FORMATION METHODICAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PARADIGM (Формування методично!1 компетентносл майбутшх y4m^iB математики в контекст сучасноУ освггньоУ парадигми)
V. Tatochenko,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor,
Kherson State University, Kherson, UKRAINE,
e-mail: [email protected]
Стаття присвячена актуальним проблемам формування методичног компетентности майбутшх вчител1в математики як доповнення освтшх тновацтних напрям1в реал^зацИ' су-часних цыей освгти.
Kn^^oei слова: формування, методична компетентность, освгтнг тновацтт напрями, су-част цШ oceimii.
Problem statement. The current stage of development of education in Ukraine is characterized by the fact that existing social and educational guidance in Higher Education lead to the formation of new, more stringent requirements for advanced professional competence factors to improve their training. In terms of reforming the education space on Ukraine is drawing attention to the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education", "National Doctrine for Development of Education in Ukraine in XXI century. "Declaration on the European space for higher education, the Bologna agreement.
The future higher education systems are increasingly used new approaches to the educational process, including competency approach course that complements a number of innovative educational trends, the use of which helps teachers and students work together harmoniously for the implementation of modern educational programs.
The development of the global society, a change of paradigm places new demands on modern education, including providing organic integration of education and science, testing and selection of effective and innovative teaching technologies, combining the efforts
of all actors of the educational system for the formation of methodical competence of future teachers of mathematics. In this context, the formation of methodical competence of mathematics teachers is regarded as one of the prerequisites for achieving the overall goal of training.
Despite the diversity of research that is dedicated to the formation of various aspects of methodological competence of mathematics teachers, many problems remain unresolved and unaddressed. In addition , there are contradictions between: backgrounds of modern mathematics teacher and current demands of the labor market , the possibility is high enough creativity to put into practice the modern requirements of professional conduct and quality basic mathematical knowledge, lack of development of scientific and pedagogical, psychological basis for the formation of methodical competence of mathematics teachers and the need for the formation of its students; insufficient use of innovative learning technologies and the growing needs of students quality education, the existing paradigm of education and skills and preferences of the students. Unfortunately, the current concept of mathematical education is based
on the principle of building long- developed curriculum and very few take into account the preferences of students desire to study a specific list of professional disciplines.
Analysis of the conditions that affect the efficiency of formation of methodical competence in the professional not performed in all possible ways.
The relevance and social significance of the problem of formation of methodical competence of future teachers of mathematics led to the choice of the research topic.
Research object is process of methodical training of future teachers of mathematics in high school.
Purpose of the study is methods of forming methodological competence of mathematics teachers in teaching professional disciplines.
The aim is to theoretically justify, develop and experimentally verify the effectiveness of situational teaching methods of professional disciplines in the process of methodical competence of future teachers of mathematics.
Hypotheses of the study: the process of formation of methodical competence of mathematics teachers is effective if the consideration to provide your students with a range of professional disciplines to build individual learning paths, used in the educational process of situational teaching methodology. To test the hypothesis planned pedagogical experiment that will allow to investigate the actual state of progress of future mathematics teachers , to determine student preferences by ranking disciplines, implement a pilot performance audit of the implementation of situ-ational teaching method in the formation of methodical competence of future teachers of mathematics.
Aims and hypothesis of the study can determine the following main research objectives:
1. Analysis of theoretical, methodological and organizational foundations of methodical competence of students in psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature, pedagogical practice.
2. Find out and prove scientifically the nature and meaning of methodical competence
of future teachers of mathematics.
3. Determine how correlated the success of the training of future teachers of mathematics and their preferences professional disciplines.
4. Develop diagnostics formation methodological competence.
5. Develop a model of methodical competence of mathematics teachers based on situa-tional teaching methods and a methodical support this model.
6. Prove scientifically and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the proposed method of forming methodological competence of mathematics teachers.
In the current scientific literature does not have a single view of the definition of methodological competence of mathematics teachers? Under it we realize an integrated property that includes a number of interpenetrating components - content - technological, functional and active, personal, based on the maximum level of expertise , the availability of well developed ability to generalizations, strategic thinking and a high level of perception of information modeling, decision- professional decisions, the ability to quickly update their personal abilities and possibilities for the effective performance of professional duties of teachers of mathematics. Articles competence - a personal education that is systemic in nature and is based on theoretical and practical readiness to teach, testifies to the ability to successfully resolve substantive, educational and instructional tasks can successfully organize and implement a training subject.
Methodological focus of future mathematics teachers identifies major subjects that have priority in the classroom. You must define all disciplines that are part of professional and practical training as well as other areas of the discipline that form the basic methodological competence.
In our view it is situational methods of teaching professional disciplines serving a factor that affects the efficiency of formation of methodical competence of mathematics teachers. This method of teaching is based on the tasks situations. Situational task - a learning task focused on the description of the real
situation, which had or may occur in practice. The many activities of the student in solving this problem actively promote diverse qualities of future teacher of mathematics.
Technology of task approach to the study of professional disciplines is one of the varieties of the active learning approach. It involves the transformation of the content of the discipline in the system of educational problems methodological orientation. It provides opportunities for students to gain experience in analyzing and solving professional situations, the process of learning brings professional disciplines to professional activity, increases their motivation to learn. Given the basic requirements to educational problems, their use in the educational process is based on the following principles:
- Should be created not one single problem is a situation as a set of tasks, the selection of which should be aimed at acquiring common ways action;
- Problem in creating system should try to ensure they achieve not only near educational purposes, but also remote;
- Educational task is to ensure assimilation of actions that are necessary for the successful implementation of educational and professional activities;
- Training task must be created so that the appropriate means and ways of working , learning is planned during solving , acted as direct products of teaching and learning of students.
Methodological competence is an important indicator of the quality of education for future teachers of mathematics. It suggests that teachers of mathematics in their practical work have to perform various activities. Teaching activities of teachers will be understood as a set of separate activities, which include the following: analyze a variety of literature, including programs, textbooks, teaching aids and kits, and other learning tools, and on this basis, taking into account age students opportunities to select the required material and from construct the substantive content of the lesson, or any other type of classes with students to plan their work and learn to plan teaching and learning activities of students , to
organize different types of students, to help them implement and manage, to some extent, to evaluate its operations and activities of students, teaching them evaluation and self-esteem.
Of course, the listed activities do not cover all the activities that can meet the teacher in his practice. All activities can not be predicted because the multifaceted practice of any taxonomy. However, certain activities like acquiring basic profession, one has to learn, thus forming the basic skills and self-esteem, and then deal with the continuation and improvement of their education and professional skills.
Landmark on the main types of teachers of mathematics is crucial when forming methodological competence. Another factor that influences the initial rate of formation of methodical competence will highlight the basic unit of the educational process - a lesson. Basically the lesson the teacher creates all aspects of teaching and learning of the student, as his teacher, activities should focus around the class. One of the main indicators of formation of methodical competence of the future teacher of mathematics is rather well developed analytical and synthetic activity that involves awareness and adoption of broad and narrow purposes of study, education and development of students in the study of mathematics. This activity includes logical and mathematical analysis and logical analysis of didactic teaching material textbooks and manuals, books of problems, methodical analysis of the mathematical, psychological and educational literature, the literature on the history of mathematics, methodical analysis of various learning tools. An important activity of the teacher is a planning and a design.
Students are the future mathematics teachers should continuously learn more and work on different forms of control of the students. The exact formulation of questions, the answers mates comment , review their work , drawing up plans for the responses, analysis of responses according to a plan - all of this creates the ability to properly assess the work of others. Formation of self-assessment is carried out by analyzing the errors in their work
on the basis of a sample solution, a counterexample, prescriptions and more.
Articles competence based on certain professional knowledge: knowledge about different aspects of the issue of goal of teaching mathematics, knowledge of methods of learning material goals, knowledge of the specific educational, mathematical and methodological problems and methods of formulation and production, knowledge of actions and their corresponding operations for solving certain classes of mathematics, learning and teaching tasks, knowledge of teaching, ways to implement them in the study of various issues in accordance with the purposes and methods of teaching, knowledge of methods of teaching and learning of pupils and manage these activities, knowledge about different forms of control techniques and evaluation of students and the formation of self-esteem in students. To methodical action moved into the skills of a professional nature, it is necessary to solve the long-term educational and methodological problems. In the process of solving their acquired teaching skills. For their formation requires a system of theoretical and practical training. It provided a cycle of methodological disciplines.
For the mathematical problem solving of the direct product will receive a mathematical fact: the numbers, expressions, equations, roots of equations, properties of mathematical concepts, the ratio used in algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis.
When solving educational problems are a direct product of an educational fact. Educational fact we understand how knowledge, but at the level of generalization when it largely serves as the method (reception) training or educational knowledge. By learning the facts also include generalized types of mathematical problems, general and specific ways of solving generalized search techniques prove mathematical statements and solve math problems and more. The main feature educational facts are their orientation to the general abilities to learn independently. Learning problem is solved either by synthesis of certain kinds of theoretical knowledge, definitions, theorems, algorithms, methods, or by
summarizing solving sets of mathematical problems.
In the formulation of educational problems is essential to the existence of specific instructions, disclosure-oriented educational activities aimed at forming and development of the student's ability to analyze the structure definitions, perform mathematical proof of statements to solve certain classes of mathematical problems. Without guidance setting educational problems did not contribute anything to the practice of teaching, as will be no different from the formulation of learning objectives. Educational problems should be the basis of the organization of the students in the classroom as well as in ancillary works.
If learning task clearly articulated, then immediately predicted result of solving - the level synthesis method.
To form the generalized knowledge to the level of the method requires some organization of teaching material. It is necessary to plan the general and specific training activities that allow to form generalized knowledge. Formation of generalized knowledge is complete when the student is able to evaluate the results.
When solving educational problems and organizing activities for their solving is necessary to comply with the following requirements: precisely predict learning outcomes , plan the course material to achieve the learning outcomes, select appropriate learning activities and to evaluate the resulting not only math , but also learning the facts.
The direct product of solving methodological tasks will receive teaching facts: the isolation of the primary and secondary educational material typology math problems, study material organized in a system in accordance with this goal, the selection of learning tools and techniques to achieve the goal and more. Each of their teaching tasks require adequate to her teaching and learning activities. An essential characteristic of solving methodological problems is the complexity of different content operations. In the process of solving problems in teaching future teachers of mathematics are formed and develop teaching skills.
The first level of teaching skills formation is reduced to the fulfillment of awareness of a guidance or teaching and learning activities to understanding its operating structure, finding ways to perform. This level is characterized by the following methodological skills:
1. The ability to perform logical-mathematical analysis of definitions of mathematical concepts, mathematical statements, rules, algorithms.
2. The ability to perform logical and didactic analysis of specific, meaningful completed section of the textbook teaching material (manual).
3. The ability to organize a search for solving mathematical problems, prove mathematical statements.
4. The ability to adopt problem for teaching concepts, mathematical proof of the allegations forming rules or construction algorithm.
5. The ability to make simple visual aids and educational materials for computer and so on.
6. Ability to work with a guide, tables and other related materials and teach students.
7. Ability chosen literature to study a particular issue (theorem problem point manual) and make the appropriate filing.
8. Ability to prepare questions for the survey system , to make independent work in order to verify certain mathematical or academic skills of students pass a quiz to test specific knowledge and skills of students.
9. The ability to evaluate written work and analyze the results.
10. The ability to locate the material on the board, draw the solution of the problem, proving a mathematical statement of the value of expression and so on.
The second level teaching skills formation characterizes the transfer of some already existing teaching skills and their systems to the new facilities. This process is carried out by
using general guidelines and heuristic schemes. They are:
1. The ability to determine the purpose of studying specific educational material.
2. Skill - based goal to isolate the main course material, ideas, and themes, classify problems and more.
3. Ability to motivate the study of specific educational material.
4. The ability to clearly choose a training problem and adopt appropriate to her actions.
5. Ability to organize and manage the activities of students it when solving educational problems.
6. Ability based on logical and didactic analysis of the topic up schedule subject.
7. Ability chosen material for the lesson, write an outline or a detailed lesson plan.
8. The ability to analyze a lesson from the standpoint of its purpose and appropriate teaching materials.
9. Ability to analyze student answer, give her a commented assessment.
10. The ability to characterize articles, tutorials and more.
The third level teaching skills formation synthesizes all previously formed and implemented the ability for any educational material. He is determined not only knowledge of the goal, but the motives and means of the choice of activities.
Articles competence involves certain methodological skills, and the ability to successfully apply these skills in the professional activities and personal qualities of the teacher.
This problem is multifaceted. Analysis of psycho-pedagogical and methodological literature, the study of domestic and international experience, our experimental studies will allow to identify the main aspects of the chosen problem solving: methodological, psychological, educational, scientific and methodical.
методической компетентности будущих учителей математики, как дополнение образовательных инновационных направлений реализации современных целей обучения.
Ключевые слова: формирование, методическая компетентность, образовательные инновационные направления, современные цели обучения.
Abstract Tatochenko V. FORMATION METHODICAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PARADIGM. This article is devoted to topical problems of formation of methodical competence of mathematics teachers to supplement educational innovation directions of contemporary educational purposes.
Key words: formation, methodical competence, innovative educational trends, current goals of education.
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