Научная статья на тему 'Formation possibilities of ideological-confidence upbringing of school children on the sample of geniuses'

Formation possibilities of ideological-confidence upbringing of school children on the sample of geniuses Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Allahverdiyeva Lale Zahir Gizi

In the upbringing process sample of personality, samples of his ideas and heritage are very valuable factors. In the article applying of ideological upbringing on samples is analysed as a pedagogical problem. Usage of which samples in the formation of pupils ideological upbringing are noted. Great leader Haydar Aliyev personality is stated as a sample in the process of bringing up generations possessing national and worldwide values.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation possibilities of ideological-confidence upbringing of school children on the sample of geniuses»

лицеях мечтали о профессии инженера, врача, артиста, а к профессии педагога относились даже с некоторым пренебрежением. Но даже рано сложившаяся и устойчивая педагогическая направленность не всегда означает наличие в достаточной степени развитых педагогических способностей.

Таким образом, среди студентов высших учебных заведений встречаются люди, не имеющие либо педагогической направленности, либо практического опыта общественной работы, либо того и другого. Поэтому одной из важнейших задач высших учебных заведений является формиро-вание у всех студентов педагогической направленности и педагогических способностей. Ведь именно выпускники - бакалавры инженерно - педагогических вузов в будущей ведут профессиональную педагогическую деятельности в академических лицеях, профессиональных колледжах. В период обучения в вузе, студентам необходимо серьезно подготовиться к будущей самостоятельной деятельности. Это, в свою очередь влечет за собой аккуратное посещение лекций, тщательную подготовку к практическим и лабораторным занятиям, пробуждение интереса к дисциплинам педагогического цикла, которые оказывают большое влияние на формирование педагогической направленности. Согласно действующим учебным планам, государственному образовательному стандарту подготовка к педагогической деятельности студентов инженерно-педагогических вузов по направления профессиональное образование, на примере 5111000- Профессиональное образование (5330200-Информатика и информационные технологии) осуществляется целым рядом учебных предметов, каждый из которых нацелен на педагогическую подготовку будущего специалиста [4, с.3] .

Интенсивность выработки навыков и умений и формирования педагогических способностей зависит от организации педагогической практики. При создании методических указаний для руководителей практики и студентам по проведению педагогической практики, необходимо учитывать различные технологии по проведению лекционных, практических занятий, а также организации внеучебных воспитательных работ. Большое внимание необходимо уделять организации внеучебной воспитательной работе. Так как она обширна и студент некоторые стороны может упустить или не придать им должного значения, либо же отнести всю внеклассную воспитательную работу на конец педагогиче-

ской практики, сократив до минимума время на ее проведение.

Таким образом, формирование педагогических способностей осуществляется в сложном процессе отдачи и приобретения — применения ранее полученных знаний, умений и навыков на практике и извлечения из практики новых знаний, выработки новых умений и навыков. Формирование педагогических способностей совершается в ходе решения многообразных педагогических задач, которые ставит перед учителем практика и которые он сам ставит перед собой, исходя из нужд практики и особенностей объекта своей деятельности.

Список использованной литературы

1. Абдуллаева О.С. Повышение эффективности процесса подготовки к педагогической деятельности студентов вуза по направлению «Профессиональное образование» // Молодой учёный - Казань, 2013 - № 10(57) - С.491-493.

2. Государственный образовательный стандарт высшего образования. Требования к необходимому содержанию и уровню подготовленности бакалавра по направлению 5111000 - Профессиональное образование (5330200 - Информатика и информационные технологии).

3. Национальная программа по подготовке кадров. Утверждена Законом Республики Узбекистан от 29.08.1997 г. N 463-1. - Ташкент: «Адолат». 1997.

4. О.С. Абдуллаева. Современное состояние подготовки будущих учителей информатики к педагогической деятельности.- Журнал «Замонавий таълим». №10 Тошкент 2014 г.

5. О.С. Абдуллаева. Организация внеучебной воспитательной работы учащихся в профессиональных колледжей и академических лицеях.- Журнал «Молодой ученный». №19, Казань 2014 г.

6. О.С. Абдуллаева. Усовершенствование процесса подготовки студентов к педагогической деятельности.-Журнал «Халк таълими». №1, Тошкент 2015 г.

7. О.С.Абдуллаева. Формирования умений и навыков у учащихся средних специальных профессиональных образовательных учреждений.- Журнал «Дистанционное и виртуальное обучение». №8(98), Москва 2015 г.



Allahverdiyeva Lale Zahir gizi

doctor of philosophy on pedagogy, Nakhchivan Teachers Institute, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan


In the upbringing process sample of personality, samples of his ideas and heritage are very valuable factors. In the article applying of ideological upbringing on samples is analysed as a pedagogical problem. Usage of which samples in the formation of pupils ideological upbringing are noted. Great leader Haydar Aliyev personality is stated as a sample in the process of bringing up generations possessing national and world- wide values.

Keywords: personality, example, idea, education, class

"The history is engraved in the memory of generations only as Javanshir, Babak, Shamsaddin Eldaniz, Muhammed Jahan due to the deeds of great personalities. The Azerbaijani people Pahlavan, Gizil Arslan, Uzun Hasan, Shah Ismail Khatai, Nadir presented the world history numbers of powerful statesmen Shah, as well as the many great many speculators.

After the centuries, our nation generated another great personality in the XX century. Heydar Aliyev personality took a worthy place in the list of rare historical personalities as Ataturk, Washington, Nehru, de Gaulle.

Heydar Aliyev personality is an unstudied world yet. The policy of this unique world can be compared with the never-ending realm. Heydar Aliyev is an unprecedented fanatic of the Azerbaijani people and Azerbaijani lands, the liberator of statehood - the Republic of Azerbaijan, which got its independence in the 90s of the XX century" (3,76).

The example of the personality and its ideas and legacy is of the most valuable factors that affect the education process. The affect power of the personal example is that the pupils of primary schools are tending to repeat the actions of their parents, teachers, the people around them, well-known personalities on TV, their legacies and practices. In particular, the primary school pupils have a strong feature of imitation.

Educating the pupils on the basis of examples, their age and mental capabilities should be taken into account. As for the well-known pedagogue V.A.Sukhomlinsky, "if an important source of moral life of the juvenile pupil is the world of things - their essence, relations and dependence between reasons and results, the realm of ideas will be open in their youth ages" (5, 181).

As we know, the mentality of juvenile pupils is concrete and inclined. The children at this age try to imitate and repeat fully what they see around. Thoung, spontaneity dominates in their imitation, we should not forget that they are capable to remember more what they comprehend concretely. They strongly tend to be to remember more what they comprehend concretely. They strongly tend to be alike those who they like, regard and love. However, in the education process, we should consider characteristics specific for the children of this age, such as not mentioning faults of those people, misappropriate the actions strengthened with the concrete examples of the other peoples' life, not differentiating good from bad, the absence of criticism. If it is not so, naturally, the examples considered to be used will not give its benefits. Just is feature should be considered in the education process, example based education process of the primary school pupils should be put in order to make them understand and appropriate positive features of the people consciously as they earn proper life practice.

The fact of what examples to be used in training idea education through examples is a pedagogical problem of great importance. What examples should be used in the education process' Who can be an example in the education of young generation? What is the affect degree of these examples on the formation of supreme, saint ideals, and content directions? And etc. questions are difficult to be answered, to find pedagogical essence. These are of the main tasks put forward against the educational institutions.

Observation and analysis, the study and organization of related literature show, that the following examples can be used in the process of education of primary school


- The life and activity example of the of the nationwide leader, one of the genius personalities of the modern world, the great politics, protector and symbol of our spiritual values Heydar Aliyev;

- The examples of historical personalities presented by the Azerbaijani people;

- The examples of scientific, literary and art figures;

- The examples of brave heroes of the motherland, of the martyrs scarified their lives struggling with the Armenian aggression;

- The examples of positive literary and art heroes;

- The examples of teachers and educators;

- The examples of parents and relatives;

- The examples of coevals, friends, mates, close people and etc.

For the right formation of idea training school pupils, they should be educated in accordance with the interests of the Motherland, people and nation. In this regard, ethical qualities based on the national and universal values should be formed in each pupil of primary school; they should be educated in the spirit of defender of fair ideas system and appropriate social, moral and aesthetic ideals. And make them try their best for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the republic, as well as for the good fortune and liberty of the motherland and the people. Rising citizenship feelings and public activity of the children should be cared about in order to achieve conscious approach to the education issues in this direction. One of the chief missions is to educate them in the spirit of bellicosity against the approaches hindering and preventing our independence and progress in the life of the state, as well as against the negative trends and tendencies, harmful habits and traditions, and all other negative actions.

One of the key tasks of the appropriation of idea education is that proper conditions should be created for the training of each of the abovementioned through new methods and technological achievements in accordance with the cognition level of the pupils of primary schools, as well as taking into account personal specifications of each child in order to turn these ideas into the belief. The ideas of high content tendencies should be trained in the level of understanding and cognition of the children at such age. Because, there are such issues that should be considered sensitively both in physical and psychological development, in order not to lead to unpleasant situations.

The Azerbaijani people have faced with great difficulties in various periods and have passed a life full of hard, torturing and struggling life to protect national existence. Our people have been struggling in the sake of liberation of eternal lands of motherland from the aggression of the enemy, for the defense and strengthening of statehood, protection of territorial integrity for ages. This holy struggle chronicle was founded by the great suns and historical personalities of the Motherland. They have formed statehood traditions, achieved dynamic economical development, determined national- statehood policy, supported establishment and development of rare pearls of the culture and presented them to the world culture. There are plenty of historical personalities, who we are proud of for their actions and deeds. Nevertheless, the figures - the creators of historical processed are very few. They are infinitely vital personalities for the society, its development and progress. "During the philosophical and scientific thought history, the role of the historical figures in the social development, national progress and the civilization have always been highly appreciated; leading positions of the great personalities and nationwide leader in the cultural promotion of separate nations and peoples, as well as in the strengthening of the states are known as one of the key factors. Today, rapidly integrating into the world union, independent Azerbaijan, contemporary national history of its people, which possess rich cultural legacy and civil intellectual potential, is connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev (4, 8).

The life activity of the prominent political master, genius personality Heydar Aliyev is such peak that delivering its magnificence, grandeur to the present descendants, to the next generations, and introducing it properly are of most important tasks of the educators. With his spiritual-internal world, words and deeds, thoughts and ideas, humanism, faith and volitional qualities, his strong love to the people and motherland Heydar Aliyev earned eternal love, achieved a new content tendency and model of state and statehood policy in the world.

Heydar Aliyev is estimated as a personality founded the history in the world of policy. Every thought about Heydar Aliyev uttered by the heads of the most developed countries and prominent politicians of the world evokes the sense of pride in each Azerbaijani citizen. Former President of the Republic of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze names Heydar Aliyev as the first genius personalities of the XX century and writes, "The XX century is a century of leaders, Heydar Aliyev is the leader of our century".

The supremacy, holiness, fairness and sanctity of Heydar Aliyev's ideals were reflected in the ideals considered for the people, human and humanity. Intelligence, thoughts and actions of the genius figure were dedicated to the development and progress of the native people. The present development level of the republic, which is stepping in the independence route confidently, has been achieved due to the social reformations, social-constructive realizations carried out with his unique intelligence, ideas and deeds. Ideals, life meaning of the genius personality are expressed in these sentences: "Throughout my life, all my activity I have thought only about my people and humanity, I have lived for my people and humanity. Today, I'm still living with these thoughts" (1, 61).

Grandeur and magnificence of Heydar Aliyev personality are in that his thoughts, actions are not limited with today and they are addressed to the future. In this regard, the present and the future, belief and faith, honor and glory, hope and delight of our people - Heydar Aliyev is a human being of worldwide value, a state leader and a phenomenon. Living not only for himself, but for the people, being closely linked to the nation, feeling and carrying its grief and sorrow, and pain, laughing and enjoying together with them, illuminating the way to the success and achievements were Heydar Aliyev's wills, thoughts and beliefs. He was a symbol of the thinking as a great citizen; an example of personality devoted his personal happiness to the nationwide happiness.

As it is obvious, world famed politician, nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev's life, political activity, firm persistence in the sake of the statehood, his formation of national ideology, in a word, being the creator of independent Republic of Azerbaijan ensured him to live in the heart of the people eternally and to be the torch of our bright future. All of these let us educate the future citizens of the country in the spirit of Heydar Aliyev's ideas; form idea- political opinions of the youth on the example of his life and activity; direct them to the moral richness, perfection and personality. Educating minor pupils as a pure citizen, a perfect human loving his nation and motherland is closely related to their training in the example of the nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev's life and activity.

As we know, the mentality of juvenile pupils is concrete and inclined. The children at this age try to imitate and repeat fully what they see around. Though, spontaneity dominates in their imitation, we should not forget that they are capable to remember more what they comprehend concretely. They strongly tend to

be alike those who they like, regard and love. However, in the education process, we should consider characteristics specific for the children of this age, such as not mentioning faults of those people, misappropriate the actions strengthened with the concrete examples of the other peoples' life, not differentiating good from bad, the absence of criticism. If it is not so, naturally, the examples considered in the education process, example based education process of the primary school pupils should be put in order to make them understand and appropriate positive features of the people consciously as they earn proper life practice.

For the right formation of idea training of the primary school pupils, they should be educated in accordance with the interests of the Motherland, people and nation. In this regard, ethical qualities based on the national and universal values should be formed in each pupil of primary school; they should be educated in the spirit of defender of fair ideas system and appropriate social, moral and aesthetic ideals. And make them try their best for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the republic, as well as for the good fortune and liberty of the motherland and the people. Rising citizenship feelings and public activity of the children should be cared about in order to achieve conscious approach to the education issues in this direction. One of the chief missions is to educate them in the spirit of bellicosity against the approaches hindering and preventing our independence and progress in the life of the state, as well as against the negative trends and tendencies, harmful habits and traditions, and all other negative actions.

One of the key tasks of the appropriation of idea education is that proper conditions should be created for the training of each of the abovementioned through new methods and technological achievements in accordance with the cognition level of the pupils of primary schools, as well as taking into account personal specifications of each child in order to turn these ideas into the belief. The ideas of high content tendencies should be trained in the level of understanding and cognition of the children at such age. Because, there are such issues that should be considered sensitively both in physical and psychological development, in order not to lead to unpleasant situations.

Thus, gradual training of the growing generation at the secondary schools to the nationalism, statehood and to the sphere of public activity, attracting them to the active participation, mastering idea confidence in the example of life and activity of the nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev are of the most important requirements of the time. Coursing idea confidence of the pupil properly, directing them to the goals and demands of the people, we solve historical fate of the national ideology, national and moral values, in a word the fate of the Republic of Azerbaijan stepping in the independence route confidently in the given circumstances. The youth related to the holy ideals with all his spirit and life should be generated, the generations capable to live with the wills, which the nationwide leader was loyal all his lifelong, should be educated in order to ensure and guarantee the bright future of the motherland and the people.


1. Aphorisms (designers: Sh.Asgarov, S.Khalilov). Baku, 1977.

2. H.A.Aliyev, "Eternal independence", I-II volumes. Baku, Azernashr, 1997, p. 597.

3. Heydar Aliyev Peak (Articles and memories). NSU, "Geyrat" publication house, Nakhchivan, 2008, p.126

4. F.Sadigov, Pedagogy. Baku, Baku Business University 5. V.A.Sukhomlinsky, "Birth of the citizen". Baku, publication house, 2006, p.556. Maarif, 1975, p.364




Афтимичук Ольга Евгеньевна,

доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Государственный университет физического воспитания и спорта Республики Молдова, Кишинев



Aftimichuk Olga,

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, State University of Physical Education and Sports of the Republic of Moldova, Kishinev


Анализ изысканий проблемы профессиональной деятельности учителя показывает, что двигательная дидактическая деятельность является базовой. Данному вопросу посвящен широчайший круг исследований, но, наряду с этим, проблеме ритмического компонента в структуре исследуемой деятельности учителя (как системно-образующего любого вида человеческой деятельности), не уделено достаточного внимания. Особенно это актуально для преподавателя по физической культуре, деятельность которого предполагает широкий арсенал двигательных компетенций по видам спорта, входящих в учебные программы по физической культуре, где ритм является основополагающим фактором.

В работе обосновано внедрение курса методических разработок по формированию знаний и умений ритма двигательной дидактической деятельности в учебный план подготовки будущих учителей физической культуры.


Analysis of the research problems of professional activity of the teacher shows that motor didactic activity is leading. This issue is dedicated to the broadest range of research, but, along with it, the problem of rhythmic component in the study activity of the teacher (as a system-forming any kind of human activity), not given sufficient attention. Especially it is actual for teachers of physical culture, whose activities suggests a wide arsenal of motor competence on kinds of sport, included in the educational program at physical culture, where the rhythm is a fundamental factor.

In this paper was substantiated the introduction of the course methodical developments at formation knowledge and rhythm skills of motor didactic activity in syllabus for training future teachers of physical culture.

Ключевые слова: дидактическое общение; будущие учителя физической культуры; ритм.

Keywords: didactic communion; future teachers of physical culture; rhythm.

В структуре деятельности учителя физической культуры на уроке, как и в профессиональной деятельности спортивного тренера, выделяют гностический, проектировочный, конструктивный, организаторский, коммуникативный и двигательный компоненты. Последний компонент акцентирует наше внимание, поскольку именно он демонстрирует специфику деятельности специалиста физической культуры. И здесь имеет место говорить о двигательных компетенциях будущих учителей/тренеров, заключающихся в технике выполнения упражнений преподавателем по физической культуре или двигательных элементов соревновательных упражнений тренером. Правильный показ упражнений определяет эффективность учебно-воспитательного процесса. И поскольку демонстрация упражнений занимающимся требует большой физической силы, гибкости, быстроты реакции, специалисту по физической культуре необходимо в особой степени обладать психомоторными компетенциями.

На сегодняшний день категория психомоторики представлена почти во всех образовательных областях. Особое место она занимает в системе профессиональной подготовки физического воспитания и спорта. Все предъявленные классы психомоторики согласуются с деятельностью преподавателя/тренера. И с этих позиций все психомоторные компетенции можно продифференцировать в следующие группы:

1 - специально-двигательные способности [8, 10]: силовые способности, гибкость, быстрота, выносливость;

2 - специализированные восприятия [2, 5, 6, 8, 11]: чувства ритма, темпа, времени, равновесия, пространства, предмета/объекта, партнера, соперника;

3 - реакции [6, 7]: на движущийся предмет/объект, звук, свет;

4 - координационные способности [3, 8, 11, 12]: двигательная координация, слухо-двигательная, зрительно-двига-

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