Научная статья на тему 'Formation of the ceramic body structure with the use of steel industy slag'

Formation of the ceramic body structure with the use of steel industy slag Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of the ceramic body structure with the use of steel industy slag»

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-9.10-65-68

Matkarimov Zaynobiddin Turdalievich, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Department of «Technology of silicate materials and rare, noble metals», Assistant

E-mail: [email protected] Aripova Mastura Khikmatovna, Tashkent chemical-technological institute, department «Technology of silicate materials and rare, noble metals»,

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor E-mail: [email protected] Mkrtchyan Ripsime Vachaganovna Tashkent chemical-technological institute, Innovative center, Candidate of technical sciences E-mail: [email protected]

Formation of the ceramic body structure with the use of steel industy slag

Abstract: The composition of ceramic body was developed with the use of the metallurgical slag and steel industry waste. The dependence of water absorption and shrinkage on the ceramic body composition was investigated. The appearance of anorthite and mullite phases in the process of heat treatment was established by X-ray diffraction analysis.

Keywords: ceramics, metallurgical slag, water absorption, shrinkage, anorthite, mullite.

The use of production wastes is a relevant task of use of metallurgical wastes leads to the enhancement of

modern times. The goal of our research was to develop strength and durability of ceramic tiles. and study the structure of ceramic floor tiles with the use Considering positive effect of metallurgical slags

of metallurgical slag of steel industry in its composition. on ceramic tiles, the slag of steel-making production

Rich mineral raw material base of Uzbekistan allows solv- of APO «Uzmetkombinat» is implemented in the

ing the established task by different ways. composition of the developed ceramic floor tiles. To

At this stage of technological development, the prob- obtain ceramic body, usually used natural materials

lem of disposal of man-caused wastes is urgent. The use such as clay and kaolin, the chemical compositions of

ofwastes for building material production is a promising which are presented in Table 1, were chosen apart from

direction [1, 10-11; 2, 22; 3, 3-6]. It is noted [4] that the metallurgical slag.

Table 1. - Chemical compositions of raw material components

Name of raw material Bulk quantity of oxides,%

SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2° Fe2 O + FeO loi

Clay of the deposit of Maiskoe 50,48 12,37 0,58 10,79 3,23 2,33 0,52 4,88 14,82

Angren kaolin, secondary, grey 67,38 21,36 0,25 0,28 0,22 1,07 0,75 1,18 7,51

Metallurgical slag of steel making production 27,34 6,9 - 25,11 9,65 - - 27,05 3,95

Table 2. - Parameters of mold powder of experimental masses

Mold powder humidity,% Bulk weight of mold powder, g/cm3 Granulometric composition of powder,%

Over 2 mm 2-1 mm 1-0,5 mm 0,5-0,25 mm Less than 0,25 mm

6-7 1,0 0,5-0,6 22-25 20-22,9 15,0 -16,8 37,7-40,0

36 experimental masses were prepared in laboratory depending on the body composition was studied (Fig.

conditions. The de-watering of slip masses was 1, 2).

performed in laboratory conditions. Preparation of Obtained data allowed selecting optimal

ceramic body was done in ball mill to the residue of compositions of the bodies according to water

2-3% at the sieve № 006; the humidity of the slurry was 38-42%. The parameters of ceramic body powder are presented in Table 2.

To choose an optimal composition for ceramic tiles, the change of water absorption and shrinkage


absorption (3,3-3,9) and shrinkage of the ceramic body (7,34%): 30% of clay; 50-60% of kaolin and 1020% of slag. For these compositions, mean indicators of compressing strength were 141 Mpa and flexing strength — 85 MPa.


c d

Figure 1. Dependence of water absorption on the composition of ceramic body burnt at the following temperature: a - 900 0C; b - 1000 0C; c - 1100 0C; d - 1180 0C

The changes in the phase composition of ceramic terns recorded the appearance of new formations at

bodies in the process of heat treatment were studied. 1100 0C (Fig. 3). Considering that the main peak

X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on the Shi- of mullite is shadowed by quartz peak, the reflexes

madzu installation at Cu Ka radiation. The surveying 3,42 and 2,690 À are referred to the phase of mullite.

of X-ray patterns was done with the step of 0,02 grad, The reflexes 4,08, 3,20, 2,507 À certify about the for-

voltage of 30 kV, current of 30 mA. Diffraction pat- mation of anorthite.



c d

Figure 2. Dependence of shrinkage on the composition of ceramic body burnt at the following temperature: a - 900 0C; b - 1000 0C; c - 1 100 0C; d - 1180 0C



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Figure 3. Diffraction pattern of the ceramic body burnt at the temperature of 1100 0C

Fig. 4. Electronic-microscopic image of ceramic body heat-treated at 1100 0C

Heat-treated patterns were studied by the method of electronic microscopy (Fig. 4) at the scanning electronic microscope (SEM-EDX).

The implementation of metallurgic slag of steel-making production in the composition of ceramic body contributed to the intensification of mineral

formation and obtaining of homogenous compact structure.

Based on the obtained data, ceramic floor tile was developed and its approbation was performed at the Tashkent ceramic plant. According to all indicators, received items met the specified requirements.


1. Халматов М. М., Калинин В. П. Проблемы переработки техногенных отходов//Горный вестник Узбекистана, - 2003, - № 4. - С. 10-11.

2. Козубская Т. Г. Использование техногенных отходов в производстве строительных материалов // Строительные материалы. - М.: 2002, - № 2. - С. 22.

3. Залыгина О. С., Баранцева С. Е. Утилизация гальванического шлама в производстве стройматериалов //Стекло и керамика. - Москва, - 2002, № 4. - С. 3-6.

4. Патент RU 2345039. C04B 33/138. Керамическая масса для изготовления плитки для полов /Щепочкина Ю. А. Опуб. - 20.04.2014 Бюл. - № 11.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/AJT-16-9.10-68-71

Salimova Nigar Azizaga qizi, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, professor, faculty of "Chemical technology" E-mail: [email protected] Huseynova Matanet Arif qizi, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, associate professor, faculty of "Chemical technology "

Rational utilization of wastes of sulphuric acid propylene hydration

Abstract: The alkylation reaction of benzene by fraction 140-250 0C, separated from waste of production of isopropyl alcohol by sulphuric acid propylene hydration have been conducted. The waste is the cube resi-

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