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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Barinova Kristina Vadimovna

Concerning the problem of integration, globalization and development in modern science, the author shows how these changes reflect the sphere of education. In accordance with relevant tendencies the author researches theory and practice of education, showing the importance of linguistic education due to the development of international communication. The author considers linguistic and communicative competences as essential components for education and personal development. The subject of an article is modern theory and methods of foreign language teaching. The author touches upon technology advances and focuses on the emergence of innovative approaches and modern methods for teaching foreign languages, among them: method of virtual reality, the use of cyberspace, multimedia, educational games and flesh-games in teaching. Therefore, the author elaborates efficient solutions to the problem of modern teaching foreign languages in the context of global development. The author represents innovative strategies and the most efficient teaching methods; shows how ICT (Information and Communications Technology) can improve quality and efficiency of training, giving examples which illustrate how these strategies can easily be integrated into teaching practice as an sufficiently efficient tool in achieving different goals of education.

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voice games

playing musical instruments plastical intonation walking, marching, etc original repertoire choice

All forms of correctional-rhythmical exercises at school should encourage children's creativity growth, e.g. teach them to think for themselves, to take the initiative, to create something new, something better. Teacher's speech about music has to be bright and imaginative but yet very accurate, dedicated to the child's creative imagination.[3] Music is listened, question is asked - but there's no answer. Don't hurry with hinting. Using children's musical and life experience, seek links between the music and art or life in their imagination. Children will feel it, understand it and give you an answer. Don't just use traditional communication, mind also "thinking speech", "problem speech", "relation speech". Some children are hard to drag into common discussion. Sometimes they have psychological trauma on the ground of their disorder, they are shy because they are afraid of appearing clumsy and droll. Do care for them exceptionally carefully and be patient, encourage their attempts of saying something about music, rhythm and their feelings.

Intonation is just as important as content when child speaks. Intonation in deeply bonded with child's inner world and it gives us a chance to hear lots of interesting things. It is very important to observe imagery and intonational development of a child. Another form of free creative way of expressing child's personality is keeping "impressions journal" which is used by children for expressing their thoughts, describe their feelings and emotions. This process is to be controlled by their mentor. This journal starts in the third grade.

Creativity is formed actively when child is active for himself. It is important that SEN child "spills" his emotional state during playing musical instruments, dancing, etc. Wisdom of art is that there is no need to rush the feeling with a thought, you just need to trust the child's subconscious. Gradually accumulating and analyzing his impressions he suddenly blossoms as a flower, because "child that has experienced happiness of even smallest creation differs from a child that imitates others actions." [4].


1. Типовые специальные образовательные учебные программы для детей с тяжелыми нарушениями речи Астана-Алматы 2015 г/ Утверждены приказом Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от «3 » апреля 2013 г. № 115 . Приложения 145, 146,147 http://edu.gov.kz/ru/documents/tipovaya-uchebnaya-programma

2. К.С.Станиславский. Этика. М.-1947.- http://tululu.org/read14266/

3. Irina Denissova .Modern means of organization of correctional-rhythmic upraising of children with SEN (special educational needs) . \\Вестник \Хабаршы КазНПУ имени Абая .- №2 2014.-С.64-67

4. Лубовский В.В. Общие закономерности психического дизонтогенеза .в кн. Хрестоматия. Дети с нарушениями в развитии. Сост. В.М.Астапов. М., 1995.


Barinova Kristina Vadimovna

Moscow, Russian Federation, Postgraduate at the department of "Theory and Methods of Education (English language) 13.00.02"

Abstract. Concerning the problem of integration, globalization and development in modern science, the author shows how these changes reflect the sphere of education. In accordance with relevant tendencies the author researches theory and practice of education, showing the importance of

linguistic education due to the development of international communication. The author considers linguistic and communicative competences as essential components for education and personal development. The subject of an article is modern theory and methods of foreign language teaching. The author touches upon technology advances and focuses on the emergence of innovative approaches and modern methods for teaching foreign languages, among them: method of virtual reality, the use of cyberspace, multimedia, educational games and flesh-games in teaching. Therefore, the author elaborates efficient solutions to the problem of modern teaching foreign languages in the context of global development. The author represents innovative strategies and the most efficient teaching methods; shows how ICT (Information and Communications Technology) can improve quality and efficiency of training, giving examples which illustrate how these strategies can easily be integrated into teaching practice as an sufficiently efficient tool in achieving different goals of education.

Keywords: international communication, practical aim, foreign language acquisition, communicative competence, innovative approaches in foreign language teaching, information technologies, gaming techniques, educational games, interactive software, cyberspace, efficient strategies, modern teaching methods, primary level.


It's a fair assumption that "tomorrow's" teaching should be seen on a larger scale due to the globalization and integration in our rapidly changing world. Education is not a stable unit. It is always being developed under the influence of changes in economical, political, cultural and social spheres. Thus, this ongoing process leads to international communication which makes foreign language acquisition an essential component for education of each person. However, for the successful development of this process, the quality of education should be taken into account, otherwise it would blight. Indeed, modern world is multifarious. Each person is integrated into society since childhood, adopting life experience, the language of ancestors, cultural and behavior patterns, enriches the preceding experience by his own. Nowadays, education is one of the most important factors in determining both a person's social role as well as economic and political prospects. Hence, the global aim in foreign language teaching is to form "secondary linguistic personality". I. Khaleeva, the Russian linguist, Doctor of Pedagogics, has been advocating this aim and considers the linguistic competence as basic category in modern language education. In her opinion, "...the linguistic competence is obvious when the personality obtains traits of the linguistic competence through the "spirit" of foreign language and the "flesh" of foreign culture." [4] These factors will contribute to international communication.

In the light of contemporary tendencies, the standards of education impose high demands on teaching and the content of the training. The major aim in modern teaching English language is a practical aim, which a teacher can achieve using different strategies, methods and means of teaching. Practical aim is oriented on a language acquirement within the framework of communication. A basis of a communicative competence develops on a primary level. Such aims as: educational and developmental are realized, as well. All aims are closely linked with each other and contribute not only to forming of the skills of communication, but also to an intellectual development. It broads horizons, trains in an emotional sphere, develops esthetic and etiquette qualities, gives knowledge of native and foreign cultures.

The teaching English language includes several stages, where a completion of each stage produces the beginning of another one. Consequently, the primary level of teaching English language is the most difficult on account of psychophysical peculiarities of pupils at the age from 6 to11 at a primary school. Moreover, this level is the most important, because successful outcomes of learning language depend on teaching. Therefore, the following aims are realized on the primary level:

- To form the ability to use phonetics skills;

- To form the ability to use lexical means of communication;

- To form the ability to use grammatical means of communication;

- To form the ability to use linguistic and vocal skills (reading, writing, speaking);

- To form positive motivation and interest of the pupils in studying, which is one of the major aims for a teacher;

- To use such strategies in teaching which will stimulate pupils: visual material application, learning games and exercises, including tasks on an active board, role games, musical component, creative activities ;

- To set up a comfort learning environment which will promote communication between pupils and will establish a feedback; non-verbal means of communication are often used here;

- To take into account personally-oriented approach in teaching.

Near at hand, the requirements from the rapidly changing world effect the content of training, that is why teaching should contain such methods and means that will contribute to achieving these goals. Furthermore, age and psychological specificities should be taken properly and sensitively into account, as these are significant factors to successful teaching.

Educational games - as an efficient strategy in foreign language teaching methods at the primary level.

Foreign languages play an important role in modern life. Education today is the ".. .vehicle for individual and social advancement" [9]. Foreign language acquisition is essential for one's education. The cornerstone of linguistic education is personal development, which transforms under the influence of the basic categories of pedagogy: theory and practice of education.

Numerous scientists and professors have being researching pedagogy for many years, being on the search for new approaches and elaborating new teaching strategies. Thus, teaching using gaming techniques considers to be one of the increasingly popular strategies and is one of the most effective method for teaching foreign languages for the beginners. Gerry Steinberg, for instance, had been advocating the same type of strategy for years. He supposed that "teaching games - the efficient method for attaining educational goals". [3] Indeed, educational games have different functions in teaching strategy. They "educate, entertain, socialize." [5] and involve pupils into real communication.

Psychologists state that pupils at the age from 6 to11 at a primary level have a spatial visualization ability because of their psychophysical and age peculiarities. By that reason, experts in the sphere of pedagogy N. Galskova and N. Gez pay much attention to teaching methods which stimulate pupils, increase motivation and maintain a high level of interest. In their researches they show the importance of visual material applications in foreign language teaching. They suppose that "visual material applications and games are the essential part of the learning process." [7].

A great deal of attention has been given to role-games in foreign language teaching methods. Such approach was widely regarded by professor G. Frolova, who considered that ".role-games help to overcome communicative barriers in the process of learning" [8] This method focuses on communication and interaction. In fact, ".interaction is both the means and the aim of language learning." [10] Such approach provides teambuilding and icebreaker activities and helps to overcome the problem of heterogeneity in study groups. Furthermore, in this teaching strategy not only the level of foreign language acquisition and linguistic skills of pupils are taken into account, but also their individual peculiarities (shyness, reticence, etc.) The variety of roles help to lower psychological barriers, because ".in a role-play he or she has to pretend to be someone else." [1] Therefore, role games - is an efficient teaching strategy.

An overview of innovative approaches and information technologies in modern methods for foreign language teaching.

Nowadays, there is no sphere in modern world, where people could do without information and communications technologies. ICT seem to be essential in 'today's' life everywhere. The sphere of education is no exception. Innovative technologies broad horizons in the pedagogic sphere and takes education to a whole new level. It gives an opportunity to make teaching more effective and combine classical method and innovational method in teaching. Experts in the sphere of information technologies Rena Polloff and Keith Pratt considered that lessons from the cyberspace classroom promotes ".the development of the learning community" [6]

Innovative approach in foreign language teaching methods using information technologies is relevant and very popular. It is an integral part of teaching foreign language methods and can be used at different stages of the lesson. It helps to manage children's learning from different ways from the present and can easily be integrated into teaching at any grade level. There are many benefits of using this learning strategy. Multimedia environment in the language classroom sets the climate which contributes to increasing pupil's learning, maintain interest and motivation.

Innovative means and ICT give an opportunity to manage learning process in an efficient way. Interactive whiteboard systems and teaching software create an interesting, engaging and interactive learning experience in the classroom. It provides teachers and students with a wide range of tools which contribute to better outcomes. The expert in the sphere of teaching methods S. Levy considers: "The process of learning is not just a matter of acquiring a set of rules that a student should remember. It's not just information that he should take in. To be developed and modern, to be able to cope with

life, a student must develop his or her creative instincts" [9]. Therefore, among modern approaches, the method of virtual reality and cyberspace are rather popular. "Technology is important to us. It helps us to work more efficiently and also helps to give you the best solutions." [2] Training within the framework of cyberspace provides students with a large information store. This process influences cognitive sphere, forms critical thinking and teaches high-order thinking skills that can be used in their learning practice.

Electronic educational technology allows to present training material in an unusual way: it looks bright and exciting. Multimedia applications, 3D computer graphics for image presentation and audio technologies help to present authentic material in foreign language teaching. Using this approach, all the students can be involved in authentic learning environment and real communication.

Innovative approach using ICT is especially efficient in teaching foreign languages at the primary level. Pupils find their activity interesting and rewarding when they do different tasks that are presented in an interactive way. They are eager to cope with educational activities and look forward for new tasks. Interactive educational games and flesh-games are intended not only for maintaining interest on learning, but also aimed at fostering linguistic and vocal skills. Furthermore, it reflects emotional, physical spheres and develops fine motor skills.

Interactive exercises that are based on a popular and well-known cartoons among children help to achieve greater outcomes. In the following exercise (Fig. 1.) the famous American cartoon by Byron Howard "Zootopia" is used. This exercise allows students to develop creative and lexical skills:

Fig. 1.


1. Show the pictures using interactive software.

2. Demonstrate the pupils how to make certain commands and colour these pictures in a desired way.

3. Say the pupils: "Colour the face, the body, the tail, the legs. Then colour the paws too."

4. Ask the students to name the colours: "What colours did you use?"

5. After they will finish, divide a group into pairs and ask the students to make up dialogs: "Ask and answer each other what do you know about these characters?"

English language teaching with the use of ICT and musical component in educational process is very efficient, as well. Exercises based on this approach make students to participate in physical activity and develop their phonetics skills. IN CLASS:

1. Show the picture of the snow and say: It's snowy outside, it sounds under my feet. Stamp your feet. Get the children to repeat.

2. Repeat this procedure with the other pictures.

3. Show the pictures on the board in the order of the rhyme.

4. Say the rhyme, doing the actions.

5. Repeat a couple of times, encouraging the children to join in.

Weather rhyme: It's snowy outside, It sounds under my feet!

(The children stamp their feet) It's sunny outside, Snow melts in the street!

(The children put their hands up)

It's windy outside, The wind blows wooo-wooo!

(The children move their hands left and right) It's rainy outside, Pit-a-pat on the roof!

(The children clap their hands).

Relaxation games using innovative technologies also help students to acquire linguistic skills and lead to the key benefits at the primary level in foreign language teaching. In the following exercise (pic.2) musical component and the soundtrack from the popular British cartoon by Britt Allcroft "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" are used. IN CLASS:

1. Say the rhyme, doing the actions.

2. Repeat a couple of times, encouraging the children to join in.

Put your hands on your head, Touch your hair, your smile and ears, Blink your eyes, make a breath, Turn about and show your teeth. Put your hands on your waist, Roll your head from right to left, March in place, Stand up straight, That's enough, Goodbye!


Innovative approaches in teaching English language on the primary level in accordance with contemporary tendencies and development in the sphere of ICT -obviously an efficient strategy. Application of innovative technologies, the method of virtual reality and the use of cyberspace contribute to the realization of educational aims. It develops linguistic and vocal skills, sets up a comfort learning environment, that promotes communication between pupils and establishes a feedback, making learning process interesting and effective. The use of multimedia applications, 3D graphics, interactive entertainment and educational software, audio technologies, learning games and exercises, including tasks on an interactive board, using various approaches and motive activities (for instance in rimes), role games, musical component, creative activities - lead to effectiveness and achievement of good results in foreign language teaching.


1. C. Livingstone, "Role-play in Language Learning", Harlow: Longman, 1983.

2. D.Hill, "English for Information Technology", Pearson, 2012.

3. G. Steinbeck "110 Games at Foreign Language Lessons". Moscow, Astrel, 2004.

4. I. Khaleeva, "Basics of the Theory of Understanding Foreign Speech.", Moscow, Higher School, 1989.

5. K.Barinova, "Game as an Efficient Strategy in Foreign Language Teaching at the Primary Level", Moscow, "Innovations and Experiments in Education", 3'2015.

6. K. Pratt, Rena M. Palloff, "Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom.", Jossey-Bass, 1999.

7. N. Galskova, N. Gez, "Theory of Foreign Language Teaching. Language Education and Methods", Moscow, Academy, 2008.

8. N. Gez, G. Frolova, 'The History of Teaching Foreign Language Methods", Moscow, Academy, 2008.

9. N.Tokareva, V.Peppard "What it is like in the USA", Moscow, "High School", 2003.

10. R. Hawkes, "The TEFL Approach and Modern Foreign Language Teaching Methods", The translation industry, Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 2013

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