Formation of safe behavior of schoolchildren in daily activities through
fire-applied sports
UDC 796.02
Postgraduate student R.S. Vorobyov1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Zhernakov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Ukolov1
1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of EMERCOM of Russia,
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 20.10.2023
Objective of the study was to substantiate and develop program content based on students' classes in fire-applied sports in physical education at school as a means of developing safe behavior in children and adolescents in everyday activities and adapt it in practice.
Methods and structure of the study. A theoretical analysis of the content of physical education programs implemented today in general education institutions, an analysis and synthesis of methodological literature on fire-applied sports were carried out, and its relevance in the physical education of schoolchildren was determined. Based on the collected analytical material, an experimental physical education program for children in grades 5-11 has been developed, the content of which includes means, methods and forms of practicing fire-fighting sports at school.
Results and conclusions. Conducting additional classes in a general education institution using fire-fighting sports, according to the developed program, helps students develop an adequate level of response to critical life situations, strengthens knowledge about safe behavior, develops skills in overcoming extreme situations, and increases interest in classes fire-applied sports, develop moral-volitional and moral-psychological qualities of the individual. The implementation of this program in secondary schools will allow children to instill knowledge and skills in the field of fire and rescue sports. Develop the necessary skills for safe behavior in everyday life in the face of various dangers.
Keywords: schoolchildren, theoretical analysis, fire-fighting sports at school.
Introduction. One of the main conditions for making effective decisions by the state and society in order to implement complex and diverse tasks related to protecting the population from dangers of various types is of great importance the formation of the personality of a person who is ready to anticipate and is able to avoid the dangers of everyday life, and, if necessary, act competently in conditions of a critical situation.
Currently, society places increased demands on the safety of the younger generation, especially school-age children. Of course, the family is primarily responsible for ensuring the safety of the child's life. However, children are in school for a long part of the time, so the role and responsibility of the education system for preparing students on issues related to life
safety, namely for developing safe behavior skills in schoolchildren, increases.
Currently, due to the aggravated geopolitical situation in the world, there is a noticeable increase in the number of emergency situations: terrorist attacks, wars, various man-made disasters, increased fire danger. Often children and adolescents become victims: they are injured, die due to their own negligence, inattention due to underestimation of the degree of risk and lack of a certain level of knowledge and skills to act in a dangerous situation.
The country's educational system is faced with the urgent task of preventing childhood injuries, developing in students the skills of safe behavior and readiness to overcome extreme situations, which meets the requirements of State educational standards. It is
teachers who must instill the skills of safe behavior in emergency situations.
Developing safe behavior skills in schoolchildren is a complex and lengthy process, which is based on an adequate attitude to reality and the potential capabilities of each student. It is necessary to begin the formation of these skills in physical education and life safety lessons.
Today, in general educational institutions, the disciplines "Fundamentals of Life Safety" and "Physical Culture" are not core disciplines and are not included in the list required for admission to higher education institutions. The low level of training of schoolchildren in the field of life safety indicates the need for a more effective organization of the process of teaching the basics of safe behavior; also, general physical training cannot fully ensure the readiness of schoolchildren to overcome various difficulties in extreme situations. Therefore, it is necessary to instill not only knowledge and skills, develop general physical qualities, but
also to form sustainable skills and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
Objective of the study was to substantiate and develop program content based on students' classes in fire-applied sports in physical education at school as a means of developing safe behavior in children and adolescents in everyday activities and adapt it in practice.
Methods and structure of the study. Students in grades 5-11 from schools in Zheleznogorsk took part in the study. The total sample of children was 380 people. At the initial stage of the pedagogical experiment, an analysis of the content of the educational process of schools was carried out with a view to the formation of safe behavior of students in everyday activities, what pedagogical means and forms are used in school practice for sustainable and safe behavior of children. The program content of children's physical education was also analyzed for the presence in it of applied programs for the formation
Table 1. Educational and thematic lesson plan for the experimental program using fire and rescue sports equipment
No. Program content Number Classes
of hours 5-6 7-9 10-11
1. Theoretical preparation 48 16 16 16
1.1 Safety precautions when conducting classes in fire-applied sports 6 2 2 2
1.2 Hygiene and human health. Procedure for providing first aid 9 3 3 3
1.3 History of fire protection and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. 3 1 1 1
1.4 Fire safety rules. Fire tactics. 9 3 3 3
1.5 Firefighting machinery and equipment 6 2 2 2
1.6 Classification of fires. Methods for stopping combustion 6 2 2 2
1.7 Types of emergency situations. Behavior in an emergency 12 3 3 3
2. General physical training (GPT): running, jumping, pull-ups, push-ups, relay races, outdoor games 54 14 20 20
3. Special (fire fighting) training: 58 22 18 18
3.1 Start, ready, run with stairs 7 3 2 2
3.2 Technique of running with a sleeve in a straight line and along the "boom" 7 3 2 2
3.3 Technique for overcoming the fence and "boom" 10 4 3 3
3.4 Wall climbing technique and overcoming obstacles of various heights 7 3 2 2
3.5 Attaching the barrel to the hose line 3 1 1 1
3.6 Attaching a Hose Line to a Branch 3 1 1 1
3.7 Extinguishing a baking sheet with burning liquid 6 2 2 2
3.8 Putting on firefighter clothes for a while 6 2 2 2
3.9 Sleeve picking technique 3 1 1 1
3.10 Quick sleeve rolling technique 6 2 2 2
4. Practical training (practice of all completed exercises) 18 6 6 6
4.1 Outdoor games with elements of fire-applied sports 9 3 3 3
4.1 Relay races with elements of fire-applied sports 9 3 3 3
5. Competitions in fire-applied sports 6 2 2 2
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I December I № 12 2023
of safe behavior of students in everyday activities. All this generally contributed to determining the need and scientific task aimed at introducing fire-applied sports into the physical education of schoolchildren as an effective means of developing safe behavior in schoolchildren in everyday activities.
Results of the study and discussion. To solve the scientific problem, an experimental program was developed with means of fire-applied sports, which is based on a set of various exercises from fire-applied sports to develop skills and habits of safe behavior in extreme situations in extracurricular activities.
At the beginning of our research, in order to identify schoolchildren's level of knowledge about the rules of safe behavior, ways to respond in situations of danger, as well as determine attitudes towards the need to develop safe behavior skills, we conducted an experimental study among students in grades 5-11 of a comprehensive school in Zheleznogorsk. The test questions were selected according to the general education program of the life safety course at the corresponding level of education. Each test consisted of 20 closed-ended questions with one or more answer options, into which we included several questions from a questionnaire test developed by Doctor of Psychology, Professor V.G. Maralov, and allowing us to determine the types of response in situations of danger.
The survey we conducted showed that among students of all classes, knowledge about the rules of safe behavior is at average and low levels, and the study also identified the following dominant types of response in situations of danger: adequate - 20%, anxious -37%, ignoring - 43%.
Thus, 80% of respondents have experience of incorrect, destructive behavior, which acts as a cause of dangerous situations; their experience recognizes their lack of safe behavior skills and expresses a desire to learn this, in particular, in the process of additional training in firefighting sports.
Then extracurricular activities were organized according to the developed experimental program.
The program includes not only theoretical and practical classes, but also mandatory competitions in fire-applied sports in both individual and team competitions.
Theoretical classes consisted of modeling educational and professional situations where it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge and skills of safe behavior using active (games, training) and interactive (master
classes, round table, interactive lessons using video materials) teaching methods and techniques.
Schoolchildren were immersed in various educational and professional situations and proposed solutions to problems, as a result of which they gained personal experience in overcoming certain dangerous situations. Next, an analysis of the actions they proposed was carried out, typical mistakes made in such situations were identified, a detailed analysis of each specific situation, and an analysis of typical mistakes.
After conducting classes according to the developed program, we organized a repeat survey, the results of which were distributed as follows: adequate - 68%, anxious - 20%, ignoring - 12%. Analysis of the study showed that 68% of the schoolchildren surveyed know the sequence of actions in solving problems within the framework of any dangerous situation, and spoke about the need and importance of special preparation for actions in dangerous situations.
Conclusions. Conducting optional classes in fire-applied sports was an effective means of developing schoolchildren's readiness to overcome extreme situations, increased their interest in issues of adequate behavior in extreme living conditions, and contributed to the development of the ability to ensure their own safety and the safety of others.
This program will allow you to acquire not only the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of life safety, but will also prepare schoolchildren to act in non-standard, emergency life situations, and will also allow them to develop the necessary volitional, moral and psychological qualities.
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