its mountain factories in Asha, Min'ar, Sim, Ust-Katav receives a new pulse of development of manufacture, so also the means of settlements' population existence., The mountain-plant Ural makes up for the shaken positions after construction of the Siberian railway after crisis of the Ural industry and the output on the first place in industrial production of Southern area of Russia in the second half of the XIX century.
From station Vjazovaja the branch line is laid on Katav-Ivanovsk and Iuruzan and from station Berdjaush a branch line is laid on Satka's factory and on state Bakal's mine, maintained since 1900, and the open factory in 1901 on processing magnesite. The stations Kropachevo, Vjazovaja, Berdjaush, Sirostan, Bishkil, Poletaevo as the
important railway stations involve with an opportunity of earnings by the railway the local population, and turn to large railway settlements of city type. The station Miass was rather large settlement with the population 20 thousand people. In connection with that he Miass factory to this time was any more working, the population of settlement turned their hands to extreme extraction of gold. With realization of the Siberian railway, the population of settlement has had an opportunity to engage in trade in bread and cattle, that allowed to receive new additional earnings1.
For the analysis of quantitative aspects of a urbanization, its results and development in time and space use first of all a traditional parameter of a share of urban population. This parameter enables to reveal a role of the of separate territories urbanization on micro-and macro-levels. Besides for the analysis of the urbanization it is important to take into account qualitative changes -occurrence and increase in a the population's way of life of new forms of moving, the increasing penetration of city's features of a life style into a countryside. From this point of view the data about the quantity of cities' population are indicative. The population of the Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust cities after realization of the Siberian railway is promptly increased and grows fast rates.
The population of the above-stated cities grew especially prompt rates after construction of the Siberian trunk-railway. So, the population of Ufa in 1897 made 49.275, in 1902 - 63.393., in 1912 - 107.409 people. For 1897-1912 the population of Ufa has grown on 118 %, the increase in population averaged 7,9 % per one year. The population of Zlatoust in 1897 made 20.502, in 1902 - 27.985, in 1912 - 35.687 people. For 18971912 the population of Zlatoust has increased on 74 %, the increase in population averaged
RSHA. F.48. In. 1. B. 151.
4,9 % per one year. In 1890 the population of Chelyabinsk made about 9.000 , in 1897 - 19.998, in 1902 - 26.963, in 1912 - 67.444 people. For 1890-1912 the population of Chelyabinsk has grown on 649 %, the increase in population averaged 29,5 % per one year (Voice Priural'ia, 1909; The Review of the Ufa province for 1912, 1914; The Guidebook to the Great Siberian railway, 1909; Russia 1913. The Statistics-documentary directory, 1995. - http://www.;The Statistical review of the Orenburg province for 1902, 1903)1. The cities which have stayed away from Transsib showed much more low rates of the population's increase having kept relative isolated from transport highways. In 1902-1912 the annual rates of increase of the Belebey's population made 1,3 %, of the Sterlitamak's - 2,2 %, of the Troitsk's - 4,5 %, of the of the Verhneuralsk's -1,7 %, of the Orsk - 7,8 %, of the Birsk's - 2 %, of the Menzelinsk's - 0,9 % (Raeva T.V., 250.)
In the cities, becoming central railway stations, connected the European Russia and the Far East, trading activity after realization of the Siberian railway involved active able-bodied population. Transport position of city dictated and defined rates and level of formation of bourgeois economic and social structures. The cities which have appeared away from transport ways, slowed down the development.
Settlements and the cities which have stayed on periphery of railway transport arteries, weakened the positions of the centers of trade, fairs and, eventually, these functions passed to railway stations. For example, the big ancient village Karachelka - on Miass river - was earlier the large trading, administrative, medical and religious centre of the big area. It was 72 settlements at church in arrival. With realization
RSHA. F.1288. In. 25. B. 75; RSHA. F.1290. In. 5. B. 212; RSHA. Librali II. In. 1. B. 62; SARF. F. 1890. In. 1. B. 3.; ISACR. F. I-3. In. 1. B. 811.; ISACR. F. I-3. In. 1. B. 970
of the Siberian railway - the nearest station the Shumiha quickly develops. In result the Shumiha prospers, the administration and medicine move in the new centre. The same phenomenon is noticed and in other places. Station Mishkino develops due to village Voskresenskoe, station Shuch'e due to village Chumljak. Before the Transsib construction Chumljak was the big settlement on Miass river in 90 versts to the east from Chelyabinsk, on a population is not less Chelyabinsk. After Transsib construction the population of village gets over in Shuch'e, Chumljak becomes remote village (K.N. Teplouhov, 2001, 250.)
Till 1890th years Chelyabinsk, being away from railways, showed a typical sample ofthe most remote town population 9 thousand inhabitants. From the external side the town looked like trading village. In 1891 the construction of the Great Siberian railway began, Chelyabinsk was elected the initial western point of a trunk-railway. «In city the set of any sort people has gushed at once, informs V.A.Vesnovsky, - to old Chelyabinsk the end has come. The new strip began from its history, a strip of tireless activity, feverish life. Old ways fell, and on their place rose new motor of all modern life - the trading and industrial capital. The suburban large village also grows unusually quickly. Now it totals up to 28 thousand inhabitants. On number of inhabitants Chelyabinsk is the biggest city in the Orenburg province (after Orenburg). For last decade the population has increased almost in 3 times. Trade of Siberia grows, also Chelyabinsk naturally grows. Large villages grow: Siberian, Nikol'sky settlement, Suburban (Prigorodnaya), Shugaevka, Kolupaevka (Grabilovka), Port Arthur» (Vesnovski V.A., 1902, 18.)
Number of urban population grows not only in itself, but also concerning agricultural population of districts. So, if in 1902 the urban population made in the Ufa district - 14,3 %,
in 1912 - 18,8 %; in Chelyabinsk district - in 1902 - 6,1 %, in 1912 - 11,6 %; in Zlatoustovskiy district - in 1902 - 12,5 %, in 1912 - 13,1 % (Voice Priural'ia, 1909; The Review of the Ufa province for 1912, 1914; The Guidebook to the Great Siberian railway, 1909; Russia 1913. The Statistics-documentary directory, 1995. - http:// htm; The Statistical review of the Orenburg province for 1902, 1903; Vesnovski V.A., 1909)1.
With the beginning of the Siberian trunk-railway construction especially sharp question for Chelyabinsk becomes a problem of habitation. Habitation did not suffice, first of all, for railway employees. Excise Chelyabinsk's official K.N.Teplouhov, recollecting as he has moved to Chelyabinsk per 1899, writes, that after long searches, only has hardly found an apartment (Teplouhov K.N., 48.)
Till 1899 in Chelyabinsk Management of the Siberian railway settled down, this time was «gold» for land owners. Exorbitant prices on apartments have caused the presentbuilding boom. In shortest time it was constructed the hundreds houses, «which with fight undertook the fabulous prices by the people, fed about the railway. House owners acquired the whole capitals» (Vesnovski V.A., 1902, 13.). Former waste grounds in city were built up. Developing commercial and industrial life, has caused opening in 1892 all over again branches of the State bank, and then and branches of private banks. Management of railways, for the decision of a room question, gave the railway employee on easy conditions the ground areas from 100 up to 200 sq. sagen (sagen - 213 centimeters), belonging to the railway for construction of apartment houses, leased sites (The Review of the Ufa province for 1912, 1914, 27.) The Orenburg governor on the same question
1 RSHA. F.48. In. 1. B. 151.; RSHA. F.1288. In. 25. B. 75;
RSHA. F.1290. In. 5. B. 212; RSHA. Librali II. In. 1.
B. 62; SARF. F. 1890. In. 1. B. 3.; ISACR. F. I-3. In. 1.
B. 811.; ISACR. F. I-3. In. 1. B. 970.
addressed to the Chairman of Ministers Council with the request to help railway men with a question of habitation for « improvements of an economic situation and a life of employees and workers, and for the sake of advantage of the most railway service» (The Review of the Ufa province for 1912, 1914, 26.) In the cities located lengthways Transsib, after its construction, the building boom begins. The population builds the houses, cities are equipped.
The public, and in particular the elite of Chelyabinsk clearly connected development of city to iron roads. For example, when it was solved the problem on construction the private Troitsk's railway around of Chelyabinsk, through the station Poletaevo, the city administration has spent many forces and means to not admit it. Reports of meetings, reports of the city administration, correspondence with Ministry of Railways, the governor, concerning connection Troitsk's railway with Chelyabinsk and even the application addressed to Emperor were dictated by desire Chelyabinsk inhabitants that construction of road passed through central railway Chelyabinsk station.
In the application city head of Chelyabinsk V.A.Semein it was specified to Emperor, that else rather recently, the remote town of Chelyabinsk which is taking place in far distance from provincial city, surrounded from different directions the Cossack settlements, - to grow began quickly, the beginnings it is good to develop in trade and the industry. To such fast growth, revival and development Chelyabinsk, undoubtedly, is obliged to a railway junction of the Siberian, Samara-Zlatoust and Perm - Ekaterinburg railways. Terminal point the Troitsk's railway in Poletaevo «will bring to Chelyabinsk city an irreparable harm to convenience of passengers, reception and sending of cargoes, economic prosperity of city. The Troitsk's railway solves to some extent destiny of Chelyabinsk city in its further
development». The head of Chelyabinsk asked emperor direction about development of station Chelyabinsk and to enjoin connection of Troitsk with Chelyabinsk by builded railway»1. They and have started up Troitsk railway by Chelyabinsk, but from an above mentioned source is visible the understanding of value contemporaries of presence of railways for development of cities and region as a whole.
On the Western- Siberian site not less than half of building workers it was typed from peasants of local districts. Though for peasants it was additional earnings which was consideredby them as seasonal works, but it gave rather decent income on those times in 4,5 roubles per day. The wages of railway employees for a usual working day at 6 hours for one month (25 working days) averaged 56 roubles 50 copecks in 1914. The annual salary of the chief of railway station of the first category in 1914 made 2.400-3.120 roubles. On Samara-Zlatoust railway in 1914 the annual salary of younger employees made 360420 roubles (plus room money-132-240 roubles) Qualified workers of the Zlatoustovskiy factory in 1911 received up to 5 roubles per day. Millmen of the Katav-Uruzan-Ivanjvskiy factory where rails for railways were produced, earned in 1914 12 roubles 66 copecks per day (Littauer I.L., 1917,
The prices in cities of Southern Ural where the Transsiberian highway, on the major food stuffs has passed, such as bread, sugar, meat, were lower, than on the average on Russia, and on such products as wheat, rye, oats, potato, were much lower, than on the average on the country. In this respect the region was in more favourable position, than the European Russia, thanking «the Chelyabinsk tariff crisis ». The prices for the industrial goods the same not too differed even from Moscow, besides due to that Southern Ural
was connected Transsib to the Central industrial region of Russia and the goods were delivered by railway. In Chelyabinsk practically it was possible to buy any goods or to order through trading firms. For example, the manufactory in the Chelyabinsk trading houses cost only on 5 % more expensively Moscow (The Statistical review of the Orenburg province for 1902, 1903, 25, 117.)
The infrastructure of cities, which in the beginning of the XX varied also in rather close reminds modern on the value. It concerns, first of all, accomplishments of cities, networks of trading, household institutions, cultural centers (theatres, clubs). The provincial Ufa city in 1904 occupied the area in6503 sq. des'atinas (des'atina -10900 sq. meters) 2028 sq. sagens, from them the populated part - 1185 sq. des'atinas, 1223 sq. sagens. In the city it was present 217 streets and lanes, extent of 114 versts (versta - 1067 meters) 137 sagen's (paved - 14 versts 150 sagen's), having sidewalks (on the one hand - 13 versts 415 sagens, from two sides - 30 versts 400 sagens). There were 8 squares in the city, their area was 54 sq. des'atinas 1298 sq. des'atinas, there were 4 city public gardens, the area 17 sq. des'atinas 465 sq. sagens , parkways - 2, extent 350 sagens. In city it was present residential buildings 8038, including stone and brick - 309, wooden - 7049, mixed (half-stone) - 688. Ufa shined 114 electric lanterns, there was a water pipe, the water drain2.
In 1904 the district city of Zlatoust occupied the area of the 6940 sq. des'atinas, from them the populated territory - 2140 sq. des'atinas. In city there were 110 streets and 75 lanes, extent of 85 versts, 10 squares of the area 11350 sq. sagens. In Zlatoust there was a city public garden, the area 800 sq. sagens. The number of residential buildings in city was 3735, including stone - 305,
ISACR. F. I-3. In. 1. B. 970.
2 RSHA. Librali II. In. 1. B. 62.
- 180 -
wooden and mixed (half-stone) - 3431. The city was shined by the 35 kerosene lanterns, there was a city water pipe with a stock of 8000 buckets and 122 wells, and as mountain-plant's pond. The prison department was engaged in removal of uncleanness. In Zlatoust the fire help was located with 7 machines and 20 flanks, but also at railway depot - 3 machines and 11 flanks. In the city 7 insurance societies, two notary's offices the mountain-plant bank, the state bank, a society of the mutual credit operated. The night house for poor people (on 100 persons) and a shelter (on 37 places)1 were available in Zlatoust.
The district Chelyabinsk after Transsib's construction turns to large city to the Ural measures. In 1909 there were in the city 1600 houses, from them 360 stone, the water pipe was constructed, paved streets were paved in city centre and rail-way sation's part. The cable and telecommunication, an electricity were carried out. In Chelyabinsk there were branches of the State bank, Moscow international trading bank, Russian trading industrial commercial bank, Public city bank and Public the mutual credit bank, the Siberian trading bank, the City pawnshop, Exchequer, savings banks. In trading city there was a set of hotels: «Birgevie», «Warsaw», «Moscow». It was totaled 485 shops in Chelyabinsk (Vesnovski V.A., 1902, 18.)
The rail-way sation's part of Chelyabinsk connected directly to railway was submitted by huge rail-station settlement: settlement Nikol'sky, the Suburban (Progorodniy) large village, the Siberianlarge village, settlement Shugaevsky (Port Arthur), settlement Kolupaevsky (Grabolivka). Occurrence of the Suburban (Prigirodniy) large village began in 1895, together with realization of the Siberian railway, the Siberian large village in 1897. The Nikol'sky settlement existed before realization of the railway. The main centre
RSHA. Librali II. In. 1. B. 62.
where commercial, industrial and public life has concentrated, was the Suburban large village, as directly adjoining with railway and city. There were administrative establishments, shops, mail, telegraph and so forth. The area of settlement was 38 des'atinas. The settlement was occupied by railway men, salesmen. There were settled down Commandant's management, the Chelyabinsk branch police Managements of the Siberian railway, commodity office, the traffic Department of the Siberian railway, Service of the Samaro-Zlatoust railway, Chelyabinsk migration point (the area - 10 des'atinas, 12summer barracks and 6 winter for immigrants, 107 shops where it was possible to buy practically any goods (Vesnovski V.A., 1902, 125.)
At the same time, the infrastructure of suburbs of cities, as against the centre, for example Chelyabinsk, looked not so attractive. The affinity to city and a railway junction created for railway station settlements distinctive conditions from city, here there were no significant innovations. In the Chelyabinsk railway settlement people of all estates and trades lived: craftsmen, salesmen, railway men and cossacks. To tell the truth, economically the settlement had no own value, but on the other hand was in more favorable conditions. The strengthening of passenger movement, wide resettlement to Siberia, movement of armies, on three iron roads, brought enormous revival in its life. The Privokzal'nyj (railway station) settlement had much more value, than other suburbs of city. Here is how this difference was informed with local press: «While the last [suburban settlements] drag pity existence, our settlement [railway] shows many attributes of life. They waken energy in the population and force to react to them» (Voice Priural'ia, 1909.) The suburbs of city which are not taking place by the railway, as a rule, were not paved. There were no neither churches, nor schools, hospitals, very much there were few shops and stores, dirty
streets etc. But process of a civilization of suburbs steadily proceeded in development of the city.
In 1904 when in the Government there was an idea of creation of new Ural province (the Troitsk and the Chelyabinsk districts of the Orenburg province, Zlatoustovsky district of the Ufa province, Kurgan district of the Tobolsk province, Ekaterinburg and Shadrinsky districts of the Perm province), there was a question on provincial city. Applicants were two: Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. The preference was given Ekaterinburg.
Chelyabinskcity's headA.F.Bejvelhaswritten the letter to the Orenburg governor J.F.Barabash, in which stated advantages of Chelyabinsk in front of Ekaterinburg. Chelyabinsk, in his opinion, was the centre of projected province that reduced charges of treasury. Besides this decision would affect public value as it concerned interests of an extensive cultural - economic entity as province. But the most important reason is that Chelyabinsk was unit of railways, center of customs establishments, the large centre of the trade, letting off up to 50 million poods (poods - 16,38 kilograms) of bread and, at last, the important strategic point with grandiose military - stopping establishments, and also migration point. The reason about significance of the spare capital at city was resulted, and construction of provincial establishments was offered due to city treasury. The main argument of a choice for the benefit of Chelyabinsk, in A.F. Bejvel's opinion, there was that the city is located on the Great Siberian way, as against Ekaterinburg which by then was not connected yet with Transsib. (Borisov V., 25-27.) This example shows, how literally for one decade the remote Chelyabinsk has turned to the large developing city applying already on a role of capital of province. And all this due to that the Great Siberian highway has passed through city. It has transformed Chelyabinsk in the new urban center.
The cities and the settlements located along the Great Siberian highway, become attractive to active able-bodied population. On the contrary, cities and settlements which appeared away from the railway, kept relative isolation and traditional character of internal life. Process of increase of a role of cities was connected mainly to extensive factors of development, increase of a share of urban population, occurrence of city settlements.
As a whole to the beginning of the XX century the process of the urbanization on Southern Ural, in the cities located lengthways of the Transsib , functional division of city and a village were not completed. Nevertheless, the urbanization which has captured region, developed intensively. Features of modernization were reflected with process the urbanization's transition of the considered period. There was a process of colonization of Siberia along the railway. The part of immigrants remained in the Southern--Ural region which becomes for them more attractive after construction of the Great Siberian highway. In mass consciousness the railway has turned to a symbol of commercial and industrial progress and prosperity.
The great Siberian highway substantially made active economic development of Southern Ural. Railway station's settlements arose along the Transsiberian highway, cities were integrated, their role raised in development of region. The amount of educated people is increased in cities, the public health services develops, the life equips with modern conveniences. The Management of railways built churches, schools, railway clubs which promoted increase of the common cultural level of the population. The specific sub cultural zone is formed around of the railway. However as a whole, at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries industrial - economic and anthrop-cultural components of the urbanization's process were in the initial stage.
There were created the potential opportunities for formation of new model of economic growth, for the introduction in new, higher on the level the stage of modernization in region. The modernization gradually changed prevailing type
of a sociality. The communal relations collapsed city rational, economic culture. These processes proceeded slowly and had not time to be finished by 1914. The arisen contradictions aggravated political and social relations in the society.
Work is executed at financial support PrH&, the project 08-01-85112 a/Y.
Voice Priurali 'a. (Chelyabinsk, 1909).
The Review of the Ufa province for 1902. (Ufa, 1903), 165 with.
The Review of the Ufa province for 1912. (Ufa, 1914), 194 with.
The Guidebook to the Great Siberian railway (from Saint Petersburg up to Vladivostok 19091910). (SPb., 1909), 338 with.
Russia 1913. The Statistics-documentary directory. (SPb., 1995). - librari/1913/1913top.htm
The Statistical review of the Orenburg province for 1902. (Orenburg, 1903), 112 with.
T.V. Raeva, Evolution of the Southern-Ural city (1900-1914years). - Diss. to. and. h. (Chelyabinsk, 2004), 212 with.
K.N. Teplouhov, Chelyabinsk of the chronicle: 1899-1924. (Chelyabinsk, 2001), 512 with.
V.A. Vesnovski, Satellite of the tourist over Ural. (Ekaterinburg, 1902), 95 with.
V.A. Vesnovski, Whole Chelyabinsk and his vicinities. The pocket directory. (Chelyabinsk, 1909), 138 with.
I.L. Littauer, About average wages and quotations in mountain and mining the industries of Ural / Originator J.L. Littauer // The Bureau of advice and meeting of congresses gornoproyshlennikov. Issue 1. (Ekaterinburg, 1917), 39 with.
V. Borisov, City a head - doctor Bejvel'. (Chelyabinsk, 2004), 78 with.
List abbreviations
RSHA - Russian State Historical Archive.
SARF - The State Archive of Russian Federation.
ISACR - The Incorporated State Archive of Chelyabinsk Region.