Научная статья на тему 'Foreign language teaching in the context of global processes of integration and globalization'

Foreign language teaching in the context of global processes of integration and globalization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mironova Olga Vadimovna, Galeeva Milyausha Sagitovna, Kalinkina Tat'Yana Evgen'Evna

The article reveals the main tasks facing students studying a foreign language in the context of the modern development of society and the process of communication as an integral part of the world integration and communication. The authors also indicate the difficulties that may arise in the process of learning a foreign language and ways to overcome them.

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В статье раскрываеюся основные задачи стоящие перед студентами изучающими иностранный язык в контексте современного развития социума и процесса коммуникации, как неотьемлеммой части мировой интеграции и коммуникации. Авторы также обозначают трудности которые могут возникнуть в процессе изучения иностранного языка и пути их преодоления.

Текст научной работы на тему «Foreign language teaching in the context of global processes of integration and globalization»



кандидат философских наук, доцент Миронова Ольга Вадимовна

НОУ ВПО Университет Управления «ТИСБИ» (г. Казань); кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Галеева Миляуша Загитовна НОУ ВПО Университет Управления «ТИСБИ» (г. Казань); доцент Калинкина Татьяна Евгеньевна

НОУ ВПО Университет Управления «ТИСБИ» (г. Казань)



Аннотация. В статье раскрываеюся основные задачи стоящие перед студентами изучающими иностранный язык в контексте современного развития социума и процесса коммуникации, как неотьемлеммой части мировой интеграции и коммуникации. Авторы также обозначают трудности которые могут возникнуть в процессе изучения иностранного языка и пути их преодоления.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, коммуникация, образовательный процесс, европейское многоязычие, межличностные связи.

An^tat^. The article reveals the main tasks facing students studying a foreign language in the context of the modern development of society and the process of communication as an integral part of the world integration and communication. The authors also indicate the difficulties that may arise in the process of learning a foreign language and ways to overcome them.

Keywords: globalization, communication, educational process, European multilingualism, interpersonal relations.

Introduction. Today, society is moving to a new level of development. We will not focus on the ontological с^шй^юп of society, but on the role of world integration and globalization in social evolution. In terms of increasing productive power, globalization is, and will continue to be, the most important, and perhaps the most significant, stake in the global competition for power. Just as national States fought for the development of territories, and then for the management and exploitation of raw materials and cheap labor, today they are fighting for the development of new laws of the processes of world integration and globalization. This opens up a new field for industrial, political, including military and commercial strategies.

Presentation of the main material of the article. The processes of globalization and internationalization, which were developed in the second half of the XX century, have launched such a mechanism of social communication as interaction in an intercultural environment. As a result of the fall of the "iron curtain" and our country's entry into the "world arena", Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe were involved in the processes of large-scale transformations and changes in the world order as a whole. A distinctive feature of the post-Soviet period was the continuous and dynamic development of international relations, and consequently, interactions at the state level. In various types of dialogue between modern Russia and the West were involved commercial organizations and non-profit structures. Intensively developing, gaining momentum, intercultural communication and at the level of interpersonal relationships. These transformations have had a positive impact on the process of teaching foreign languages, in particular English, which is rapidly gaining momentum, positioning itself, quite rightly, as one of the most promising areas in the modern educational process [5].

It can be stated that the change of epochs in the history of mankind is accompanied by corresponding changes in the dominant means of communication (language, mail, roads, press, television, etc.). The archaic era of barbarism had only oral means of communication, which connected people with strong ties of social and collective culture. Man was a direct participant in all events, and this ensured the undivided unity of the individual and society. The emergence of writing has moved people into the" visual " world. Knowledge and experience are conveyed by written or other visual means; people distance themselves from each other and from the Affairs of society. The advent of the rule of the printing press, invented in the XV century. Gutenberg, caused an information explosion, which eventually led to the strengthening of individualism and nationalism (this contributed to the national-state registration of language, education, creative activity, etc.).

Modern means of communication -a telegraph, a radio, a telephone, a computer - increasingly widen the sphere of public life, "abolish" the power of space and time on the planet, involving the person at all the events, returning him to the world of holistic perception, where he becomes an actor, an observer, a director and a statistician, an employee of a scene and a producer.

Such Sciences as Philosophy, Semiotics, Linguistics, since the time of Aristotle, traditionally paid attention to structural and linguistic norms, selection, combinatorics, semantics. However, today the norms of communicative order become central. And if structural regularities are actively and systematically studied by the above-mentioned Sciences, then communicative restrictions still remain on their periphery. The study of speech communication in all its volume requires more and more attention to the pragmatic communicative aspects of the statement. This research inadequacy has become particularly evident in recent years, when the issues of structural design have receded into the background. To model speech communication, the problem of understanding is more important than the problem of grammatical correctness. Therefore, the communicative aspect of the statement seems to be the most interesting and practically important today "... since any interest in the end is practical and even the interest of the speculative mind is conditioned and acquires full meaning only in practical application" [2].

Globalization implies a certain universalization and, thus, inevitable leveling of national features and characteristics. Being in the world space, it is necessary to be able to consider the process of teaching foreign languages as a need to "organize thinking in the international context, using comparative approaches, reacting to multilateral changes in the world political, social and cultural arenas"... The most difficult in this process is the work on the internationalization of the personality of students of foreign languages.

Considering the features of the " professional portrait " of the modern personality of students of foreign languages, it is necessary to highlight the following characteristics:

1) the ability to recognize and deal with differences;

2) understanding the difference between the emotional and ethical way of thinking, which is the difference between perceiving another culture from inside and outside;

3) the ability to recognize gaps in knowledge that are inevitable for the consciousness brought up within one culture;

4) ability to intercultural communication;

6) the ability to think in a comparative perspective;

7) ability to change self-perception;

8) the ability to view your country in terms of crossing cultures;

9) knowledge about other cultures, explored from the inside;

10) diagnostic skills (art, skill, mastery) necessary for functioning in other cultures — both personal and directly related to learning.

It should be noted that education imposes the main burden in this process. First, it is obvious that the content of internationalized education must necessarily focus on the formation of "international competence" of all participants in the educational process. Secondly, this orientation, although it should be related to the teaching of foreign languages, should not be limited to them. Finally, thirdly, the focus on the formation of "international competence" should apparently involve a special culture of presentation of educational information, taking into account both universal and national values.

"Globalization should not lead to the unification of the development of all countries (including Russia) on the model of one or more countries. The United States of America or the countries of Western Europe, which now stand out as the highest model and the center of world social development, were not and will not be eternal models, and even now in some respects are not carriers of the highest values. Countries of other regions often have the peculiarity that the globalization of the United States or Western European countries could lead to the elimination of diverse forms of human life, which is a condition for creative development of human society" [3]. When developing a strategy for the development of Russia, it is necessary to take into account its historical and socio-cultural features. It is important to understand the essence of the phenomenon, process, activity, to see their results in advance and therefore to take timely measures to prevent or at least minimize negative consequences. The strategy of education development in Russia in the context of globalization should dialectically combine international and domestic trends and interests. Integrative-integrated approach seems to be the most effective on this way. Scientifically based multidimensional formation of opinion on what languages to teach and learn in the modern Russian school will help to find a way out of the current crisis situation.

The development of education and science do not least means their internationalization, i.e. the formation of a class of specialists who would be full members of the international scientific community, and this will mean an increasing integration of our country into a single scientific and educational European space. "The Bologna process in Europe is gaining and it is important for Russia to take its rightful place in it. But Russia is not an abstract concept, it is Russian students, postgraduates and scientists. It is important for them to use their chance to gain international experience of study and research, establish and develop contacts with foreign scientists" [4]. European multilingualism in these conditions increases the chances of such cooperation. Formation of internal determination, a sense of personal responsibility for the results of their education.

The participant of intercultural communication (student) should proceed from belonging to the world of culture and the purposes of cultural practice, defining for himself the tasks of cultural enrichment, formation and self-identification of public individuals in the process of perception of the message, social "message". The priorities of the participants are:

• education;

• humanization (human rights);

• the spirit of freedom and critical thinking;

• consciously accepted patriotism;

• education of the ability to cooperation, interaction (at different levels);

• balance of preservation of cultural-ethnic and - wider-socio-cultural tradition and openness to a new, "wide-angle" vision of the prospects for the development of society and socialized individuality.

It is very important to know that the communication of representatives of different cultures can be accompanied by a number of features and difficulties that are caused by a mismatch of norms, values, features of the worldview of partners, etc. They can not be eliminated in the process of interaction, so the positive result of communication correlates with the mutual assimilation of the rules and schemes of communication, taking into account the interests of representatives of different cultures, based on their centuries-old traditions and features of mentality, education. It is necessary to assimilate the generally accepted, customary models of monocultural interactions to the changed social context, while cultural diversity must be preserved, despite the inexorable processes of world integration and globalization [1].

Denotatively, a single situation can be represented in different ways, due to different actual division, in different ways, required by a particular communicative context. Correspondences of this kind, when the same type of semantic structures differ only in their communicative interpretations, we will refer to the communicative-semantic laws, since the difference that is present here is no longer of a semantic order. It consists in the degree of awareness of the listener and thus is basically communicative. Many new concepts have come to science thanks to the view of the language as a working mechanism: the actual division, and presupposition, and performatives were discovered as linguistic phenomena due to the transfer of research attention from the structure of the language to its functioning, communication.

Communicative analysis should not focus only on verbally bound semantics. From the point of view of communication, verbal semantics can be transformed into completely opposite messages, and one content can carry a lot of communicative readings. Although the number of contexts is infinite, the number of such elementary communicative actions (such as performatives) is limited, and therefore the communicative reading of the statement becomes available for analysis.

To explore the full scope of verbal communication is not clean enough semantics, the semantics of communication is needed.

Summary. The national color of each country is unique , which of course is reflected in the language, style and manners. The task of foreign language teachers is to teach the language, revealing the unique beauty and splendor of the country of the studied language, based on the specifics of the national mentality, cultural characteristics and

traditions of students. It is necessary to teach a foreign language not only on the basis of phonetic, grammatical and lexical aspects of the language, but also to draw students ' attention to the assimilation of conventional, customary models of monocultural interactions applicable to the social context, while cultural diversity must be preserved, despite the inexorable processes of world integration and globalization.


1. Бюлер К. теория языка. Репрезентативная функция языка. М.: Прогресс, 1993. - 142 с.

2. Кант И. Соч. в 6-ти т. Т.4.4. I. М.: 1963. - С. 454.

3. Никитин, В. А. Проблемы и направления реализации социального в обществе / В.А. Никитин. -Москва : Московский психолого-социальный институт, 2006. - 152 с. - ISBN 5-89502-805-5.

4. Стипендиальные программы DAAD для Российской Федерации на 2007/08 учебный год. — М., 2006.

5. Хабермас Ю. Моральное сознание и коммуникативное действие. М.: Наука, 2000. - 380 с.


УДК 373.1

аспирант Михайлова Юлия Александровна

Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт - филиал

Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ» (г. Димитровград),

заместитель директора по учебно-воспитательной работе, учитель истории и обществознания

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя школа №19

имени Героя Советского союза Ивана Петровича Мытарева города

Димитровграда Ульяновской области» (г. Димитровград);

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Игдырова Светлана Викторовна

Димитровградский инженерно-технологический институт - филиал

Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ» (г. Димитровград)


Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены особенности исследовательской и практико-ориентированной деятельности обучающихся в условиях внедрения ФГОС общего образования в аспекте преемственности общего и профессионального образования. Проведен анализ результатов оценки учебных проектов и исследовательских работ в рамках регионального форума научных и творческих достижений учащихся Ульяновской области «Море талантов».

Ключевые слова. Преемственность, федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты, практико-ориентированная деятельность, исследовательская деятельность.

Annotation. The article deals with the features of research and practice-oriented activities of students in the context of the implementation of the GEF of General education in the aspect of continuity of General and vocational education. The analysis of the results of evaluation of educational projects and research works in the framework of the regional forum of scientific and creative achievements of students of the Ulyanovsk region "Sea of talents".

Keywords. Continuity, Federal state educational standards, practice-oriented activities, research activities.

Введение. В последнее время в средних общеобразовательных учреждениях возрастает интерес к исследовательской деятельности обучающихся. Данная направленность сопровождается организацией конкурсов, созданием программ и проектов, реализующих результаты исследовательских работ учащихся школ.

В соответствии Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования (далее, ФГОС ООО), среднего общего образования (далее, ФГОС СОО) выпускник школы должен иметь следующие личностные характеристики: креативность и способность критически мыслить, активно и целенаправленно познавать мир, осознание ценности образования и науки, труда и творчества для человека и общества; владение основами научных методов познания окружающего мира; мотивирование на творчество и инновационную деятельность; готовность к сотрудничеству, способность осуществлять учебно-исследовательскую, проектную и информационно-познавательную деятельность; готовность к осознанному выбору профессии, понимание значения профессиональной деятельности для человека и общества [1, 2]. Указанный выше «портрет выпускника школы» реализуются в условиях включения учащихся в исследовательскую и практико-ориентированную деятельность. Ценность исследовательской работы школьника заключается в участии учащегося в процессе исследования.

Согласно ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО обучающиеся должны быть подготовлены уже в основной школе (59 классы) к исследовательской и практико-ориентированной деятельности, которая на ступени среднего общего образования (10-11 классы) станет для них одной из базовых наряду с проектной и социальной. Нужно заметить, что понятия исследовательская и учебно-исследовательская деятельность в работе являются синонимичными, так как в последующем формирование и организация исследовательской деятельности обучающихся рассматриваются в образовательном пространстве школы (урочная, внеурочная деятельность).

Изложение основного материала статьи. ФГОС общего образования устанавливает требования к личностным, метапредметным, предметным результатам освоения основных образовательных программ. В том числе среди прочих к личностным результатам относятся такие, как сформированность мировоззрения, отвечающее современному уровню развития науки и общественной практики, понимание своего места в поликультурном мире, готовность и способность к самостоятельной, творческой и ответственной деятельности, осознанный выбор будущей профессии и возможностей реализации собственных жизненных планов. Метапредметные результаты ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО включают освоение обучающимися межпредметных понятий и универсальных учебных действий (регулятивные, познавательные, коммуникативные), способность их применения в практике [1, 2].

Результат сформированности учебно-исследовательской и практико-ориентированной деятельности обучающихся является интегративным качеством личности, предполагающим готовность и способность к продуктивному осуществлению научно-исследовательской и прикладной деятельности.

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