'Gabdrahmanova Shynar Tolegenovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY; 2Tasmukhanova Bibigul Timurovna — Undergraduate, SPECIALTY: PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY, WESTERN KAZAKHSTAN UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. UTEMISOV, URALSK, REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN
Abstract: the article discusses the principles and models of the formation of communicative competence through the volunteer activities of future teachers. The meanings of the concepts "competence", "competence", "education", "volunteers", "society", "humanism"are revealed. In the modern world, through the volunteer activities of future teachers, the features of pedagogical and psychological activities of the formation of communicative competence are developed. The article considers the components of socio-pedagogical activity that influence the formation of the competence to find solutions to the cognitive, socio-cultural, and information problems of future teachers. Today, in accordance with the requirements of a democratic society, the need to form the communicative competence of future teachers on the basis of youth volunteer activities has shown the complete absence of the task of developing the main competence of young people, methodological training designed for its implementation. The search for a solution to these contradictions is the reason for choosing this research work. Thus, the main goal of volunteer activity is the correct formation of the principles and foundations of communicative competence in future teachers in connection with the active social, economic and political life of our state.
Communicative competence develops social culture, intelligence of future teachers.
In this article, the formation of communicative competence through volunteer activity was considered
as one of the parts.
Keywords: volunteer activity, competence, communicative competence, education, principle, position.
'Габдрахманова Шынар Толегеновна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, кафедра педагогики и психологии; 2Тасмуханова Бибигуль Тимуровна — магистрант, специальность: педагогика и психология, Западный Казахстанский университет им. М. Утемисова, г. Уральск, Республика Казахстан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются принципы и модели формирования коммуникативной компетенции посредством волонтерской деятельности будущих педагогов. Раскрыты значения понятий «компетенция», «компетентность», «образование», «волонтеры», «социум», «гуманизм».
В современном мире посредством волонтерской деятельности будущих педагогов развиваются особенности педагогико-психологической деятельности формирования коммуникативной компетенции. Рассматриваются составные части социально-педагогической деятельности, влияющие на формирование компетенции поиска решения когнитивной, социально-культурной, информационной проблемы будущих педагогов. На сегодня в соответствии с требованиями демократического общества необходимость формирования коммуникативной компетенции будущих педагогов на основе волонтерской деятельности молодежи показала полное отсутствие задачи развития основной компетенции молодежи, методической подготовки, предназначенной для ее осуществления. Поиск разрешения указанных противоречий и есть причина выбора этой исследовательской работы. Таким образом, главная цель волонтерской деятельности - это правильное формирование у
будущих педагогов принципов и устоев коммуникативной компетенции в связи с активностью социальной, экономической и политической жизни нашего государства.
Коммуникативная компетентность развивает социальную культуру, интеллект будущих педагогов.
В данной статье рассматривалось формирование коммуникативной компетенции посредством волонтерской деятельности как одна из частей.
Ключевые слова: волонтерская деятельность, компетенция, коммуникативная компетенция, образоание, принцип, позиция.
UDC 37.043.2-055 DOI: 10.24411/2312-8089-2021-10708
The study of the features of the development of social activity of young people began with the clarification of the concept of "volunteer movement", identified its educational opportunities, analyzed the system of volunteer structures. A well-developed institution of volunteerism is a characteristic feature of a stable and experience-rich social system. The world community has accumulated considerable experience in volunteering, especially in working with children and young people, a regulatory framework has been created and state support for volunteering is being implemented. We will not dwell on the experience of the United States and European countries, where the traditions of volunteerism have deep historical roots. Note only the fact that even in these countries, researchers experience certain methodological difficulties related to the definition of the field of such concepts as "volunteerism", "volunteer activity", "volunteer organization", etc., and strict definitions of these concepts are still debatable [1, 2].
In the dictionary of foreign words, the term "volunteer" (from the English. volunteer - volunteer) is used to refer to people who do something of their own free will, and not under compulsion [3]. They can act either informally or within the framework of a non-profit organization
"Voluntary activity is a voluntary socially directed, socially useful activity carried out on a free will, carried out on a gratuitous basis in the interests of individuals and (or) legal entities", - defined in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2016 No. 42-VI ZRK "on voluntary activity". The year 2020 in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the year of active implementation of activities in the society. In this regard, special attention is paid to the formation of professional qualities inherent in volunteer activities in the training of young people, students studying in pedagogical universities.
Despite the popularity and scale of the development of volunteerism in developed countries, even there there is a shortage of volunteers who are ready to provide free, non-governmental humanitarian assistance. Therefore, in many countries of the world there are specialized centers of volunteerism. Their purpose is to help public organizations and people who want to work in them as volunteers to find each other. The centers, being also non-profit organizations, perform the following functions:
- collect information (the main source is non-profit organizations and various agencies) and identify the need of various organizations for volunteers with certain knowledge and skills;
- create databases so that you can easily find the necessary information for any organization or volunteer;
- produce various reference books and indexes, which can easily find the right person or organization;
- offer any organization or person who has applied for help various consultations on all issues of volunteerism, conduct an initial interview with the volunteer;
- act as sponsors for various events for non-profit organizations in the field of volunteerism development;
- provide intermediary services for various non-profit organizations, actively advertising their activities and attracting volunteers for them;
- act as coordinators of various events, the purpose of which is to express gratitude to the volunteers;
The activities of volunteer organizations are often associated with charity and charity, so one of the most common organizational forms in Kazakhstan is a charitable foundation. This type corresponds to organizations that collect funds and then distribute them to those in need or spend them on the implementation of various social programs.
Foreign researchers refer to the volunteer sphere as the "third sector", emphasizing its difference from the other two main groups of official institutions - the commercial sector and the state. The same
opinion is shared by domestic researchers [4], who consider the volunteer movement in the context of social work
What type of social movement a volunteer movement belongs to can be determined by its purpose. The strategic goal of Kazakhstan's voluntary organizations, according to their joint project " Volunteers create the Future!", is to unite and mobilize voluntary efforts of citizens for social changes in society, joint solutions to common problems, deepening democratic reforms and the development of civil society [5]. Therefore, we can refer to the volunteer movement as a social movement aimed at supporting social changes in society.
The analysis of the volunteer movement allowed us to identify the following significant provisions that characterize its social nature and organizational essence:
- the volunteer movement can be considered only in the context of a social movement, and, as part of the general, it is a joint action of volunteers who unite to show social initiative, solve important problems for society, improve themselves, society itself and the surrounding life ;
- the volunteer movement is characterized by the voluntary inclusion of people in socially useful activities, which have a variety of content and forms ;
- at the heart of the volunteer movement is the social initiative of people, their own desire to participate in public life.
Given all of the above, we understand the volunteer movement as a voluntary form of association for the mobilization of social initiatives, the achievement of socially significant goals, joint solutions to common problems, contributing to the personal growth of its participants and the development of social activity of young people..
After clarifying the concept of "volunteer movement", we were faced with the task of determining the factors of the development of social activity of young people in the volunteer movement.
The Dictionary of foreign words defines a factor as "the cause, the driving force of a process, a phenomenon that determines its character or its individual features" [6].
We considered the factor as the driving force of social activity of young people and proceeded from the fact that participation in the volunteer movement is such a factor:
- voluntary involvement of volunteers in various types of socially valuable activities ;
- recognition of the equality of personal and social needs:
- the right to choose the means to achieve the goal when solving problems together ;
- recognition of the equality of personal and social needs;
- awareness of the volunteers ' own social security while being ready to protect the interests of others;
- combining self-government with the consistent development of democratic principles in governance;
- informality, non-standard content of the activity;
- different age groups of participants;
- purposeful use of training and education as a means to achieve socially significant goals and personal growth of volunteers.
Based on the educational opportunities of the volunteer movement, the essence of social activity, we concluded that the volunteer movement will become a factor in the development of social activity of young people, if within the framework of youth public associations, targeted training of volunteers is carried out, focused on their personal growth. The determining mechanism in solving this problem is the choice of a theoretical and methodological strategy that characterizes the direction of scientific research and its result.
Currently, the search for ways to effectively prepare for various types of activities is conducted from the positions of systematic, personal - activity, cultural, synergetic, technological and other approaches. Each of them indicates which aspect of the object being studied is taken into account in the course of the study. Since each approach is productive only in the knowledge of the aspect allocated to the study, when studying a particular phenomenon, "an objective picture can only be given by a comprehensive study using a set of approaches" [7]. In this regard, as a theoretical and methodological basis for the construction and justification of the module for the development of social activity of volunteers in the volunteer movement, we have chosen systematic and personal-activity approaches. Before presenting the implementation of these approaches in the framework of our study, we will focus on the general provisions of each of them.
The systematic approach in the philosophical literature (V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, L. von Bertalanfi, V. N. Sadovsky, E.G. Yudin, etc.) is understood as the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems, when objects are studied mainly from the point of view of internal and external system properties and connections that determine the integrity of the object, its internal organization and functioning. The key concept of this approach is the system. It is interpreted by various researchers as:
- "an orderly set of interrelated elements, identified on the basis of certain characteristics, united by a common goal of functioning and unity of management, and acting in interaction with the environment as a holistic unity" [8];
- "such a complex of selectively involved components, in which the interaction and relationship acquire the character of mutual interaction of components to obtain a focused useful result" [9];
- "a set of objects whose interaction causes the appearance of new integrative qualities that are not peculiar to the individual components forming the system" [10];
- "a set of interacting elements designed to achieve a specific goal, representing a holistic entity that interacts with the environment" [11];
- "purposeful integrity of interconnected elements having new integrative properties that are absent from each of them, connected with the external environment" [12].
S.I. Arkhangelsky, V.P. Bespalko, Yu.A.Konarzhevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin, and others have addressed the study of the specifics of pedagogical systems at various times
The definition of the pedagogical system, which is given by N. V. Kuzmina, is considered a classic one: "We define the pedagogical system as a functioning structure of interrelated components that are subordinate to the goals of upbringing, education and training of the younger generations and adults". Based on this definition, it can be concluded that the application of a systematic approach in pedagogical research requires, first of all, the study of the component composition of the pedagogical system, its elements, structure, system-forming factors and connections. Therefore, we will first consider the system features of the process of becoming volunteers, based on which, in the future, a module for the development of social activity of young people in the volunteer movement will be built.
First of all, we note that this process refers to pedagogical processes, since it is a purposeful, content-rich and organizational interaction of the participants of the volunteer movement, aimed at the conscious and solid assimilation of their knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of the ability to apply them in practice. As a pedagogical process, it can also be identified as a pedagogical system, according to the research of V.A. Slastenin. The formation of volunteers as a pedagogical system includes diverse structural and functional components and is characterized by the presence of various types of connections: interaction, generation, transformation, structure, management. The influence of one component on another and the system as a whole is accompanied by its transition from one state to another and its acquisition of system qualities.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Volunteer Activity clearly defines the tasks of volunteers, the forms and types of volunteer activity, as well as how this activity will be organized. Volunteer activity is the provision of assistance to individuals, businesses, social groups, environmental protection, the formation of a civic position, self-organization, social responsibility, mutual assistance and charity in society.
In our opinion, analyzing the above definitions, our study says that volunteering is a conscious, voluntary activity that is not paid for the benefit of others. Anyone who has consciously and selflessly worked for the benefit of others is called a volunteer. In addition, volunteering has the following advantages:
- formation of the personality as a person;
- learn experience and new skills:
- it gives you the opportunity to try yourself in various fields of activity.
Consequently, the need to develop the pedagogical and functional competencies of future specialists becomes obvious. Consequently, the peculiarity of socio-pedagogical activity is the presence of humanistic, motivational-value, cognitive, adverbial and activity-reflexive parts. Thus, the combination of the humanistic foundations of social and pedagogical work with the moral values of society contributes to ensuring a balanced process of social integration in the system "personalitysociety-state". Social and pedagogical work is based on the principles of continuity, consistency, functional, professional orientation, and collective interaction. Socio-legal and pedagogical activities
Summing up, we should try to make the most of the opportunity given to us, that is, to contribute to the development of our country, to organize the year of the volunteer, to give young people such moral values as helping others.
I believe that every member of society should provide comprehensive support, not forgetting that quality education, conscious education occupy a special place in society.
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