Научная статья на тему 'Фразеологическая синонимия как объект лингвистического изучения в английском языке'

Фразеологическая синонимия как объект лингвистического изучения в английском языке Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
фразеологическая синонимия / глагольный фразеологизм / концепт / английский язык / phraseological synonymy / verbal phraseological unit / concept / English language

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Т Ю. Залавина, Н В. Дёрина

В данной статье приводится аналитическое исследование фразеологической синонимии как одного из способов отражения окружающей действительности в языковой картине мира национальных языков. Выделяется и описывается способность фразеологических единиц к образованию синонимических рядов на примере глагольных фразеологизмов, объективирующих концепт «порицание» в английском языке. Авторами дается обобщенная характеристика основных критериев синонимичности рассматриваемых фразеологизмов: принадлежность к одному грамматическому разряду, наличие одинакового набора основных семантических компонентов. Выявлены следующие типы фразеологических синонимов, воплощающих концепт «порицание»: глагольные фразеологизмы, различающиеся по лексическому составу, но имеющими аналогичную синтаксическую структуру; глагольные фразеологизмы, обладающие аналогичной синтаксической структурой и общим компонентом.

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The article deals with an analytical study of phraseological synonymy as one of the ways to reflect the surrounding reality in the linguistic picture of the world of national languages. The ability of phraseological units to form synonymous series is highlighted and described using the example of verbal phraseological units objectifying the concept of “censure” in English. The authors give a generalized description of the main criteria for the synonymy of the phraseological units under consideration: belonging to one grammatical category, the presence of the same set of basic semantic components. The following types of phraseological synonyms embodying the concept of “censure” are revealed: verb phraseological units that differ in lexical composition, but have a similar syntactic structure; verbal phraseological units with a similar syntactic structure and common component.

Текст научной работы на тему «Фразеологическая синонимия как объект лингвистического изучения в английском языке»

ция) позволяют вывести общее заключение из анализа одного или нескольких наблюдаемых случаев и носят вероятностный характер. Степень убедительности используемого аргумента возрастает по мере увеличения корпуса примеров, подвергаемых анализу. Дедуктивные методы (теоретическая аргументация) позволяют вывести причинно-следственное обобщение на основании логически связанных, взаимно-непротиворечивых посылок. Тезис с необходи-

мостью следует из приводимых аргументов. Способы аргументации могут быть охарактеризованы как объективные, подтверждаемые фактами, и субъективные, презумптивные на основе спекулятивных рассуждений и ссылок на авторитетные заявления. Аргументация может носить разный характер: основываться на истинных или ложных посылках, вероятностных доводах или фактуальной информации.

Библиографический список

1. Stubbs M. Discourse analysis: the sociolinguistic analysis of natural language. Chicago: Chicago Press, 1983.

2. Карасик В.И. Языковой круг: личность, концепты, дискурс. Волгоград: «Перемена», 2002.

3. Котельникова Л.А., Рузавин Г.И. Системный подход к процессу убеждения и аргументации. Теория и практика аргументации. Москва, 2001.

4. Ивин А.А. Основы теории аргументации: учебник. Москва: Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 1997.

5. Гальперин И.Р Текст как объект лингвистического исследования. Москва: Наука, 1981.

6. George Lakoff and Mark Johnsоn. Metaphors we live by. London: The university of Chicago press, 2003.

7. Аристотель. Риторика. Античные риторики. Москва: Издательство Московского университета, 1978: 15 - 164.

8. Лейбниц ГВ. Сочинения: в 4-х томах. Серия: Философское наследие. Москва: Мысль, 1983; Т. 2.


1. Stubbs M. Discourse analysis: the sociolinguistic analysis of natural language. Chicago: Chicago Press, 1983.

2. Karasik V.I. Yazykovoj krug: lichnost', koncepty, diskurs. Volgograd: «Peremena», 2002.

3. Kotel'nikova L.A., Ruzavin G.I. Sistemnyj podhod k processu ubezhdeniya i argumentacii. Teoriya ipraktika argumentacii. Moskva, 2001.

4. Ivin A.A. Osnovy teorii argumentacii: uchebnik. Moskva: Gumanitarnyj izdatel'skij centr VLADOS, 1997.

5. Gal'perin I.R. Tekstkakob'ektlingvisticheskogo issledovaniya. Moskva: Nauka, 1981.

6. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Metaphors we live by. London: The university of Chicago press, 2003.

7. Aristotel'. Ritorika. Antichnye ritoriki. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1978: 15 - 164.

8. Lejbnic G.V. Sochineniya: v 4-h tomah. Seriya: Filosofskoe nasledie. Moskva: Mysl', 1983; T. 2.

Статья поступила в редакцию 25.02.20

УДК 811.133.1/ 81'371

Zalavina T.Yu., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Dyorina N.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

PHRASEOLOGICAL SYNONYMY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AS AN OBJECT OF LINGUISTIC STUDY. The article deals with an analytical study of phraseological synonymy as one of the ways to reflect the surrounding reality in the linguistic picture of the world of national languages. The ability of phraseological units to form synonymous series is highlighted and described using the example of verbal phraseological units objectifying the concept of "censure" in English. The authors give a generalized description of the main criteria for the synonymy of the phraseological units under consideration: belonging to one grammatical category, the presence of the same set of basic semantic components. The following types of phraseological synonyms embodying the concept of "censure" are revealed: verb phraseological units that differ in lexical composition, but have a similar syntactic structure; verbal phraseological units with a similar syntactic structure and common component.

Key words: phraseological synonymy, verbal phraseological unit, concept, English language.

Т.Ю. Залаеина, канд. филол. наук, доц., Магнитогорский государственный технический университет имени Г.И. Носова, г. Магнитогорск,

E-mail: [email protected]

Н.В. Дёрина, канд. филол. наук, доц., Магнитогорский государственный технический университет имени Г.И. Носова, г. Магнитогорск,

E-mail: [email protected]


В данной статье приводится аналитическое исследование фразеологической синонимии как одного из способов отражения окружающей действительности в языковой картине мира национальных языков. Выделяется и описывается способность фразеологических единиц к образованию синонимических рядов на примере глагольных фразеологизмов, объективирующих концепт «порицание» в английском языке. Авторами дается обобщенная характеристика основных критериев синонимичности рассматриваемых фразеологизмов: принадлежность к одному грамматическому разряду, наличие одинакового набора основных семантических компонентов. Выявлены следующие типы фразеологических синонимов, воплощающих концепт «порицание»: глагольные фразеологизмы, различающиеся по лексическому составу, но имеющими аналогичную синтаксическую структуру; глагольные фразеологизмы, обладающие аналогичной синтаксической структурой и общим компонентом.

Ключевые слова: фразеологическая синонимия, глагольный фразеологизм, концепт, английский язык.

The attention of phraseological scholars is attracted by the study of phraseological synonymy as an actual linguistic problem [1; 2; 3; 4]. Synonymy in national languages covers the basic units of a language that have, to one degree or another, semantic certainty or meaning. Synonymy is also inherent in phraseological units, which in functional terms are largely close to the word [5, p. 178].

In order to understand the essence of the term "synonymy" and its basic properties, we turn to the definition of synonymy given by the encyclopedic dictionary "Linguistics": the concept of synonymy reflects a certain "type of semantic relations of language units, which consists in the complete or partial coincidence of their meanings [6, p. 446].

Various points of view of scientists about phraseological synonymy are presented in the linguistic literature.

One of the full definitions of phraseological synonyms is given by the linguist A.V. Kunin, arguing that these are "reference phraseologisms belonging to the same grammatical class, partially matching or completely not matching the lexical composition, having common and differential semantic components, and differing or matching in stylistic relations" [7, p. 54].

According to the scientist T. N. Fedulenkova "synonymy in the phraseological system is possible due to the fact that phraseological units can be equivalent both to words and to other phraseological units" [8, p. 110].

V.P. Zhukov clarifies that "with the functioning of phraseological synonyms, structural, semantic and stylistic characteristics are closely intertwined. Consequently, the completeness of the analysis of synonymic phraseological units can be achieved by taking into account the features of the structure, semantics and functional and stylistic characteristics of this kind of phraseological units" [5, p. 77].

A.G. Nazaryan, comparing phraseological variants with phraseological synonyms, says that "the latter are built on different images and go to different sources, are united only by a common meaning and differ in semantic nuances, sometimes in expressive-stylistic properties." Unlike phraseological variants, phraseological synonyms cannot be interchanged in any context at a denotative level, because the difference in images precludes the adequate replacement of one synonymous phraseological unit with another [2, p. 231].

Linguists Shiganova G.A., Yuzdova L.P., Sviridova A.V., Chepurenko A.A., Mi-nenko N.M. note the special property of phraseological synonymy, "which qualitatively

distinguishes it from word synonymy: the members of the phraseological series are always former syntactic constructions - models of phrases, word combinations, sentences that have become nominative units, richer in content, more specific than lexemes" [3, p. 320].

According to the given points of view of scientists, phraseological synonyms are united by a common meaning and at the same time differ in semantic nuances and different images, belong to the same grammatical class, have an interweaving of structural, semantic, stylistic characteristics in the process of their functioning.

In modern studies of linguistic units of different levels, an integrated approach of relevant scientific areas is observed as cognitive, linguistic and linguocultural [9].

Let us illustrate this position with the example of verbal phraseological units manifesting the concept of "censure", on the material of one of the national languages -English [10, p. 21].

We share the point of view of E. Zibutsait that "despite the widespread prevalence of synonymy in the phraseology of national languages, this question is still one of the most unexplored, and yet its scientific and practical significance is undoubted" [1, p. 281].

The subject of our attention and analytical study is the ability of English verbal phraseological units, objectifying the concept of "censure", to form synonymous series. Among the concepts related to man, this concept occupies a special place, the analysis of which allows you to identify a certain stereotype of the censure reference through the use of phraseological units in speech by a representative of English culture.

Phraseological units of national languages, hierarchizing extra linguistic reality, form the cultural space of its speakers. By exploring them, you can join the culture of the country of the language being studied.

English phraseology, like any other, is distinguished by its variety, various sources of the origin of phraseological units, a close connection with the history and life of an ethnic group, embodying the spirit, way of thinking and value orientations of the bearers of this culture [11].

The structure of English verbal phraseological units objectifying the concept of "censure" contains semantic attributes such as the categorical seme "action" /"process", the general semantic attribute "negative evaluation of an object" and the integral seme "process of expressing negative evaluation".

The general integral seme conveys an action, a process, an act, a judgment, a state, which only verbal phraseological signs can express.

Phraseological synonyms of the concept of "censure" are divided into the following varieties:

1. Verbal phraseological units differing in lexical composition, possessing / not possessing a similar syntactic structure: to catch it in the neck. coll. 'Get caught, get on the neck; get a reprimand, a good catch or a healthy thrashing '[11, p. 752]; to get it hot (also get hell) call. 'Get a reprimand, a good catch or a healthy thrashing' [11, p. 433]; to catch it hot call. 'Get a strong catch-up; get a reprimand '[12]; to laugh out of court 'make fun of someone, make them retire' [12]; to laugh to scorn 'scornfully ridicule someone' [12]; to get it somebody hot (and strong; also give somebody hell) call. 'Warm up smb., Ask smb. heat, ask a bath, ask a pepper, scold what the light is, pour on the first number '[11, p.440]; to give a slap in the face (or eye) call. 'Give a crack, a slap in the face to someone; to insult, scold someone '[11, p. 978]; to give (read) somebody a lecture 'read a notation to someone, give a lecture to smb., reprimand smb., report back' [11, p. 631]; to give a sermon to read a sermon, a notation to someone, to reprimand someone '[13]; to teach someone a lesson 'read notation to someone, report to smb.' [14]; to comb somebody's hair (for him; also stroke somebody's hair) 'ask a scolding, a head wash, soaping the head' [11, p. 484]; to wash one's head 'Soaping the head / neck of someone, scolding, reprimanding someone)' [15]; to give smb a dressing down max. 'Soap the neck (to someone), scold, reprimand someone)' [16]; to give smb hell call. 'Pour on the first number, scold someone, reprimand someone' [16] and many others.

2. Verbal phraseological units having a common component (or components) and having a similar syntactic structure: to cast a stone at somebody 'throw a stone at smb., Attack, slander smb., Accuse smb.' [ 11, c. 1022]; to throw a stone at somebody 'throw a stone at smb., attack, slander smb., blame smb .''s [11, p. 1022]; to give somebody beans call. 'Warm up, inflate, pour in; punish smb.; give on nuts, set the heat '[11, p. 79]; to give somebody a lesson 'read notation to someone, report to smb. '[11, p. 636]; to get it hot (also get hell) call. 'Get a reprimand, a good catch or a healthy thrashing' [11, p. 433]; to catch it hot call. 'Get a strong catch-up; get a reprimand '[12]; to cut to bits (or to pieces) 'defeat, smash to the head; to criticize, smash to pieces ' [11, p. 260]; to cut to pieces '1) crush, smash to the head; criticize, smash to pieces '; 2) 'to wash bones (also pick / pull to pieces)' [11, p. 809];

Библиографический список

Systemic relations in the paradigm between verbal phraseological units that contain the concept of "censure" are expressed in their synonyms, where the similarity of meanings is the dominant property of the language units representing this concept. Since we are talking about phraseological synonyms, when identifying the criteria for synonymy, we proceed from the nature of the phraseological meaning, its specificity and structure. Therefore, the following are considered to be the main criteria for the synonymy of verbal phraseological units objectifying the concept of "censure": 1) verbal phraseological units correspond to the same grammatical rank, 2) verbal phraseological units have the same set of basic semantic components.

Verbal phraseological units representing the concept of "censure" form synonymous series. In any synonymic series, one can distinguish an invariant of a given series, which reflects its general semantic idea. The value of the invariant varies in the values of the members of the series, which are in synonymous relations with each other and with the invariant of the series.

Consider a synonymous series of verbal phraseological units with a supporting lexeme - to reprimand someone (to reprimand smb.):

to wash one's head 'Soaping the head / neck of someone, scolding, severely reprimanding someone)' [15]; to give smb a dressing down call. 'Lather the neck of someone, scold, reprimand someone' [16]; to read somebody a lesson call. 'Read a notation to someone, report back to smb., Reprimand smb.' [11, p. 868]; to read a sermon to somebody 'Read a sermon, a notation to someone, report to smb., Reprimand smb.' [11, p. 868]; to give somebody a rap on (or over) the knuckles call. 'Make smb. remark, reprimand, give a scolding, a flyie, scolding smb., soaping smb. head ' [11, p. 865]; to rap somebody's fingers call. 'Shake hands, punish smb.; reprimand, catch up, scold him hard, soap his head with smb. '[11, p. 865/; to rap somebody over the knuckles call. lit. 'Shake hands, punish smb.; reprimand, catch up, scold him hard, soap his head with smb.' [11, p. 865] and many other phraseological units.

In this synonymous series with the invariant seme of "negative assessment" verbal phraseological units related to the colloquial stratum are combined. In addition to similarities, the members of the synonymous series also have differential features, which are manifested in various types of opposition, which are joined by members of this series (privative, equipolents, gradual). The contrast of verbal phraseological units can be expressed through gradual opposition, the members of which are characterized by a different degree or gradation of the same attribute (in a particular case, a different degree of intensity of the censure process). The following verbal phraseological units are in relation to the degree of opposition, since in their meaning a different degree of censure is expressed. This is evidenced by intensifying words in the vocabulary definition of verbal phraseological units: to wash one's head call. 'Soaping the head / neck of someone, scolding, severely reprimanding someone)' [15]; to rap somebody's fingers lit. 'Shake hands, punish smb.; reprimand, catch up, scold him hard, soap his head with smb. '[11, p. 865]; to read a sermon to somebody 'Read a sermon, a notation to someone, report to smb., Reprimand smb.' [11, p. 868].

In a synonymous relationship are also a synonymous series of verbal phraseological units with a supporting lexeme - to criticize someone (to criticize smb.):

to throw the book at smb. call. lit. 'Throwing a book at someone, punishing or criticizing someone for many things' [17, p. 165]; to find fault with call. 'Criticize anyone' [18]; to take to pieces 'disassemble (mechanism)'; trans. 'Analyze; to criticize ' [11, p. 810]; to gild (sugar/sugar-coat) the pill call. 'sweeten the pill' (tracing-paper from the French dédorer la pilule disaggregate 'criticize someone' (lit. 'remove gilding from the pill') [11, p. 812]; to run the gauntlet lit. 'launch the glove', 1) military man. 'Go through the ranks (as punishment)'; 2) trans. 'Be sharply criticized, fiercely attacked, become the subject of smb. ridicule '[11, p. 429]; to cut to bits (or to pieces) 'defeat, smash to the head; to criticize, smash to pieces '[c. 260] and other phraseological units.

Thus, such a large number of verbal phraseological units-synonyms objectiv-izing the concept of "censure" are explained by their individual motivation. Despite the commonality of the semantic attribute, the interchange of verbal phraseological units is possible in relatively rare cases when there is no realization of the semantic connotations between them. Additional shades of verbal phraseological units prevent their replacement. The preferred choice of a verbal phraseological unit from a number of synonyms is due to the pragmatic effect, which creates each specific verbal phraseological unit its specific use.

The study proves that the synonymous series is a set of words - synonyms, united by a common lexical meaning and related to one part of speech. Each member of the series is combined with other close semantic links. These connections can be simpler and more complex, which depends on the categorical properties of the members of a given synonymic series. Words of one synonymous series can have stylistic unambiguity and ambiguity, which does not affect the fact of the series formation.

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1. Zibucajte 'E. Problema frazeologicheskogo sinonima. Lietuvos tsr aukstyly mokykly mokslo darbai, kalbotyra. 1962; IV: 281 - 302.

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12. Logan P. Smit. Frazeologiya anglijskogo yazyka. Available at: https://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/smit/text.pdf

13. Power Thesaurus. Available at: https://www.powerthesaurus.org/give_a_sermon/synonyms

14. Collins English Dictionary online. Available at: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/to-teach-someone-a-lesson

15. WordReference.com Language Forums. Available at: https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/to-wash-someones-head-to-carpet-reprimand.3052943/

16. MasterRussian.com. Available at: http://masterrussian.com/idioms/russian_idioms_6.htm

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18. Idiomy anglijskogo yazyka. Available at: http://www.english-thebest.ru/idioms.php

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Статья поступила в редакцию 20.02.20

УДК 372.890.8

Zvereva K.S., student, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Yelabuga, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Ivygina A.A., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Yelabuga, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]


article describes the methods and techniques for working with text in preparing graduates of grade 9 to write essays-discussions on a linguistic topic in the framework of the Basic State Exam in Russian. The attention of the authors is focused on the methodology of working with text and the implementation of a personality-oriented approach when teaching students to write essay 9.1. The purpose of the article is to analyze the reasons why students rarely choose a composition-reasoning on a linguistic topic during the exam, and offer methods of working with the text to attract students to this type of composition. In accordance with the designated goal, the article proposes a set of tasks to improve the skills necessary for writing an essay on a linguistic topic.

Key words: subject of Russian Language, OGE, essay-discussion on a linguistic topic, text-centrism, text, Federal state educational standard of basic general education.

К.С. Зверева, студентка, Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Елабуга, E-mail: [email protected]

А.А. Ивыгина, канд. филол. наук, доц., Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, г. Елабуга, E-mail: [email protected]


В настоящей статье описываются методы и приемы работы с текстом при подготовке выпускников 9 класса к написанию сочинения-рассуждения на лингвистическую тему в рамках Основного государственного экзамена по русскому языку. Внимание авторов сконцентрировано на методике работы с текстом и реализации личностно ориентированного подхода при обучении школьников написанию сочинения 9.1. Целью статьи является анализ причин, в связи с которыми учащиеся редко выбирают сочинение-рассуждение на лингвистическую тему во время сдачи ОГЭ и предложить приемы работы с текстом для привлечения их внимания к этому виду сочинения. В соответствии с обозначенной целью в статье предлагается комплекс заданий по получению знаний и совершенствованию умений и навыков, необходимых для написания сочинения на лингвистическую тему.

Ключевые слова: предмет «Русский язык», ОГЭ, сочинение-рассуждение на лингвистическую тему, текстоцентризм, текст, ФГОС ООО.

Внедрение Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования (далее - ФГОС ООО) принципиально меняет ориентиры современной школы. Основной государственный экзамен (далее - ОГЭ) по русскому языку позволяет проверить, в какой степени у выпускников средней школы сформированы коммуникативная, лингвистическая и языковая компетенции [1, с. 8]. Одна из приоритетных задач обучения современных школьников

русскому языку - развитие их речи, поэтому ОГЭ сегодня включает задания, направленные на проверку уровня устного и письменного владения речью выпускниками 9 классов.

На итоговом экзамене по русскому языку письменная часть является одной из форм контроля речевых умений и навыков за курс обучения русскому языку в средней школе. Сочинение представляет собой один из самых сложных этапов

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