SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(6), June, 2023
Sitora Abdusattarova
Tashkent State Law University Associate Professor of the Department of General Education
Sciences and Culture, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Gender equality means equal rights, equal opportunities and relationships of women and men, girls and boys in all aspects of life. This means that people's rights, duties, social status, access and control over resources are not dependent on whether a person is born male or female.
The article highlights the fact that gender equality means that women and men have the right to choose and develop their personal abilities without any restrictions, regardless of the barriers imposed by stereotypes or prejudices about gender roles.
Key words: rights, equality, restriction, women, stereotype
Sitora Abdusattarova
Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti Umumtalim fanlar va madaniyat kafedrasi dotsentiv.b., Falsafa fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD)
Gender tengligi - bu teng huquqlar, hayotning barcha jabhalarida ayollar va erkaklar, qizlar va o'g'il bolalar imkoniyatlari va munosabatlari tengligini anglatadi. Bu esa odamlarning huquqlari, ularning burchlari, ijtimoiy mavqei, resurslardan foydalanish va nazorat qilish ular ustidan insonning erkak yoki ayol bo'lib tug'ilishiga bog'liq emasligini bildiradi.
Makur maqolada gender tengligi ayollar va erkaklar hech qanday cheklovlarsiz gender rollari haqidagi stereotiplar yoki noto'g'ri qarashlar tomonidan qo'yilgan to'siqlarga qaramasdan o'z shaxsiy qobiliyatlarini tanlash va rivojlantirish huquqiga ega ekanligi yoritib berilgan.
Kalit so zlar: huquq, tenglik, cheklov, ayollar, stereotip
Issues of women's education, employment, production, resource utilization and property rights were defined as urgent in the society. Recently, the increasing share of women in the total labor force is a remarkable feature, which allows women in many
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(6), June, 2023
regions of the world to more fully realize their potential in the labor market and to ensure their economic independence. But does an increase in the number of women entering the labor market mean a higher level of gender equality in the workplace? Does this mean that all women who are looking for work will find it successfully? And if they find it, what are the specific characteristics of women's employment compared to men's?
Globalization and the workforce
The process of globalization includes not only new opportunities for economic growth and employment, but also challenges and problems such as job turnover and termination amid increased stress and work intensity associated with increased global competition. In general, in order to take advantage of the opportunities of the opening of global markets, it becomes clear that it is necessary to be a part of the trade and investment flows of the global economy. If countries are left out of such flows, or if they are included in the world economy only as suppliers of raw materials, then their economy and labor market are waiting for sad prospects. According to the Commission on the Social Aspects of Globalization, the unfair nature of the globalization process, the disappointing economic indicators, as well as the unparalleled state of employment and the fight against poverty in such countries are explained in many ways.
At the same time, even in countries where globalization has had a positive effect, workers can feel its negative consequences - after all, globalization contributes to economic growth without increasing the number of jobs, and the problems of labor market adjustment and adaptation. can cause. In fact, the positives and negatives of globalization are distributed unevenly for some citizens of a country, even if the country as a whole wins. The divide between winners and losers is most noticeable in the labor market, where some jobs are being created while others are being cut. The process of creating and eliminating jobs does not occur in the same sector of the economy, in the same region of the country, or in the same companies. These two processes do not happen at the same time. Sometimes jobs are eliminated in one country and created in another. The finished and created jobs, as a rule, differ from each other in the level of payment, required qualifications, age and gender requirements of the employee, etc.
The impact of globalization on employment status from a gender perspective is unclear. For example, if a sector or branch of the economy with a large number of female workers in one country suffers, such as the textile and clothing industry, an increase in the number of jobs in another country possible Businesses are moving around the world, moving production from place to place in search of cheaper and
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(6), June, 2023
more efficient suppliers. Different types of international trade regimes also affect women and men differently depending on their share of the labor force in a given sector of the economy. Another factor determining the level of impact of globalization on women's employment is the increase in the number of migrant women.
The changing nature of the workforce
The increase in the share of women in the total labor force has been one of the most notable trends in the labor market in recent years. There have never been more economically active women. The global female labor force (employed and unemployed women) grew from one billion in 2013 to 5.2 billion in 2020. As a result of this process, the labor force participation rate of men has declined in many regions of the world. As a result, the gender gap in economic activity has narrowed significantly. However, this has not led to the complete elimination of gender inequality in any region of the world.
The level of economic activity reflects the percentage of the total working-age population of the employed and unemployed population. It serves as an indicator of how many people of working age are actively participating in the registered labor market. The gap between economic activity rates between men and women has been steadily narrowing in all regions of the world over the past decade. However, with the exception of transition economies (91 economically active women for every 100 men in the labor market) and East Asia (83 women for every 100 men), the gap is much larger in all other regions. (less than 80 economically active women per 100 men). In the Middle East and North Africa and South Africa, there are only about 40 economically active women for every 100 men working in the formal economy, which clearly shows the existence of traditional gender roles assigned to women and men[1].
In addition, the 1990s and early 2000s saw an upward trend in industrialized countries, with the share of women working in non-agricultural sectors increasing from 42 percent to 44 percent. According to some estimates, the share of women working in non-agricultural sectors in countries with economies in transition has increased to 49 percent in ten years. Estimates for Asia and Oceania show that women's share of the non-agricultural workforce has steadily increased from 29 percent to 31 percent. However, available statistics for these regions show an increase of 19 percent to 28 percent in sub-Saharan Africa and a decrease of 25 percent to 22 percent in North Africa and the Middle East.
The gender gap persists
SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7
3(6), June, 2023
Increased employment opportunities for women have not led to a significant reduction in the income and earnings gap between men and women. Some countries with particularly large income gaps between men and women are among those that have experienced the fastest growth in female employment in recent years. As a rule, these are countries with a clear export direction, such as China, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Chile. This trend suggests that the traditional pattern of discrimination in women's employment seems to be giving way in some cases to a targeted preference for female workers. It should be noted here that this preference is usually based on women's unskilled work, low wages, and reputation as submissive and disgruntled workers[2].
Certain categories of women are particularly vulnerable to inequality in the world of work. These include rural women, migrant women, as well as youth, the elderly, and the disabled. Young people and older people are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but both populations face unique challenges. Girls are more likely than boys to be victims of the worst forms of child labor, such as slavery and prostitution. Young women have a higher unemployment rate than men of the same age. The HIV/AIDS pandemic and crises increase women's chances of falling into poverty because they have limited access to social protection and economic security. Older women, especially in developing countries, continue to face discrimination in the workplace and are often forced to take on family care responsibilities in addition to their work outside the home.
1. Report of the World Commission on the Social Aspects of Globalization "Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All"//
2. Абдусаттарова, С. Ф. (2021). НАУЧНОЕ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ КАК ФОРМА ПОЗНАНИЯ. Современные инновации, (2 (40)), 41-42.