Yuldasheva X.
Assistant of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agro Technologies
Abstract. This article highlights the importance of fruit-vegetable cooperatives in the agricultural sector of the economy, issues of improving the management mechanisms of fruit-vegetable cooperatives. Also, the importance of conducting agrarian policy in deepening the reforms aimed at the cultivation of agricultural products and their processing has been shown. The problems of improving the organizational and economic mechanisms in the management of fruit and vegetable cooperatives are shown.
Keywords. Cooperation, agriculture, fruit and vegetable products, food products, agrarian policy, improvement, diversification.
Yuldasheva X.
Andijon qishloq xo jaligi va agrotexnologiyalar
instituti assistenti
Abstrakt. Ushbu maqolada meva-sabzavot kooperativlarining iqtisodiyotning agrar sektoridagi ahamiyati, meva-sabzavot kooperativlarini boshqarish mexanizmlarini takomillashtirish masalalari yoritilgan. Shuningdek, qishloq xojaligi mahsulotlarini yetishtirish va uni qayta ishlashga qaratilgan islohotlarni chuqurlashtirishda agrar siyosat yuritish muhimligi ko'rsatildi. Meva-sabzavotchilik kooperativlarini boshqarishda tashkiliy-iqtisodiy mexanizmlarni takomillashtirish muammolari ko 'rsatilgan.
Kalit so'zlar. Kooperatsiya, qishloq xojaligi, meva-sabzavot mahsulotlari, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari, agrar siyosat, takomillashtirish, diversifikatsiya qilish.
The development of fruit and vegetable growing, which is one of the leading branches of the agro-industrial complex, provides an opportunity to continuously meet the demand of the population for quality food products and industrial enterprises for raw materials. In addition, Uzbekistan is a country with a high potential for the production of fruit and vegetable products. The experience of developed countries in the further development of this sector shows that one of the directions of sustainable development of agriculture is the possibility of organizing modern forms of production in the sector, including the cooperative method of production. Therefore, the organization and development of fruit and vegetable
cooperatives is considered as an important strategic direction of increasing the volume of production of fruit and vegetable products, increasing the level of efficiency of the industry, and the rapid and stable development of the industry. A cooperative is an agricultural enterprise established on the basis of voluntary pooling of property shares in order to meet their material and other needs for joint production or other economic activity by producers of agricultural goods . The main goal of establishing a cooperative is to get a lot of income at a low cost, improve the financial situation of producers, enrich the material and technical base of producers with modern agricultural techniques and equipment, and update infrastructure facilities.
Special attention is paid to the formation of cooperative relations in our country. Currently, 38 cooperatives have been established in our country in the direction of cotton and grain production. The number of members of these cooperatives is 327, the area assigned to them is 23.7 thousand hectares. Today, 43 fruit and vegetable cooperatives have been established in 5 regions, and 1,400 agricultural subjects are founding members. 916 of them out of 1,400 subjects There are farms operating on 18,800 hectares. 18 processing enterprises, 15 exporting enterprises, 95 producers of products and 358 other types of agricultural entities became additional members. In 2021, it is planned to grow about 75.6 thousand tons of agricultural products by cooperatives .
Organization of fruit and vegetable cooperatives in our republic is recognized as a factor that takes the industry to a new stage of development. There is also a need to improve the management system in fruit and vegetable cooperatives emerging as a new form of production organization. Today, what should be the functions and tasks of the management system of fruit and vegetable cooperatives in order for them to function effectively and achieve high final results? How are the interests of cooperation participants aligned? What are the economic relations between the cooperative and the state and which mechanisms are implemented in priority? It is required to find an effective solution to a number of questions. This, in turn, requires scientific justification of the strategy for the development of agriculture, including fruit and vegetable growing. In addition, the growth of the country's population, the need to ensure and strengthen food security, and increase the export potential of the sector require the establishment and development of cooperative production of fruit and vegetable products. These strategic tasks indicate that it is appropriate to expand the scope of research on the formation of a cooperative system in fruit and vegetable production and finding solutions to its development. In our opinion, the organization of fruit and vegetable cooperatives and the improvement of their effective management are the tasks in the following directions
development of a program of measures that fully takes into account the interests of the participants of fruit and vegetable cooperatives, encourages them to develop in cooperation and serves to increase the added value in the cooperative system
improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms of management of
fruit and vegetable cooperatives
clearly defining the composition of the fruit and vegetable cooperative management company (main enterprise), its main tasks and functions
improvement of contractual relations between participants of fruit and
vegetable cooperatives
At the same time, the establishment of an effective management system in agriculture will help to completely eliminate existing shortcomings in the field, along with the development of cooperation. One of the main and most important stages of planning, which is considered one of the important functions in the management of fruit and vegetable cooperatives, is the selection of cooperative goals. It is important to note that cooperatives have broad objectives in multi-level systems. The main and general purpose of fruit and vegetable cooperatives is determined by its function. In his role, he describes in detail the situation of the fruit and vegetable cooperation and determines the ways to achieve his goals and strategies at each organizational stage. In accordance with the goals of cooperatives, their organizational structure is created, each fruit and vegetable cooperative builds its own structure based on its internal capabilities, and each department and structure in the structure contributes to the realization of the goal of the cooperative. In general, the development of a modern form of management structure is one of the main criteria of management today. In improving the management mechanism of fruit and vegetable cooperatives, special attention should be paid to organizational and economic aspects. Therefore, it is desirable to develop organizational and economic mechanisms of cooperatives in the following directions:
- to identify all the influencing factors and clearly define their sphere of influence; implementation of current and long-term planning of cooperative activities, establishment of the most optimal economic relations between all participants, and achieving preservation of their full economic and legal independence;
- to establish mutual settlements between units and organizations that are part of the cooperative and to take into account their rights and obligations, and take measures to support them from the state rice;
- to ensure the development of fruit and vegetable cooperatives, to establish mutually effective distribution relations, to take into account only the prospects of cooperation development in the distribution of income, and at the same time, to take into account the interests of economic entities within the cooperative; is to establish the contractual relations between the subjects of the fruit and vegetable cooperative and take into account the contribution of each party and the level of development. In addition, it shows that it is necessary to pay special attention to the organizational and economic aspects of the management of fruit and vegetable cooperatives. In addition, it will be necessary to establish mutual cooperation relations, assess the situation and take into account the development of the participants of each cooperative, in order to properly establish the management mechanism of fruit and vegetable cooperatives. In order to achieve this state, the following activities must be carried out: assessment of the state of development of the fruit and vegetable industry in the country and the region and organization taking into account the tradition of reaching its future state;
clearly defining the purpose of the cooperation organization and aligning the goals of all participants with this main goal;
developing a development model of each participant and the complex as a whole and setting criteria in it. It should be taken into account that the organizational and economic mechanisms of management of cooperative activity indicate the need to effectively encourage the development of cooperation between producers of these products in the production, storage, processing and sale of more fruits and vegetables. In addition, fruit and vegetable cooperatives established in Uzbekistan are economically single-branch, that is, more specialized in one of the directions of horticulture, viticulture, vegetable growing or greenhouse complexes, and multi-branch (several has a territory) is operating in specialties. The activities of fruit and vegetable cooperatives and the formation of their management mechanisms are carried out mainly in two main directions.
- the first direction - improvement of cooperations in which the production of fruit and vegetable products is organized within a single or interconnected group of enterprises that independently implement the process from production to sale of fruit and vegetable products and carry out their effective management;
- the second direction - agriculture, which provides crops and advances to agricultural producers for the organization of agricultural work, and buys products at prices agreed between exporters on the basis of guaranteed contracts, under conditions based on certain principles manufacturers, processors, processors. It will
consist of improvement of cooperation activities such as "seed-seedling cultivation-harvesting-storage-processing-transportation-delivery to the market" for the organization of production of fruit and vegetable products. The following characteristics can be distinguished as criteria of the organizational form of cooperatives:
• first, their structure, the presence of relationships and the strength of interactions (weak, medium, strong and very strong);
• secondly, the application and use of innovative technologies and the existence of close technological connections;
• thirdly, cooperatives are self-managing and basically self-organizing economic form. Self-management and self-organization in fruit and vegetable cooperatives are based on specific economic interests. The content of these interests is mainly determined by innovative technologies and their technological connections. In the development of cooperatives, chain activities aimed at solving these problems create convenience and benefits for cooperative subjects, as well as for the regional and national economy. In particular, it is important to study the experience of developed foreign countries and to study the legal and regulatory bases adopted for the development of the fruit and vegetable industry in our republic . This system taught our farmers and representatives of the agrarian sector to work in a new, modern way. The new complex of production, which combines the process from seeding to the finished product into a single technological system, opens a wide path to the rapid implementation of scientific achievements and new innovative technologies.
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https://grnjournals.us/index.php/AJSHR Copyright (c) 2021 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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