Sh.B. Alisher, doctoral Tashkent financial institute (Uzbekistan, Tashkent)
DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2019-10667
Abstract. This article analyzes the experience of higher education systems in developed countries in the education system. Also, having studied foreign experience, a proposal was developed for the effective financing of higher education in our country.
Keywords: educational system, high education, educational service, finance, the budget, revenue, models.
Financing of educational system is considered one of the most important part of expenditure contents of the government budget of Uzbekistan in the modernization procceces of national economy. Furthermore, almost 30-35 percent of budget's expenditure is directed into higher education. Most assets from different non-budget funds are being spent for improvement of material-technical base of educational system's modernization.
Inspite of reforms in higher education in our country, our personal still have a great competitiveness in international trade market. This requires to bring up skilled cadres according to the international standards. To achieving this goal, firstly, they should be provided higher educational institutions according to the international standards and be supported comfortable conditions both students and teachers staff to improve their skills and research. From this point of view, creating sufficient directions of education financing and its practice is considered one of the most urgent issues these days.
For solving these issues positively, country needs to introduce sufficient directions of education as well as financing sources. Learning education high developed countries experience is required in this way. After analyzing current education system and methods of its finance, it should be created sufficient fitted education system and its finance according to economic, political, financial, national current conditions of our country.
Some factors have a great role in methods and capacity of education system's finance in developed countries. They are followings:
- countries economy's development level.
- objectives of education system.
- national traditions.
- educational institutions establishments, management and their speciality and etc.
These factors should be paid attention in creating national model of education systems model.
There can be distinguished three kinds of education model in developed and developing countries:
1) Asian model;
2) American model;
3) European model.
Private sector has a great role in education finance in Asian model as well as the government. Schools are provided by minucipal organs, government higher educational institutions are equal with private ones according to their numbers. Generally, local sources have more portion than national sources in finance of education. Schools and secondary schools are provided by the government freely, higher education is for a charge. Multifunctional system is created for students for covering this charge by scholarships or credits.
To illustrate, education system of Japan is more convenient for the government budget: education expenditure in Japan is equel 5,5-6 percent of GNP of country. This indicator is 7,1 and 7,7 percent in the USA and the Great Britain respectively.
In Japan higher education is avialible for whom wants to study. Both the government and private higher educational institutions are in use. The government institutions are directed for preparing natural-scientific, engineering specialists and non-government ones
are for social-economic and humanitarian specialists. According to this, more account needing spheres are provided by the government, generally, nowadays preparing engineers requires more assets than preparing lawyers or economists.
According to the education standards, in private educational institutions expenditures are minimized and as a result, with decreasing education fees, request for non-government based educations are increasing day by day. The number of private higher educational institutions is rising up. On the other hand, dotation policy, licenses for preparing less asset needing specialties and low requirements for teacher staff skills are encouraging the rise of the numbers of private higher educational institutions too. Furthermore, it provides suitable levels of wages and increase in the numbers of students for one teacher in nongovernmental institutions.
European model. In this model, all stages of education are centralized and provided by the government freely. Grading procecces are very high even in elementary schools and according to these procecces students can pass to the next level or form.
In Europe universities are less independent than in the United States. In managing of higher educational institutions academic positions have a great role, in United States sponsorship councils role more than the others in management of institutions.
Education system are financed by the government budget in European countries, especially in France and Germany and supervised by the government.
The expenditures of educational institutions are covered by the government scholarships, study fees and the commercial revenues in European countries. These factors portions are different in different countries and changeable. Students support their daily expenditures by themselves from following sources:
- parents money;
- individual scholarships given by the government:
- special loans for students;
- other revenues.
In Great Britian rating system is created for grading educational institutions and every year institutions national rating table is
announced. High level institutions or universities according to high education quality are ancouraged by additional accounts.
Government and private schools, the best and medium universities education quality is different from each other in American model. Education is available for everyone in the USA, Canada and Sweden. It is national tradition. Education is traditionally independent from federal government in the USA, even governmental education institutions are for a charge. Government finance for education are properly distributed in the USA, if institutions financing degree by the government rises up from the signed levels its independence and effects for external changes are controversial.
More than half of the educational institutions in the USA are under the private coorparations. There are more than 3 500 institutions in the USA. Responsibilities for under-cooperation institutions are provided by sponsors, who are former graduates or others.
Financing of American institutions are supported by following five sources:
- government assets;
- study fees;
- educational services revenues;
- charities;
- special funds percents.
Government aids for educational institutions are 40-45 percent of whole educational institutions revenues and they are followings: 10-15 percent of them from federal budget, 25-30 percent from states budget and 2-5 percent from local authority budget.
According to some scientists, in future educational institutions appoint study fees themselves and generally financing are provided by students in Europe. It encourages education level positively. Because students' requirements for educational institutions will be high as well as study processes.
Education credits for students are increasing in some countries. These give students a chance to pay study fees now and these credits can be given back after they begin to work by their wages graduating from the institute.
It is important to say that, to require study sufficiency without providing institutions
with resources may encourage worsening both education processes and research quality. From this point of view, in some developed countries both education and scientific process are tried to be rated equally from time to time.
After analyzed developed countries education system and its financing methods we can conclude that their models some directions may be used in our education system too. For instance, although in our country private institutes are allowed legally, there are no private institutes available for students and it lessens stable competition in education services market. If many accounts needing specialties are under the government provision and less account needing specialties are distributed by private sector such as in Japan it encourages to invest more money by private sector. Furthermore, private institutes should be given some facilities like in less tax fees or in taking licenses by the government. In our education system "dual principle" methods should be used like in Germany, which means theories
time. Because it provides students to have not only theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge at the same time. As a result, postgraduates have few problems when they begin their working experience and less time experience period. Employees have experienced cadres.
As we know Cabinet of Ministers has been made decision about organizing of rating system of higher educational institutions in our country in 2013. If the higher the rating of the institutes have the more encouragement finance by the government like in the Great Britian and these aids spend in its modernization and improving the professor-teachers staff skill it will help to develop our educational system.
On the other hand, if institutions can appoints study fees by themselves, it may help to improve competitive environment among educational institutions for attracting students. In my opinion, it helps to improve study quality as well as lessening study fees according to the large number of students.
are given to students with practice at the same
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Ш.Б. Алишер, докторант Ташкентский финансовый институт (Узбекистан, г. Ташкент)
Аннотация. В статье анализируется опыт финансирования систем высшего образования в развитых странах. На основе изученного опыта, автором разработано предложение по повышению эффективности финансирования высшего образования в Республике Узбекистан.
Ключевые слова: система образования, высшее образование, образовательная услуга, финансы, бюджет, доходы, модели.