Научная статья на тему 'Genetics - breeeding aspects of the interspecies hybridization'

Genetics - breeeding aspects of the interspecies hybridization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Narimanov Аbdujalil Аbdusamatovich, Gubanova Natalya Grigorevna, Sanaev Normumin Norberdievich, Sadikova Zaxida Yusupovna, Khasanov Rasul Kurbanaliyevich

The results of the experiments showed that the greatest productivity of cotton is formed in hybrid offspring obtained with the participation of interspecies hybrids. During the cleavage from hybrid progeny, the transgressive individuals are more easily split into individual or complex of features, and in F3-F4, the probability of separating families and forms with a partially fixed heterosis by one or another quantitative trait appears.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Genetics - breeeding aspects of the interspecies hybridization»

Narimanov Аbdujalil Аbdusamatovich, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Uzbek Academy of Science, doctor of agricultural Science, Tashkent Gubanova Natalya Grigorevna, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Uzbek Academy of Science, candidate of biological Science, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Sanaev Normumin Norberdievich, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Uzbek Academy of Science, candidate of biological Sciences, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected] Sadikova Zaxida Yusupovna, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Uzbek Academy of Science, candidate of biological Sciences Tashkent Khasanov Rasul Kurbanaliyevich, associate researcher of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Uzbek Academy of Science, Tashkent


Abstract: The results of the experiments showed that the greatest productivity of cotton is formed in hybrid offspring obtained with the participation of interspecies hybrids. During the cleavage from hybrid progeny, the transgressive individuals are more easily split into individual or complex of features, and in F3-F4, the probability of separating families and forms with a partially fixed heterosis by one or another quantitative trait appears.

Keywords: cotton, wild species, cultivated varieties, interspecific hybridization, resistance genes, donors, hybrids.

Searching for new initial material is one of the main tasks about 40 different lines, created on the basis of interspecies

of the modern breeding. Remote and interspecies hybridiza- hybridization from crossings of wild species with cultivated

tion is one of the real sources for new living forms. varieties. As species-carriers of unique resistance genes were

Wild species are involved in hybridization in order to give 6 species; G.thurberi Tod., G.raimondii Ulbr., G.stocksii Mast.,

modern varieties such qualities as strength and toning of fiber, G.anomalum Wawra et Peur, G. arboreum L., G. harknessii

resistance to agricultural pests, verticillium and fusarium wilt, Brang.

resistance to stress factors of the environment. For example, G.thurberi Tod. (Dx) is a wild kind ofAmeri-Over the past 30 years, the laboratory of Genetics of can cotton, it is frost-resistant, able to grow at low temperaPlant Productivity and Plant Adaptability in the Institute of tures, is resistant to the box worm and wilt. When crossed Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Uzbek Academy with cultivars, hybrids produce forms with high technological of Science has conducted studies on the creation of a collec- parameters of the fiber.

tion of lines and forms of medium resistant to stress factors G.raimondii Ulbr. (D5) is a wild species of American cot-

(heat, salt and drought resistance). This collection includes ton. Thanks to the strong leaf opacity, it is resistant to sucking

Section 1. Biology

pests, has a thin, durable, high-yield fiber. Seeds have a fairly high percentage of oil. Has increased drought resistance.

G.anomalum Wawra et Peyr (B2) is a kind of African type of cotton, adapted to the conditions of low water availability, has a very thin, elastic fiber, is resistant to piercing sucking pests, easily crossed with many species, gives a wide variety of genetic forms with useful economic - valuable features.

G.sturtii Mull (C2) is a wild Australian type of cotton. Resistant to wilt and sucking pests, as well as to conditions

Table 1. - Improvement of economic-valuable traits

of increased salt-supply. It has a fiber with increased strength and fineness.

G.harknessii Brang (D2-2) is a wild species of American cotton. Bracts of this species fall long before the opening of the capsules, the period from flowering to maturation is very short (40-45 days), characterized by high wilt stability. This species is used in crossings as a donor in breeding varieties with a natural wound by deciduousness.

in the generations of interspecies cotton hybrids

№ Hybrid combination Genomic constitution Fiber output (%) Х ± х Technological properties of fiber

Fiber length (mm) Х ± х Specific breaking load (G / tex) Micronaire ^c)

1. F1 (G.thurberi x x G.raimondii) 2(D1 D5) 25.4 ± 0.42 23.1 ± 0.21 23.3 4.8

2. F2 (G.thurberi x x G.raimondii) freely flowering 2(D1 D5) 31.7 ± 0.31 27.4 ± 0.36 28.3 4.5

3. F3 (G.thurberi x x G.raimondii) freely flowering 2(D1 D5) 31.9 ± 0.64 32.1 ± 0.24 37.1 4.0

4. F3 (G.thurberi x G.raimondii)] x C-4534 2(D1 D5) (AD) 36.9 ± 0.41 33.1 ± 0.36 27.9 3.8

5. F3(F1G.hirsutum x x G.anomalum) x G.harknessii (AD)1B1 D2-2 37.4 ± 0.44 31.5 ± 0.28 31.0 4.5

6. F3 (Ffi.hirsutum x x G.sturtii) x C-4880 (AD^C^AD)! 32.1 ± 0.64 29.0 ± 0.33 34.9 3.9

7. F3 (F1 G.hirsutum x x G.anomalum) x G.raimondii] x C-4534 (AD^ D2 AD) 30.4 ± 0.64 31.5 ± 0.37 31.0 4.5

8. F2(F1G.arboreum x x G.thurberi) x x Acala-4-42 A2 D1(AD)1 24.0 ± 0.48 25.0 ± 0.32 38.3 5.7

G arboreum L. (A2) - a cultivated species of Indo-Chinese cotton, possesses high resistance to viticulture, fiber strength, the ability to form offspring with a strong variability of traits, is a good basis for creating new varieties of cotton. It should be noted that in all these species, when crossing them with varieties of medium-fibrous cotton in the hybrid progeny, there is a very large transgressive variability in the course of which forms-donors-capable of improving the selectable material arise. There are many new forms with different unique characteristics that are absent in parents [1, 205-216; 2, 40-45; 3, 156-160].

However, it is known that it is not so easy to convey these useful properties of wild species to cultural forms. Carrying

out such crosses is associated with many difficulties, such as sterility of hybrids, strong cleavage in the offspring, the appearance of harmful properties, along with useful due to the coupling characteristics and other problems.

Taking into account the donor value of wild species, we studied the formative process in this amphidiploid by self-pollination (Table 1, B. 1), free flowering (Table 1, B. 2, 3) and backcrossing with C-4534 variety of tetraploid species (Table 1, B. 4). The offspring of the F1 F2 F3 hybrids, as can be seen, from the averaged characteristics of the fiber yield, the length of the fiber has been improved from generation to generation. B. F4 (Table 1, B. 4) under the influence of grade c-4534 in the hybrid progeny, the percentage of fiber yield

increased sharply - to an average of 37.4. The yield of fiber in this hybrid population ranged from 21 to 47 percent. A similar pattern was observed along the length of the fiber. The length of the fiber increased from generation to generation and reached a maximum towards the backcrossed generation of F4(B. 4, Table 1).

In hybrid combinations of complex hybrids (F3 (F1 G.hirsutum x G.anomalum) x G.harknessii; F3 [(F1 G.hirsutum x G.sturtii] x C-4880; F3 [(F1 G.hirsutum x G.anomalum) x x G.raimondii)] x C-4534; F2 (F1 G.arboreum x G.thurberi) x x Acala-4-42) the study of the direction and features of the formation, showed that complex hybrids in earlier populations form valuable economic-useful Signs. Transgressive variability is given, in the course ofwhich donor forms that can improve the selectable material, starting with F2, arise. The inheritance of traits in interspecific hybrids, to some extent, exceeds intra-

specific hybrids. From a theoretical point of view, this can be explained, firstly, the variation of all characters in interspecific hybrids is greater than that of intraspecies hybrids; Secondly, as the genotypic alignment of the population increases, the indicators of heritability of signs decrease in generations, that is, stabilization of hybrids occurs. Consequently, gene transfer into a homozygous state in intraspecific hybrids is achieved earlier than in interspecies hybrids.

As a result of multiple selection and genetic analysis of forms in hybrid populations of F2-F10, resistance to moisture deficiency, salinity and elevated line temperatures - donors of resistance genes to extreme environmental factors - were isolated. On the basis of these, Gulbahor-2, Navbahor-2, Ar-mugon-2, Sadaf and Gulshan types, combining high seed oil yields with productivity, vitreous stability, fiber quality, adaptation to the conditions of water deficiency of salt redundancy.


1. Arutyunova L. G. Method of interspecies hybridization in cotton breeding / Total research., Village. And cotton seed production for 50 years: Sat. Sci. Tr.- T: Fan, 1970.- P. 205-216.

2. Krishnaswami R., Kothandaraman R. Heterosis in interspecific hybrids of Gossypium L. // Indian jour. Of Genetics and Plant Breeding.- 1977.- V 37.- No. 1.- P. 40-45.

3. Pandia P. S., Patel C. T., Bhat Y. M. Role of poliploidy in cotton improvement through species crosses // Indian Cotton Grow. Rev.- 1963.- V. 17. - No. 3.- P. 156-160.

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