Научная статья на тему 'Gastronomic culture of the small peoples of Altai as a basis for the development of a tour and the development of educational tourism'

Gastronomic culture of the small peoples of Altai as a basis for the development of a tour and the development of educational tourism Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
gastronomic tourism / regional tourist market / Altai / Kumandinsky national cuisine / design of a gastronomic tour / гастрономический туризм / региональный туристский рынок / Алтай / кумандинская национальная кухня / проектирование гастрономического тура

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Биттер Наталья Викторовна, Прудникова Наталья Геннадьевна, Скубневская Татьяна Валентиновна

The article presents the results of the analysis of the main trends in the development of the Altai regional tourist market in the direction of gastronomic tourism. The region is characterized by a high level of development of agriculture and food industry. Within the framework of the branded routes "Small Golden Ring of Altai", "Big Golden Ring of Altai", "Cossack Horseshoe", dishes with local flavor are offered, acquaintance with the local gastronomic culture takes place. Specialized gastronomic tours are represented by single routes so far. The design of a gastronomic tour should include a variety of interactive elements containing a reflection on the processes of cooking and eating, everything that will reinforce the impression of the food process. It is the nature and high degree of interaction of various structures that will help to create and develop a unique Altai gastronomic tourist product.

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Гастрономическая культура малочисленных народов Алтая как основа для разработки тура и развития познавательного туризма

В статье изложены результаты анализа основных тенденций развития регионального туристского рынка Алтая по направлению гастрономический туризм. Местные продукты широко используются при организации и проведении туристских маршрутов, при обслуживании отдыхающих в санаторно-курортном комплексе. В рамках брендовых маршрутов «Малое Золотое кольцо Алтая», «Большое Золотое кольцо Алтая», «Казачья подкова» предлагаются блюда с местным колоритом, происходит знакомство с местной гастрономической культурой. Специализированные гастрономические туры представлены пока единичными маршрутами. Проектирование гастрономического тура должно включать разнообразные интерактивные элементы, содержащие рефлексию процессов приготовления и потребления пищи, все то, что подкрепит впечатление о процессе еды. Именно характер и высокая степень взаимодействия различных структур помогут создать и развить уникальный алтайский гастрономический туристский продукт.

Текст научной работы на тему «Gastronomic culture of the small peoples of Altai as a basis for the development of a tour and the development of educational tourism»


UDC 338.48: 379.85

Bitter N.V., Prudnikova N.G., Skubnevskaya T.V.

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.



Abstract. The article presents the results of the analysis of the main trends in the development of the Altai regional tourist market in the direction of gastronomic tourism. The region is characterized by a high level of development of agriculture and food industry. Within the framework of the branded routes "Small Golden Ring of Altai", "Big Golden Ring of Altai", "Cossack Horseshoe", dishes with local flavor are offered, acquaintance with the local gastronomic culture takes place. Specialized gastronomic tours are represented by single routes so far. The design of a gastronomic tour should include a variety of interactive elements containing a reflection on the processes of cooking and eating, everything that will reinforce the impression of the food process. It is the nature and high degree of interaction of various structures that will help to create and develop a unique Altai gastronomic tourist product.

Key words: gastronomic tourism, regional tourist market, Altai, Kumandinsky national cuisine, design of a gastronomic tour.

Биттер Н.В., Прудникова Н.Г, Скубневская Т.В.

Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Россия



Аннотация. В статье изложены результаты анализа основных тенденций развития регионального туристского рынка Алтая по направлению гастрономический туризм. Местные продукты широко используются при организации и проведении туристских маршрутов, при обслуживании отдыхающих в санаторно-курортном комплексе. В рамках брендовых маршрутов «Малое Золотое кольцо Алтая», «Большое Золотое кольцо Алтая», «Казачья подкова» предлагаются блюда с местным колоритом, происходит знакомство с местной гастрономической культурой. Специализированные гастрономические туры представлены пока единичными маршрутами. Проектирование гастрономического тура должно включать разнообразные интерактивные элементы, содержащие рефлексию процессов приготовления и потребления пищи, все то, что подкрепит впечатление о процессе еды. Именно характер и высокая степень взаимодействия различных структур помогут создать и развить уникальный алтайский гастрономический туристский продукт.

Ключевые слова: гастрономический туризм, региональный туристский рынок, Алтай, кумандинская национальная кухня, проектирование гастрономического тура.

Introduction and problem statement. The historical and cultural heritage of any nation covers its entire socio-cultural environment with traditions and customs, peculiarities of everyday and economic life. The most important component of the heritage of peoples is the gastronomic culture, which is understood as a system of rules, regulations and samples


that determine the way of cooking, the set of products accepted in this culture and their combinations, food consumption practices, as well as reflection on the above phenomena. As a system, gastronomic culture includes three elements - the culture of cooking, the culture of eating and reflection on the processes of cooking and consumption [2]. The term "gastronomic culture" also includes the norms and principles of cooking. Modern tourists want not only to see and listen, but also to "taste" the place they visit. Food is an obligatory part of the tourist product, while the share of income from its sale reaches 20% of the profit [13]. It is food that is an important means of penetrating into another culture which allows you to feel this "other" not only on an intellectual, but also on a sensual level. Local cuisine is the main attribute of the destination, adding sensations to the overall tourist experience. Nutrition is one of the elements included in the new concept of cultural heritage and cultural tourism, tourists increasingly want to eat those products that emphasize the heritage and culture of the place where they are [14]. At the same time, both cooking and its consumption are of interest. All this indicates that food is considered not only as a way to satisfy biological needs, but also as a phenomenon of the culture of the people. In connection with the above, it seems that the design of a gastronomic tour with an increase in the share of domestic tourism is currently relevant.

The study of the problem. Gastronomic tourism is one of the developing directions of the world tourist market today. Its share in the total revenue of the tourism industry as a whole has risen to 30%, while experts predict growth of the segment by 7-12% per year [7]. According to the results of the study, more than 88% of tourists note that cuisine is a key element in creating an impression of a tourist destination [12]. Tourists during the trip get acquainted not only with the area and its sights, but also with the local cuisine and its features. Gastronomy is a significant resource of any territory, as well as a source for the formation of its identity.

National cuisine of any country can be considered as a tourist resource of the country's territory. Such a resource in the form of national cuisine makes it possible to form new tourist products, and to identify new opportunities for tourist territories [10]. For a better understanding of the social, cultural and economic lifestyle of a destination, it is the local cuisine of a particular country that can help. Gastronomy and tourism are closely linked, their connection can contribute to the increase in the number of tourists in the country, prolong the stay of tourists on the territory of the state and thereby increase the profit from tourism.

Within the framework of branded routes in Altai, dishes with local flavor are offered, acquaintance with local gastronomic culture takes place. In Altai Krai, gastronomic tourism is actively developing within the framework of rural tourism, which involves a temporary stay of tourists in rural areas, including the tasting of local cuisine and the products produced in this region. Today, in rural estates, you can not only taste fresh produce, but also participate in its preparation and canning. Currently, rural tourism services are provided by guest houses in more than 20 municipal districts of the region. Rural tours, interesting for their culinary component, provide the opportunity to immerse yourself in the daily life of the countryside through food and products, to join the traditions of national culture [11]. However, the basis of gastronomic tourism in Altai Krai currently consists of event events based on the most developed branches of the agro-industrial complex.

The most famous products of local production are cheese and honey. The history of industrial cheese-making in Altai is more than 100 years old, and currently 54 enterprises are engaged in cheese production here. Currently, a tenth of rennet cheeses of Russia are produced in the region. Altai was widely known for elite varieties of cheeses — "Swiss". "Altai", "Soviet", "Mountain" [3]. In recent years, the historical maximum of cheese production has been reached. The International Cheese Festival is successfully held in Altai Krai annually. On the basis of the "cheese infrastructure" that has developed in the region, a gastronomic tour "Honey-cheese Krasnogorye" has been developed and implemented. The main element of this route is the visit to JSC "Karaguzhinsky maslosyrzavod" with the tasting

of cheeses "Karaguzhinsky", "Soviet", "Swiss". Altai honey is also famous in Russia and abroad. Every year, the Honey Savior festival in Altai is held in the region. Honey obtained in Altai Krai is the most complex in composition, it includes numerous types of pollen grains of medicinal endemic plants growing on the territory of the region [1]. As a promising direction for the development of gastronomic tourism, it is necessary to note the beer and alcohol industry of Altai Krai, which affects a number of sectors of the regional economy — from agriculture to transportation. Brewing traditions are preserved and multiplied in the region, new original varieties of drinks are being created, new deposits of mineral and drinking waters are being developed, the production of kvass and beverages from local raw materials is expanding. The AltaiFest beverage festival, which takes place in Altai annually, can be considered as the starting "gastronomic platform".

The aim and objectives of the work. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the design of the gastronomic tour "Kumandinsky evening in the village of Krasnogorskoye", as well as the analysis of existing gastronomic tours. Gastronomic culture, along with cultural and historical heritage, can satisfy the cognitive interest of tourists and be one of the elements for the development of cognitive tourism in the region. In conditions of increasing competition in the field of tourism and its marketing, each region is in search of unique products with which it would be possible to differentiate itself from others. By itself, the local cuisine is already the platform that contains the necessary resources that can be used as marketing tools to attract customers.

Materials and methods. The methodology of this work is based on our own research materials on the development of gastronomic tours in Altai, the analysis of existing event events with the inclusion of elements of gastronomy.

In preparing this article, the analysis of scientific works by A.G. Redkin, O.V. Otto, D.N. Alimov, N.V. Dyachenko, E.E. Skripko, A.A. Osipova, EA Buzynin, N.G. Prudnikova, O.S. Tretyakova, O.M. Maslova and others was carried out.

The data of the Association of Gastronomic Tourism of Russia, the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic, the Office of the Altai Territory for Tourism and Resort Activities were used. The methodological basis of the research consists of modern general scientific methods of cognition, analytical, historical, systemic.

Results and their discussion. According to the results of the 2021 census, representatives of 140 nationalities live in Altai Krai [3], out of the total number of Kumandins living in Russia, the largest group lives in the territory of Altai Krai (Figure 1). Small peoples can form the basis for the development of gastronomic tourism in places of compact residence. In the south-eastern regions, the gastronomic culture of the Altai and Kumandin peoples can become interesting objects of tourism.

The Kumandins are a small Turkic ethnic group represented in three regions of Russia: Altai Krai, Altai Republic and Kemerovo region. Now about three thousand people who consider themselves Kumandins live on the territory of southern Siberia. At the same time, the most significant ethnic groups are observed in Biysk, Soltonsky and Krasnogorsky districts of Altai Krai. In natural and geographical terms, this area is a foothill and mountaintaiga area, where the local population in ancient times formed a complex type of economy, which included seasonal (mainly winter) hunting, gathering wild plants, fishing on rivers and lakes, cattle breeding and limited hoe farming [5].

The peculiarities of economic activity had a direct impact on the gastronomic culture. Meat and vegetable dishes, as well as composite dishes made of meat and vegetable components, occupy one of the main places in the traditional cuisine of the Kumandins. You can get acquainted with the preserved gastronomic traditions of the people during the annual festivals of the Kumandin culture, held in Altai Krai in August. Guests of the festival are offered a variety of grain dishes, of which talkan /talgan is the most famous. To prepare it, toasted peeled barley grains are ground and sifted through a sieve, as a result of which fine

grinding particles — talkan proper, and larger particles — cereals are separated. Cereals are used to prepare various kinds of porridge: eel, kuzem, and as an addition to meat chowder -kocho. For the preparation of kuze-matalkan it is boiled in water. The resulting porridge was eaten with butter. Talkan was stored in canvas bags. In the past, it was the main dish of hunters during fishing. Hunters added it to tea or diluted it with water.

Fig. 1. Map-diagram of the number of Kumandins by districts of Altai Krai

Meat products and their semi-finished products occupied an essential place in the food system of the Kumandins. The source for meat food was the meat of hunted wild animals and the meat of domestic animals, mainly cattle and horses. Meat is the basis of many Kumandin dishes. They cooked meat broths. Boiled meat was the basis for the tutpash dish. The meat was boiled in large cauldrons, then extracted into large wooden bowls and served to the table. And in the broth left in the boilers, they cooked tutpash noodles. This dish was cooked with horse meat, sometimes chopped dried fish was added or cooked in milk [5]. During the active interaction with the surrounding Russian population and thanks to the socio-economic transformations of the Soviet era, the economic activities of the Kumandin people in their traditional places of residence have changed significantly and have become closer to the complex of peasant agricultural and livestock farming.

The economic activity of modern Kumandins, both living in rural areas and in cities, has not yet become the object of special research. One of the new forms of economic organization of indigenous minorities is their communities, which have been formed and received a special status in accordance with the current legislation. The Kumandin communities are registered in the village of Solton, the village of Krasnogorskoye and in the city of Biysk [9].

On the basis of field materials, the following types of economic activities of communities were identified, the main contingent of which are Kumandins: both men and women. Communities, as a rule, specialize in the management of individual subsidiary farming, the collection of wild plants and fishing. Among the main types of their activities forage harvesting, livestock breeding, production of meat products, processing and canning of vegetables and fruits, as well as wholesale trade can be found. The community in Biysk specializes in construction, and the community in Krasnogorskoye specializes in providing tourist services. Thus, in the modern activity of Kumandin organizations, the role of traditional economic activities is extremely small, and a significant place is occupied by new, more profitable occupations.

In recent years, public's interest in the ethnic traditions of the Kumandins has increased. The ethno-cultural heritage of this people is increasingly being included in the tourism industry. Unique tourist routes connecting natural, historical and cultural recreational potential have been developed on the territory of the region. The longest tourist route "The Big Golden Ring of Altai" includes several tourist and recreational clusters localized in different parts of the region. One of these clusters, Krasnogorye, is located on the territory of Krasnogorsky district. Here, in the picturesque foothill area, which is the territory of the traditional residence of the Kumandins, the tourist project "Patrimony of the Kumandins" has been implemented [4]. In one of the points - the tourist and ethnographic complex "Weekend Park", located near the city of Biysk, - tourists can see the phenomena of the ethnic culture of the Kumandins [8].

The purpose of gastronomic tours is to enjoy the peculiarities of the cuisine of a particular country, a particular people. At the same time, this goal is not limited to trying some rare, exotic dish or trying countless dishes [6]. It is important to enjoy the local recipe, which for centuries has absorbed the traditions and customs of local residents, their culture of cooking.

The design of a gastronomic tour should include a variety of interactive elements containing a reflection on the processes of cooking and eating, everything that will reinforce the impression of the food process. Museums and ethnic centers that can provide an educational component of a gastronomic tour can play a significant role. This concept is already used in the organization of some excursions in Altai Krai. For example, in addition to festivals and holidays, you can also get acquainted with the culture of the Kumandin people during the excursion "Medovosyrnoe Krasnogorye", which includes a performance by the folklore group "Odychak", acquaintance with national traditions. Guests are offered traditional Kumandin drinks - herbal tea and birch juice. The preparation of tea has its own characteristics: the leaves of various plants are specially harvested in winter: raspberries, currants, ivan-tea, whitehead, oregano, etc. The collected leaves are packed tightly in a cauldron, then filled with water with honey diluted in it, and put in the oven. The well-steamed leaves are dried and then pounded. The resulting fine powder - welding, is stored in a canvas bag. During the crafts, the Kumandins always drank tea with the addition of talkan. Important conditions for the preservation of traditional culture and its revival, as the research of ethnographers shows, are the organizational and social activity of the representatives of the indigenous small ethnic group themselves.

Thus, the gastronomic culture, along with the cultural and historical heritage, can satisfy the cognitive interest of tourists, thereby being one of the elements for the development of cognitive tourism in the region. Each region is in search of unique products with which it would be possible to differentiate itself from others. By itself, the local cuisine is already the platform that contains the necessary resources that can be used as marketing tools to attract customers [8].

When developing a gastronomic tour, it is first necessary to identify its target audience. For lovers of outdoor activities and the hustle and bustle of the city, city gastronomic tours are suitable. Such clients can be offered visits to festivals, restaurants, city excursions of gastronomic orientation. As part of the city gastronomic tour, the client will enjoy culinary delights from famous chefs combined with first-class service.

For lovers of nature and silence, on the contrary, it is worth offering a rural kind of gastronomic tourism. As a rule, choosing a rural tour, a person wants to be closer to nature, eat simple but environmentally friendly food, in the process of cooking which he/she will certainly participate.

The weekend tour "Kumandinsky evening in the village of Krasnogorskoye" is designed for lovers of active rural gastronomic tourism. The tour is designed for a wide audience, there are no age restrictions. Krasnogorskoye village is located 240 km from Barnaul and is the administrative center of Krasnogorsky district. The south-west of the

region has been inhabited by the Kumandin people for hundreds of years, having their own legends of history and their own national cuisine.

Kumandins are called unusually poetically: people are swans, children of Altai, sons of mountains. According to one version, the people sailed to Altai on a raft during the Flood and stayed here to live. The history of the creation of the world in the Kumandin way is also interesting: it is believed that the earth and people appeared from an egg that a swan took from the bottom of the sea [5].

One of the main traditional holidays is the Kocha—kan fertility carnival, celebrated after the harvest. The man chosen from among the locals was dressed up in a mask and a hat made of birch bark. In company with other men of the village, Kocha-kan walked around the courtyards, singing songs and asking for treats. After that, the treats were eaten by the whole village at a common holiday, contests were held, they thanked the spirits for the fertile year, they cooked national noodles on horse meat broth — tutpach. Kumandin residents are now trying to revive the holiday in today's realities by organizing annual festivities. Unfortunately, this holiday takes place once a year, closer to autumn, so for the organization of the tour it is worth considering that the tour will not always be timed to the traditional holidays of the Kumandins.

The menu necessarily includes talkan. This is the main dish, it was added to tea or diluted with water. The second course can be meat and also cereal dishes. The source for meat food was the meat of hunted wild animals and the meat of domestic animals, mainly cattle. In cauldrons, in broth, noodles - tutpash were cooked. It was cooked with horse meat, sometimes chopped dried fish was added or cooked in milk. Also, during the trip, you can taste such dishes as Kazan tertegi, shurgem, kan, about the preparation of which you can learn on the tour.

Technological map of the route "Kumandinsky evening in the village of Krasnogorskoye". Total duration of the trip: 1 day. The purpose of the tour: to get acquainted with the Kumandin culture by tasting the local cuisine. Tour route: Barnaul - Biysk -Krasnogorskoye village - Barnaul. Meals: light snacks (snack in Srostki village), dinner in Krasnogorskoye village. Transportation: comfortable bus. Deviations in the route (in time) are allowed due to the situation on the roads.

Fig. 2. Map-scheme of the gastronomic tour "Kumandinsky evening in the village of



In Altai Krai, at the moment there is a limited number of offers of gastronomic tours, so the tour "Kumandinsky evening in the village of Krasnogorskoye" was developed and offered.

The target audience is high school students, students, young families, pensioners. The main purpose of the tour is to get acquainted with the culture and cuisine of the local small-numbered people.

Conclusions. Altai Krai is characterized by its own unique national-cultural and natural features, which have a unique character and can arouse interest among fans of tourist travel. Currently, gastronomic tourism is considered in two directions: firstly, gastronomic tourism has been given attention to as a separate type of world tourism; secondly, the development of gastronomic tourism in some regions of Russia is still carried out within the framework of the development of ethnic or cultural tourism.

At the moment, the most popular tours are characterized by the fact that short time is required on organizing the event, on visiting the places where one can taste various dishes and drinks, as well as various kinds of gastronomic products. Such tours, like any other gastronomic ones, include visits to such objects of gastronomic tourism as restaurants, museums dedicated to a particular product of food industry or agriculture, as well as enterprises, farms and other places of national and cultural significance.

Not only museums can attract tourists, but also restaurants focused on national cuisine supporting the entire service in the spirit of the national flavor of indigenous cuisine.

Ethnographic reserves have begun to develop - places where settlements of small indigenous peoples with all their corresponding customs and traditions are fully preserved, where tourists can get acquainted not only with the culture, language, and stories of the people, but also with their way of life, in particular, national cuisine. Cultural events are organized within the reserve, where visitors can plunge into the atmosphere of everyday and festive life of the indigenous people. Such reserves, as a rule, are included in all kinds of tours, including gastronomic ones.

Thus, Altai Krai has sufficient resources for the development of gastronomic tourism of various directions, events, urban, rural and combined.

In recent years, the city of Barnaul has been actively developing hotel and restaurant businesses. Here most restaurants are focused on the national cuisines of the peoples of the Altai Territory. The presence of special farms in the region creates prerequisites for the development of rural and event-based gastronomic tourism. In order to popularize national cuisine, the local government, together with business and non-profit organizations develop gastronomic tours in Altai Krai. The development of tourism in our region creates an alternative economy, which is based not only on the extraction of natural resources or the production of agricultural products, but also on the development of recreation and culture, which in general constitute tourism. The development of gastronomic tourism in Altai Krai is another plus to the economy, which, in addition to jobs, tours, income and cultural objects, creates a positive image of the region in Russia. The results of the analysis of the main trends in the development of the regional tourist market allow us to state that the development, design, and promotion of high-quality gastronomic tours in Altai Krai will contribute to the expansion of the customer base not only by attracting local residents, but also vacationers from various regions of Russia and visiting foreign citizens, forming their consumer interest in gastronomic recreation in rural settlements of Altai. It seems relevant that the development and launch of a gastronomic tour called "Kumandinsky evening in the village of Krasnogorskoye" will serve as a powerful catalyst for the involvement of tourists in the historical and educational direction and the development of internal and external tourism in Altai Krai.


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Information about the author:

Bitter Natalya - Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. E-mail: [email protected]

Prudnikova Natalya - Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), PhD in Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor. E-mail: [email protected]

Skubnevskaya Tatyana - Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. E-mail: [email protected]

Сведения об авторах:

Биттер Наталья Викторовна - Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия), кандидат педагогических наук, доцент. E-mail: [email protected]

Прудникова Наталья Геннадьевна - Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия), кандидат географических наук, доцент. E-mail: [email protected]

Скубневская Татьяна Валентиновна — Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия), кандидат педагогических наук, доцент. E-mail: [email protected]

For citation:

Bitter N.V., Prudnikova N.G., Skubnevskaya T.V. (2022), Gastronomic culture of the small peoples of Altai as a basis for the development of a tour and the development of educational tourism, Central Asian journal of the geographical researches, No 3-4, 2022, pp. 82-90.

Для цитирования:

Биттер Н.В., Прудникова Н.Г., Скубневская Т.В. Гастрономическая культура малочисленных народов Алтая как основа для разработки тура и развития познавательного туризма // Центральноазиатский журнал географических исследований. 2022. № 3-4. С. 82-90. (На англ. яз.).

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