World's Vet. J. 3(3): 51-54, 2013
Veterinary Journal
© 2013, Scienceline Publication
Frequency of Hydatid Cyst among Sheep Slaughtered at Alkadarw
1Head Department of Food Hygiene and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Alzaim Alazhari University, Khartoum North, Sudan
2Vet at Alkadaro Slaughter House, Khartoum North, Sudan
This work has been conducted at Alkadarow abattoir and slaughter house to identify the frequency of cystic ecchinococcos (CE) among slaughtered animals, a total of five hundred of collected sheep were clinically examined and inspected for the evidence of presence of CE. Animals inspected were imported from three main districts; Kordufan, Butana, and White Nile. Macroscopic and microscopic were done. All inspected animals were sheep. CE was not detected in the study population this evident may be that the efforts of animal health authorities had eventually ended with such elimination of the parasite especially among animals for export. The comparison indicates that there is a significant decrease in the prevalence of CE down to zero per cent as found in this study. Key Words: Echinococcosis, hydatid, Tapeworm.
Echinococcosis (hydatid disease or echinococcal disease), is a parasitic disease caused by different species of the tapeworm of genus Echinococcus that affects wide range of mammals such as sheep, dogs, rodents, camels, horses, and even human. The parasite is found as a larval stage in herbivore and ruminant animals which represent the intermediate host, and the adult stage is usually found in the definitive hosts (dogs and other canines) (Berger et al., 2006). The seriousness of the health hazard represented by hydatidosis has been reviewed frequently; the appearance of the disease, within recent years, in countries previously free of it has produced an entirely new global situation (Kemp et al. 2001).
Studies at 1990's have shown that in central Europe E. multilocularis occurs and endemic in Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The prevalence rates of E. multilocularis in foxes are alarmingly high in some areas with average rates more than 40%. Infection rates in dogs and cats are much lower. The mean annual incidence rates of alveolar echinococcosis in humans are low varying between 0.02 and 1.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in several European countries and regions (Eckert, 1997).
Fourteen cases have been surgically treated in the Universities Hospitals of Cairo and Ain Shams in the period from 1995 to 2000 (Haridy et al., 2000). The highly infected site was the liver and the least was the spleen. On the other hand, a total of 2,871,510 sheep slaughtered in the governmental abattoirs over five years (1995-1999) showed an overall hydatidosis of 0.33%. The highly infected site was the lung followed by the liver. However, sheep play the important role in dissemination of the disease. This is due to the fact that their cysts are the highly fertile ones as compared to other animal intermediate hosts. So, the risk cycle in hydatidosis is sheep-dog-man (Haridy et al., 2000).
Ernest et al. (2009) study showed that, the overall prevalence of hydatidosis to be 47.9% and species prevalence of 48.7%, 34.7% and 63.8% in cattle, goats and sheep respectively in Tanzania
In a study conducted by Ibrahim (2010) reported that in Saudi Arabia in Al Baha region, during four seasons from June 2008 to May 2009 the prevalence of infection was 32.85%, 8.28%, 12.61% and 6.56% in camels, cattle, sheep and goats respectively. The prevalence of the parasite varied significantly in relation to site, season and host age classes and sex in most host species. Spring showed the highest prevalence in camels, cattle and sheep. The most commonly infected organs were liver and lungs which constituted 48.75% and 32.83% respectively, of the total infected organs. There was a significant difference among host species in fertile cysts (P<0.001) (Ibrahim 2010).
In study conducted in Iran in February 2011, of 4564 livestock studied 245 (5.4%) were infected by Echinococcus granulosus, among them, 2.7% were sheep, 8.6% were cattle, and 12.9% were water buffalos. The highest frequency of cysts was pulmonary type of hydatid cyst. About 38% of cysts were fertile and the other 62% were infertile. The fertility rates of hydatid cyst in sheep, was 37% for liver and 26% for lung; in water buffalo, it was 46% for liver and 44% for lung; and in cattle, it was 43% for liver and 39% for lung infection (Tappe et al., 2011).
Ekram Adam Eldoom Adam (PhD)1* and Alrasheed Amer (PhD)2
Corresponding author's email: [email protected]
Eldoom Adam E.A 2013. Frequency of Hydatid Cyst among Sheep Slaughtered at Alkadarw Slaughterhouse. World's Vet. J. 3(3): 51-54. http ://wvj. s cienc e - line. c om/
The general objective of this study is to identify the frequency of hydatid cyst among sheep slaughtered at Alkadarw slaughterhouse. Also this work aimed mainly to contribute in the assessment of animal as well as human health from the prospective of the quality assurance for the already performed health measures.
Information was collected on cystic echinococcosis in livestock (camels, cattle and sheep) and humans in the central region of Sudan by Elmahdi and co-workers. The livestock data were collected in abattoir-based surveys in the towns of Omdurman, Tamboul and Wad Madani, between 1998 and 2001, and covered a total of 8205 gv animals. The highest prevalence of infection was found in the camels (44.6% of 242 infected), followed by the sheep (6.9% of 5595) and cattle (3.0% of 2368) (Elmahdi et al., 2004)
The above mentioned worked was followed by a survey of cystic echinococcosis in livestock conducted from May 2001 to July 2003 in central, western and southern Sudan by Omer et al. (2010). They found that hydatid cysts were present in 59% (466/779) of camels, 6% (299/4893) of cattle, 11% (1180/10,422) of sheep and 2% (106/5565) of goats, with little variation among different geographical areas. Genotype was also performed in this study, and this was the first genetic characterization of human CE in Sudan. This study confirms the predominance of the 'camel strain' in Sudan and the infectivity of this strain for humans (Omer et al., 2010)
Study type and design
This is a cross-sectional abattoir based study, of a qualitative approach. In this study, sheep slaughtered at Alkadarw slaughterhouse from July 2011 to October 2011 were examined to identify the frequency of hydatid cyst.
Study area and population
This study was conducted at Alkadarw slaughterhouse, Khartoum North. This location is the biggest and the oldest slaughterhouse in the Sudan, where animals are prepared for exportation -life or processed. The facility is well equipped with suitable and appropriate technology for its function. Furthermore, the facility is occupied by well trained and experienced medical, technical, and managerial staff.
Animals are imported from different part of the country mainly North Kordofan, White Nile, and Butan plains. Study population were sheep slaughtered at the facility. 500 sheep autumn were the subject of this study. Selection of animals followed the selection criteria for slaughtering.
Study population
In this study, 500 sheep slaughtered at Alkadarw slaughterhouse were examined. Among them, 195 animal (39%) were originated from North Kordofan, 150 (30%) from White Nile and the Gazeera, and 155 (31%) were form Butana plain, distribution of animals is illustrated in figure (4-1).
Study variables
This study investigated the following variables:
- Presence of hydatid cyst by naked eye inspection
- Sterility of the cyst by microscopic examination of cyst fluid
- Anatomical location of the cyst
- Classification of animals according to their original source
- Comparison with previous studies
Data were collected through the followings:
- Macroscopic inspection and examination of slaughtered subject
- Microscopic examination of cyst fluid
■ North Kordofan
White Nile
■ Butana
Figure 1. Distribution of sheep according to the area of origin
To cite this paper: I
Eldoom Adam E.A 2013. Frequency of Hydatid Cyst among Sheep Slaughtered at Alkadarw Slaughterhouse. World's Vet. J. 3(3): 51-54. http ://wvj. s cienc e - line. c om/
- Information demographic and clinical information collected via study questionnaire Macroscopic examination
Slaughtered subjects were macroscopically examined by the investigator with the aid of an expert veterinarian. Hydatid cyst will be identified by its classical appearance:
- Fluid filled mass
- Variable in size
- Whitish creamy colour
- Fibrous thick shiny wall
Slaughtered animal will be thoroughly examined including liver, lung, brain, and elsewhere. Microscopic examination
Cyst, if present, will be prepared for microscopic examination. First it will be injected with 10% formal saline for fixation and killing of protoscolices if present. Then cyst fluid will be withdraw and then transferred to microscopic slide, then examined under the microscope for the presence of protoscolices evidence.
Statistical analysis
Collected data was tabulated in the master sheet, and then transferred to electronic form using the Statistical package for social sciences software (SPSS). Correlation and analysis and descriptive analysis were performed.
Frequency of EC among study population
Hydatid cyst was not detected among the study population. Unpublished reports form Alkadarw abattoir during mid 1980's recorded case of about 2% frequency.
Table 1 and Figure 2 compare between three different studies and the present study in the prevalence of CE in Sudan. The comparison indicates that there is a significant decrease in the prevalence of CE down to zero per cent as found in this study.
Table 1. Comparison between 3 different studies of prevalence of Echinococcus hydatid cyst in sheep in different years _and the present study_
Year 1986 2001 2003 2011
Percentage 12.9 % 6.9% 11% 0%
Reference (Ahmed 1985). (Elmahdi et. al., 2004) (Omer et. al., 2010) Present study
Figure 2. Comparison between 3 different studies of prevalence of Echinococcus hydatid cyst in sheep in different years
and the present study
The objective of the present study is to identify the frequency of CE among slaughtered animals at Elkadarwabattoir. The ultimate aim however, is to assess the efficacy of clinical monitoring as well as the field inspection. This result is differ from the findings of ((Haridy et. al., 2000, Eckert, 1997, Ernest et. al., 2009, Ibrahim, 2010, and Tappe et. al., 2011) who studied the prevalence of cyst of eccinococcus in Egypt, Europe, Tanzania, Suadia Arabia, and Iran respectively. On the other hand this study gave an indication about the grazing environment. As indicated previously, the prevalence of CE decreased to the minimum levels. This observation may be attributed to many different factors. Changing of grazing field environment is one of the important factors. They have been shifted from
To cite this paper: Eldoom Adam E.A 2013. Frequency of Hydatid Cyst among Sheep Slaughtered at Alkadarw Slaughterhouse. World's Vet. J. 3(3): 51-54. Journal homepage:http://wvi.science-line.com/
wild rural and open yards, to an environment free of wild living associates. Moreover, it is evident that the efforts of animal health authorities had eventually ended with such elimination of the parasite especially among animals for export.
The systems of inspection ensure that health animals will be properly selected. Hence, the chance of finding infected animal after slaughtering is tends to be rare. Similar study should be done in other facilities especially those dealing with cattle and camels and the results like it. At the end of this study I recommend that:
A) Health education for productions, transporters and all slaughters workers.
B) Motivation and dissemination of animals production and food hygiene.
Ahmed, M.B. (1985). Hydatidosis/Echinococcosis in the Sudan with Emphasis on the Epidemiology Experimental
Transmission and Histopathology. Faculty of Veterinary Department of Parasitology. Berger. S.A, Marr. J.S. (2006). Human Parasitic Diseases Sourcebook. Jones and Bartlett Publishers: Sudbury, Massachusetts.
Eckert. J. (1997). Epidemiology of Echinococcus multilocularis and E. granulosus in central Europe.Parassitologia. Dec; 39(4):37-44.
Elmahdi. I.E, Ali. Q.M, Magzoub. M.M, Ibrahim. A.M, Saad. M.B, Romig T. (2004). Cystic echinococcosis of livestock
and humans in central Sudan. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol, July: 98(5):473-479 Ernest. E, Nonga. HE, Kassuku. AA, Kazwala. RR. (2009). Hydatidosis of slaughtered animals in Ngorongoro district of
Arusha region, Tanzania. Trop Anim Health Prod. Oct:41(7)1179-1185. Haridy. FM, Ibrahim. BB, Morsy. TA. (2000). Sheep-dog-man. The risk zoonotic cycle in hydatidosis. J Egypt Soc Parasitol. Aug; 30(2):423-9)
Ibrahim. MM. (2010). Study of cystic echinococcosis in slaughtered animals in Al Baha region, Saudi Arabia: interaction
between some biotic and abiotic factors. Acta Trop. Jan;113(1):26-33 Kemp. C, Roberts. A. (2001). Infectious Diseases: Echinococcosis (Hydatid Disease). Journal of the American Academy
of Nurse Practitioners.: 346-347. Omer. RA, Dinkel. A, Romig. T, Mackenstedt. U, Elnahas. AA, Aradaib. IE, Ahmed. ME, Elmalik. KH, Adam. A.
(2010). A molecular survey of cystic echinococcosis in Sudan. Vet. Parasitol. May. 169 (3-4): 340-346. Tappe. K.H, Mousavi. J, Baraze. A. (2011). Prevalence and fertility of hydatid cyst in slaughtered livestock of Urmia city, Northwest IranJournal of Parasitology and Vector Biology.Feb:3(2):29-32.
To cite this paper: Eldoom Adam E.A 2013. Frequency of Hydatid Cyst among Sheep Slaughtered at Alkadarw Slaughterhouse. World's Vet. J. 3(3): 51-54. Journal homepage:http://wvi.science-line.com/