Research BIB / Index Copernicus
Usmonova Roziya Maxamadjanovna,
Senior teacher, UZSWLU
This article describes the methods of forming oral speech using modern methods in teaching foreign languages. Attention is paid to improving the effectiveness of training sessions using various audio and video materials, with the help of computer technology. The possibilities of the technology of individualized learning, which contributes to increasing the level of foreign language proficiency, are discussed.
Keywords: media, social problems, controversy, dialogues.competence, concept, verbal, socio-historical, mastering, efficiency, computer technologies, audio materials, video materials, creativity, speech skills.
В данной статье описываются методы формирования устной речи с использованием современных методов обучения иностранным языкам. Уделяется внимание повышению эффективности учебных занятий с использованием различных аудио- и видеоматериалов, с помощью компьютерных технологий. Рассматриваются возможности технологии индивидуализированного обучения, способствующей повышению уровня владения иностранным языком.
Ключевые слова: СМИ, социальные проблемы, полемика, диалоги, компетентность, понятие, вербальный, социально-исторический, освоение, эффективность, компьютерные технологии, аудиоматериалы, видеоматериалы, креативность, речевые умения.
The development of communicative competence in a foreign language can be based on a solid foundation created during the development of listening and speaking skills, which is mainly focused on the first year of teaching a foreign language in our universities. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-5117 dated May 19, 2021 "On measures to raise the activities to stimulate the learning of foreign languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan to a qualitatively new level", it is appropriate to consider the teaching of foreign languages as a priority area of educational policy. Therefore, coordinating the implementation of internationally recognized programs and textbooks for teaching foreign languages at all stages of education, as well as developing modern
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pedagogical skills among teachers, organizing the teaching of foreign languages that meet the demand based on the results of an analysis of the needs of regions, sectors and educational institutions with specialists who know foreign languages is a priority task in this regard.
One of the most worldwide spoken languages today is English. Learning English opens the door to the world library of knowledge, as many scientific and literary publications are written in English. Oral speech is widely used in the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages, which allows students to get involved in verbal communication. With the purposeful use of communication, there is an active process of developing those practical skills that may be needed in the future to improve professional abilities. The correct use of oral speech in the process of teaching a foreign language arouses great interest and desire among students to study it.
Oral speech is widely used in modern methodology of teaching foreign languages, which allows students to engage in oral communication. In communication, students' communicative abilities are formed and developed, including the ability to establish contact with strangers, to seek their behavior and mutual understanding, to achieve their goals. With the purposeful use of communication, there is an active process of developing practical skills that may be necessary to improve professional skills in the future. Today, one of the main tasks of oral speech is to teach message design. If the time spent on formulating a statement does not exceed the time spent on its pronunciation, this largely determines the quality of speech skills. Oral speech serves as a means of communication for educational purposes, with the help of which information is received during listening, transmitted during speaking, and exchanged during a conversation, oral speech is associated with the method of using it in teaching a foreign language. Proper use of speech in the process of teaching a foreign language arouses great interest and desire in students to learn it. Oral speech, in turn, has the following important functions:
motivational, provides an opportunity for direct communication, which is considered the goal of language learning, mastering oral speech helps to overcome problems associated with self-doubt in language learning);
developing, contributes to the mastery of the structure of this language in oral speech and the improvement of other aspects of speech activity, that is, students are given the opportunity to hear and see in what situations, how introductory words or grammatical structures are used.
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Formation of the intercultural communication, readiness to real foreign language communication, is the main aim of teaching foreign languages at the present stage. Intercultural communication is the major in foreign language education system and is aimed at the formation of the "subject of intercultural communication". The formation of educational communications of high school learners, an important place among which is given to the intercultural communication, is considered to be an actual issue of the modern Uzbekistan pedagogical theory and practice.
Speech activity is realized due to the complex psychophysiological mechanism of speech activity. Many researchers pay attention to the connection between the psychological content of activity and the psychophysiological mechanisms of activity.
Video materials are a versatile tool for foreign language teaching and they can be used in several different ways when teaching the different aspects of foreign language. This part discusses using films in five different areas of language teaching. Speech activity is realized due to the complex psychophysiological mechanism of speech activity. Many researchers pay attention to the connection between the psychological content of activity and the psychophysiological mechanisms of activity.
These areas are teaching oral communication, teaching writing, teaching vocabulary, teaching grammar and teaching culture. Since the areas differ rather radically from each other, In addition, different teaching methods must be used. Thus, this section discusses each area separately and summarizes how films can be taken advantage of when teaching for instance vocabulary or grammar.
Students observe a new phenomenon in oral speech, listen in order to understand the meaning of the material being introduced. The attention of students is directed to the content of the statement, in which new information is presented. Their task is to understand, comprehend, realize the input material.
Learning materials, especially books, e-textbooks, audio and video materials, are tools that help in the learning process. If a student completes language assignments through audio and video materials, he will learn to pronounce words and sentences correctly. It should be noted that some students tend to learn a foreign language from films, but the dialogues in the films contain slang and dialects. Therefore, language learners who use this method should be careful. Students often do not take language learning seriously. Problems such as following grammar rules and language barriers prevent students from taking language seriously. In fact, the idea that constructed sentences do not have to be grammatically correct for communication to be understandable may be partly true and partly false. Because during a conversation, if a sentence is constructed by constantly changing grammatical rules, this is
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detrimental to fluency. Students do not follow the rules learned in class and cannot always follow them. Moreover, in universities without philology, students treat foreign languages as a secondary subject. Unfortunately, in most cases, students learn the language during internships. After classes, they do not try to learn new words by practicing pronunciation and writing essays. Using films in EFL teaching may seem to be irrelevant, and some teachers may think that using films is too time-consuming. Moreover, films are quite often used as a light stimulation in the beginning of a lesson or in the end of it. In addition, teachers do not necessarily consider the film as a proper teaching resource, since it may be seen only as entertaining and not as educational. However, 1) mentions that some teachers have at first commented on technical difficulties associated with using films and film equipment, but on the other hand have agreed that films enhance the study of culture as well as English language skill development. Using video materials has brought authenticity, variety, reality and flexibility into EFL classrooms. Films actually get pupils to talk and they can be a stimulus to genuine communication in the classroom by bringing out different opinions within the group. Films are considered an insightful means of teaching, since they reflect peoples way of life in terms of variety, contemporaneity and authenticity. The realistic verbal communication In addition, helps the pupils to pick up the language more spontaneously.
Another useful tool is YouTube, which functions as both a source for intercultural learning, when learners watch videos and comment on them, and as a venue for the dissemination of cultural knowledge produced by learners who make videos. The videos can be watched directly on YouTube or imbedded on other webpages. By resorting to simple film making software such as Windows Movie Maker and user-friendly sound-processing software such as Audacity, learners can create videos that express the values of their own culture or of other cultures, which they can then upload on YouTube, or embed on other sides. It is always a good idea to tag videos so as to facilitate the search for them. The labelling of videos can be done as a learner collaborative activity, which increases their group consciousness of the issues that they find the most relevant content-wise, and allows them to learn how to structure and organize their learning process.
Thus, in order to develop foreign language teaching, radically improve the quality of education, as well as attract qualified teachers to the field and increase students' interest in learning foreign languages, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the professional skills of the teacher, who must know a foreign language, but also to acquire practical skills in modern computer technologies, as well as to be creative in solving problem situations that may arise in the educational process, and
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
Research BIB / Index Copernicus
to effectively use oral speech as a means of teaching a foreign language. It is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of the following factors:
- the teacher knows the language being taught well and adapts his oral speech to the specific conditions of the listeners, without violating the authenticity of the speech;
- be creative when using standard educational technologies;
- master a foreign language by reading original literature, listening to audio materials and watching original video materials in foreign languages. In addition, the teacher should know the individual capabilities of each student in choosing methodological techniques, as well as the use of real situations. To improve the quality of education, it is necessary to pay attention to additional visual aids that facilitate the assimilation of educational materials, as well as to ensure a sufficiently high level of employment.
This study demonstrates how a procedure rooted in oral communication called Everyday Life Performance might serve as a useful tool for other fields of instruction such as foreign language teaching. Everyday Life Performance, or ELP, is a method for performing naturally occurring conversation in which on-stage actors recreate scenes from everyday life. The results of this project reveal that by rehearsing Everyday Life Performance in a foreign language students are shown to reduce errors in the categories of pronunciation, grammar, and fluency.
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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
Research BIB / Index Copernicus
7. Salimova, N. (2023). THE ROLE OF MULTIPLE CHOICE AND SHORT-ANSWER QUESTION FORMATS IN ASSESSING READING SKILLS. International scientific journal of Biruni, 2(2), 73-79.