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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Davydova Lydmila

The paper deals with the esthetic perception of children, living in the Extreme Northeast of Russia in severe weather conditions, which influence on formation of children's world picture.

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2. Kazaeva EA Parenting civics in preschool children. Diss. for the degree of Ph.D. [Electronic resource]: -Mode of access:http://www.dissercat.com/content/vospitanie-osnov-grazhdanstvennosti-u-detei-starshego-doshkolnogo-vozrasta.

3. Paramonov, LA Formation of civil - patriotic position in preschool children [Text] / LA Paramonov // Handbook senior preschool teachers. - 2007. - № 2. - C 4 - 7.

4. GEF preschool education. [Electronic resource]: - Mode of access: http://www.rg.ru/2013/11/25/doshk-standart-dok.html


Abstract. The paper deals with the esthetic perception of children, living in the Extreme Northeast of Russia in severe weather conditions, which influence on formation of children's world picture. Keywords: world around, children, Extreme Northeast of Russia, children, esthetic perception.


PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Department, Northeast State University [email protected]

The modern pedagogical theory and practice face the need of solution of a wide range of tasks, one of which is connected with formation of children's emotional and esthetic attitude towards surrounding reality. First of all, it is focused on esthetic mastering of the world. Here mastering means a special kind of perception, sensual relation, deep experience and emotional assessment of the perceived.

One of the central questions under discussion is the question of esthetic perception specifics. This problem excites philosophers, philologists, art critics, psychologists and teachers.

Ideas of P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, N.N. Volkov, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.S. Kuzin, S.L. Rubenstein, V.S. Mukhina, B.M. Teplov and other Russian psychologists are the basis for understanding the specifics of esthetic perception as the process of reflection of various subjects and phenomena of surrounding reality, in all variety of their properties and signs.

The problem of formation of preschool children esthetic perception of world around is one of the most difficult and low-studied in domestic pedagogy. Thus, it has exclusively great theoretical and practical value. Successful development of the theory and practice of art evolution of preschool children and definition of modern forms and methods of their esthetic education is impossible without the comprehensive investigation of the problem.

The real research is based on the state that art creativity of a child is an active form of reality reflection (in our case - the phenomena of the Extreme Northeast of Russia) and a mean of his cognitive and creative activity formation.

E.A. Flerina, N. P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova and their followers established that evolution of art creativity really happens under the influence of two factors: surrounding reality and works of art.

Relevance of the problem is connected with specific and discomfortable conditions of Extreme North and adaptation of young generation, constantly living in these conditions.

Extremeness of a northeast zone of the country is defined by extraordinary long and severe winter (since the end of September till the middle of May), very low temperatures, snowstorms, and rainy, insufficiently warm summer with frosts (temperature in June and August can sometimes be -110 C); sharp violations of usual light frequency, light starvation during polar night and light excess during long summer day; differences of atmospheric pressure and humidity of air; strong and frequent winds; emptiness and monotony of landscape; poverty of flora, fauna and some other factors [1].

The results of numerous researches show growth of psycho and emotional pressure at people after 5-10 years of living in the Extreme North of Russia. The negative frustration, leading to depression uneasiness, efficiency decrease, connected more with "grey" environment during more than nine months in a yea, aggravate the status even more [2, 3]. Instability of people's health excites both physiologists and physicians, and psychologists and teachers (A.P. Avtsyn, V. V.



Arshavsky, F.B. Berezin, Zh.Zh. Rapoport, V.P. Serkin, L.L. Solovenchuk, E.E. Schubert, M. M. Etlis, etc.).

T.S. Komarova affirms, that inclusion of various art and creative activities in children's life could resolve many problems, for example, to remove nervous stress, cause joyful, high spirits and distract from "sad" reality [4].The works of many domestic and foreign experts testified the therapeutic function of art activities.

Strategic and initial problem of regional educational policy at this conjuncture is the creation of special conditions for formation of a healthy identity of a child, including his moral and esthetic development with special level of perception and emotional attitude to the world around and active participation in esthetic activity.

In our opinion, and it was confirmed by L.S. Davydova, L.A. Trufanova and other scientists, it is advisable to form the experience of children's sensory perception of native nature, which is brightly presented in art, literature, painting and crafts of indigenous people of Far North [5, 6].

First, it is necessary to reveal the features of esthetic perception of surrounding reality by senior preschool children, living in discomfortable conditions, to develop and approve the contents of its subsequent reflection in creative activity.

The main criteria of some indicators of child's esthetic development are the following: emotional responsiveness on natural phenomena (including works of art, made by the authors of the Northeast); ability to express the attitude towards them in the speech and own creative activity.

We conditionally divided all children, participating in the experiment, into three groups.

The first group are the children, who showed insignificant interest to nature and works of art, at fluent examination they called only color or form of an object, and they used the word "beautiful" to any object; in arts, they did not "see" even obvious esthetic qualities. The surrounding reality (motives of the North) in drawings of children also did not take place. 46,7% of children are in the group.

The second group are the children, capable to estimate esthetic qualities of objects, give them some figurative characteristic; in the course of organized perception they fluently peered at the image of nature or art, almost did not notice the separate lines, doing it attractive; in graphic activity they generally copied the tutor's sample. 41,3% of children are in the group.

The third group are the children, beginning the analysis with an assessment it "I like it" or "it is very beautiful"; they had independent outputs, interesting associative comparisons, and sometimes well-aimed notes, in judgments they showed own relation to natural phenomena of the Extreme Northeast of Russia and to author's plans of professionals (artists, writers). Such emotional manifestations can be characterized as the origin of feeling beauty of nature and native land, works of arts and crafts of indigenous people of Far North. In graphic activity, children sought for creation of artistic images of some objects of world around, selected means of expression possessed the highest level of esthetic development. 12,0% of children are in the group. [5].

Thus, specifics of formation of esthetic perception of world around was revealed. It contains in the following.

- the children, living in the north of the Far East, get tired quickly, show quiet indifference to the world around, have the low level of representations, emotions, esthetic experiences from perception of subjects and phenomena of the immediate environment;

- the esthetic perception of reality by senior preschool age children is complicated by the short period of bright paints in the nature, works of art of Extreme the North-East authors for preschool children were not defined, and in work with children they were used irregularly.

The long-term work with children of preschool age, directed on increase of level of their esthetic development, gave the certain results. It appeared that 5-7 year-old children can form esthetic perception of the native land under the following conditions:

- ensuring a certain level of understanding with children of interrelation of observed objects with their images in works of professional artists, writers of the Northeast of Russia;

- special attention to bright paints in wildlife, works of painting, literature, art of the people of Far North;

- the accounting of difficulty for perception and understanding of some art features in subjects of arts and crafts of indigenous people of the Extreme Northeast (color, form, plasticity, composite creation of ornaments, etc.);

- stage-by-stage organized training of children in art creativity on subjects of surrounding reality.

ISSUE 4, 2014

The developed content of special classes for children's acquaintance with the native nature, works of painting, and literature of authors, famous in the Northeast of Russia, products of decorative art of indigenous people of Far North is interesting for children and it was included in the Regional program of education "Severyachok", training and development of preschool age children [7].

The problem of esthetic perception of the world around by north children, despite the certain work with them, still exists. Due to the introduction of Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation, providing integration of certain educational areas and choice of programs and forms of work with children by teachers, which mostly correspond to their requirements, interests and opportunities, ideas of sociocultural values of people, of the small Homeland and the Fatherland.


1. Ecology of the Northeast of Asia: questions of education and education / Under the editorship of N. G. Volobuyeva, etc. - Magadan, 1996

2. Avtsyn A.P., A.A. Larks, Marachev of A.G. Patalogiya of the person in the north. - M, 1985

3. Rapoport Zh.Zh. Adaptation of the child in the north. L., "Medicine", 1979. Page 12

4. Komarova T.S. Children in the world of creativity. - M, 1995. - Page 6

5. Davydova L.S. Formation of esthetic perception at children of 5-7 years in the course of the image of world around (the Extreme Northeast of Russia)/: Avtoref. yew. Kand. Ped. sciences. Magadan. 1997. Page 18

6. Trufanova L.A. Formation of the moral and esthetic attitude towards surrounding reality at children of 5-7 years (the Extreme Northeast of Russia)/: Avtoref. yew. Kand. ped. sciences. - M, 2005. Page 14

7. Severyachok: regional program of education, training and development of children of preschool age: studies. - a method. A set / bus - sost. L.A. Trufanova, L.S. Davydov, G. V. Goncharuk. - prod. 2nd prod., isp. and additional - Magadan: Prod. SVGU, 2008.


Abstract. The paper deals with the features of organization of students' independent work, didactic functions and educational and methodical support of chairs for students' independent work and lecturer's duties for the organization of work.

Keywords: independent work of students, higher educational institution, student, teacher, educational process.


PhD in Engineering Sciences, Professor, chair of Technology Equipment of the Stock-raising and Overworking Enterprises, Stavropol State Agricultural University, Stavropol VITALY GRINCHENKO

PhD in Engineering Sciences, senior lecturer, chair of Use of Electric Energy in Agriculture, Stavropol State Agricultural University, Stavropol grinchen_ko@mail. ru ELENA KAPUSTINA

PhD in Economics, associate professor, chair of Statistics and Econometrics, Stavropol State

Agricultural University, Stavropol

[email protected]

Nowadays there is the reform of the system of higher education in the Russian Federation. One of the goals of the reform is improvement of quality of students' independent work, which is the important component of educational process. Its main tasks are expansion of knowledge, gained by students during the lessons, development of individual competences, increase of student's activity and independence.

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