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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Bratus H.

The article examines the essence of the definition of "intellectual property" as an economic category. The main approaches to the emergence of the definition of intellectual property in terms of historical and technological, legal, economic and psychological preconditions are structured. The complexity, ambiguity and polysemantic essence of intellectual property are proved, the expediency of substantiation of the economic concept of intellectual property on application of the interdisciplinary approach is proved.

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2. На ринку лщензш лщирують США. Що сто-суеться кра!н £вропи, то тут обмш технологiями bí-дбуваеться в основному усередиш £С, причому найчастiше це - мiжфiрмовий обмiн.

3. Лщензування в США найчастiше реалiзу-еться в сферах х1шчно1, нафтопереробно!, електро-техшчно! та машинобудiвноl.

4. Лщензування в кранах £вропи найчастiше реалiзуеться в фармацевтицi, текстильно! та хiмiч-но! промисловостi, металургй' та металообробщ. Це все-таки менш високотехнологiчнi галузг

5. Експерти вважають, що незабаром Китай займе лвдируюче положення в даному сегментi.

6. Останнiм часом високотехнолопчна проду-кцiя проникае в ус сфери життя. Прикладом може служити план Apple з продажу лщензп на установку IOS (програмне забезпечення Apple) в автомо-бiлi.

7. У високотехнологiчних галузях все частiше вiдбуваються поглинання i злиття компанш.

В цiлому ж можна зробити висновок, що ринок високих технологiй е найважливiшим фактором зростання свггово! економiки i економш окремих кра!н. Свiтовий досввд показуе, що щ механiзми ус-тшно працюють в орiентацil економiки на шнова-цiйний розвиток. I звичайно, не слад забувати про фшансування освiти. Адже тiльки висококвалiфiко-ваш фахiвцi здатнi розробляти та здшснювати но-вовведення.


1. 1ванченко А.Г., Ушаков Д.С. Поняття висо-котехнолопчно! продукцп. Аналiз росшсько! i зару-бiжноl лiтератури // Молодий вчений. - 2017. - №17. - С. 178-180.

2. £вропейська Комгс1я, Дiяльнiсть £С з науки, дослвджень та iнновацiй, с. 10-12, 2017.

3. ОЕСР, Державш швестицп в НДДКР у ввд-поввдь на економiчнi кризи - Довготривале досль дження для кра1н ОЕСР, с. 34-38, 2017.

4. ОЕСР Наука, технолопя та промисловють, с.177-178, 2017.

5. £вропейська комiсiя, Податковi пiльги з НДДКР: як зробити 1х найбiльш ефективними?, с.4-7, 2017.

6. £вростат, Сталий розвиток в £вропейсь-кому Союзi - Монггоринговий звiт про прогрес у досягненш ЦУР у контекстi £С, Люксембург, с.180-182, 2017.

7. Статистическое управление Европейских сообществ (Евростат). Data extracted May 19, 2018. http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu.

8. UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database. Data extracted March 29, 2017 http://comtrade.un.org.

9. OECD Science, Technology & Industry Outlook. 2018 (v. 2018 року). OECD, 2019.

10. Хасбулатов Р.1. Свггова економжа. М.: Юрайт, 2018. С. 215.



Bratus H.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor PJSC «Higher Educational Institution «Interregional Academy of Personnel Management»


The article examines the essence of the definition of "intellectual property" as an economic category. The main approaches to the emergence of the definition of intellectual property in terms of historical and technological, legal, economic and psychological preconditions are structured. The complexity, ambiguity and polysemantic essence of intellectual property are proved, the expediency of substantiation of the economic concept of intellectual property on application of the interdisciplinary approach is proved.

Keywords: intellectual property, genesis, economic aspect, evolution.

Formulation of the problem. The existence of modern culture is impossible without intellectual property, without the legislative regulation of related social relations regarding the production of "spiritual goods". But material production today is inconceivable without the ever-increasing use of intellectual labor.

For several centuries, there has been a strong understanding that the creator of "intellectual value" has the right to benefit from his work and dispose of its fate through the set of special "intellectual rights" granted to him. The development of this understanding has led to a number of theories that seek to reflect real relations, as well as the spread of the term "intellectual property", increasingly enshrined in international treaties and national legislation [1].

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of the evolution of formation, development of intellectual property is devoted to the work of many

domestic and foreign scientists Tchaikovsky L.A, Ya-kushev A.Z., Korkunov M.V., Soloshchuk M., Prokho-rov A.N., Bliznets I.A., Leontiev K. B., Geleverya E.M., Kapitsa S.P., Nabatova O.O. Along with the numerical publishing activity of modern researchers, there is a lack of scientific achievements and a sound theoretical basis and a clear concept for understanding the economic direction of scientific thought in this area.

The purpose of the work is coverage of the concept of intellectual property development as an economic category.

Intellectual property is an important tool for both the organization and the economy as a whole. The modern economy is characterized by the strengthening of the role of intangible assets in the economic activity of enterprises, the emergence of the need for constant introduction of innovations to maintain their stable competitive position.

The first full-fledged definitions of the category "intellectual property" began to appear in official documents only at the end of the eighteenth century. in Europe. At the same time, there were a large number of earlier attempts by researchers to interpret this category, which was to identify or list the characteristics, end results or objects of intellectual property were essentially a limiting framework factor for a broader definition of "property". This trend can be traced and preserved today in the works of modern scientists and honorary encyclopedic publications.

The study of property through the prism of human activity allows us to reveal the system of appropriation relations inherent in the modern economy, to analyze the existing forms of the relationship between labor and property. Features of the implementation of intellectual property (weakening the struggle for its complete alienation, the dominance of partial, incomplete appropriation) give rise to qualitatively new socio-economic relations, determine a new way of combining factors of production, generate a tendency to converge socioeconomic characteristics of property and labor. , c. 52].

The uniqueness of intellectual property lies in the fact that today there is no unambiguously defined definition of this comprehensive definition. Today, the concept of "intellectual property" is polysemantic, the essence and meaning of which vary depending on the scope of its application: economic (relations between

people about the appropriation of objects), legal (property rights - possession, use, disposal), social and ethical .

The social content of intellectual property can be aimed at ensuring that the socio-economic interests of creators and society as a whole are taken into account in the process of creating innovations and their application in production. In turn, the ethical aspect of intellectual property is associated with the use of scientific discoveries, the phenomenon of plagiarism, public recognition of the authors' achievements [5, p. 10].

No researcher can state with certainty to which direction of knowledge intellectual property belongs. Thus, in this context, the most appropriate in our opinion is to substantiate the economic concept of intellectual property using an interdisciplinary approach.

Despite sufficient "youth" and the relatively recent emergence of the concept of "intellectual property", the preconditions for its emergence were formed long before that and were dictated by the very course of human evolution. The main prerequisites for the emergence of intellectual property are presented in Fig. 1.

The ambiguity of the concept of "property" in relation to the products of intellectual activity is argued by many scholars. S.P. Kapitsa believes that "the concept of intellectual property is internally contradictory, because all human intellectual activity is concerned with disseminating it as widely as possible, rather than establishing control and property rights" [4].



Historical and technological increase in the number of scientific inventions, musical compositions, literary works, which could be used by an unlimited number of people in connection with the development ofSTP

Economic--wide involvement

of exclusive rights to the products of mental labor in the sphere of commodity-money relations



Psychological - perception of property rights as sacred contributed to the development of

the desire of the creative intelligentsia to have a model of

Legal -for each participant in economic relations it is extremely important to have a status known to all other participants, in this regard, it is extremely convenient to design, similar to property rights or other property rights




Fig. 1 Basic prerequisites and approaches to the emergence of the definition of intellectual property (developed

by the author for [3,6,8,9])

Intellectual property, which is the basis of intellectual capital, is currently the main competitive advantage, which helps to improve production, stimulates the emergence of new technologies, as one of the factors of innovative development. In innovative organizations, intangible assets are often the results of research, development and technological work, in connection with which the methodological aspects of accounting for intangible assets, adopted as a result of these works [10, p. 10].

Until recently, the relationship and difference between the concepts of intellectual property and intellectual property rights was not clearly defined. The term "intellectual property" was collective in nature, ie covered all objects of this property and all types of rights -property and personal non-property.

Scientists are actively studying the issues of intellectual property rights, their structure, protection (patenting, licensing, trademarks and trademarks), nomenclature of intellectual property, its commercialization. The essence of intellectual property is defined as "enshrined in law the rights to the results of intellectual, creative human activity in the production, scientific, literary and artistic fields" [9, p. 70].

The development of innovative economy poses a serious problem of transforming knowledge, new ideas and technologies into the final product, as currently in circulation involved a limited number of intellectual property.

Modern research is mainly concerned with intellectual property rights, while other aspects of property, especially its economic content, are overlooked. [5, p. 9].

It is impossible to disagree with Litvinchuk IL that neither philosophy nor intellectual property law ex-

plains how the "growth" of intellectual property in national wealth takes place, how it is redistributed, because philosophical and legal aspects do not take into account the principle of economic efficiency. Thus, the philosophical approach focuses on the topic of creative freedom, and the legal one only legally fixes the transfer of property rights from one subject to another, without raising the issue of satisfying the interests of creators of intellectual values and persons who contributed to creative work "[6, p. 9].

At the same time, in recent years, the growing scientific dissemination and justification of the priority of the economic essence of intellectual property over other interpretations, including legal, in scientific works is gradually increasing. By its economic nature, intellectual property is a form of economic relations for the appropriation of intangible factors of intellectual production and the results of intellectual labor. Unlike lawyers, who refer to intellectual property only materialized results of creative activity (works, computer programs, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trade secrets, trademarks, etc.), economists propose to include human intelligence in this list. , her knowledge, abilities, values, noosphere of intellectual work, information. The subjects of intellectual property from a legal point of view are the creators of intellectual property rights (authors, inventors, performers, etc.). From the standpoint of economic theory, such a subject can be any person who is able to produce knowledge and information and exercise property rights over them [3, p.19].

To date, there are three economic concepts for defining the essence of intellectual property: Marxist, traditional (neoclassicism) and neo-institutionalist

(Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

The evolution of the concept to the interpretation of intellectual property (developed by the author for [6,8]).

Thus, the economic content of intellectual property, in our opinion, lies in economic relations regarding the formation, accumulation, use, implementation of information and knowledge resources of individuals and appropriation of the results of creative work, which

in modern conditions are both means of creative activity. The condition for acquiring intellectual property and, thus, the condition of belonging to the dominant class, is not the right to dispose of goods, but the ability to use them, the ability to convert information into

knowledge, use them to develop intellectual capital and income.

Conclusions and suggestions. Thus, in modern conditions, intellectual property can act as: a commodity, financial asset, factor of production, capital, source of income, subject of economic agreements, competitive advantage for the company in the market and the country as a whole - because it acquires value (utility, consumer value, exchange value), performs a distributive function (introduces a balance between production and consumption), encourages production.

In economic turnover, intellectual property has the following features:

1. Not limited in space, therefore, can be used by an unlimited number of people.

2. Has no physical consumption, not prone to physical wear (possible wear and tear).

3. Requires separation from other results of intellectual activity through legal consolidation.

4. Able to generate income, only in terms of securing rights to it, which do not allow public use.

5. Provides an opportunity to form spheres of influence in the market, to exercise control over the receipt of income from the use of the object.

6. Legal protection has a time limit, after which the object becomes public property. [8, p.28].

In the process of transformation of the domestic economy, introduction of new technologies and production of knowledge-intensive products, intellectual property becomes a significant part of state assets. The creation of intellectual capital of competitive, financial and other advantages forms the potential for its use as a major factor in the growth of the state economy.

Thus, intellectual property, being one of the priority socio-economic directions of development of modern society, requires further deepening of theoretical ideas about its main aspects.


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