Научная статья на тему 'Game-based pedagogics: formation of reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture'

Game-based pedagogics: formation of reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
game-based pedagogy / active teaching methods / game technologies / reflexive thinking culture / project thinking culture / game-playing teacher / teacher's game-technical culture.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Elena V. Bystritskaya, Sergey D. Neverkovich

The relevance of this article is determined by the need of project and reflexive thinking forming among students of the physical culture faculties in pedagogical universities. This article considers the problem of methodological grounds updating and substantive technological support of pedagogical education on the basis of modern society requirements. Approaches and methods. The systemic, personal-activity, axiological and anthropocentric methodological approaches are the basis. The study is inspired by the principles of culture, nature and humanities of modern higher education. The authors use comparative analysis of theoretical data and historiographic research of the game-based pedagogy development as a section of pedagogical science and the human sciences field as a whole. Testing and pedagogical modeling methods were used to determine the functions of game-based pedagogy in the reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture formation. Results. Results presented in the article cover several aspects of the considerated problem. The authors classified game technologies according to the profession entering stages and revealed the results of their implementation in the educational process of the university. The game-based pedagogics leading functions in the formation of the future teachers professional culture are identified. There is the game educational technologies classification presented. Their application in a pedagogical university will allow to form the game-based culture of the future teacher. The theoretical grounds of new type teacher training are considered. The teacher who is able to solve innovative professional problems and has the formed reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture. The peculiarities of game technologies application as active teaching methods in the educational process of the university are determined. Conclusion. The practice of developing and applying game technologies in the pedagogical personnel training shows their significance and effectiveness in mastering the basics of game-technical pedagogical professionalism in the training process, as well as in determining the optimal ways of its development in independent professional activity. The article will be useful to university teachers and students interested in expanding professional tools for pedagogical activities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Game-based pedagogics: formation of reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-140-147

Game-based pedagogics: formation of reflexive and project-oriented thinking


Elena V. Bystritskaya'*, Sergey D. Neverkovich2

1K. Minin State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-1613-1035, oldlady@mail.ru* 2Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism

Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-1292-2734, neverkovich@mail.ru

Abstract: The relevance of this article is determined by the need of project and reflexive thinking forming among students of the physical culture faculties in pedagogical universities. This article considers the problem of methodological grounds updating and substantive technological support of pedagogical education on the basis of modern society requirements. Approaches and methods. The systemic, personal-activity, axiological and anthropocentric methodological approaches are the basis. The study is inspired by the principles of culture, nature and humanities of modern higher education. The authors use comparative analysis of theoretical data and historiographic research of the game-based pedagogy development as a section of pedagogical science and the human sciences field as a whole. Testing and pedagogical modeling methods were used to determine the functions of game-based pedagogy in the reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture formation. Results. Results presented in the article cover several aspects of the considerated problem. The authors classified game technologies according to the profession entering stages and revealed the results of their implementation in the educational process of the university. The game-based pedagogics leading functions in the formation of the future teachers professional culture are identified. There is the game educational technologies classification presented. Their application in a pedagogical university will allow to form the game-based culture of the future teacher. The theoretical grounds of new type teacher training are considered. The teacher who is able to solve innovative professional problems and has the formed reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture. The peculiarities of game technologies application as active teaching methods in the educational process of the university are determined. Conclusion. The practice of developing and applying game technologies in the pedagogical personnel training shows their significance and effectiveness in mastering the basics of game-technical pedagogical professionalism in the training process, as well as in determining the optimal ways of its development in independent professional activity. The article will be useful to university teachers and students interested in expanding professional tools for pedagogical activities. Keywords: game-based pedagogy, active teaching methods, game technologies, reflexive thinking culture, project thinking culture, game-playing teacher, teacher's game-technical culture.

For citation: Elena V. Bystritskaya*, Sergey D. Neverkovich. Game-based pedagogics: formation of

reflexive and project-oriented thinking culture. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021;

16(1): 111-116. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-140-147.


Until the mid-twentieth century, the future teachers training at the university was kept within the classical system framework of traditional explanatory and illustrative training. The structure of this system was dominated by the information and task form of the educational process organization. Students formed an information culture, built a system of fundamental professional knowledge. This knowledge created the basis for a long-term

effective solution of their future professional tasks and ensured competitiveness in the labor market.

The new methodology creation of developing learning (V. V. Davydov, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, D. B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Galperin, N. F. Talyzina, etc.) allowed to reveal the potential thinking and imagination possibilities of students, to reorient the educational process in the university to the nearest development zone (according to V. S. Vygotsky) of future teachers. The new methodology

creation of developing learning (V. V. Davydov, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, D. B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Galperin, N. F. Talyzina, etc.) allowed to reveal the potential thinking and imagination possibilities of students, to reorient the educational process in the university to the nearest development zone (according to V. S. Vygotsky) of future teachers. During this period, the methodological foundations were developed, as well as the content and technological support for developing education. The content of active teaching methods was significantly enriched. This was facilitated by the subject-oriented form of organizing students ' education. This form opens up opportunities for their conscious cognitive activity.

Today, in the context of technical, social, cultural and educational processes and systems digitalization, a problem-situational strategy for planing the educational process is being actively formed. In universities, the problem-situational form of organizing the educational process in the mode of full-time, distance and mixed learning is actively used. The personality of a person who freely adapts to conditions comes to the fore. In this situation of educational development, the most popular are the case technology, the project method and game technologies. They contribute primarily to the reflexive self-actualization and self-determination of students both in relation to their future professional activities and in personal terms.

The purpose of the article is to determine the role and importance of game learning technologies in the process of students ' reflexive and project thinking culture formation.


The professional teacher thinking culture as a worldview category (M. S. Kagan, E. S. Markaryan, A. P. Nazaretyan) implies the ways of reflexive self-reproduction, situational variability and purposeful self-development. It includes:

- professional values, ideals, beliefs, respect and adequate attitude to the individual, the desire for creative self-development in professional activities (axiological basis);

- cognition and self-knowledge mechanisms, assessment and self-assessment, self-identification and self-development, perception,

analysis, synthesis of information interpretation and attribution to its bases (reflexive culture);

- the problem and the project situation perception methods, analysis and prediction methods of its development, methods of modeling and constructing multifactorial pedagogical systems (project culture);

- a set of norms, criteria and forms of social communication, socio-cultural integration (communicative culture) [6].

In the system of modern higher education information-knowledge, subject-target, and problem-situational organization forms of the educational process coexist. Each of them performs independent functions in relation to the formation of professional culture components. The decrease in the importance of the teacher's information-transmitting function lead to increasing the importance of the subject-target and problem-situational forms. They are associated with the use of active teaching methods (hereinafter ATM), in particular, game technologies. In the process of their application all these professional culture components of the future teacher are developing.

The subject-target form of educational games organizing allows the student to integrate into the system of future professional activity and to acquire a professionally significant personality. In relation to the reflexive thinking culture of future teachers, business games perform the following functions:

- identifying and structuring the system of professional and personal goals, meanings, and motives;

- orientation of thinking on the polypositional analysis of professional activity in accordance with the complex of generalized tasks in professional pedagogical activity;

- the development of critical thinking aimed at oneself, subject and situation of future professional activity, and the formation of a different attitude to pedagogical activity and to oneself in the course of this professional activity;

- developing adequate requirements based on the correlation of social requirements for a modern teacher and inclinations, needs, abilities, preferences.

In the context of the project thinking culture, which is naturally interrelated with the reflexive thinking culture, game technologies give students the opportunity to:

- to form readiness for acceptance and placement of fundamentally new information in the knowledge system;

- to develop motivation for inclusion in an objectively new activity, which implies the whole range of relationships: cooperation, mentoring, tutoring, competitiveness;

- to improve leadership skills and management skills;

- to link theory with practice within the framework of solving a professional tasks set of the project and to develop on this basis the foresight of the states dynamics for the studied and transformed pedagogical systems;

- methodologically competent use of interdisciplinary connections in solving complex problematic professional situations through creative activities based on the processes of imagination, fantasy and improvisation;

- to prepare variable development programs for the transformed project within the framework of the proposed standards with the use of available resources;

- to develop criteria for determining the social significance of the pedagogical projects results and products.

The game technologies features, which are implemented within the subject-target form of the educational process organization, are as follows:

- productive joint creative activity of the teacher and students on the formation of tasks that actualize various aspects of the studied process or phenomenon;

- promotion and testing of working hypotheses by students in educational activities and updating the ways to solve future professional problems;

- a high level of feedback that contributes to improving the effectiveness of pedagogical diagnostics of students ' abilities and forecasting of their development, as well as flexible response to their needs in relation to changes in their developing educational trajectory.

According to educational methodologists, "This given method can be learned, it can be mastered, assuming that students carry out reflexive thinking work to find intersubject means and ways to solve it"[4,5,ii,i2]. The main task of the university teacher becomes the inclusion of students in the process of finding optimal ways to solve complex professional problems on the basis of logically interrelated and correctly formulated tasks. The student acts not as a slave, but as a leading subject of independent activity. Taking on the conditions of the task, the student assumes responsibility for its successful solution, for the selection of a team and like-minded people. It contributes to the formation of an internal locus of control, without which a successful competitive professional activity is impossible.

Game technologies implemented in the problem-situational form of the organization have a number of features in comparison with the task-oriented ones. Educational games aimed at identifying, analyzing and solving educational problems of an actual nature in future professional teaching activities are often used together with other active methods of teaching, for example, with problem cases. These methods are complementary, but not a substitute for each other. We present a comparison of these methods in the structure of the thinking culture formation.

First, the problem case provides a clear picture of the specific situation of professional activity and prepares the student to work in such a framework situation. Game simulation of a situation has the potential for the student to have a free look from the outside not only at the situation itself, but also at himself in this situation. It allows the subject to rethink his ability to solve it in order to change reality and himself in this reality.

Secondly, the problem case and the game are means of intensifying the educational process. The problem creates an emotional tension in the situation of solving the task. It creates conditions for the development of professional and personal stress resistance in the future teacher. While the game allows to remove cognitive "clamps" on the basis of a positive emotional plan of communication and activity, to liberate the imagination.

Third, the problem case for the study of new objects includes the resource of the intelligence closest development zone and cognitive processes through the subject's cognition of " white spots "and" blind spots " in their knowledge system. The game also allows to activate voluntary and involuntary imagination. It allows to present the ideal result in its purest form, without being distracted by details, and regardless of the result of reflection on actual possibilities of solving the problem. This is important for solving not only educational, but also scientific problems.

Fourth, in the problem case, as in the game, there is a "forced activation of students 'thinking and behavior" [1]. However, in the game environment, when the participants are not dominated by the need to obtain a utilitarian result, fantastic research programs are developed. At the same time, we master a new methodology. It is later used in the field of knowledge engineering and the creation of innovative projects [7].

Fifthly, within the framework of solving the case, the interaction of subjects occurs as "position with position" and only sometimes as "person with person". The game technology allows the student to try on social and professional roles more widely, to feel and evaluate the situation on the basis of a polypositional approach. It leads to a qualitatively different level of studied object reflection and the formation of a conscious attitude to it and to themselves. It brings to mutual subject recognition in the entirety of their worldview, to the creation of fundamentally new conditions and methods of intersubjective communication [3,4,9].

Sixth, when solving problem cases, students form an algorithmized model of research, interpretation, evaluation and transformation of professional tasks based on abstract-logical and critical thinking. Game technologies allow to develop imaginative thinking and include sensory-emotional perception in the process of cognition. It helps to actualize creative abilities and worldview, individual styles of pedagogical communication and activities based on the imaginative perception of the world in accordance with the idea of the game process.

The technology of game activity means

that future teachers have the knowledge of game and game technology culture. The game culture allows them to know and realize their personal and professional uniqueness. This uniqueness is improved by collectively recognized rules of the game, as well as with the situation of existing or imagined socio-cultural reality. It does not imply obtaining a utilitarian result or product.

The principles of game culture that are formed in the educational game are:

- voluntary participation and acceptance of certain roles and functions;

- conventionality and subordination to common developed rules;

- following the logic of building and developing the game environment based on the values attributed to objects and phenomena;

- the manifestation of true interests, motives, feelings, and abilities in a game situation;

- enriching the verbal and nonverbal communication tools and content with a controlled transfer to the real communication plan;

- mastering a new sign system and rules for signifying the meanings of the object and transformation;

- the prohibition of transferring game relations to the plane of interpersonal conflict counteraction.

In this way, in the game culture, the following coordinate systems can be distinguished for measuring the personal and social result of the game: "real, semantic, semiotic and communicative" [1]. They represent the main characteristics of the game culture in accordance with age, individual characteristics, as well as with the stages of entering the profession. This type of culture reflects the qualitative characteristics and the level of reflexive culture of the future teacher.

The student's gaming culture is formed under the influence of game technologies implemented in the system of professional, higher and additional professional education. In such training, students form the basics of directing skills, reveal their creative abilities and orient their imaginative thinking and imagination in the field of professional activity. The game-technical culture of a teacher is "a part of his general professional

culture. It reflects the criteria, methods and results of using the game in pedagogical activities aimed at the development of students' mental activity"[7]. Its components: axiological, need-motivational, cognitive, praxeological, creative, event-based, reflexive. In the student's game-technical culture,

of thinking are fully manifested. The table shows the actual types of educational games. The use of these games in the educational process will allow students to form a gametechnical culture at different stages of educational development.

the qualities of the future teacher's project culture

Table - Types of game technologies in the structure of professional teacher training

Type Athors Aim Organization form Basic methodological approaches The profession entering stage

Didactic games Khoziainov G. I. Koshman M. G. Formation of new knowledge about the activity object and professionally significant personal qualities Information-task and task-target Acmeological Progmatic Career guidance, adaptation to the structure and essence of professional tasks

Context-based business games Verbitsky A. A. Borisova N. V. Formation of knowledge, professional skills and abilities Information-task and task-target Synergistic Personal-activity approach Individualization in quasiprofessional activities, adaptation to the conditions of the real pedagogical process

Organizational and educational games Neverkovich S. D. Actualization and development of the personal and professional potential of teaching staff task-target and problem-situational System-activity, axiological Individualization, integration into the problem field of professional activity

Organizational and pedagogical games Palchevsky B. V. ' Masyukova N. A. Formation and development of teacher's pedagogical culture task-target and problem-situational Axiological, cultural, anthropocentric Integration into the system of pedagogical cooperation

Organizational and activity games Shchedrovitsky G. P. Development of mental activity on the basis of multiprofessionalism problem-situational System, personal-activity approach Improving teaching skills

Let's consider the game technologies functions in the process of improving the reflexive thinking culture:

1. The function of the reflexive mirror [3,4], within which the position of the teacher - "I" as the subject of cognition and transformation is formed.

2. The function of self-expression in different professional activities based on communication and social dimension.

3. The function of a person's conscious attitude to time, to space, to himself and to society based on the congruence of goals, positions, dispositions and attitudes.

In relation to the project thinking culture, these game technologies perform the following functions:

1. The function of the reasonable choice of criteria for forecasting of the situation and the selection of methods and means for the projective sol problem solving.

2. The function of role behavior and professional communication and interaction forecasting in the pedagogical process, selection of means for self-regulation and pedagogical systems and processes development management.

3. Functions of self-expression in images and creative actions in order to find non-standard ways to solve professional problems.


The subject of game-based pedagogy is the process of future teachers professional training for the development and implementation of game

technologies, including development of a reflexive and project-based thinking. Game pedagogy allows them to actualize their individuality and to manage its development at a conscious level on the basis of the processes of self-identification, self-development and self-improvement of the individual, affecting

the deep structures of the individual.

Game technologies contribute to the formation of students 'professional positions. They allow to look at themselves from the outside and in a fundamentally different socio-cultural situation. This makes it possible to "strengthen their strength" (M. M. Melia) and build a unique system of emotional assessments, attitudes and judgments. The gametechnical culture allows the teacher to influence the selection of optimal methods for solving complex problems of professional activity [8,10,11].

The practice of developing and applying game technologies in the teaching staff training show their importance and effectiveness in mastering the basics of game-technical pedagogical professionalism and in determining the optimal

ways of its development in independent professional



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Submitted: 20.02.2021

Author's information:

Elena V. Bystritskaya - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, K. Minin State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyuskintsev str., House 17, e-mail: oldlady@ mail.ru

Sergey D. Neverkovich - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Academic of Russian Natural Academy, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, 105122, Russia, Moscow, Sirenevyj blv., House 4, e-mail: neverkovich@mail.ru

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