Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2023-2/23-01/ Дата поступления: 21.08.2022 Дата публикации: 28.02.2023
В. Н. КдртдшовА, Н. В. ВолынкинА, Н. Н. Архангельская
Отбор иноязычных информационных медиаресурсов для развития медиаграмотности будущих педагогов: базовые принципы
Введение. Высокие требования современного общества к уровню профессиональной подготовки выпускников вузов, которые должны обладать широким спектром разнообразных компетенций, с одной стороны, а также возрастающая роль иноязычных медиа в жизни и образовательной практике человека, с другой, актуализируют проблему развития медиаграмотности будущего педагога. Неотъемлемой чертой современного учителя, взаимодействующего с обучающимися, их родителями как в реальной, так и в цифровой среде, является наличие медиаграмотности. Деятельность учителя, направленная на формирование медиаграмотности современного школьника, должна начинаться с формирования его собственной медиаграмотности.
Цель исследования - выявление базовых принципов отбора иноязычных медиресурсов для развития у обучающихся медиаграмотности в процессе иноязычной подготовки в вузе.
Материалы и методы. В процессе исследования используются основополагающие документы: рекомендации ЮНЕСКО, Федеральный закон «Об образовании в РФ», ФГОС высшего образования, профессиональные стандарты; научно-методические статьи из периодических изданий, диссертационных исследований и монографий российских и зарубежных авторов по данной проблематике, аутентичные газеты, журналы и другие новостные ресурсы, медиаобразовательные платформы, видео проекты и шоу различной тематики, популярные подкасты на иностранном языке и т.д. В исследовании использованы компетентностный и коммуникативный подходы к профессиональной иноязычной подготовке будущих бакалавров-педагогов и профессионально-ориентированный подход к отбору релевантного контента и организации учебной деятельности по иностранному языку.
Результаты исследования. Выделены и охарактеризованы базовые принципы, применяемые в процессе отбора медиаресурсов для развития медиаграмотности на занятиях по иностранному языку у студентов - будущих педагогов: актуальности и аутентичности, медиаинформативной наполненности, профильной ориентированности, речевой интенции, личностного развития обучающегося, проективности, проблемности, социокультурной маркированности, соответствия интересам и потребностям обучающегося, позитивной эмоциональности.
Заключение. Полученные результаты детерминируют дальнейшее направление исследования: определение технологий, методов и способов развития медиаграмотности у обучающихся в процессе иноязычной подготовки в вузе на основе иноязычных медиаресурсов.
Ключевые слова: иноязычное образование, бакалавр-будущий педагог, медиаграмотность, медиаобразование, иноязычный медиаресурс, принципы, отбор
Ссылка для цитирования:
Карташова В. Н., Волынкина Н. В., Архангельская Н. Н. Отбор иноязычных информационных медиаресурсов для развития медиаграмотности будущих педагогов: базовые принципы // Перспективы науки и образования. 2023. № 1 (61). С. 76-89. 10.32744/р$е.2023.1.5
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2023-2/23-01/ Accepted: 21 August 2022 Published: 28 February 2023
Foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development: basic principles
Introduction. High requirements of the contemporary society to a professional skill levelof graduates who must have a wide range of competencies on the one hand and the ever-increasing role offoreign language media in the everyday life and educational practice of a person on the other hand make the problem of future teachers' media literacy development. An inherent feature of a contemporary teacher interacting with students, their parents both in real and digital environment is the skills of media literacy. A teacher's activity focused on a contemporary student media literacy development must begin with his/her own media literacy.
The aim of the research is to identify basic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for learners' media literacy development during foreign language training in the higher educational institution.
Materials and methods. During the research fundamental documents are used: recommendations addressed to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Federal state educational standard of higher education, professional standards; scientific and methodological articles from periodicals, thesis and monographs by Russian and foreign authors concerning the problem; authentic newspapers, magazines, and different news resources, media educational platforms, video projects and shows of different themes, popular podcasts in a foreign language etc. In the research the competence-based and communicative approaches to professional foreign language training of future bachelors-teachers and the professionally oriented approach to relevant content selection and academic foreign language activity organization are used.
Research results. The basic principles used during media resources selection at foreign language lessons for media literacy development of students-future teachers are identified and characterized: the principle of relevance and authenticity, media informative content, field-specific orientation, speech intention, a learner's personality development, projectivity, problematicity, sociocultural markedness, accordance with the interests and needs of the student, positive emotionality.
Conclusions.The results obtained determine the further research vector: specification of technologies, methods, and ways of learners' media literacy development during foreign language training in the higher educational institution on the basis of foreign languagemedia resources.
Keywords: foreign language education, bachelors - future teachers, media literacy, media education, foreign languagemedia resource, principles, selectio
For Reference:
Kartashova, V. N., Volynkina, N. V., & Archangelskaya, N. N. (2023). Foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development: basic principles. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 61 (1), 76-89. doi: 10.32744/ pse.2023.1.5
he contemporary world development vector focuses on informatization and digitalization of all spheres in social life and media technologies are becoming its essential part. According to Recommendations [1] addressed to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) media education is recommended to implement "in national curricula of all the states, in the system of additional, informal education during the whole life of a person".
Therefore the most demanded skills are media and digital literacy. Media literacy is considered by I.A. Sternin [2] as the ability to perceive adequately and create media products for mass-media. According to K.V. Kiuru [3] considering interactive methods of media literacy development as a sociocultural problem, O.Yu. Afanasiyev [4] studying media literacy as a component of functional literacy of a future foreign language teacher, R.V. Kamenev [5] investigating peculiarities of media education and teachers' professional training, S.V. Lapteva [6] describing development of media literacy under conditions of educational informatization, A.V. Fyodorov [7] discovering interrelation of media education and media literacy, T.I. Frolova [8] presenting study results of development of media literacy of schoolchildren, I.I. Harry [9] characterizing media literacy and culture in the age of new information and communication technologies, media literacy determines a successful adaptation of a person to living conditions in the information society. Respectively a professional level of any specialist depends on his/her media literacy skills. For this reason the significant task for all students becomes learning media literacy already while studying at university. From positions of a higher education it is important to find appropriate disciplines, educational approaches and methods. On the basis of the content of the discipline "Foreign language" which is according to I.A. Zymnya [10, p. 159] characterized by "objectlessness" and "boundlessness" we consider that professionally oriented approach to relevant content selection and the competence-based approach to academic foreign language activity organization while working with media resources at bachelors' pedagogical directions will greatly contribute to teaching students media literacy.
A.A. Shilov [11, p. 5] notes that media resources are "a set of information components of the global network which include Internet publications, Internet versions of printed mass-media, data bases of mass-media, information constantly updated websites". Media resources also imply a set of recorded media for the further use. However, not any media resource implies efficient media literacy development. In our research we identify principles of foreign language media resources selection for media literacy development of bachelors majoring in the Pedagogical education.
The analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to identify a contradiction between increasing requirements of the contemporary society to a professional skill level of graduates including graduates of pedagogical universities foreign languages departments who must have a wide range of competencies inter alia developed media literacy and insufficient development of basic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy. So the aim of the research is to identify basic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for learners' media literacy development during foreign language training in the higher educational institution.
The aim was achieved through the application of theoretical methods of research, such as the comparative analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of theoretical statements, anticipation.
Literature review
The problem of media literacy as a result of media education has been studying since the turn of 20th and 21st centuries. Media literacy is considered by R. Kubey [12] to be the ability to carry out analysis and synthesis of space-time reality, ability to "read" a media text. W.J. Potter [13] agrees with R. Kubey in the question of significance of mass-media for a person's critical thinking development. In his work J.J. Pungente [14] also discovers how mass-media influences the person's intellectual abilities. A. Silverblatt [15] describes peculiarities of media literacy development consistent patterns.
According to D. Buckingham [16, p. 3] media literacy (as a form of critical literacy) includes analysis, assessment and reflexion. C. Worsnop [17] considers media literacy besides interpretation/analysis skill "the ability to create media texts".
The professor of Institute of journalism and communication of Chinese social scientific academy Zh. Tsin believes that media literacy is "a skill of fundamental mass-media knowledge implementation for self-development" [18, p. 131].
P.S. Baher, G. Hovanits, V. Shtadler [19] studied the question of how to teach Russian learners' media literacy, linguistic behavior, and how to encourage them in a new dynamic era where English dominates in global communication.
In Russian scientific literature media literacy and media competence are adjacent and sometimes synonymous terms. A.V Fyodorov thinks [20] that media literacy is a set of skills which allows a person to gain an access to the media, to be able to analyze the media content, to create new media messages, to speculate on the existing media content. I.V. Chelysheva states that for this it is necessary for him "to be able to perceive, create, analyze, evaluate media texts, understand sociocultural and political context of media functioning in the contemporary world" [21, p. 32]. As a result of special training the learner acquires media literacy.
Recently works concerning teachers' media competence and media literacy have appeared. T.A. Boronenko, A.V. Kaisina, V.S. Fedotova [22] focus on significance of a teacher's media literacy for his/ her professional success. They believe that media literacy and media competence formation contributes to "development of students' creativity, communicative and thinking skills, and skills of understanding, critical analysis and an adequate evaluation of media texts, skills of self-expression in different forms while using media technologies" [22, p. 42].
I.G. Kateneva believes that media literacy is a part of functional literacy of a future foreign language teacher. She defines media literacy as "a future foreign language teacher's possession of the whole range of media knowledge and the ability to adequately perceive, understand and create foreign language media texts" [23, p. 26].
A.N. Hazaea pays a special attention to critical thinking development within media literacy: "We support researchers who base the theory of media education on critical thinking development" [24, p. 76]. The researcher concentrates on skills of media texts analysis that according to the authors are turning into a condition for national human resources saving, the culture of the state, competitive specialists development.
N.V. Chicherina [25] considers a future foreign language teacher's media literacy as an independent competence in the structure of professional competency of a specialist calling it the "key" one. A special attention is paid to critical thinking skills and skills of hidden meaning identification in mass-media messages. For our research media literacy characteristics determined by N.V. Chicherina within the competence-based approach to education are of great importance, they are: "universality, multifunctionality, integrity, interdisciplinarity, metasubject, multidimensionality, intellectual intensity" [25, p. 18-19].
On the basis of the literature review conducted we can conclude that the problem of a future foreign language teacher's media literacy development is very urgent nowadays. It demands the search for new and effective ways of its development. For this it is necessary to develop methodological aspect of the problem first of all to identify basic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development.
Materials and methods
The object of the research is foreign language media literacy development of bachelors majoring in Pedagogical education. The subject of the research is basic principles selected for foreign language media literacy development of bachelors majoring in Pedagogical education. fundamental documents are used in the research: recommendations addressed to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Federal state educational standard of higher education - bachelor's degree level on 44.03.05 Pedagogical education with two training profiles: "the Russian language", "The foreign language education"; The Federal law "About education in Russian Federation" of 29 December, 2012, № 273-FL; the Professional Standard "Educator (educational activity in the sphere of preschool, primary, compulsory, secondary education) (mentor, schoolteacher)" approved by order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of 18 October 2013 № 544 n; scientific and methodological articles from periodicals, thesis, and monographs by Russian and foreign authors concerning the problem; authentic newspapers, magazines, and different news resources (The Guardian, The Observer, The Economist, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Financial Times, BBC News), media educational platforms (British Council, ELLLO - English Listening Lesson Library Online), video projects and shows of different themes (TED Talks, The Ellen Show, The Graham Norton Show), popular podcasts (Luke's English Podcast, BBC Learning English, VOA Learning English) etc.
The methodological base of the research is the competence-based and communicative approaches to professional foreign language training of future bachelors-teachers and the professionally oriented approach to relevant content selection and academic foreign language activity organization.
Research results
The theoretical and methodological analyses conducted by the authors showed that contemporary digital technologies are a serious challenge to traditional educational standards. The teachers face the problem of how to improve constantly their media literacy and become a "guide" and advisor for their students in the information world. Media literacy teaching starts with preschool age and continues through school
education. According to A.V. Fedorov [26] there are several approaches to how media education can be organized: an integrated approach (on the basis of existing school subjects), an elective approach (on the basis of electives and clubs) and a special approach (on the basis of a new media education subject).
There is a further media literacy development in the institute of higher education which is an important condition for specialists training not only in major disciplines (42.03.01 "Marketing and public relations", 42.03.02 "Journalism", 42.03.03 "Publishing", 42.03.04 "Broadcasting", and 42.03.05 "Media communications") but non-core disciplines, for example, pedagogical ones. Graduates of pedagogical education have to be good at massmedia sphere, communication, be able to work with different information electronic and paper resources, to perform editorial, commentary, sometimes directorial and other activity which makes them competitive in the educational labour market.
One of the contemporary higher education tendencies is development of students' skills to use a foreign language as a means of professionalism improvement. The Federal Standard for bachelors majoring in 44.03.05 "Pedagogical education" highlights the need for future teachers' foreign language competence development for free business communication in a foreign language on professional themes [27]. Educational bachelors must work with foreign language media resources skillfully and safely to obtain new knowledge, seek and find the most comprehensive information on the problem, conduct its evaluation, analysis, from the point of its quality, use the information in a timely and quick manner, create foreign language media products on their own, be able to promote these products and so on.
A high level of a teacher's media literacy is a professional quality which allows using Internet-space opportunities not only for his/her own subject knowledge improvement and professional self-development but development of media information search skills. The teacher should help and encourage them to speculate on their own media investigations, act on the basis of understanding obtained.
The discipline "Foreign language", its content characterized by "objectlessness" and "boundlessness" allows a teacher to organize the educational process which is aimed at students' media literacy development.
Media resources used during foreign language training can be considered both as a means and one of the goals of teaching a foreign language a future educator.
Firstly, the learning content made up on the basis of authentic media resources is interesting and important for both a teacher and students. Secondly, the Internet-space includes media information of any format on different themes. So work with foreign language media resources can serve as a way of preparing students for their future professional pedagogical activity. As the practice shows skillfully designed methodical actions concerning creation of content and technology basis for media literacy development contribute to meeting the goals of the Federal Standard for bachelors majoring in 44.03.05 "Pedagogical education".
First of all it is necessary from our point of view to teach students to use different information sources including foreign language resources in their work. The students should be taught how to build communication in the media environment, study the network etiquette. Future bachelor-teacher should learn to work on different media products creation, develop his/her own collages, video, articles, multimedia presentations and so on. The necessary skill as we see it is future graduate's ability to think critically, evaluate his/her content in the contemporary media environment in a proper way.
In the study we have analyzed the following documents: Federal state educational standard of higher education - bachelor's degree level on 44.03.05 Pedagogical education with two training profiles: "the Russian language", "The foreign language education" (as an example the latter was chosen); The Federal law "About education in Russian Federation" of 29 December, 2012, № 273-FL [28]; the Professional Standard "Educator (educational activity in the sphere of preschool, primary, compulsory, secondary education) (mentor, schoolteacher)" approved by order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of 18 October 2013 № 544 n [29].
The contemporary labour market puts high demands on graduates of pedagogical educational institutions. One of the foreign language faculty graduates' professional activity tasks is "students' foreign language education content selection adequate to expected results, level of contemporary science development and students' age-related characteristics" [30, p. 8] for carrying out the foreign language learning process in a secondary school.
A future teacher-linguist's universal competence (UC-1) must be developed: "Ability to perform searches, critical analysis and synthesis of information, to use the system approach for solution of the tasks set".
A future teacher-linguist must have well-developed information skills in order to gain an access to an information source in search systems, electronic dictionaries, different information and educational portals, professional pedagogical forums, social network.
In the context of media literacy it should be noted that the attention is paid not to digital technologies possession but importance of an analytical approach to media source content and its accordance with methodical tasks e.g. interpretation and evaluation of the information, so-called fact checking.
For teachers in the sphere of language education the most fundamental point is the ability to process information flows including foreign language one e.g. ability to perform analysis and critical evaluation of a media content. For this he/she must have well-developed critical thinking in order to realize the value, significance of a media resource and media content, understand the main and minor ideas of a media text.
Bachelors' social interaction skills (UC-3 "Ability to perform social interaction and play his/ her role in a team") are very significant in the system of teachers' professional competencies. During his/her professional activity the teacher communicates with the students a lot, establishes person-to person contacts that's why developed pedagogical communication skills are very important for him/her. Having created conditions for information gathering, its verification, analyzing, processing, arrangement, further transmission at foreign language lessons we allow future teachers to develop their social interaction skills.
No doubt, a very important universal competency UC-4 for a future teacher in the sphere of language education is developed at foreign language lessons - "Ability to perform a business communication in an oral and written forms in Russian and foreign language(s)". It is foreign language media resources that contribute to universal competence UC-5 "Ability to perceive cross-cultural diversity of society in socio-historic, ethical and philosophical contexts".
During foreign language studying foreign and own culture interact with each other efficiently. Gradually this interaction can be integrated in student's own cultural experience. In situations of cultural overlapping intermediate position occurs which is called "the third order". This new "third side" does not correspond to any of the two cultures involved and is not a combination of two ones. Rather it should be understood as a synergy which is completely new and unpredictable. Therefore there is a process of mutual understanding which contributes to cultural interaction.
A future teacher in the sphere of language education must be able to create his/her own media text. So it is necessary for him/her to know verbal, audio-visual, graphical and multimedia means of expression taking into account peculiarities of cross-cultural communication, to perform foreign language communication through electronic means of communication.
Since media literacy includes according to M.N. Tatarinova "learning the experience of cognitive activity, the experience of performing known ways of activity, creativity and emotional and values-based attitude" [31, p. 19] it seems possible to us to define the following methodic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development.
The principle of relevance and authenticity of the material. The information necessary for media literacy development must be relevant, comply with current and past reality, address the historical facts, and appeal to real methods of its obtaining.
Due to speed and dynamism of changing facts a teacher should continually review his/ her foreign language materials for teaching reading to determine their relevance. Texts with old information based on pseudo-science data including statements that cannot be substantiated from our point of view must be excluded from the learning process. When selecting texts you should use reliable sources which can be recommended to students for individual study and deepening in the problems, for self-correction of his/her knowledge and activities in changing conditions.
The selection of the material should be carried out from relevant, authentic and reliablesources, samples of so called "quality press" in accordance with the standards of contemporary English and covering different media themes (politics, business, sports, culture, and education) with the thematic systematization of media material (contemporary British cinema, the life of the royal family, etc.). At the lesson the teacher can use authentic newspapers, magazines, and different news resources (The Guardian, The Observer, The Economist, The Independent, The Daily Telegraph, The Financial Times, BBC News, Euronews). Media educational platforms (British Council, ELLLO - English Listening Lesson Library Online), video projects and shows of different themes (TED Talks, The Ellen Show, The Graham Norton Show) contribute to intensifying the students' media literacy development. The great educational potential is marked in increasingly popular podcasts (Luke's English Podcast, BBC Learning English, VOA Learning English) which differ by age audience (child, adolescent, youth, adult), character of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylogue), and duration (short, 4-10 min; medium, 10-30 min; long, 40-90 min).
That's why when selecting this or that podcast a future teacher should answer the following questions. Is this podcast authentic (educational podcast have educational value however efficient learning always means immersion in the language environment with authentic materials)? Is this podcast credible (the content must be of high-quality and relevant which is typical for major broadcasters like BBC)?
The principle of media informative content. Media educational activity is characterized by a special educational potential for a foreign language studying the feature of which is its "objectlessness" in other words the opportunity of any subject sphere or discipline integration including the media communication, television and journalism sphere. A future bachelor should acquire the knowledge about the role and function of media in the contemporary society, special features of different mass-media, learn such terms as blog, video blog, critical autonomy, media safety, media perception, media literacy, media communication, media competence. No doubt a future teacher of Russian or foreign languages should know
about definite media resources in the contemporary media space, major trends of printed and electronic media development in general and in the countries of studied language in particular. This may also include knowledge about multimedia tools, types and genres of the media text which are involved in media product creation, impact on the audience, peculiarities of the media text creation process etc.
The principle of field-specific orientation of the content. Media texts about teaching profession, outstanding educators, skills and abilities necessary for a teacher, where and how the knowledge can be obtained, peculiarities of different foreign language websites functioning, bloggers - all this is included in theforeign language media materials content for students.
New words and word combinations learning, introduction to the theme "Media literacy and media education" contribute to increasing students' interest in their future pedagogical activity.
The principle of speech intention. The major principle of a contemporary approach to foreign language teaching is the communication principle, teaching it as a means of communication.
Communication teaching process occurs at different levels. Understanding and interest are connected with affective partial competencies which greatly depend on a person and partially already exist. Cognitive dimension is characterized by acquired theoretical and cultural and special knowledge about the language studied.
Knowing communication patterns and strategies of conflict resolutions students eventually acquire partial skills at pragmatic and communicative level. Due to self-reflection concerning another cultural experience and knowledge about foreign cultures students switch between three levels and develop their communication skills. However the learning process does not stop at a definite moment but carries on developing constantly with each new cross-cultural situation. Sh. Kumar [32] states that the principle of speech intention is the major feature of foreign language media texts - communicative orientation.
The principle of the learner's personality development. Learning is considered to be a holistic process which implies not only expanding cognitive knowledge but making a person change his/her experience and behavior in relation to the environment. Studying a foreign language and a foreign language culture is characterized by accepting different cultural perspectives and changing behavior and thinking patterns. In the situations of cultural communication distinctive relationships are identified and put into question which allows integrating new elements in behavior patterns creating compassion and tolerance. Studying a foreign language and a foreign language culture is more effective in intensive cognitive activity of students their active intellectual creativity, independent investigationsand discoveries. Mass-media is a tool which may have a beneficial effect on students' personality development based on the competent pedagogical approach. The use of media resources, reception and perception of mass-media contribute to development of students' ability for criticism, media creativity and media-art always include reproduction and production. Media creativity implies creation of own media products such as a video report, a wall newspaper, an advertisement, a poster, a podcast, a virtual museum etc.
The principle of projectivity. Projective texts contain a lot of implicit information which is found in implications and in the text itself and contributes to enhancing thinking process. Working with projective content focuses on different details necessary for development of students' value-based attitude to the language and culture. When preparing tasks to projective texts a teacher should take into account culturological commentaries to media materials (commenting on acronyms, abbreviations, words-reality etc.)
The principle of problematicity. The goal of media education is critical autonomy development e.g. the ability to think and make decisions independently, to read and deconstruct a media text. Knowledge generation is carried out during critical research accompanied by a dialogue in which knowledge is not just transmitted to students but is "opened" and created by them.
Attitude to criticism is expressed in "practical criticism" and "critical practice", the priority of "cultural criticism" before "cultural reproduction". The introduction of the principle of problematicity contributes to implementation of students' independent research activity.
The principle of sociocultural markedness. Contemporary media texts present the dynamics of relationships between language and culture; reflect changes in language standards, social contexts, and cultural realities. Evaluation of events in the texts is carried out both explicitly and implicitly. We should note sociocultural value of podcasts which represent voiced by native speakers' works of fiction by people of the country the language of which is studied, and the advantage is foreign culture identity broadcasting in audio format, easy to understand and learn.
Many foreign and Russian podcasting services (Apple Podcasts, BBC Sounds, Google Podcasts, Spotify, PodFM) are a kind of library of podcasts collected from the Internet.
The principle of accordance with the interests and needs of the student. Based on practice it can be argued that information appropriate to students' needs and interests is internally accepted by them, fascinates, and stimulates their motivation to study it in detail. Working with media at lessons contributes to increasing the educational motivation of students. Ye.V. Muryukina emphasizes the fact that the most popular themes for students in media sphere are "youth, romantic, historic, and motivation to use media, a wish to gain new information, listen to music and seek for educational content" [33, p. 152-153].
Texts selected according to students' cognitive interests orient them not only to perceive information but to process it carefully. In addition, mass-media application at the lesson contributes to enhancing interdisciplinary connections which in its turn intensifies students' creative and research activity, their readiness to criticize and debate.
The principle of positive emotionality. We mentioned above the significance of "emotional and value-based relations experience" for students' media literacy development. Emotions play an important role in the structure of teachers' professional competence especially emotional control skills and understanding emotions of the students, their parents, and people around.
It is known that in order to control his/her emotions a person should understand and verbalize them. According to I.N. Andreeva "Verbalization of one's emotional state plays a dual role: on the one hand it informs our partner about the feelings experienced and reduces his/her tension, on the other hand it helps to regulate our own emotional tension" [34, p. 217].
In this regard a great role for students' emotional thesaurus development is played by emotional coloring of a media text creating a big expressiveness ... and accordingly, more efficient communicative influence on the recipient.
Media texts with stylistic forms and types of speech, with emotional language, descriptors of emotions and implicitly containing emotive meaning allow organization of the work on students' empathy development.
For the first time basic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development are identified and justified taking into account the competence-based and communicative approaches to professional foreign language training of future bachelors-teachers and the professionally oriented approach to relevant content selection and academic foreign language activity organization. On the basis of Federal state educational standards requirements to graduates of pedagogical educational institutions and solving tasks of universal competences development we determine the following principles: the principle of relevance and authenticity of the material assuming the use of relevant information that comply with current and past reality, address the historical facts, and appeal to real methods of its obtaining; the principle of media informative content involving any subject sphere or discipline integration including the media communication, television and journalism sphere; the principle of field-specific orientation of the content focusing on the use of media texts about teaching profession, outstanding educators, skills and abilities necessary for a teacher; the principle of speech intention implementing communicative teaching; the principle of the learner's personality development implying not only expanding cognitive knowledge but making a person change his/her experience and behavior in relation to the environment; the principle of projectivity suggesting work with media texts which contain a lot of implicit information for enhancing thinking process; the principle of problematicity developing critical autonomy; the principle of sociocultural markedness revealing sociocultural value of podcasts; the principle of accordance with the interests and needs of the student increasing the educational motivation of students; the principle of positive emotionality involving verbalization of the emotional state.
The results received in the research are correlated with data of N.V. Chicherina revealing the most important characteristics of media literacy in general, L.N. Yusupova and T.M. Tatarinova describing the role of critical thinking in media education, T.A. Boronenko focusing on development of self-expression skills in different forms when using media tools etc.
Identification and justification of principles of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development are the first step on the way to achieving the desired result. The next step is organization of selected content, development of appropriate technologies, and identification of pedagogical conditions for students' media literacy development (Fig.1)
Media education is a relatively new area of pedagogy which is actively developing worldwide. It includes work with press materials, radio programmes, screen works, Internet-resources etc. Working with media resources is an integral part of the learning process in every educational institution. For successful adaptation of a person to living conditions in information society media literacy is needed. The development level determines the efficiency of professional activity of any specialist.
Mainstreaming the role of media literacy in terms of competitiveness of future teachers in the sphere of language education involves special selection of media resources used during students language training. The literature review, long-term experience in education bachelors training made it possible to determine the basic principles of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development:the principle of relevance and authenticity, media informative content, field-specific orientation, speech intention, learner's personality development, projectivity, problematicity, sociocultural markedness, accordance with the interests and needs of the student, positive emotionality.
Implementation of these principles provides an objective opportunity to improve the quality of bachelors' education under conditions of global digitalization of the contemporary society.
The aim: to increase the level of students' media literacy.
identification and justification of approaches and principles of foreign language Information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development
Figure 1 The research stages of foreign language information media resources selection for future teachers' media literacy development
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Информация об авторах Карташова Валентина Николаевна
(Россия, Елец) Профессор, доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры иностранных языков и методики их преподавания Елецкий государственный университет им. И.А. Бунина
E-mail: cartashova.vale@yandex ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2057-5659
Волынкина Наталия Валериевна
(Россия, Воронеж) Доцент, доктор педагогических наук, профессор
кафедры иностранных языков ВУНЦ ВВС «Военно-воздушная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2535-7785
Архангельская Наталья Николаевна
(Россия, Елец) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и методики их преподавания ФГБОУ ВО «Елецкий государственный университет им. И.А. Бунина» E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID:0000-0003-2708-5465 ResearcherID: AAG-2108-2020
Information about the authors
Valentina N. Kartashova
(Russia, Yelets) Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and methods of their teaching Bunin Yelets State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2057-5659
Natalia V. Volynkina
(Russia, Voronezh) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2535-7785
Natalya N. Arkhangelskaya
(Russia, Yelets) Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and methods of their teaching Bunin Yelets State University E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2708-5465 ResearcherID: AAG-2108-2020