Tojiboyeva Hilolahon Mahmutovna - Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD),
Senior Researcher,
Abstract: the article discusses the formation and development of competitive skills in the subjects of "mass culture" in the continuous educational process. Ensuring the continuity of reforms in Uzbekistan and the formation of a democratic civil society depends on the formation of culture, the spiritual and moral image of young people, especially the younger generation. This article discusses the role of the teacher in shaping the students' objective attitude towards "mass culture". It is also emphasized that teachers should develop not only professional knowledge, but also moral, cultural, political, ethical and media perspectives.
Keywords: mass culture, objective attitudes, values, ideal, spiritual and moral values, family traditions, educational content, interpersonal social relations, social environment, global information flows, media.
Тожибоева Хилолахон Махмутовна - доктор философских наук в области педагогики (PhD), старший научный сотрудник, Научно-исследовательский институт педагогических наук Узбекистана им. Т.Н. Кары Ниязи, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматривается формирование и развитие конкурентных навыков в субъектах «массовой культуры» в непрерывном образовательном процессе. Обеспечение преемственности реформ в Узбекистане и формирование демократического гражданского общества зависят от формирования культуры, духовно-нравственного облика молодежи, особенно молодого поколения. В этой статье обсуждается роль учителя в формировании объективного отношения студентов к «массовой культуре». При этом также подчеркивается, что учителя должны развивать не только профессиональные знания, но и моральные, культурные, политические, этические и медийные перспективы. Ключевые слова: массовая культура, объективные установки, ценности, идеал, духовно-нравственные ценности, семейные традиции, образовательный контент, межличностные социальные отношения, социальная среда, глобальные информационные потоки, медиа.
Ensuring the continuity of reforms in Uzbekistan and the formation of a democratic civil society depends on the formation of culture, the spiritual and moral image of young people, especially the younger generation. In the speech at the 72nd session of the UNO General Assembly on September 19, 2017, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoev said: "Our main task is to create the necessary conditions for young people to show their potential, to prevent the spread of the "virus"of violence. For this, we believe that it is necessary to develop multilateral cooperation in the field of social support of the younger generation, protection of their rights and interests "[1]. The speech was directly related to the development of spiritual and moral culture of young people.
Recognizing that in the period of historical development of the country, culture has preserved, collected and passed on the spiritual experience of the nation, fostered the unity of our people, patriotism and national pride, emphasizing the priority of culture ensuring a higher quality of life. In
order to form a responsible, independent-minded, creative person, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the resolution №. PQ-4038 on November 28, 2018 "On approval of the concept of further development of national culture in the region" [2]. The resolution set specific tasks for the further development of national culture in Uzbekistan.
The development of "Mass culture" in Uzbekistan has been risen since the late of twentieth century. This event first of all affected the minds of students and young people. As a result, this coverage has expanded and the offense has increased. The rapid development and expansion of the media and communication network has led to an increase in the coverage of "mass culture". These include: radio, television, movies, newspapers, photo magazines, social networking sites. This, in turn, intensified the need for young people to acquire a foreign culture and spiritual views, leading to alienation from spiritual views in the minds of members of society. This, in turn, creates a negative environment among young people, increasing the desire for "popular culture" and foreign culture.
Due to the spiritual crisis, members of society, including the subjects of the process of continuing education, feel the need for spiritual and moral renewal and growth. As a result was concluded that a deep respect for the national history and culture, intellectual and spiritual potential, which is the greatest wealth in the world, its preservation and enrichment, on this basis of educating the younger generation in the spirit of national and universal values would undoubtedly play a decisive role.
Therefore, it is important to define formulation and development strategies of
the development of a culture of and academic subjects of continuing education in accordance with the requirements of universal culture, the development of national-pedagogical model of formation and development of skills in combating "mass culture" in subjects of continuing education.
In the encyclopedia of "Pedagogy" the phrase of Mass culture means (arabic- universal, belonging to the people)
1. The concept of folk culture, customs, rituals, art, etc.
2. A phenomenon that is related to mass media.
3. Mass production.
4. A complex forms of culture that is not always interpreted [3; 49-b.].
We believe that the following contradictions should be resolved in the theoretical and practical scientific substantiation of the need to develop and implement strategies for the formation and development of skills to combat "mass culture" in the subjects of continuing education:
- Incompatibility between the modern requirements of the intellectual and spiritual potential of the subjects of continuing education in the process of globalization and their knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies;
- The formation and development of skills to combat "mass culture" in the subjects of continuing education does not occur spontaneously, but as a result of continuous pedagogical activity, and this process is not considered as a research and analytical pedagogical mechanism;
- There are a number of peculiarities and factors of "mass culture" that affect the intellectual and spiritual potential of students, which are not sufficiently studied pedagogically and do not develop a reflexive model;
- The need for the use of science-based effective forms, tools and methods of the pedagogical process aimed at the formation and development of skills of the subjects of continuing education in the fight against "mass culture" means that research in this area is important.
Finding solutions to the above contradictions is one of the main tasks of the research, which includes the definition and implementation of strategies for the formation and development of skills to combat "mass culture" in the subjects of continuing education.
Mass culture also has positive aspects as well. First, due to popular culture, the general literacy of the people increases to a certain extent. Most people will have the opportunity to embrace cultural values. To do this, you have to create many less tested products. They are printed to such an extent that people are forced to read other works as well because of these works. Second, popular culture plays a certain effective role in overcoming fears and tensions in people. Third, it is never possible to contrast popular culture with the high culture of a particular nation in the past including culture of Uzbek people. Because in those times, there were a high, medium and low levels of culture too. However, nowadays, only samples of high culture that have stepped the test of centuries have survived.
References / Список литературы
1. The speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoev at the 72nd session of
the UN General Assembly on September 19, 2017. USA, 2017.
2. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 28, 2018. № PP-4038 "On approval of the Concept of further development of national culture in the Republic of Uzbekistan". [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 09.04.2020).
3. Pedagogy: encyclopedia. Volume III. // Tashkent: State Scientific Publishing House "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan", 2017. 424 pages.
OF STUDENTS Kasimova Z.Kh. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Kasim [email protected]
Kasimova Zebo Khamidovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC AKADEMY OF UZBEKISTAN, TASHKENT, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: this article raises the problem of that the essential traditional system of communicative preparation of students is isolated from life and work of a specialist. It is over-theorized, limited in terms of time and content, which is manifested in the fact that students are deficient in communication, suffer from the lack of its active methods; form the insufficient level of communicative competence of the students.
The author also pointed out that the study of the issues of communication skills should focus on practical training, during which it is advisable to apply the training forms of work. Thus, as a result of professionally designed training exercises focused on the development of communicative skills in students their desire arose to put to an evaluation test in practice of acquired knowledge and skills. Keywords: communicative competence, students, education, personal experience, imitation, training, psychology, present, belief, suggestion, contact.
Касимова Зебо Хамидовна - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Международная Исламская Академия Узбекистана, г. Ташкент Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье ставится проблема того, что существенная традиционная система коммуникативной подготовки студентов изолирована от жизни и труда специалиста. Он слишком теоретизирован, ограничен во времени и содержании, что проявляется в том, что ученики с недостатком общения страдают от недостатка его активных методов; сформировать недостаточный уровень коммуникативной компетентности студентов.
Автор также указал, что изучение вопросов коммуникативных навыков должно быть сосредоточено на практических занятиях, в ходе которых целесообразно применять обучающие формы работы. Таким образом, в результате профессионально разработанных учебных упражнений, направленных на развитие коммуникативных навыков у студентов, у них возникло желание подвергнуть проверке на практике приобретенные знания и навыки. Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетентность, студенты, воспитание, личный опыт, имитация, обучение, психология, современность, вера, внушение, контакт.
In modern conditions the system of higher education of any state solves the whole complex of the challenges directed on preparation of high qualified experts. One of such problems by the right is a formation of the identity of adequate expert capable to carry out own activity at high level.
At the present among the pedagogical problems get an importance the problems of the formation of communicative competence of students - who become specialists in many spheres of social and professional activities. The search of optimal ways of the decision of the given problem sets into education system essentially new general pedagogical task - purposeful and effective preparation of