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Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine in the global network Intermagnet Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Sumaruk Yu P., Starostenko V. I., Legostaeva O. V.

It is told about the development of geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine from its establishment up to the present moment. We describe the instruments of the absolute and variational observations of the Earth geomagnetic field. We present the observations data of geomagnetic observatories in Ukraine, which are part of the global network INTERMAGNET.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine in the global network Intermagnet»

RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, VOL. 12, ES2002, doi:10.2205/2011ES000506, 2011

Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine in the Global Network INTERMAGNET

Yu. P. Sumaruk,1 V. I. Starostenko,1 and O. V. Legostaeva1 Received 5 July 2011; accepted 8 August 2011; published 22 August 2011.

It is told about the development of geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine from its establishment up to the present moment. We describe the instruments of the absolute and variational observations of the Earth geomagnetic field. We present the observations data of geomagnetic observatories in Ukraine, which are part of the global network INTERMAGNET.

KEYWORDS: Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine; INTERMAGNET; Earth geomagnetic field.

Citation: Sumaruk, Yu. P., V. I. Starostenko, and O. V. Legostaeva (2011), Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine in the Global Network INTERMAGNET, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 12, ES2002, doi:10.2205/2011ES000506.


The Earth has its own magnetic field, and first the idea of the Earth as a big magnet was put forward by Gilbert in 1600. The geomagnetic observatories were established for the continuous recording of the geomagnetic field value and its changes over time.

Observatories give average values of the geomagnetic field, but also they give the information about the reduction elements of measurements, which are made in other territories. This material is used to construct the magnetic maps, which are of great practical importance. Maps of magnetic declination (D) are used for the needs of marine and air services, in mining industry. Mainly maps of the vertical component (Z) are used in geology, or more exactly the anomalies of this component are used. These anomalies relate to the deposits of mineral raw materials. Geomagnetic stations are usually scientific centers.

With the development of observatories, they are integrated in specific networks. Criteria for their integration are various: they are the territorial belonging, the industrial specialization and some other criteria. All the observatories of the Soviet Union were combined into the network under the direction of IZMIRAN. There were the same equipment and typical pavilions for them [Jankowsky, Sucksdorff, 1996]. Personnel of observatories were regularly trained and checked the instruments in IZMIRAN. Detailed instructions were worked out for making observations of the geomagnetic field [Belousova, 1957; Nechaev, 2006]. Data from observatories of the former USSR until 1991 have been transferred to the World Data Center in Moscow WDC - B2. Observatories of other countries were integrated mainly by the territorial

1Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Copyright 2011 by the Geophysical Center RAS. http://elpub.wdcb.ru/journals/rjes/doi/2011ES000506.html

belonging. Data were transferred to the World Data Center in the USA WDC - A1 and to WDC in Japan - C.

The network of up-to-date magnetic observatories INTERMAGNET (International Real-time Magnetic Observatory Network) was established in 1991 [St-Louis, 2008]. This network has combined the observatories with digital registration form and with the ability to transfer data to the geomagnetic information nodes (GIN) within 72 hours with the fulfillment of specified requirements for observations and processing of the geomagnetic field data. At first INTERMAGNET included 47 observatories. GINs were established in Canada, UK, Japan and France, where the observatories of this network transferred data. In these centers they were arranged and recorded on CD-ROM. The observatory, which is a part of INTERMAGNET, is able to use the data of all observatories, included in this network. Today there are more than 100 observatories of the world in INTERMAGNET. Their location diagram is shown in Figure 1.

Main requirements for the data of magnetic observatories (intermagnet magnetic observatory (IMO), which are involved in INTERMAGNET, are presented in Table 1 [St-Louis, 2008].

Equipment and Buildings of Geomagnetic Observatory

Geomagnetic observatory is a scientific institution where we implement the continuous recording of geomagnetic field variations, make the regular absolute observations, primary processing and analysis of gotten data [Jankowsky, Sucksdorff, 1996]. The main tasks of magnetic observatory are:

• continuous recording of geomagnetic field components;

• making absolute observations to obtain the absolute values of the geomagnetic field components.

Figure 1. INTERMAGNET observatories are as of 2010.

Earlier they used for registration of the geomagnetic field changes analog instruments such as the LaCour-type station, Eshengagen-type station, Bobrov-type station [Bobrov, 1962]. These stations consisted of separate variometers, which were compactly placed in one box or were displayed separately on pillar. The result of the observatory work was magnetograms (photocopying paper with the curves of the geomagnetic field components changes). This process was time-consuming, and it was easy to make a mistake. The measurement accuracy was low: 1-2 nT. On Figure 2. we could see the magnetogram of the geomagnetic field components changes at the observatory “Lviv”, which was obtained by Bobrov-type station.

With the advent of digital magnetic variational stations such registration passes into history. Up-to-date magnetic observatories have digital magnetic variational stations. The principle of operation is based on electro-optical transformers, on the effect of nuclear resonance and others. As a result we get figures which are easy to convert by computer programs into the format, required for the user. The stations have a memory for data accumulation for a long time. In most cases the stations connect with computer. Quality of observations of geomagnetic field variations is high because of digital magnetic variational stations. Its accuracy is about 0.01 nT.

Figure 3. Magnetogram of preliminary data of the INTERMAGNET observatory LVV.

On Figure 3 we could see how the components of the geomagnetic field have changed on the 6th of May 2010 at the observatory “Lviv”. These data were obtained by digital magnetic variational station PSM-8911 [Marianiuk et al., 1978].

At the observatories absolute measurements are carried out to obtain absolute values of the geomagnetic field. Earlier instruments: QHM, DI, inclinometer were used for these purposes. Work on the instruments demanded from the

Table 1. Technical Characteristics of Up-to-Date Geomagnetic Observatory

Magnetic variational station

Resolution 0.1 nT

Dynamic range (for mid-latitudes) ±60000 nT

Frequency range of measurements 0-0.1 Hz

Scanning frequency of data 1 Hz

Temperature coefficients 0.25 nT/°C

Drift of base lines 5 nT/year

Proton magnetometer

Resolution 0.1 nT

Measurements error 1 nT

personnel a high proficiency. Series of measurements were carried out long enough. Processing of the measurements was made mainly by hand. The accuracy of these measurements was 3-5 nT. Nowadays magnetic observatories use for these purposes DI fluxgate magnetometers and proton magnetometers of different companies and modifications. The use of such instruments has reduced the time of carrying

Variation 20-30m Absolute

room house




Figure 4. A typical scheme of a geomagnetic observatory.

25° 30° 35° 40°

Figure 5. Location of the Ukrainian geomagnetic observatories.

out the series of measurements. Processing of the measurements is computerized and in most cases avoids the errors. The measurements accuracy is 0.5-2 nT.

Making the variational records and absolute observations are carried out in specially equipped buildings. The main ones of them are variational pavilion, pavilion for the absolute measurements and main building. Usually number of buildings differs at the observatories. It depends on the tasks, facing the observatory. A typical location scheme of magnetic observatory buildings is shown in Figure 4.

In the variational pavilion continuous recording of geomagnetic field variations is carried out by different means of instruments. In the same place there could be the equipment, which makes the primary processing and transferring of data. The main requirement for the variational pavilions is the stability of the pillars, on which there are magnetic variational stations. And also the important thing is stability of temperature.

The measurements of absolute values of geomagnetic field are carried out in the absolute pavilion. The instruments, used in this pavilion, are different. The main requirement for this pavilion is the presence of stable pillar and the famous azimuth of “the world” for each pillar. A stable temperature is desirable, but not necessary here.

Analytical center of the geomagnetic observatory is the main building. Here the personnel of observatory make processing of records of geomagnetic field variations, the definition of absolute measurements and transferring the corrected absolute values of the geomagnetic field to the WDC. At the up-to-date observatories all these processes are made by computers and software. The software could be either standard or specific. At each observatory they use the software, needed for the particular purposes.

A necessary condition for the work of the up-to-date observatory is the presence of sustainable and high-speed Internet, because the data must be regularly sent within 72 hours.

Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine

Today Ukraine has four geomagnetic observatories, three of them, which are “Kiev”, “Lviv”, and “Odessa”, are located in the territory of Ukraine. The forth one “Academician Vernadsky” is located in Antarctica. Location of the Ukrainian geomagnetic observatories is shown in Figure 5. Its equipment is represented in the Table 2.

Table 2. Equipment of the Ukrainian Geomagnetic Observatories

Observatory Kiev Lviv Odessa Academician Vernad


Coordinates (latitude/longitude) 50.72 N/30.3 E 49.9 N/23.74 E 46.78 N/30.88 E 65.25 S/64.27 W

Instruments for the Magnetic Magnetic QHM Magnetic

absolute measurements theodolite theodolite and proton theodolite

THEO-010 with Tavistock with precession THEO 020B

fluxgate fluxgate magnetometer with MAG-01H

GEOMAG-03 FLM1/B (type MMP-203) and proton

and proton and proton precession

precession precession magnetometer

magnetometer magnetometer type PMP-8

type Mv-01 (type MMP-203)

Instruments for the Torsion Torsion Fluxgate LEMI 008

variational photoelecric photoelecric magnetometer Fluxgate EDA

measurements magnetometer magnetometer LEMI-018M

TPM employing TPM employing

Bobrov-type Bobrov-type

quartz variometers, quartz variometers,

LEMI 008

Orientation XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ, HDZ

Geomagnetic Observatory “Kiev” started to function in May 1958 in connection with the second International Geophysical year. At the beginning of 1958 two engineers of geomagnetic observatories have been trained in IZMIRAN. Within this training they were given new instruments for the observatory. Observations were carried out by the variational LaCour-type station with a normal scan 15 mm/hour and high-speed LaCour-type station with scan 386 mm/hour for recording of pulsations. Absolute observations were made by the magnetometers QHM and BMZ twice a week. According to the results of the observations they made decade, and later monthly reviews of magnetic activity. These reports concluded the three-hour K-indexes, the diurnal amplitudes and diurnal characteristics, and also the description of the magnetic storms with the detection of their active periods. According to the magnetograms variations of D, H, Z

Figure 6. Magnetic variational station LEMI-008.

components of the field were determined. These variations were led to the absolute values by means of observations on the absolute instruments. Reviews of the field condition as well as decade and annual reports were regularly sent to IZMIRAN and to WDC B2 in Moscow.

In connection with the opening of the Institute of Geophysics, USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1960 Geomagnetic Observatory “Kiev” was placed under its control. In the time of the “Kiev Sea” construction it was planned to flood the territory, in which the observatory was deployed. That’s why it was moved to the urban-type settlement Dymer. Geomagnetic observatory started to function from the 11th of May, 1964. Proton magnetometer was received for the absolute observations. In 1967 up-to-date magnetic variational station of V. N. Bobrov system [Bobrov, 1962] with zero temperature coefficient was purchased. And the LaCour-type station worked as duplicate one. QHM with very thin quartz filament was purchased for the absolute observations of declination. Staff of IZMIRAN regularly checked the equipment of the observatory.

In 2004 thanks to the project INTAS, geomagnetic observatory was equipped with new digital instruments: the magnetic variational station LEMI-008 (Figure 6), DI flux-gate magnetometer and started to function according to the INTERMAGNET protocol.

In 2008, thanks to the close cooperation with the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences the observatory was equipped with a digital magnetic variational station PSM-8411, and in 2009 it was equipped with a new instrument for absolute measurement - Theodolite THEO-010 with ferroprobe GEOMAG-03 (Figure 7). It considerably improved the quality of variational and absolute measurements. In 2010 new equipment for the Internet was purchased and installed at the observatory. It allows easily transferring large volumes of data at high speed.

Figure 7. Theodolite THEO-010 with ferroprobe GEOMAG-03.

New software has been worked out and implemented at the observatory. It made possible the automatic reading off, primary processing and transferring data to world data centers of INTERMAGNET and also to other users. In Figure 8 there are the measured and adjusted values of databases for 2009, and in Table 3 there are the average annual values of the field elements at the geomagnetic observatory “Kiev”.

An official application of entrance of the geomagnetic observatory “Kiev” in the INTERMAGNET was presented at the working session of the administration of this organization in October 2010 (Paris, France). In May 2011 an observatory

“Kiev” has become a full member of INTERMAGNET.

Regular observations of the magnetic field components were started at the geomagnetic observatory “Lviv” in 1952 [Orkisz, 1936; Stenz, 1931; Sumaruk et al., 2009]. At first recording was carried out by the LaCour-type station: the sensitivity of variometers is eH = eD =4 — 5 nT/mm and eZ = 2 — 3 nT/mm. In 1970, with the assistance of IZMIRAN magnetic variational Bobrov-type stations with sensitivity eH = eT = 2 nT/mm, eZ = 1.75 nT/mm, eD = 0.33 min/mm were installed at the observatory. In 2002 with the assistance of the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences a digital magnetic variational station PSM-8911 (Figure 9) was installed at the observatory. It made possible to simplify the data processing of observations. The sensitivity of this station is eX = eY = eZ = 0.025 nT/bit.

At first the absolute measurements were made using magnetic theodolite COOK, quartz H-magnetometer (Figure 10) induction inclinometer and proton magnetometer PM-001. In 1986 the proton magnetometer PM-001 was replaced by the new one - MMP-203.

In June 2006 with the assistance of British Geological Survey and Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium DI fluxgate Tavistock with ferroprobe FLM1/B was installed at the observatory (Figure 11)

Since 2003 magnetic observatory “Lviv” transfers data to the GIN in Edinburgh and Paris as an associated member of INTERMAGNET.

In 2005 the magnetic observatory “Lviv” has become a full member of INTERMAGNET [Sumaruk et al., 2009].

Average annual values of the magnetic field components at the observatory “Lviv” are shown in Table 4.

Regular observations of the geomagnetic field components were started at the observatory “Odessa” in 1948. At first they were made using the LaCour-type station, and in the

Figure 8. The observed and adopted values of databases at the geomagnetic observatory “Kiev” for 2009.

Figure 9. Digital magnetic variational station PSM-8911.

70s standard Bobrov-type stations were installed at the observatory. A characteristic feature of the geomagnetic observatory “Odessa” is the fact, that the variational pavilion is located underground at a depth of 4 meters. It makes possible to maintain a stable temperature in summer and in winter without much power consumption. Until 1991 the observatory transferred the data to WDC B2 in Moscow. After 1991 the data was stored in the observatory, as well as in the Division of Geomagnetism of Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine. Over the last years a digital magnetic variational station LEMI-008 was installed at the observatory. It allows transferring the data using the Internet. In the near future it is planned to upgrade the observatory. Average annual values of the magnetic field components at the observatory “Odessa” are shown in Table 5.

In 1996 the United Kingdom gave the Antarctic ob-

Figure 10. Quartz H-magnetometer.

Figure 11. DI fluxgate Tavistock with ferroprobe FLM1/B.

Table 3. Average Annual Values of the Geomagnetic Field Components of at the Observatory “Kiev”

Year D, grad I, grad H, nT T n B, nT Z, nT F, nT

1958 4.6400 66.7833 19338 19275 1564 45084 49056

1959 4.6900 66.8200 19320 19255 1580 45120 49082

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1960 4.7200 66.8250 19327 19261 1590 45149 49112

1961 4.7300 66.8217 19344 19278 1595 45180 49147

1962 4.7700 66.8183 19356 19289 1610 45200 49170

1963 4.7867 66.8233 19361 19293 1616 45222 49192

1964 4.7933 66.8150 19373 19305 1619 45234 49208

1965 4.8050 66.8083 19384 19316 1624 45244 49222

1966 4.8067 66.8100 19391 19323 1625 45263 49242

1967 4.8017 66.8100 19399 19331 1624 45282 49262

1968 4.7867 66.8133 19406 19338 1619 45305 49286

1969 4.7650 66.8033 19421 19354 1613 45320 49306

1970 4.7400 66.7983 19434 19368 1606 45340 49329

1971 4.7200 66.7867 19453 19387 1601 45358 49353

1972 4.7183 66.7817 19467 19401 1601 45381 49380

1973 4.7233 66.7850 19479 19413 1604 45415 49416

1974 4.7300 66.7900 19488 19422 1607 45445 49447

1975 4.7567 66.7900 19499 19432 1617 45472 49476

1976 4.7900 66.8017 19500 19432 1629 45503 49505

1977 4.8217 66.8083 19509 19440 1640 45535 49538

1978 4.8950 66.8367 19499 19428 1664 45575 49571

1979 4.9417 66.8483 19499 19426 1680 45602 49596

1980 4.9900 66.8583 19498 19424 1696 45618 49610

1981 5.0517 66.8850 19480 19404 1715 45635 49619

1982 5.1117 66.9183 19459 19382 1734 45660 49634

1983 5.1650 66.9367 19452 19373 1751 45686 49655

1984 5.2167 66.9517 19441 19360 1768 45694 49658

1985 5.2533 66.9733 19431 19350 1779 45716 49674

1986 5.2933 66.9967 19418 19335 1791 45739 49690

1987 5.3083 67.0100 19414 19330 1796 45759 49708

1988 5.3533 67.0383 19400 19315 1810 45789 49730

1989 5.4000 67.0700 19383 19297 1824 45820 49751

1990 5.4100 67.0833 19378 19291 1827 45838 49766

1991 5.4467 67.1083 19366 19278 1838 45862 49782

1992 5.4767 67.1100 19369 19280 1849 45875 49797

1993 5.5350 67.1150 19371 19280 1868 45891 49812

1994 5.6000 67.1333 19365 19273 1890 45919 49836

1995 5.6700 67.1367 19370 19275 1914 45938 49855

1996 5.7467 67.1467 19375 19278 1940 45970 49886

1997 5.8100 67.1617 19368 19269 1961 45989 49901

1998 5.8483 67.1850 19361 19260 1973 46025 49931

2004 6.1483 67.3033 19352 19241 2072 46269 50153

2005 6.2367 67.3150 19357 19242 2103 46308 50190

2006 6.3033 67.3183 19364 19247 2126 46334 50218

2007 6.3933 67.3283 19369 19249 2157 46368 50251

2008 6.5083 67.3400 19372 19247 2196 46402 50283

2009 6.8867 67.3533 19372 19232 2323 46431 50310

Table 4. Average Annual Values of the Geomagnetic Field Components of at the Observatory “Lviv”

Year D, grad I, grad H, nT T n B, nT Z, nT F, nT

1963 2.7050 65.7217 19902 19880 939 44122 48403

1964 2.7367 65.7167 19913 19890 951 44136 48420

1965 2.7567 65.7233 19915 19892 958 44155 48438

1966 2.7733 65.7250 19921 19898 964 44173 48457

1967 2.7867 65.7350 19923 19899 969 44198 48481

1968 2.7950 65.7300 19937 19913 972 44217 48504

1969 2.7833 65.7417 19948 19924 969 44267 48554

1970 2.7783 65.7333 19964 19941 968 44285 48577

1971 2.7733 65.7300 19974 19951 966 44301 48596

1972 2.7800 65.7067 20005 19981 970 44320 48626

1973 2.8133 65.7083 20017 19993 982 44349 48657

1974 2.8567 65.7117 20029 20004 998 44382 48692

1975 2.9017 65.7083 20050 20024 1015 44424 48739

1976 2.9700 65.7150 20062 20035 1039 44462 48779

1977 3.0283 65.7100 20077 20049 1061 44488 48808

1978 3.1067 65.7350 20069 20040 1088 44520 48834

1979 3.1800 65.7417 20074 20043 1114 44547 48861

1980 3.2483 65.7483 20077 20045 1138 44565 48879

1981 3.3233 65.7783 20061 20027 1162 44592 48897

1982 3.3950 65.8050 20050 20014 1187 44625 48922

1983 3.4633 65.8167 20048 20010 1211 44642 48937

1984 3.5333 65.8383 20038 20000 1234 44666 48955

1985 3.5883 65.8433 20041 20002 1254 44685 48973

1986 3.6500 65.8683 20029 19989 1276 44710 48991

1987 3.6950 65.8817 20026 19984 1292 44730 49008

1988 3.7367 65.9183 20006 19964 1304 44762 49029

1989 3.7967 65.9600 19987 19943 1323 44808 49064

1990 3.8367 65.9717 19985 19941 1337 44827 49080

1991 3.8833 65.9983 19972 19926 1353 44853 49099

1992 3.9250 65.9983 19978 19932 1368 44869 49116

1993 3.9633 65.9983 19986 19938 1381 44887 49135

1994 4.0300 66.0250 19975 19926 1404 44916 49157

1995 4.1550 66.0350 19978 19926 1448 44944 49184

1996 4.2133 66.0317 19990 19936 1469 44966 49209

1997 4.2917 66.0533 19987 19931 1496 45004 49243

1998 4.3883 66.0767 19980 19922 1529 45037 49270

1999 4.4850 66.0883 19979 19917 1562 45062 49292

2000 4.5533 66.1117 19976 19913 1586 45104 49330

2001 4.6517 66.1217 19982 19916 1621 45138 49363

2002 4.7483 66.1433 19981 19912 1654 45182 49403

2003 4.8167 66.1733 19971 19900 1677 45225 49438

2004 4.8967 66.1767 19981 19908 1706 45255 49470

2005 4.9767 66.1900 19986 19910 1734 45291 49504

2006 5.0533 66.1883 19997 19920 1761 45317 49533

2007 5.1400 66.1933 20006 19925 1792 45345 49562

2008 5.2383 66.2050 20010 19926 1827 45381 49597

2009 5.3550 66.2117 20018 19931 1868 45412 49628

Table 5. Average Annual Values of the Geomagnetic Field Components of at the Observatory “Odessa”

Year D, grad I, grad H, nT X, nT B, nT Z, nT F, nT

1962 1.9983 63.7067 21310 21297 743 43131 48108

1963 2.0200 63.7183 21314 21301 751 43160 48136

1964 2.0267 63.7200 21323 21310 754 43182 48160

1965 2.0317 63.7183 21331 21318 756 43195 48175

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1966 2.0433 63.7300 21328 21314 760 43212 48189

1967 2.0483 63.7367 21338 21324 763 43244 48222

1968 2.0433 63.7367 21346 21332 761 43259 48239

1969 2.0250 63.7283 21359 21346 755 43271 48255

1970 2.0117 63.7167 21366 21353 750 43288 48274

1971 2.0017 63.7183 21384 21371 747 43302 48294

1972 1.9950 63.7100 21398 21385 745 43316 48313

1973 2.0100 63.7150 21407 21394 751 43343 48341

1974 2.0283 63.7233 21414 21401 758 43371 48369

1975 2.0650 63.7217 21430 21416 772 43400 48402

1976 2.0967 63.7267 21438 21424 784 43426 48430

1977 2.1350 63.7333 21445 21430 799 43454 48458

1978 2.1900 63.7633 21436 21421 819 43491 48487

1979 2.2400 63.7767 21436 21420 838 43516 48510

1980 2.2867 63.7850 21435 21418 855 43532 48523

1981 2.3367 63.8217 21415 21397 873 43562 48541

1982 2.3933 63.8567 21396 21377 893 43590 48558

1983 2.4383 63.8683 21392 21372 910 43607 48572

1984 2.4867 63.8950 21379 21359 928 43630 48586

1985 2.5167 63.9150 21371 21350 938 43651 48602

1986 2.5483 63.9417 21357 21336 950 43678 48620

1987 2.5733 63.9550 21355 21334 958 43698 48637

1988 2.5967 63.9867 21339 21317 967 43727 48656

1989 2.6300 64.0183 21323 21301 978 43754 48673

1990 2.6450 64.0283 21322 21299 984 43772 48689

1991 2.6817 64.0550 21307 21284 997 43794 48702

1992 2.7167 64.0583 21311 21287 1010 43807 48716

1993 2.7667 64.0633 21314 21289 1029 43824 48733

1994 2.8300 64.0817 21309 21283 1052 43850 48754

1995 2.8917 64.0883 21314 21287 1075 43873 48776

1996 2.9650 64.0950 21319 21290 1103 43894 48797

1997 3.0450 64.1183 21313 21283 1132 43929 48826

1998 3.1217 64.1467 21305 21273 1160 43967 48857

1999 3.2167 64.1633 21306 21272 1195 44000 48887

2000 3.3367 64.1800 21307 21271 1240 44037 48921

2001 3.3950 64.1850 21312 21274 1262 44061 48945

2002 3.4583 64.2017 21314 21275 1286 44102 48982

2003 3.5433 64.2383 21305 21264 1316 44149 49022

2004 3.6067 64.2417 21315 21273 1341 44181 49054

2005 3.6800 64.2583 21314 21270 1368 44218 49086

2006 3.7433 64.2683 21322 21276 1392 44243 49113

2007 3.7800 64.2850 21324 21277 1406 44278 49145

servatory “Faraday” [Salino, 1985] to Ukraine, which was renamed into the observatory “Academician Vernadsky”. The observatory was named after the eminent academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945), who was elected as the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1918 [Bakhmutov, 1997].

The main instrument for recording the geomagnetic field was LaCour-type magnetometer. It recorded the changes of the field on the photocopying paper in a coordinates system HDZ (on the magnetic meridian). In 1998 a new sensitive digital three-components ferroprobe magnetometer LEMI-008 of the domestic production was installed at the observatory. It allowed carrying out the observation of geomagnetic pulsations, its frequency and polarization. On 27th of May, 2006 LaCour-type magnetometer was taken out of operation, but it remains operative.

Nowadays the main instruments of the geomagnetic observatory “Akademician Vernadsky” are the two automatic three-component ferroprobe magnetometer of LEMI-008 (No. 2 and No. 16), produced by LC ISR NASU-NSAU. Sensitivity of magnetometers LEMI is about 0.1 nT, and the measurements are made with 1 sec. period. Sensor of magnetometer LEMI-008 No. 2 is set on the magnetic meridian. Sensor of magnetometer LEMI-008 No. 16 is set on the geographical meridian. Magnetometer LEMI-008 No. 2 was installed in 1999. LEMI-008 No. 16 is magnetometer of observatory, installed in 2003, differs from LEMI-008 No. 2 with installed in it board GPS Trimble (for accurate time synchronization) and remote antenna. The antenna is placed on the middle pillar between the variational and fiberglass pavilions. The measurements data come into the INTERMAGNET network through DCP system in data collection center in Ottawa (Canada). Besides mentioned above ones also magnetometer EDA No. 501 (with the sensitivity as high as 0.48 nT) with a digital recording system “Geologger” is operated. Its sensor is set on the magnetic meridian. Absolute measurements are carried out by two proton magnetometers GM-122 No. 6364 (with a sensitivity of about 1 nT) and PPM-8 (with a sensitivity of about 0.01 nT) and also by theodolite THEO 020B with a single component sensor MAG-01H Bartington 0552H. In 2004 geomagnetic observatory “Academician Vernadsky” has become a full member of INTERMAGNET [Melnik, Bakhmutov, 2008].


The most accurate and on-line information about the geomagnetic field is provided by the network of INTERMAGNET. It includes digital magnetic observatories, which use up-to-date standards of measuring and recording equipment, as well as the same data formats to simplify the dissemination, acquisition and processing of geomagnetic data in near to real time. Data of the geomagnetic observations are promptly transferred by observatories and institutions, which participate in the program, to the regional geomagnetic information nodes by means of satellite and computer networks using INTERMAGNET standards. Regional geomagnetic information nodes implement a global

exchange of data and the results of its processing and also provide an access to the geomagnetic data for all interested users over the world.

Three geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine (“Lviv”, “Kiev” and “Akademician Vernadsky”) are full members of INTERMAGNET. At the geomagnetic observatory “Odessa” a digital magnetic variational station is installed. Observatories are equipped with computers and the Internet, as well as software. It makes possible promptly to send and receive necessary information. Data of these observatories of Ukraine are used for studying the dynamics of the secular variations of the geomagnetic field at middle latitudes and for making the international model IGRF. They are the basic points for the observations on the positions of the secular trend, for studying the spatial and temporal characteristics of the geomagnetic field, both in the territory of Ukraine and in adjacent territories.

Acknowledgments. We express thanks to Prof. Jean-Lois Le Mouel (the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris, Paris, France), Prof. Jerzy Jankowsky (Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland), Dr. Jean Rasson (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Dourbes, Belgium), Dr. Christopher Turbitt (British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, UK) for help in equipping the observatories of Ukraine with the instruments of INTERMAGNET standards. Especially we want to thank the personnel of the geomagnetic observatory “Belsk” (Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Belsk, Poland) for help in installing the equipment. We also express thanks to Prof. Alexey Gvishiani (Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia), Prof. Jeffrey Love (United States Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, USA) and Prof. Arnuad Chulliat (the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris, Paris, France) for their cooperation. This article was written with partial support of a joint project of RFBR and NAS of Ukraine No. 28-05-10 (U)/10-05-90441 (R).


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O. V. Legostaeva, V. I. Starostenko, Yu. P. Sumaruk, Sub-botin Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. ([email protected])

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