GENDER AND GENDER STEREOTYPES IN THE ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nasrullaeva Nafisa Zafarovna

The following article describes the notion of gender and gender stereotype. The author points out the actuality of the present research, demonstrates parts or parameters which create gender stereotypes, enlightens the main factors of the gender concepts “man” and “woman” on the material of English genderly marked phraseological units, i.e. phraseological units which contain in their structure a component denoting a man or a woman. The author presents statistic information about genderly marked phraseological units belonging to different semantic groups (appearance, social status, marital status, intellectual skills, etc.). Theoretical part of the article is proved by a number of examples which reveal gender stereotypes in the English phraseology.

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Nasrullaeva Nafisa Zafarovna

Ph.D., Senior teacher, Senior scientific researcher Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, English Department


Summary. The following article describes the notion of gender and gender stereotype. The author points out the actuality of the present research, demonstrates parts or parameters which create gender stereotypes, enlightens the main factors of the gender concepts "man" and "woman" on the material of English genderly marked phraseological units, i.e. phraseological units which contain in their structure a component denoting a man or a woman. The author presents statistic information about genderly marked phraseological units belonging to different semantic groups (appearance, social status, marital status, intellectual skills, etc.). Theoretical part of the article is proved by a number of examples which reveal gender stereotypes in the English phraseology.

Key words: actualization, gender component, conceptual, masculinity, femininity, semantics, phraseological


Actuality of the theme of investigation. Gender investigation of phraseological units (further PhU) is actual as in the centre of its attention there are cultural and social factors determining social attitude to men and women and peculiarities of using linguistics means due to belonging to a definite sex. Actual becomes also a deep investigation of the process of gender conceptualization, finding out factors and parameters forming basic gender concepts taking into account their national-cultural, etymological and historical peculiarities. Not less actual is the comparison of masculine and feminine stereotypes in the English phraseological world view.

A review of international research on the theme of research. In the course of studying problems of gender linguistics several scientific results have been achieved, including: androcentricity - orientation at a man and damage of a woman's image in the lingual world view was proved (New York University, USA), the function of gender in communicative relations was revealed (Toronto University, Canada); the basic notions of feministic linguistics were worked out (Chicago University, USA); the main concepts of gender linguistics were concretized (Oxford University, Great Britain); gender markers in language units are revealed (Cambridge University, Great Britain); the main role of gender in communication was proved (Moscow State University, Russia); methodology of modeling and observation of communicants' behavior due to their sex and age was worked out (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia); comparative analysis of English and Uzbek phraseological and paremiological units has been done (Uzbek State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan); the process of gender conceptualization of the semantics of English phraseological units has been worked out (Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan).

R. Lakoff's work "Language and Woman's Place", which had proved androcentricity in lingual world view, led to further development of gender linguistics, among which the most important are issues by E. Baron Dennis, Biemans Monique, Cameron Deborah, Christie Christine, King Ruth, Lakoff George, O'Barr William

and Atkins Bowman, S. Romaine, D. Tannen, Thorne Barrie.

Gender factor in the language was investigated by Russian linguists - specialists in gender studies: O.A. Vaskova, M.D. Gorodnikov, E.I. Goroshko, D.O. Do-brovolski, I.V. Zikova, A.V. Kirilina, V.A. Nikolskiy, V.V. Potapov, V.N. Telia, I.I. Haleeva and others, in whose works gender was investigated as main concept of lingual culture, as factor of peculiar communication language function.

The problems of cognitive and gender linguistics were investigated in the following scientific issues of Uzbek linguists: D. Agzamova, G.Sh. Atahanova, D. Ashurova, M. Galieva, A. A. Morozova, N.N. Panjieva, M. Rasulova, Sh. Safarov, K.D. Tuhtaeva, G.S. Ha-kimova, M.K. Halikova, G.I. Ergasheva, U.Yusupov and others. G.Sh.

The tasks left to be investigated.

to disclose national-cultural specifics of genderly marked phraseological units of the English language;

to work out parameters forming gender concepts «man» and «woman»;

to demonstrate statistic information about groups and subgroups of genderly marked phraseological units on the material of idiomatic dictionaries.

The aim of the research is working out the process of gender conceptualization of English phraseological units and investigation of formation of gender concepts «man» and «woman» in the phraseology of the analyzed language.

The main content of the article

The basic notion of gender investigations is gender which is considered to be a special set of cultural characteristics, determining men's and women's social behavior, their interrelations which create, approve and reproduce imagination of masculinity and femininity as social categories.

Gender is not a linguistic category, but its content can be revealed by the analysis of language structures explaining linguistic investigation of sex representation [3, 24].

There is a number of biological and social interpretations of role relations between men and women in


society, they are called gender stereotypes. The term «stereotype» is interpreted as «imagination» of fragment of surrounding reality, fixed mental picture which is the result of reflection of «typical» fragment of reality world in human's consciousness, invariant of a definite part of world view. Gender stereotypes present cultural and social opinions about qualities, attributes and behavioral norm of both sexes and their reflections in a language. In this or that degree stereotypes influence on every person. Stereotypes let people form imagination of the whole world, go out of their narrow social, geographical and political world [6, 138].

Genderly marked phraseological units are investigated as the concepts of English national culture and reflect peculiarities of English society.

Gender stereotype of a woman in the English lingual culture consists of all nominations: woman, girl, old woman, mother, daughter, wife, mother-in-law, grandmother, granddaughter, niece, aunt, etc.

Gender stereotype of a man consists of the following nominations: man, boy, old man, father, brother, husband, grandfather, uncle, father-in-law, comrade, friend, etc.

In masculine and feminine lingual consciousness the concepts of beauty and ugliness have exact borders: beauty is women's attribute who try to possess it, for men this quality is not so important. This is proved by a number of phraseological units describing women's beautiful appearance: (as) red as a cherry - to have rosy skin; have roses in one's cheeks - to have rosy cheeks; a slick chick - an attractive girl; hot stuff -young sexy woman.

In the investigated complex of English phraseological units there are many, symbolizing a man as a faithful assistant, decent, good-natured person, his advantages in comparison with a woman, braveness, willfulness, high intellect: square John - honest man; knight without Fear and without Reproach - fearless, brave man; a gentleman of fortune - lucky men; clever dog - a smart boy. In English culture man's main activity deals with public outside sphere, which belongs to him: lord and master; men in grey suits, a made man -a person who reached high position himself. There is a universal stereotype that money and power in society also belong to men: a man of mark - man of high position; a man of business - businessman; great lion -powerful (about a man); a man about town - noble man; the king of the castle - leader, chef.

In English phraseology a woman is represented as a weaker sex, she has to fulfill existing in society stereotypical duties of wife, girlfriend, mother and possesses suitable gender qualities: one's good lady - wife; Sister Ann - faithful friend; the softer sex - weaker sex, women; the weaker sex - women. The sphere of women's activity mostly deals with inner space, home and family. However, modern English lingual culture observes changes in stereotypical opinion that women's interests deal only with inner space and there appear outer professions, e.g. in offices: a hello girl - girl-operator; a woman of letters - woman-writer; a girl Friday - reliable secretary girl. In English culture a wife, who tries to get power in family is negatively marked: the gray mare - a woman holding husband under her

heel; wear the breeches - to have power in the house. A man, who gives power to his wife is also negatively marked as he doesn't fulfill his typical behavioral norms: to be under one's heel - to be under wife's power.

The basis of investigation of phraseological meaning became the conception of idioms semantics proposed by V.N. Teliya as the hierarchal model expressed in the shape of macro components forming the semantic structure of idioms: 1) descriptive macro component; 2) evaluative macro component; 3) motivating macro component; 4) emotive macro component; 5) stylistic macro component; 6) grammatical macro component [5, 34].

I.V. Zikova proposes hypotheses of existence of one more component - gender macro component which covers idiom's description helps to reflect cultural notions masculine / feminine in adequate way [2, 29].

As a rule, gender component in phraseological meaning can be expressed explicitly - in the aspect of expression and in the aspect of idiom's content (man of the moment - influential man, important person), and implicitly, i.e. to exist in the aspect of content but to be absent in the aspect of expression: bit of fluff (or skirt)

- sexy woman, hot stuff's sexually attractive - temperamental (about a woman). A.V. Kunin confirms that implicitness is an important means of economical usage of language means while their functioning [4, 99].

Markers pointing at the explicit character of expression of gender component in PhU are nouns, pronouns and proper names pointing at masculinity or femininity: man, boy, girl, woman, lady, he, she, Jack, Tom, Mary, etc. It's easy to create image, meant in the semantics of phraseological unit because the component itself points at gender belonging: a man for all seasons

- helpful person; a girl Friday - reliable clerk (about girl-secretary); brother in arms - brothers in army. The largest is a group of phraseological units with explicit character of expression. The least is the group of implicit aspect of expression where gender component "veiled" in the structure of PhU: skirt chaser - a man "chasing" women. In this phrase there interact two implicitly expressed components - skirt, i.e. a woman and chaser, i.e. a man. Age is differently expressed by implicit phraseological units: a dolly bird - young naïve girl; old trout - old woman; a bit of fluff - very young girlie. Among explicitly expressed phraseological units the most popular are those which have components pointing at professional activity of men and women: a boy in buttons - a boy working in hotel; a Jack of all trades -a man of various occupations; a confidence man - swindler, dishonest; a hello girl - girl-operator; a woman of letters - woman-writer.

The material of English phraseology shows some dimness of masculine image which is formed from such points as appearance, character, marital status, social status, behavior, intellect of a man.

The point «appearance» of a man in the English phraseological fund is presented by a large number of units both with positive and negative emotional mark: bald as a coot - totally bald; admiral of the red - drunkard with red nose; blue-eyed boy - women's beloved man. PhUs characterizing men's personal qualities: (as)


gentle as a lamb - mild as a lamb; mamma's darling -a beloved son or daughter under mother's care; a heart of oak - brave, courageous man; a tough nut - firm, resolute; Jack among the maids - ladies' man. Social status interprets professional qualities: a back room boy - specialist; a man of rank - a man of high position; a broken man - robber. Characteristics of man's spiritual world includes, first of all, estimation of his intellectual abilities, willfulness: a sharp man, a man of wisdom, a clever Dick - a clever person and as opposite: a silly billy, a Simple Simon, a proper Charley - foolish.

A man in the English culture always aims at leadership, power and managing. According to patriarchal notions, a man is the head of a family and he must make resolutions relating to family: lord and master, the good man of the house; to wear the pants/trousers. There is another model - a man pressed and managed by his wife: a henpecked husband; to be tied to one's wife's apron strings, to live under the cat's foot / paw.

In the case of semantic approach to selection of genderly marked PhUs in the role of gender markers there were fixed various nouns denoting state, role, quality, trait of a man: a red coat - English soldier. Here also belong such verbal PhUs characterizing care and marriage: dance attendance on smb. (in the first meaning) - to take care of a lady; marry money - to marry a rich woman; rob the cradle -to marry one who is much younger.

Not always component 'man', 'son', etc. mean that phraseological unit characterizes representative of male sex. For example, 'the sons of men' is used for denoting the whole humanity [1, 57].

In the English phraseological system the concept «woman» is formed by such notions as appearance, character, marital status, social status, age, behavior, intellect.

1. Appearance: a glamour girl - a very beautiful girl; (as) red as a cherry = have roses in one's cheeks -to have red cheeks. As it is obvious in investigation, for English language bearers woman's beauty is associated with red rose or cherry.

2. Character: mamma's darling - a beloved son or daughter under mother's care; bitch kitty - an obstinate woman with heavy character.

3. Marital status: a grass widow - a woman whose husband is far away; born under the rose - born from illegal relations.

4. Social status: a woman of letters - a woman-writer; a girl Friday - a reliable secretary; principal boy

- an actress who performed man's role; a golden girl -a very popular girl; between (maid) girl - a maid who assists a cook.

5. Age: an old girl - an old single girl; a bit of fluff

- a young girl; a dolly bird - young and silly girl; old trout - old scolding woman. It's obvious that in characterization of age marital status is very important in English culture.

6. Behavior - a large and bright level consists of PhUs reflecting woman's behavior from moral point of view. To the group «behavior» belong phraseological units denoting women's light-mindedness having negative emotional mark: a woman of the streets - a light-minded girl; scarlet lady - a light-minded wandering woman.

7. Intellect: a woman's reason - female logics. The presence of gender asymmetries had shown a number of PhUs ironically point women's intellect.

In phraseological units of modern English there is a high estimation of a woman, positive attitude to a woman, importance of her appearance, high value of maternity and such qualities as love, selflessness, self-sacrifice. In nominations of feminine images there are dominating moral marks, interconnection of genders is weakly demonstrated, maternity is highly estimated. Negative mark is presented by PhUs about women's behavior, wife's character (scolding, unsatisfied), women's intellectual abilities and their emotional instability.

Statistic analysis was done on the basis of Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms - issue 2, containing more than 30.000 units. In this way, results of statistic analysis can be demonstrated in the following charts:

Title Quantity Percentage

Total quantity of PhUs 30.000 100 %

Total quantity of genderly marked PhUs 2472 8,3 %

PhUs, characterizing men 1682 5,6 %

PhUs, characterizing women 790 2,7 %

Parameter Quantity of PhUs, characterizing men Percentage Quantity of PhUs, characterizing women Percentage

Appearance 135 8 % 95 12 %

Age 202 12 % 79 10 %

Marital status 235 14 % 118 15 %

Social status 252 15 % 56 7 %

Character 488 29 % 229 29 %

Behavior 219 13 % 166 21 %

Intellect 151 9 % 47 6 %

Total 1682 100 % 790 100 %



Comparative analysis proves the fact that represented image of a woman in the English phraseology is more negative than the image of a man.

Gender stereotypes, actualized in the English lingual world view, are distributed on personal characteristics of men and women and their social roles. Stereotypical set of personal gender characteristics, expressed in English, includes stereotypes of appearance, stereotypes of personal characteristics and intellectual abilities of men and women, their behavioral and age stereotypes.

Gender component in phraseological meaning can be expressed explicitly - in the aspects of expression and content of PhU and implicitly, i.e. to be present in the aspect of content, but be absent in the aspect of expression.

Complex analysis of genderly marked phraseological units and proverbs of the English language as the concepts of English lingual culture has proved that PhUs belonging to this or that gender are actualized by

knowledge revealed by mechanism of cognitive treatment of imaginative content of PhUs using social-cultural experience of the English-speaking society.

List of literature:

1. Guseynova Т.А. Phraseological units, characterizing a man // Scientific Journal of Chelyabinsk State University "Вестник ЧелГУ". - 2010. - № 29 (210). -P.57-60.

2. Zikova I.V. Gender component in the structure and semantics of phraseological units in modern English. Dissertation ... candidate of science. - Moscow: Moscow State University, 2002. - 219 p.

3. Kirilina A.V. Gender: linguistic aspects. - Moscow: High School, 1999. - 224 p.

4. Kunin A.V. The course of modern English phraseology. - Moscow: High School, 1996. - 381 p.

5. Teliya V.N. Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatic and lingual cultural aspects. - Moscow: Science, 1996. - 334 p.

6. Ter-Minasova S.G. Language and intercultural communication. - Moscow, 2000. - 264 p.

Хошниязов Жалгас Хошниязович

Каракалпакский научно-исследовательский институт гуманитарных наук Каракалпакского отделения Академии наук Республики Узбекистан, кандидат филологических наук

Khoshniyazov Jalgas Khoshniyazov Karakalpak Research institute of Humanities of the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of Science Republic of Uzbekistan, candidate of the philological






В статье рассмотрена воинские доспехи в каракалпакских героических эпосах и их значение как материальный источник. Причиной тому были особенности территорий их географического обитания, которые с востока на запад, с запада на восток, с севера на юг, с юга на север в разных эпохах, и в различных целях непрерывно организовывались военные походы, о чём свидетельствует различные исторические источники. Существование их в таких условиях без военных орудий было немыслимо. Времена, когда защита от захватчиков, борьба за родных земель, были основной проблемой племён и родов, имение воинов и их вооружение была главной их задачей.

Воинские доспехи в каракалпакских героических эпосах рассмотрены на примере каракалпакский героический эпос «Алпамыс».

Ключевые слова: военное оружие, каракалпакский фольклор, военные походы.


The article deals of military weapons in karakalpak folklore the heroic epics. According to historical sources at that time there organized a great number of military crusades of different purposes from the east to the west, from the north to the south or vice versa in these places. Therefore, it was impossible to live and survive in this situation without armors. As the main problem of tribes and races at that time was to defend their countries from invaders and struggle for native places, they needed more military people equipped with necessary armors. Karakalpak heroic epic of the issue raised in this article poem «Alpomish» samples.

Keywords: military weapons, karakalpak folklore, military armors.

Предки каракалпаков с древнейших времен, как одно из многочисленных среднеазиатских племён и будучи в его составе опирались на военные орудия, и особо ценили их. Причиной тому были особенности территорий их географического оби-

тания, которые с востока на запад, с запада на восток, с севера на юг, с юга на север в разных эпохах, и в различных целях непрерывно организовывались военные походы, о чём свидетельствует различные исторические источники. Существование их в та-

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