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Tolepov Ernazar Tangatar oglu,
Assistant of the Department "Methods of teaching geography"of the Faculty of history, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyoz, Nukus city of
Karakalpakstan Republic
This article covers information on the topic of geographic cards and their types. At the same time, the views on the technology of reading geographic Cards are expressed.
Keywords: atlases; globes; linear cards, natural; climate; soil, plant; zoogeographic; Geological; minerals; economic, political, industrial; agricultural maps, large and small scale cards.
Cтатъя содержит информацию по теме географических карт и их типов. При этом высказываются взгляды на технологию чтения географических карточек.
Ключевые слова: атласы; глобусы; карты линейные, натуральные; климат; почва, растение; зоогеографический; Геологический; минералы; экономический, политический, промышленный; сельскохозяйственные карты, крупномасштабные и мелкие карты.
We divide the practical and visual methods of teaching into cartographic methods, observation and experimental methods. The cards are the main teaching tools in geography education. Geographic cards can be used in all forms of teaching; in teaching, in practical work, in independent work, in assessing knowledge, etc.k. The difference of school geographic maps from other maps is that they are adapted to the age and development of students. For Primary School students, cards that are simpler, easier to understand and read are issued, and for higher grades, more complex maps are published. We can divide the maps used in secondary schools into the following groups: wall maps; maps inside textbooks; atlases; globes; linear cards. According to the content, the maps of the mural school are very diverse: natural; climatic; soil, vegetation; zoogeographic; Geological; minerals; economic, political, industrial; agriculture, transport, etc.k. As they are different, they also have a common similarity. All of them will be used in the classroom, will be adapted to the
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 6
educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
remote viewing of students, that is, the scale will be greater. With the help of these maps, students perform practical and independent work in the study and answer certain questions.. Therefore, they should be in size, which has a good appearance and great accuracy. Depending on the type of Cards, their sizes will vary. Maps of the world, maps of individual matter are currently being released at the size of 1,5x1,8m. Maps of Uzbekistan and Central Asia are also issued almost of this size.
The cards must be clearly and clearly visible. Students should be able to clearly see the geographic event and existence in them from 5-6 m. For this, the most important things are reflected on the card. For example, as the river is depicted, its main part and the largest tributaries are shown, while the tributaries of the tributaries are not shown. Colors should be chosen well so that the card looks clear. Colors should be sharply distinguished from each other. Another requirement to put on the wall maps is that they are beautiful. Ishlangan if the card is beautiful and clear, the students will be able to read and understand them easily. Relief on school Cards is made mainly by coloring of different thicknesses. The low plains are dark green, the plains are light green, the heights are light brown, the average mountains are brown, and the high mountains are dark brown. The card should not be overgrown with geographic names. It should be noted that it is only the reference that corresponds to the age and level of knowledge of students. On the maps of the primary class, geographic names can be written less often and twentieth, and in the middle and upper classes their number is increased, and the dimensions are crumbling.
At the end of the subjects of geography, a separate card was attached. Currently in the text of the textbooks are given cards. Such maps depict natural geographic and economic geographic phenomena and phenomena. They can be white-black and colored. Natural geographic maps are often given in color. Some economic geographic maps are often given in color. A black-and-white color is used in the indication of some economic geographic event and personnel. For example, minerals, taransport, some crops, livestock cards and political Cards are given in a Color Image. In most cases, Cards are issued more often in the texts of textbooks on the courses of natural geography of the mainland and oceans (6th grade), World Economic and social geography (9th grade). Atlases are a set of cards that are structured in a certain subject and direction. According to the structure and content of atlases are divided into the following types: according to the area occupied by it; Atlas of stars; Atlas of natural geography of the world; atlas of economic geography of the world; atlas of separate mainland and oceans; Atlas of separate states; and x.k.; by content: natural
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geography; economic; railway; educational atlases and x. k. There are training atlases for each class. for example, 5-th class Atlas, 6-th class Atlas, 7-th class Atlas, 8-th class Atlas, 9-th class Atlas. Educational atlases must meet the following requirements: - the number of geographical presence and events specified in the Atlas must be more than in the textbook; - atlas must serve as a reference for students; - the list of Geographical Names in the Atlas must necessarily be; the number of Cards in the Atlas should not be less than 40-45.
Linear cards. They are widely used in geography education. They are used mainly for training and control purposes. Linear Cards are used for educational purposes in the following cases: - to bring down the names of natural geographic entities on a linear map ( river, lake, sea, etc.).k.), which will allow the names of Geographics to be well remembered by readers; - mountains, river basins, isotherms, natural zones to lower the boundaries on a linear map; - to lower the boundaries of states on a linear map; - to lower the economic zones on a linear map; - land the boundaries of agricultural crops on a linear map. Linear maps are also used for control purposes. To do this, the following conditions must be met:- all students in the class must have the same line card;- all students must be given the same conditional mark; - all students must be shown in the same place as the scarf of the name of the pupil, in legenda, masshtab on the line cards.
The reduction of the structure of the cards in secondary schools the teaching of students plays an important role in the acquisition of geographical knowledge.
In order to teach students to understand the structure of geographic cardstirishga practical work is carried out in the place, the plan of the place is worked out, practical work is carried out on the reading of Horizons, the level mesh is studied, the different cards are compared, the geographic dimensions of the points are determined, various massages are studied, and x.k. The best way to understand the Cards is to learn the place and determine how it is depicted on the card. In addition, the transition from the globe to the card helps to understand the structure of geographic cards, even by moving from the plan to the geographic card. These methods allow students to understand the level grid, cartographic approximation (generalization) and geographic cards. Practical training in the field and in the classroom (determining the directions, measuring the distance and describing them in the drawing, as well as bringing them to the layout) encourages students to dress up confidence in the fact that all beings and employees are depicted on the geographic cards. Understanding the structure of geographic cards will help not only to work on the spot, but also to work with the spatial plan of the location. Such work is carried
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out on educational trips, tourist cottages and practical work in the place. Students will learn the structure of yirika masshtable cards during the exercises on the reading of horizons, during the drawing up of the space plan in the process of unloading relief tasvirini with the help of topographic cards. During the study of the structure of the place of residence and the layout of the place, students are gradually able to understand the structure of large and small scale cards. They begin to understand the differences between the location plan and the geographic card, based on the comparison of topographic and geographic cards. In the course of studying the types of cartographic andosas (projects), students begin to understand the errors and their scale on the geographic maps, compare the size of the presence on the globe and on a particular map so that students can understand how errors occur. For example,compare the Chukotka Peninsula or the island of Greenland on the globe and on the map tasvirini. Their image is depicted on the card larger than on the globe, it is explained that the main reason for these differences is the error in the cards. For example, the globe is a diminished model of the Earth, so the geographic existence in it is described without errors, and the card is explained by the fact that the globe is formed as a result of spreading to the plane, hence the error in its edges is greater. After learning the level grid, meridians, and parallels of the cards, students will be able to practice with Geographics. Thanks to this, they learn to find the geographic location of any point and realize the importance of the level grid, in addition, they learn to determine the direction and distance of the level grid, depending on the meridians and parallels. In order for students to better master the determination of the geographic coordinate of the point, it is necessary to give examples from life. For example, to determine the coordinates of its city or district center, to determine the coordinates of the edges, the highest and lowest points of Uzbekistan.
When working with a map scale, students should be familiar with the degree of reduction or magnification of the geographic presence. To do this, first they need to have an understanding of large, medium and small scale scales. After that, it is necessary to determine the width and length of various geographic entities, for example, the Chorbog water stream. In order for students to roughly determine the distance on a geographic card, they can determine the length of some geographic entity and find the desired distance with its help. For example, the length of the island of Sakhalin is 1000 km, using which it is possible to find the length of the places in Asia. To find the length of a place, the island of Sakhalin is placed imaginary and the distance is determined. For example, up to the place where the length is determined, 2 Sakhalin islands are sigsa, which means that its length is 2000 km.
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One of the most important conditions for reading geographic maps is to be able to read it massively and conditionally. According to the mass, it is divided into large, medium-sized and small-massaged Katras. Conditional signs are divided into topographic, natural geographic and economic geographic, as well as political geographical signs. They, in turn, are divided into two types: massively, massively linear mixed indicative and other.
The first stage in the training of Cards is the training of conditional characters. Students will be able to perform the above tasks using the scale and level grid after a thorough study of the conditional marks of the topographic cards with medium scale and small scale cards. They will also have the ability to work with conditional signs in the process of drawing up a location plan. Students can make a description of a specific direction using the card after they have fully mastered the level grid, scale and conditional characters, that is, they can write a topographic dictation. A topographic dictator is to draw a line on a sheet of paper based on the data that the teacher gives it. This work is carried out as follows:students can perform two types of work on the basis of the assignment of the teacher: draw a description of the given direction on the basis of a card; draw a drawing of the given direction on a notebook. When drawing up a description of a particular direction on the basis of a card, students determine the necessary directions, using a scale, measure the distance between points, determine the geographic presence (Bridge, Road, City, factory, Meadow, forest, etc.) indicated by conditional signs.k.) determines the names and compiles a description of the place.(relief, soil, plant, waters). First, students will answer the short questions of the teacher using the topographic map, for example, on which side of the village center of apricot is located, what plants are three on the way to school. As a result of this, students will have the ability to draw up an oral description of the direction. When drawing up a topographic dictator, students draw a line of direction through the story of the teacher. Topographic dictation is drawn on the sheet of a tambourine. At the top of the sheet is written a sign sh-j, and at the bottom a mass. The teacher marks the first point on the sheet. Then indicate the direction and geographic presence, the reader cuts them on paper. Topographic dictation is more complicated than drawing up a description of the direction. It requires attention and creative thinking from the students, they will have the ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired in practice during the performance of this task. The study of terrain relief can be carried out on different mass maps. The study of relief using topographic Cards is carried out on the basis of an analysis of Horizons. The plane of wide and absolute height between the horizons varies little, between the
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Horizons is narrow, and if they are thick and densely located steep slopes and x.k. Relief on natural geographic Cards is made on the basis of color analysis: bluish color plain, brown mountain ash. When studying the relief, the absolute balance of the points given on the card is also analyzed. The study of geological and tectonic formations is carried out in the VI and VIII classes. In the Atlas of Class VI, lithospheric plates are given on the map. With its help, lithospheric plates determine their age, speed of movement. The Atlas of grade VII has geological and tectonic maps of Central Asia and Uzbekistan. With its help, it is determined the komplexs of mountain rocks that are scattered in each region and what periods they belong to. With the help of the teacher, students can also make Geological incisions. Based on the reading and analysis of these cards, relevant conclusions are made. For example, in this place, what kind of rocks were formed during what period were common.
Mining of the location or a particular area is carried out on the basis of the reading of the corresponding type of mining card. Bunda previously burned oil and gas coal deposits from the energy minerals card are identified, deposits of black, colored and rare metals from the metal minerals card are identified. On the map of non-metals minerals, deposits of raw materials of the construction, chemical industry are determined. Then students determine which type of mining is more common in the place or area. It is studied by reading climate maps. Bunda read, analyze and draw appropriate conclusions about summer and winter temperature isotherms, the direction of summer and winter winds, the amount of precipitation, the number of cold days and other cards. The conclusions of the students are reviewed and evaluated by the teacher. Students study the location or the structure of the geographic conditions of a particular area on the basis of reading and analysis of the natural map under the guidance of the teacher. They, on the instruction of the teacher, first determine the rivers, and then lakes and glaciers, and make up their list. Students will be able to identify the basic soil and plant species based on reading and analysis of the soil and plant cover cards of the place and make appropriate conclusions. When studying the natural geographic conditions of the mainland, students determine the natural zones that are included in this mainland on the basis of reading and analysis of the card of the natural zones. On the basis of reading and analysis of this card, a natural geographical description of the place or a particular territory is drawn up by students.
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