Protistology 2 (2), 105-122 (2001)
Foraminifera of the Laptev Sea
Tatiana G. Lukina
Laboratory of Marine Research, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, Russia
As a result of processing material of 6 Arctic expeditions Foraminifera fauna from the entire Laptev Sea within the limits of a wide range of depths (from 8 up to 3171 m) and salinity of bottom water (from 11 up to 35 per mille) was investigated. One hundred and thirty species were identified, of which 62 species are forms with agglutinated shell, and more than a half of species are noted for the given area for the first time.
Key words: recent benthic Foraminifera, taxonomy, horizontal and vertical distribution
Foraminifera are among the most common taxa of marine benthos of worldwide distribution and have an important role in the trophic chain of the entire biocenosis. Apart from that Foraminifera are excellent indicators of the degree of anthropogenous impact on the hydrological regime of the studied water area.
At present only scanty and fragmentary information is available on species composition of Foraminifera of the Laptev Sea. Thus, the work of Z.G. Stschedrina (1936) contains information on the presence of 4 species within the limits of the section passing from the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago up to the mouth of the Lena River. Moreover, data on species composition of Foraminifera fauna of the Laptev Sea are available in the publication by American researchers R.Todd and D.Low (1966) (39 species) and in the work by S.V.Tamanova (1970) (24 species).
Material and Methods
This paper was based upon material collected during the joint Russian-German expedition in the framework of the project «System of the Laptev Sea»: r/v «Professor Multanovskiy», 5 - 22.09. 1994, r/v «Kapitan Dranitsyn», 8 - 23.10. 1995, r/v «Polars-tern», 2 - 20.09. 1993, 24.07 - 7.09. 1995, 1 - 18.08.
1998 and Russian-American expedition: r/v «Jakov Smirnitskiy», 15.08 - 8.09. 1995 (see map). Quantitative meiobenthos samples were sorted out and examined only from samples collected during voyages of vessels «Professor Multanovsky» (7 stations), «Kapitan Dranitsyn» (14 stations), «Yakov Smirnistsky» (10 stations) and «Polarstern» 1998 (11 stations) from depths
© 2001 by Russia, Protistology
Figs 1-17. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 1 - Allogromiasp. (M., st.92, dep.34m); 2 -Astrorhiza arenaria Norman (P.98, st.117, dep. 79m); 3 - Astrorhiza limicola Sandahl (P.95, st.4, dep.54m); 4 - Pelosina variabilis Brady (M., st.14/24, dep.20m); 5 - Rhabdammina abyssorum Sars (P.93, st.б2, dep. 101m); 6 - Rhabdammina aff. discreta Brady (P.93, st.49, dep. 280 m); 7 -Psammosphaera bowmanni Heron-Allen and Earland (M., st.15/41, dep. 13,5m); 8 - Psammosphaera fusca Schulze (P.98, st.158, dep^7m); 9 - Saccammina sphaerica Brady (P.93, st.47, dep.1079m); 10 - Lagenammina difflugiformis (Brady) (D., st.41, dep. 24m); 11 - Lagenammina difflugiformis (Brady) (P.98, st.158, dep^7m); 12 - Thurammina favosa Flint (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 13 - Tholosina bulla (Brady) (P.93, st.43, dep. 55m); 14 - Tholosina vesicularis (Brady) (P.93, st.32, dep. 3028m); 15, 16 -Hyperammina elongata Brady (P.98, st.117, dep. 79m); 17 - Saccorhiza ramosa (Brady) (P.98, st.159, dep. 57m).
8 to 267 m. The rest of material (r/v Polarstern, 1993, 13 stations and «Polarstern», 1995, 21 stations) was obtained as a result of examination of macrobenthos bottom grab samples partly washed. For this circumstance possibly the most minute fraction of
Foraminifera fauna after examination of this material is represented incompletely.
Material examined covers the entire Laptev Sea from coastal shallow areas to 81° 12.7°N, from 8 to 3171 m, at salinity 11-35 per mille.
Figs 18-35. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 18 - Hippocrepina indivisa Parker (P98, st.159, dep. 57m); 19 - Jaculella acuta Brady (Sm., st.75, dep. 43 m); 20 - Ammodiscus catinus Hoglund (P.98, st.159, dep. 57 m); 21 - Ammodiscusgullmarensis Hoglund (P.98, st.154, dep. 2б7 m); 22 a, b -Silicosigmoilinagroenlandica (Cushman) (P.98, st.158, dep. б7 m); 23 - Nodulina dentaliniformis Brady (M., st.17/24, dep. 20m); 24 - Reophax bilocularis Flint (Sm., st.75, dep. 43 m); 25 - Reophax bradyi Bronnimann and Whittaker (P.93, st.38, dep. 1038 m); 26 - Reophax bradyi Bronnimann and Whittaker (P.98, st.158, dep. б7 m); 27 - Reophax curtus Cushman (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 28 - Reophaxsabulosus Brady (P.95, st.69, dep. 984 m); 29 - Reophaxsubfusiformis Earland (D., st.41, dep. 24m); 30 - Cuneata arctica (Brady) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 31 - Archimerismussubnodosa Brady (P.95, st.12, dep. 45m);
32 - Hormosina globulifera Brady (P93, st.47, dep. 1079m); 33 - Pseudonodosinella nodulosa (Brady)
(P.93, st.38, dep. 1038m); 34 - Reophanusovicula (Brady) (P.93, st.39, dep. 526m); 35 - Cribrostomoides subglobosum (G.O.Sars) (P.98, st. 58, dep. 67m).
The taxonomic study is based upon the Foraminifera containing plasma. On the average
classification proposed by American authors Alfred living Foraminifera constitute approximately 40% of
R.Loeblich, Jr. and Helen Tappan, 1987. In processing the total number of shells found.
the material Foraminifera shells were partly stained using rose Bengal for the purpose of revealing
Figs 36-49. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 36 - Haplophragmoides jeffreysi (Williamson) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 37 - Labrospira crassimargo (Norman) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 38 - Ammotium cassis (Parker) (P.98, st.159, dep. 57m); 39 - Adercotrymaglomerata (Brady) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 40 a, b - Recurvoides contortus Earland (P.98, st.159, dep. 57m); 41 - Recurvoides laevigatum Hoglund (P.95, st.23, dep. 2371m); 42 - Spiroplectammina biformis (Parker and Jones) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 43 a, b - Portatrochammina bipolaris Bronnimann and Whittaker (P.98, st.154, dep. 267m); 44 -Portatrochammina bipolaris (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 45 a, b, c - Tritaxis bullata (Hoglund) (P.98, st.154, dep. 267m); 46 a, b - Trochammina inflata (Montagu) (P.98, st.154, dep. 267m); 47 a, b -Trochamminopsis pussilus Hoglund (P.98, st.154, dep. 267m); 48 - Jadammina macrescens (Brady) (Sm., st.28, dep. 10m); 49 a, b - Trochamminula lobata (Cushman) (M., st.15/41, dep. 14m).
Description of the environment
The Laptev Sea occupying central position among the Arctic seas of Russia may serve as the most convenient model for the study of processes occurring in the marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean. The peculiar character of the hydrological regime, topography of sea
is determined by five large rivers fall into it. These are rivers Khatanga, Olenek and Anabar in the western part and rivers Lena and Yana in the eastern part. Approximately 868 km3 of freshwater enter the Laptev Sea (sediments 164 km3, river flow 766.7 km3 minus evaporation km3 ) (Kochetov S.V et al., 1994). A small trench Sadko with depths to 3385 m cuts into the Laptev
Figs 50-62. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 50 a, b - Deuterammina grisea (Earland) (P.98, st.154, dep. 267m); 51 a, b - Deuterammina rotaliformis (Heron-Allen and Earland) (Sm., st.23, dep. 8m); 52 - Verneuilinulla advena (Cushman) (P.98, st.159, dep. 57m); 53 - Textularia earlandi Parker (P98, st.158, dep. 67m); 54 - Textularia torguata Parker (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 55 - Cornuspira foliacea (Philippi) (P.95, st.64, dep. 37m); 56 - Cornuspira foliacea (Philippi) (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 57 - Cornuspira involvens (Reuss) (M., st.92, dep.34 m); 58 - Gordiospira arctica Cushman (P.98, st.80, dep. 24m); 59 - Planispirinoides bucculentus (Brady) (P93, st.39, dep. 526m); 60 - Quinqueloculina agglutinata (Cushman) (P95, st.4, dep. 54m); 61 - Quinqueloculina arctica Cushman (P.93, st.32, dep. 3028m); 62 a, b, c - Quinqueloculina lamarckiana D’Orbigny (P.95, st.64, dep. 37m).
Sea in the north. In the southern part the surface of sea bottom is indented by submarine paleovalleys situated opposite mouths of rivers falling into the sea. The major part of the sea is occupied by shallow water shelf zone with depths to 50 m. Thus, an abrupt overfall of depths may be observed in the Laptev Sea. In the southern part average depths do not reach beyond the
limits of15-20 m, whereas northern boundaries of the sea pass above the ocean bed with depths in excess of 2000 m. Abrupt overfall of depths at the continental slope divides the sea into the northern deep water part and southern shallow part along the latitude of Vilkitsky Strait. Isobath of 200 m is regarded as boundary of the shelf.
Figs 63-78. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 63. Quinqueloculina seminulum (Linne)
(P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 64 - Miliolinella hauerinoides (Rhumbler) (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 65 - Pyrgo elongata (D’Orbigny) (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 66 a, b - Pyrgo williamsoni (Silvestri) (M., st.92, dep.
34m); 67 - Pyrgoellasphaera (D’Orbigny) (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 68 - Triloculina trichedra Loeblich and Tappan (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 69 - Dentalina baggi Galloway and Wissler (P.95, st.12, dep.
45m); 70 - Dentalina frobischerensis Loeblich and Tappan (P.95, st.62, dep. 243m); 71 - Astacolus hyalacrulus Loeblich and Tappan (P95, st.81, dep. 535m); 72 - Lagena apiopleura Loeblich and Tappan (D., st.17, dep. 18m); 73 - Lagenagracillima (Seguenza) (P98, st.159, dep. 57m); 74 - Lagena laevis (Montagu) (P.95, st.84, dep. 101m); 75 - Lagena mollis Cushman (P95, st.81, dep. 535m); 76 - Lagena striata (D’Orbigny) (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 77 - Favulina hexagona (Williamson) (P.95, st.81, dep.
535m); 78 - Favulina melo (D’Orbigny) (M., st.92, dep. 34m).
Structure of waters of the Laptev Sea is formed as a continental flow the maximum action of which is parti-
result of inflow of surface Arctic waters, deep Atlantic cularly pronounced in the south-eastern part of the sea.
waters from the Arctic basin and under the influence of Situated below the layer of Atlantic waters are deep
Figs 79-93. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 79 - Fissurina cucurbitasema Loeblich and Tappan (D., st.17, dep. 18m); 80 - Fissurina marginata (Montagu) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 81 -Parafissurina tectulostoma Loeblich and Tappan (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 82 - Laryngosigmahyalascidia Loeblich and Tappan (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 83 - Robertinoidescharlottensis (Cushman) (P98, st.158, dep. 67m); 84 - Cassidulina teretis Tappan (P98, st.158, dep. 67m); 85 - Islandiella islandica (Norvang) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 86 - Islandiella norcrossi (Cushman) (P.95, st.16, dep. 53m); 87 - Stainforthia concava (Hoglund) (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 88 - Cassidella complanata (Egger) (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 89 - Lobatula lobatula (Walker and Jacob) (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 90 a, b, c - Rupertina stabilis Wallich (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m); 91 - Haynesina orbiculare (Brady) (M., st.15/41, dep. 14m); 92 -Nonionella labradorica (Dawson) (P.95, st.12, dep. 45m); 93 - Astrononion gallowayi Loeblich and Tappan (P.98, st.158, dep. 67m).
Arctic waters with permanent negative temperature and salinity of approximately 35 per mille. A principle scheme of the Laptev Sea waters circulation particularly in summer time is characterized by entry of large amounts
of water through Vilkitsky Strait and Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago straits from the Kara Sea towards the continental coast (Nikiforov and Shpaiher, 1980). Then under the influence of freshened flow of rivers Lena and
Figs 94-103. Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea. 94 - Melonis barleanum (Williamson) (P.95, st.84, dep. 101m); 95 - Pullenia bulloides D’Orbigny (P.95, st.81, dep. 535m); 96 a, b - Buccella frigida (Cushman) (P.95, st.17, dep. 18m); 97 - Cribroelphidium bartletti (Cushman) (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 98 - Cribroelphidium clavatum (Cushman) (D., st.48, dep. 40m); 99 - Cribroelphidiumsubarcticum (Cushman) (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 100 - Cribroelphidium subincertum (Asano) (D., st.48, dep. 40m); 101 - Elphidiella arctica (Parker and Jones) (P.95, st.71, dep. 534m); 102 - Elphidiella frigida (Cushman) (M., st.92, dep. 34m); 103 - Elphidiellagroenlandica (Cushman) (P.95, st.4, dep. 54m).
Yana they deviate north-eastwards and through straits of the New Siberian Archipelago these continental waters flow in the East-Siberian Sea. In summer time waters of rivers Lena and Yana are noted north of Ko-telnyi Island. In winter period continental flow in the Laptev Sea reduces considerably and has no essential impact on water flow in the sea. The near bottom water layer in the Laptev Sea is characterized by temperature that is negative or close to negative almost throughout the year.
As a result of processing material 130 species of Foraminifera were identified of which б2 species are forms with agglutinated shell, and more than a half of species have been recorded in the given area for the first time.
The author has examined 42 quantitative box corer samples from collections of expeditions of r/v “Prof. Multanovskiy”, 1994, r/v “Kap. Dranitsyn”, 1995, r/v “Polarstern”, 1998 and r/v “Jakov
Expedition-year Capitan Dranitsin, 1995 Prof. Multanovski, 1994
Sample no. 2 9 17 23 29 33 41 48 55 б0 б4 б5 б8 71 10/13 14/24 15/41 18/б2 19/51 20/бЗ 92
Salinity 33 22 2б 30 2б 25 30 33 33 29.б 32 32 31.9 32.9 27 24 31 32 32 32
Temperature bottom -1.5 1.9 2.1 -1.4 -0.8 0.5 -0.5 -1.5 -1.4 -0.б -0.9 -0.9 -1 -1.7 -0.2 1.б -1.3 -1.4 -1.5 -1.2
Species / Depth (m) 47 15 18 32 1б 15 24 40 33 15 37 21 35 47 37 20 14 25 25 32 34
Allogromia sp. 5 8 4 3 8
Ammodiscus gullmarensi x x
Ammotium cassis 34 14 21 10 3 8 30 5 б 11 2 52 б
Angulogerina fluens 7
Archimerismus subnodosa x 2
Astrononion gallowayi 3
Bolivina pseudopunctata 1
Buccella frig ida 4 2 2 7 3 5 2 3
Buccella inusitata 5 5
Cassidella complanata 1
Cassidulina teretis 1
Cornuspira involvens 3 2 2
Cribroelphidium bartletti 5 27 10 4 7 8 б 10 1 7 4 23 3 8
Cribroelphidium clavatum 14 14 10 4 11 21 27 10 14 3 9 б 1 1 22 35 4
Cribroelphidium subarcticum 1 17 13
Cribroelphidium subincertum б 5 5 б 4 3
Cuneata arctica 1 3 2 4 2 2
Deuterammina rotaliformis x
Elphidiella frig ida 1 2
Elphidiella groenlandica 5 5 1 3 б 2 4 4
Elphidium incertum x
Esosyrinx curta б 2 3 3 3
Favulina melo 1
Fissurina cucurbitas 1
Fursenkoina fusiformis 1
Glabratella chasteri 3
Haynesina orbicularis 5 9 4 б б 1 5 3 13 10 18 5 3 5 20 2 28 12 31 3 3
Hippocrepina indivisa 2
Hyperammina elongata 5
Islandiella islandica 8 1 4 x 1б 2 б
Islandiella norcrossi б
Labrospira crassimargo 2 1 2 3 1
Lagena apiopleura 1
Lagena gracillima 1
Lagenammina difflugiformis 8 42 8 29 8 40 б 32 4 31
Smirnitskiy”, 1995 from depths of 8 — 267 m. Results of processing of this material are presented in tables 1-2. Distribution of Foraminifera identified from 34 qualitative samples from Agassiz trawl from collections of r/v “Polarstern”, 1993, 1995 from depths of 403171 m, is given in Tables 3-4. Data on depths, salinity and bottom temperature for each station are given. Relative percentages of each foraminiferal species to the total number of shells per sample is given. “x” indicates percentage less than 1.
Different depths and related diverse hydrological conditions of the southern and northern parts of the sea and also peculiar character of sea bottom relief have considerable impact on species composition and distribution of Foraminifera fauna in that region. Thus, in the southern shallow part of the Laptev Sea the majority are species of the sublittoral.
An assemblage of predominant species enduring considerable freshening has been defined in coastal regions influenced by freshwater flow of the Yma and Lena Rivers. Thus, east of the delta of the Lena River in the
zone of influence of waters of the Yana River at depths 8-16 m at S=11-17 o/ and T. bott. =0-------------6-7o C 18
species of Foraminifera have been found: Ammotium cassis, Buccella frigida, Cornuspira involvens, Deuterammina rotaliformis, Elphidiella groenlandica, Haynesina orbicularis,, Lagenammina difflugiformis, Laryngosigma hyalascidia, Nodulina dentaliniformis, Pelosina variabilis, Portatrochammina bipolaris, Psam-mosphaera bowmanii, Psammosphaera fusca, Textu-laria torguata, Trochamminula lobata, Jadammina macrescens, Reophax bilocularis, Reophax sub-fusiformis. The most common among them are Deuterammina rotaliformis, Psammosphaera fusca, Lagenammina difflugiformis, Ammotium cassis and Nodulina dentaliniformis.
In the freshened zone ofthe Lena River delta at depths of 14 - 24 m, S = 24 - 30 o/ , T bott. = -1.1 - 1.6 oC
20 species of Foraminifera have been noted; Allogromia sp., Ammotium cassis, Buccella frigida, Cornuspira involvens, Cribroelphidium clavatum, Cr. bartletti, Elphi-diella groenlandica, Elphidium incertum, Esosyrinx cur-
Expedition-year Capitan Dranitsin, 1995 Prof. Multanovski, 1994
Sample no. 2 9 17 23 29 33 41 48 55 б0 б4 б5 б8 71 10/13 14/24 15/41 18/б2 19/51 20/бЗ 92
Salinity 33 22 2б 30 2б 25 30 33 33 29.б 32 32 31.9 32.9 27 24 31 32 32 32
Temperature bottom -1.5 1.9 2.1 -1.4 -0.8 0.5 -0.5 -1.5 -1.4 -0.б -0.9 -0.9 -1 -1.7 -0.2 1.б -1.3 -1.4 -1.5 -1.2
Species / Depth (m) 47 15 18 32 1б 15 24 40 33 15 37 21 35 47 37 20 14 25 25 32 34
Laryngosigma williamsoni x
Laryngosigma hyalascidia 2 1 3 x 2 3
Miliolinella hauerinoides 23 8
Nodulina dentaliniformis 5 2 21 4 25 11 3 б 5
Pelosina variabilis 3 3 б 4 8 2
Portatrochammina bipolaris 8 10 x
Psammosphaera fusca 9 3 23 83 19 14 42 11 3 7 35 23
Pyrgo elongata 2 2 x
Pyrgo williamsoni 1
Pyrulina cylindroides x 3
Quinqueloculina agglutinata 1
Quinqueloculina seminulum 1 2 1 9
Recuvoides contortus 3 4 x 3
Recurvoides laevigatum 5 7 1 3
Reophax curtus 9 12 1б 8 12 11 2
Reophax subfusiformis 4 15 8 5 3 5 7 1 15 2
Rosalina wrightii 5 2 3
Saccorhiza ramosa x
Silicosigmoilina groenlandica 2 2
Spiroplectammina biformis 1 4 8
Stainforthia concava 1
Textularia torguata 1 18 2 13 22 2 5
Triloculina oblonga x
Trochamminula lobata 2 б 3 14 5
Verneuilinulla advena 3 3 51 8 27 2б 11 2 1 7
No. counted 187 111 119 171 83 Зб бЗ 118 93 49 28 б0 129 бЗ 135 100 175 139 15 93 194
No. species 1б 13 18 17 10 б 12 14 9 7 7 12 1б 14 17 10 9 1б 5 8 27
% agglutinated 44 31 39 47 70 33 б7 Зб 33 43 57 50 38 50 53 80 78 б9 б0 50 30
ta, Haynesina orbiculare, Lagenammina difflugiformis, Laryngosigma hyalascidia, Nodulina dentaliniformis, Pe-losina variabilis, Psammosphaera fusca, Pyrulina cylind-roides, Reophax subfusiformis, Trochamminula lobata and Verneuilinulla advena.
Predominant in population density are Verneuil-inulla advena, Psammosphaera fusca, Haynesina orbiculare and Nodulina dentaliniformis.
West of the Lena River delta where slight influence of river water is noted at depths of 21-37 m, S=32 o/oo T. bott.= 0.9°C 33 species have been found. Maximum population density in this regions is formed by Psammosphaera fusca, Lagenammina difflugiformis, Haynesina orbiculare, Cribroelphidium clavatum, Cr. bartletti, Cr. subarcticum and Reophax curtus..
Moreover, in the south-western part of the sea at St. 92 “Prof. Multanovskiy» at a depth of 34 m, S = 32.3 o/oo, T bott = -1.2° C Foraminifera species composition unusual for this depth has been noted: Archimeris-mus subnodosa, Pelosina variabilis, Saccorhiza ramosa, Lagena gracillima, Favulina melo, Triloculina oblonga, Glabratella chasteri characteristic rather for bathyal.
In the western part of the sea along the eastern coast of the Taimyr Peninsula and in Vilkitsky Strait at depths 18-50 m, S=26-32 o/oo, T. bott = -1 - 12.8o C slight influence of waters of the Kara Sea is noted. Thirty five species of Foraminifera have been found in that region.
Increase of species diversity of shells per sample up to 15-18 forms and lack of obvious predominance of separate species have been noted. Moreover, within the fauna composition there are very few foraminifera with calcareous shell (only Cribroelphidium clavatum, Cr. bartletti, Elphidiella frigida, E. groenlandica, Miliolinella hauerinoides and Quinqueloculina seminulum). Along with the sublittoral complex also forms of shallow water assemblage Ammotium cassis, Psammosphaera fusca, Lagenammina difflugiformis, Nodulina dentaliniformis, Verneuilinulla advena have been noted off Taimyr Peninsula coast. As a result of impact of waters of the Kara Sea species of the deep water complex Archimeris-mus subnodosa, Atlantiella atlantica, Hyperammina elongata, Jaculella acuta, Pelosina variabilis have been noted. Species Verneuilinulla advena, Portatrochammina bipolaris, Miliolinella hauerinoides are most abundant in that region.
In the eastern part of the sea north of the Lena River delta up to 76°N parellel at normal marine salinity 32 -33 o/oo 28 species of Foraminifera were found. In some samples more than a half of shells belong to species Ammotium cassis. Along with this species, which is predominant up to the northern coast of the Kotelnyi Island an assemblage of species of the upper part of the shelf is represented in this region, comprising Lagenammina difflugiformis, Psammo-
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1998 Jacov Smirnitski, 1995
Sample no. 80 92 104 114 117 125 134 138 154 158 159 21 23 24 2б 28 59 бб 73 75 7б
Salinity 24, 32.4 32, 33.8 34.4 32.1 33.2 34.7 33.5 33.7 32 1б 17 11 14 29.5 28 32.3 32 2б
Temperature bottom -1.1 -1.б -1.б -1.4 -1 -0.5 -1.б -1.7 0.4 -1.5 -1.б -1.1 0 0 б.7 б -1 0.б 1.9 -1.2 -2.8
Species / Depth (m) 24 34 34 50 79 110 49 44 2б7 б7 57 50 8 8 9 10 22 20 35 43 18
A dercotrima glomerata 1 1 x x
Allogromia sp. 2 2
Ammodiscus gullmarensis 2 1 x
Ammodiscus catinus x 1 x 1 x x 2
Ammotium cassis 9 б0 18 78 1б б 7 20 43 14 б 2 2 3
A ngulogerina fluens x x
Archimerismus subnodosa 4 7
Astrononion galloway 2 2
Astrorhiza limicola x
Astroriza arenaria 2 2 б x
Atlantiella atlantica 5 2 2 4
Bolivina pseudopunctata
Buccella frigida 4 x 4 1
Buccella inusitata 3
Cassidulina teretis 1 1
Cornuspira involvens 14
Cornuspira foliacea x
Cribroelphidium bartletti 5 x 1
Cribroelphidium clavatum 4 2 2 41 2
Cribroelphidium subarcticum 1 3
Cribroelphidium subincertum 1 1
Cuneata arctica 1 x x
Dentalina baggi x
Deuterammina grisea x 3
Deuterammina rotaliformis б0 32 45 4
Elphidiella frigida x
Elphidiella groenlandica 5 2 x 12 x
Elphidiella arctica 1
Elphidium incertum 1 1 x
Epistominel.exigu a x
sphaera fusca, Haynesina orbiculare, Cribroelphidium clavatum, Cr. bartletti.
In the eastern part of the sea north and west of the Kotelnyi Island coast at depths of 15-49 m S=21.7-34.7o/oo T, bott = -1.5-2.1°C, Ammotium cassis species retains predominant position in population density, constituting 44 to 78% of the total number of shells at st. 2, 17 “Kap. Dranitsyn” and st. 134 “Polarsten”, 1998. Moreover, species Lagenammina difflugiformis, Cribroelphidium clavatum, Cr. bartletti, Textularia torguata and Pelosina variabili may be placed in the group of the most numerous species of that region. Thus, in the eastern part of the Laptev Sea along with relative species diversity of foraminifera fauna (16-18 species per sample) predominance of separate forms and relatively small percentage of species with agglutinated shell (from 31 to 47%) are observed.
The largest number of species was noted in the central part of the Laptev Sea. Particularly significant species diversity is noted not far from the boundary and on the boundary of the shelf at depths 57-267 m within the limits of section of stations 125, 154, 158 and 159 “Polarstern”, 1998 (Table 2). In this region 27 to 44 species per sample were found. Most abundant among
these forms were Lagenammina difflugiformis and Portatrochammina bipolaris.
In the northern deepwater part of the Laptev Sea (Tables 3-4) at depths 40-3171 m diverse Foraminifera fauna comprising 86 species was found. It includes sublittoral species and forms of bathyal and abyssal of the ocean. Even at small depths of elevations of 40 to 70 m we have not noted species of the shallow water coastal assemblage such as Ammotium cassis and Verneuilinulla advena. At depths of not deeper than 101 m 16 species of foraminifera were found — Allogromia sp., Cribroelphidium subincertum, Elphidium incertum, Esosyrinx curta, Favulina hexagona, F, lineata, F. melo, Islandiella norcrossi, Nodulina dentaliniformis etc.
24 species were found within the limits of 243 to 3171 m - Astrorhiza limicola, Cornuspiroides striolatus, Crithioninapisum hispida, Fissurina annectens, Hormo-sina carpentery, Hyperammina cylindrica, Lagena mollis, L. striata, Nodosaria flintii, Parafissurina tectulostoma etc. The most abundant forms of the open part of the sea are Archimerismus subnodosa, Astrorhiza arenaria, Hormosina globulifera, Saccorhiza ramosa, Cornuspira involvens, C. foliacea, Elphidiella arctica, etc.
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1998 Jacov Smirnitski, 1995
Sample no. 80 92 104 114 117 125 134 138 154 158 159 21 23 24 2б 28 59 бб 73 75 7б
Salinity 24, 32.4 32, 33.8 34.4 32.1 33.2 34.7 33.5 33.7 32 1б 17 11 14 29.5 28 32.3 32 2б
Temperature bottom -1.1 -1.б -1.б -1.4 -1 -0.5 -1.б -1.7 0.4 -1.5 -1.б -1.1 0 0 б. 7 б -1 0.б 1.9 -1.2 -2.8
Species / Depth (m) 24 34 34 50 79 110 49 44 2б7 б7 57 50 8 8 9 10 22 20 35 43 18
Fissurina marginata x x
Glomospira gordialis x x
Gordiospira arctica 12
Haplophragmoides jeffreysi 1 3 x 1 3
Haynesina orbicularis 15 4 40 3 20 x 1
Hippocrepina indivisa x 3 2
Hormosina normani 2 2
Hyperammina elongata 4 1 x x 12 21 3
Islandiella norcrossi x
Islandiella islandica x 4 1
Jacuella acuta б 1 x 1 1 7 3
Jadammina macrescens 5
Labrospira crassimargo 7 x 1 1 5 2 б
Lagena apiopleura
Lagena gracillima x x
Lagenammina difflugiformis 18 14 19 32 27 41 43 15 8 5 Зб 21 1б 18 10
Laryngosigma hyalascidia 1 x 2 x
Lobatula lobatula 5 3
Melonis barleanum x 2 x
Nodulina dentaliniformis 2 б 4 3 3 1 20 25 3 + 2
Nonionella labradorica 2 x x
Pelosina variabilis 4 21 4
Portatrochammina bipolaris 21 33 29 28 17 25 8 x 2 2б
Psammosphaera fusca 3 4 4 4 x 1 1 14 48 8 50 10 2
Psammosphaera bowmanni 9 7
Pyrgo williamsoni 1 1
Pyrulina cylindroides
Quinqueloculina agglutinata 1
Quinqueloculina seminulum
Recurvoides contortus 3 4 x 7 10 +
Figures of Foraminifera species found in the Laptev Sea, executed by the author, are given at figs 1-103.
Thus as a result of examination of vast material from the entire Laptev Sea collected within a wide range of depths from 8 to 3171 m three assemblages of forami-nifera species were revealed. The first one is shallow water coastal complex comprising Psammosphaera fusca, Lagenammina difflugiformis, Ammotium cassis and Nodulina dentaliniformis. The second is sublittoral complex comprising the largest number of species occurring in coastal and deep water parts of the Laptev Sea - Reophax curtus, R. bradyi, R. subfusiformis, Textularia tor-guata, Miliolinella hauerinoides, Cribroelphidium clavatum, Cr. bartletti, Cr. subarcticum, Haynesina orbi-culare. The third is deepwater complex noted in the open part of the sea - Archimerismus subnodosa, Astrorhiza arenaria, Hormosina globulifera, Saccorhiza ramosa, Cornuspira involvens, C. foliacea, Elphidiella arctica etc.
The study of characteristic features of fauna distribution permitted an assumption that occurrence of the shallow water complex Ammotium cassis and Lagena-mmina difflugiformis off the Kotelnyi Island coast and north of it can be possibly accounted for by penetration of these forms along the eastern branch of Lena River paleovalley with a powerful river water current up to 76° latitude to a depth of47 - 49 m. Occurrence ofdeepwater species not far from the coast and west of the Lena River delta at small depths can be attributed to transfer by deep water current going from the Kara Sea along the coast of Taimyr Peninsula along the Anabar Khatansky trench. Apart from that 3 areas of cold bottom water, which are remains of winter shelf waters were described in the south-western part of the sea in the summer period (Timohov and Churun, 1994), which also supports the possibility of transfer with current.
The nearly total absence of Lobatula lobatula species (one of the most abundant forms in the western sector of the Arctic) within the fauna of the southern part of the Laptev Sea is remarkable. In the northern deepwater part of the sea this species is found in small amount.
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1998 Jacov Smirnitski, 1995
Sample no. 80 92 104 114 117 125 134 138 154 158 159 21 23 24 2б 28 59 бб 73 75 7б
Salinity 24, 32.4 32, 33.8 34.4 32.1 33.2 34.7 33.5 33.7 32 1б 17 11 14 29.5 28 32.3 32 2б
Temperature bottom -1.1 -1.б -1.б -1.4 -1 -0.5 -1.б -1.7 0.4 -1.5 -1.б -1.1 0 0 б.7 б -1 0.б 1.9 -1.2 -2.8
Species / Depth (m) 24 34 34 50 79 110 49 44 2б7 б7 57 50 8 8 9 10 22 20 35 43 18
Recurvoides laevigatum 1б 2 x 8 1 x б 4 8
Reophanus ovicula x
Reophax bilocularis 4 11 3 3
Reophax bradyi 2 2 x
Reophax curtus 11 4 17 20 5 б
Reophax subfusiformis 5 1 2 1 3 7 7 9 12 99 9 11
Repmania charoides x
Rhabdammina abyssorum 3 1
Robertinoides charlottensis x
Rosalina wrightii
Rupertina stabilis x
Saccorhiza ramosa 1 x x
Silicosigmoilina groenlandica 4 б x x x x 1 3 5
Spiroplectammina biformis 4 3 3 2 2 10 8 3 1
Stainforthia concava x 1 1
Textularia torguata 1 1 1 x 2 3
Textularia earlandi 2 1 2 x 1 2
Tholosina vesicularis б 5 4
Tholosina bulla 1 1 1 1 4
Triloculina oblonga
Triloculinella cf. tegminis x
Tritaxis bullata 2
Trochamminula lobata x 5 x
Trochammina globigeriniformis 3
Trochammina inflata 2 2 1
Trochamminopsis pusillus x x
Verneuilinulla advena 4 1 8 x 2 x x x 5 12 4 12
No. counted 138 58 11б 335 224 742 278 123 909 822 472 151 75 141 22 42 58 б1 25 115 155
No. species 14 10 13 14 20 33 11 9 27 44 27 18 3 3 б 4 8 7 3 15 17
Therefore in the Laptev Sea within a wide range of depths rich Foraminifera fauna was identified. Change of species composition may be traced with increasing depth, although not as distinct as could be expected considering the abrupt overfall of depths. This can be accounted for by strong currents and characteristic features of sea bottom relief.
Given below is a list of all species of Foraminifera found in the Laptev Sea. Species names are arranged in the alphabetical order.
The list of species of Foraminifera of the Laptev Sea
1. Adercotryma glomerata (Brady) = Lituola glomerata Brady, 1878
2. Allogromia sp.
3. Ammodiscus catinus Hoglund, 1947
4. Ammodiscus gullmarensis Hoglund, 1947
5. Ammotium cassis (Parker) = Lituola cassis Parker, 1870
б. Angulogerina fluens Todd, 1947
7. Archimerismus subnodosa (Brady) =
Hyperammina subnodosa Brady, 1884
8. Astacolus hyalacrulus Loeblich and Tappan,
9. Astrononion gallowayi Loeblich and Tappan,
10. Astrorhiza arenaria Norman, 1876
11. Astrorhiza limicola Sandahl, 1857
12. Atlantiella atlantica (Parker) = Trochamminella
atlantica Parker, 1952
13. Bolivina pseudopunctata Hoglund, 1947
14. Buccella frigida (Cushman) = Pulvinulina frigida
15. Buccella inusitata Andersen, 1952
1б. Cassidella complanata (Egger) = Virgulina
schreibersiana var. complanata Egger, 1893
17. Cassidulina teretis Tappan, 1951
18. Cornuspira involvens (Reuss) = Operculina
involvens Reuss, 1850
19. Cornuspira foliacea (Philippi) = Orbis foliacea
Philippi, 844
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1993
Sample no. 32 38 39 40 41 43 47 48 49 50 54 67 68
Salinity 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 33.8 33 34.8 34.8 34.6 34.8 34.9 34.3 34.2
Temperature bottom -0.8 0 0.7 1.4 -1.4 -1.6 0.1 0.9 0.5 -0.8 -0.8 -1.2
Species / Depth (m) 3028 1038 526 233 72 55 1079 556 280 1993 3081 51 101
Archimerismus subnodosa + + + + +
Astrorhiza arenaria + + + + +
Astrorhiza limicola + +
Cornuspira involvens +
Cornuspira foliacea + +
Cornuspiroides striolatus + +
Cribroelphidium bartletti +
Cribrostomoides subglobosum + + +
Dentalina baggi + +
Dentalina frob ische re nsis + +
Elphidiella arctica +
Haplophragmoides jeffreysi + +
Hormosina carpentery +
Hormosina globulifera + + + + + +
Hormosina normani + + +
Hyperammina cylindrica +
Hyperammina elongata + + + +
Labrospira cassimargo + + +
Lobatula lobatula + + + + + + + + +
Miliolinella hauerinoides +
Nodosaria flintii + +
Planispirinoides b ucculentus + +
Pseudonodosinella nodulosa + + + +
Pyrgo williamsoni +
Quinqueloculina arctica + +
Quinqueloculina seminulum +
Reophanus ovicula +
Reophax bradyi + +
Reophax sabulosus +
Reophax subfusiformis + +
20. Cornuspiroides striolatus (Brady) = Cornuspira
striolatus Brady,1882 32.
21. Cribroelphidium bartletti (Cushman) =
Elphidium bartletti Cushman, 1933
22. Cribroelphidium clavatum (Cushman) = 33.
Elphidium incertum (Williamson), var. clavatum Cushman, 1930 34.
23. Cribroelphidium subarcticum (Cushman) =
Elphidium subarcticum Cushman, 1944 35.
24. Cribroelphidium subincertum (Asano) =
Elphidium subincertum Asano, 1950 36.
25. Cribrostomoides subglobosum (G.O.Sars) =
Lituola subglobosum G.O.Sars, 1872 37.
26. Crithioninapisum hispida Flint, 1899
27. Cuneata arctica (Brady) = Reophax arctica
Brady, 1881 38.
28. Dentalina baggi Galloway and Wissler, 1927
29. Dentalina frobischerensis Loeblich and Tappan, 39.
30. Deuteramminagrisea (Earland) = Trochammina 40.
grisea Earland, 1934
31. Deuterammina rotaliformis (Heron - Allen and 41.
Earland) = Trochammina rotaliformis Heron -
Allen and Earland, 1911 Elphidiella arctica (Parker and Jones) = Polystomella arctica Parker and Jones in Brady, 18б4
Elphidiella frigida (Cushman) = Elphidium frigida Cushman, 1933 Elphidiella groenlandica (Cushman) = Elphidium groenlandica Cushman, 1933 Elphidium incertum (Williamson) = Polystomella umbilicatula var. incerta Williamson, 1858 Epistominella exigua (Brady) = Pulvinulina exigua Brady,1884
Esosyrinx curta (Cushman and Ozawa) = Pseudopolymorphina curta Cushman and Ozawa, 1930
Favulina hexagona (Williamson) = Entosolenia squamosa var. hexagona Williamson, 1848 Favulina lineata (Williamson) = Entosolenia squamosa var. lineata Williamson, 1848 Favulina melo (D’Orbigny) = Oolina melo D’Orbigny, 1839
Fissurina annectens (Burrows and Holland) = Lagena annectens Burrows and Holland, 1885
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1993
Sample no. 32 38 39 40 41 43 47 48 49 50 54 67 68
Salinity 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 33.8 33 34.8 34.8 34.6 34.8 34.9 34.3 34.2
Temperature bottom -0.8 0 0.7 1.4 -1.4 -1.6 0.1 0.9 0.5 -0.8 -0.8 -1.2
Species / Depth (m) 3028 1038 526 233 72 55 1079 556 280 1993 3081 51 101
Rhabdammina abyssorum + + + + + +
Rhabdammina aff. discreta + +
Saccammina sphaerica + + + +
Saccorhiza ramosa + + + + + +
Sorosphaera confusa +
Tholosina bulla + + + + + +
Tholosina vesicularis + +
Triloculina trichedra +
No. species 9 15 15 4 14 4 8 7 4 4 5 6 7
42. Fissurina cucurbitasema Loeblich and Tappan, Aristerospirapachyderma Ehrenberg, 1872
1953 47. Glomospira gordialis (Jones and Parker) =
43. Fissurina marginata (Montagu) = Vermiculum Trochammina squamata var. gordialis Jones and
marginata Montagu, 1803 Parker, 1860
44. Fursenkoina fusiformis (Williamson) = Bulimina 48. Gordiospira arctica Cushman, 1933
pupoides var. fusiformis Williamson, 1858 49. Haplophragmoides jeffreysi (Williamson) =
45. Glabratella chasten (Heron - Allen and Earland) Nonionina jeffreysi Williamson,1858
= Discorbina chasteri Heron - Allen and 50. Haynesina orbicularis (Brady) = Nonionina
Earland, 1913 orbicularis Brady, 1881
4б. Globigerina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) = 51. Hippocrepina indivisa Parker in G.M.Dawson,
Table 4. Distribution on bentic in the Laptev Sea.
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1995
Sample no. 4 9 10 11 16 17 19 21 23 24 30 33 51 53 56 69 71 79 81 83 84
Salinity 33.1 33.4 33.1 33 33.7 34.2 34.4 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 34.9 34.9 35 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 34.6 34
Temperature bottom -1.8 -1.8 -1.7 0.3 -1.4 -0.8 -0.8 -0.1 -0.8 -0.7 -0.7 -0.3 -0.7 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 0.6 -0.6 0.1 -0.4 -1.4
Species / Depth (m) 54 77 48 40 53 68 276 1193 2330 3171 1935 255 1800 940 2027 984 534 1658 535 243 101
Allogromia sp. +
Archimerismus subnodosa + + + + + + +
Astacolus hyalacrulus + +
Astrononion gallowayi +
Astrorhiza arenaria + + + + + + + + + + + +
Buccella frigida + + +
Buccella inusitata + + + +
Bulimina exilis +
Cassidulina teretis + + + + + +
Cornuspira involvens + + + + + + + + + + +
Cornuspira foliacea + + + + + + + +
Cribroelphidium bartletti + + + + + +
Cribroelphidium clavatum + + + + +
Cribroelphidium subarcticum + + + +
Cribroelphidium subincertum + + +
Crib rostom.subglob osum + + + + +
Crithionina pisum hispida +
Dentalina baggi + + + + + + + +
Dentalina frob ische rensis + + + + + + +
Elphidiella arctica + + + + + + +
Elphidiella frigida + + + +
Elphidiella groenlandica + + + + + +
Elphidium incertum +
Esosyrinx curta + +
Favulina hexagona +
Favulina lineata + + +
Favulina melo + +
Fissurina annectens +
Globigerina pachyderma + + + + + +
Haplophragmoides jeffreysi + + + +
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1995
Sample no. 4 9 10 11 16 17 19 21 23 24 30 33 51 53 56 69 71 79 81 83 84
Salinity 33.1 33.4 33.1 33 33.7 34.2 34.4 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 34.9 34.9 35 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 34.6 34
Temperature bottom -1.8 -1.8 -1.7 0.3 -1.4 -0.8 -0.8 -0.1 -0.8 -0.7 -0.7 -0.3 -0.7 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 0.6 -0.6 0.1 -0.4 -1.4
Species / Depth (m) 54 77 48 40 53 68 276 1193 2330 3171 1935 255 1800 940 2027 984 534 1658 535 243 101
Haynesina orbiculare + + + + +
Hormosina globulfera + + + + + + +
Hyperammina elongata + + + + + + + + + + +
Islandiella islandica +
Islandiella norcrossi + +
Labrospira cassimargo + + + + + + + + + + +
Lagena laevis + +
Lagena mollis +
Lagena striata +
Lagenam.difflugifomis + + + + + + +
Laryngosigma hyalascidia + + +
Lobatula lobatula + + + + + + + + +
Melonis barleanum + +
Miliolinella hauerinoides + + + + + + + + +
Nodosaria flintii +
Nodulina dentaliniformis + + +
Nonionellina labradorica + + +
Oolina globosa + + +
Parafissurina tectulostoma +
Pelosina variabilis +
Pseudonodosin. nodulosa + + + + + + +
Pullenia bulloides +
Pyrgo elongata + + + + + + + + +
Pyrgo williamsoni +
Pyrgoella sphaera + + +
Quinqueloculina arctica + + + + + +
Quinqueloculina lamarckiana + + +
Quinqueloculina agglutinata + +
Quinqueloculina seminulum + + + + + +
Reophax bradyi + + + + + + + + + + +
Reophax curtus + + + +
1870 б7. Lagenammina difflugiformis (Brady) = Reophax
52. Hormosina carpentery Brady, 1881 difflugiformis Brady, 1879
53. Hormosina globulifera Brady, 1879 б8. Laryngosigma hyalascidia Loeblich and Tappan,
54. Hormosina normani Brady, 1881 1953
55. Hyperammina cylindrica Parr, 1950 б9. Laryngosigma williamsoni (Terquem) =
5б. Hyperammina elongata Brady, 1878 Polymorphina williamsoni Terquem,1878
57. Islandiella islandica (Norvang) = Cassidulina 70. Lobatula lobatula (Walker and Jacob) = Nautilus
islandica Norvang, 1945 lobatulus Walker and Jacob, 1798
58. Islandiella norcrossi (Cushman) = Cassidulina 71. Miliolinella hauerinoides (Rhumbler) =
norcrossi Cushman, 1933 Quinqueloculina subrotunda var. hauerinoides
59. Jaculella acuta Brady, 1879 Rhumbler, 1936
б0. Jadammina macrescens (Brady) = Trochammina 72. Melonis barleanum (Williamson) = Nonionina
inflata var. macrescens Brady, 1870 barleanum Williamson, 1858
б1. Labrospira crassimargo (Norman) = 73. Nodosaria flintii Cushman, 1923
Haplophragmoides crassimargo Norman, 1892 74. Nodulina dentaliniformis (Brady) = Reophax
б2. Lagena apiopleura Loeblich and Tappan, 1953 dentaliniformis Brady, 1881
б3. Lagena gracillima (Seguenza) = Amphorina 75. Nonionellina labradorica (Dawson) = Nonionina
gracillima Seguenza, 1862 labradorica Dawson, 1860
б4. Lagena laevis (Montagu) = Vermiculum laevis 7б. Oolina globosa (Walker) = Serpula laevis globosa
Montagu, 1803 Walker, 1784
б5. Lagena mollis Cushman, 1944 77. Parafissurina tectulostoma Loeblich and Tappan,
бб. Lagena striata (D’Orbigny) = Oolina striata 1953
D’Orbigny,1839 78. Pelosina variabilis Brady, 1879
Expedition-year Polarstern, 1995
Sample no. 4 9 10 11 16 17 19 21 23 24 30 33 51 53 56 69 71 79 81 83 84
Salinity 33.1 33.4 33.1 33 33.7 34.2 34.4 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 34.9 34.9 35 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 34.6 34
Temperature bottom -1.8 -1.8 -1.7 0.3 -1.4 -0.8 -0.8 -0.1 -0.8 -0.7 -0.7 -0.3 -0.7 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 0.6 -0.6 0.1 -0.4 -1.4
Species / Depth (m) 54 77 48 40 53 68 276 1193 2330 3171 1935 255 1800 940 2027 984 534 1658 535 243 101
Reophax pHulifer +
Reophax sabulosus +
Reophax subfussfomi + + + + + + + + + + +
Rhabdammina abyssorum + + + + + +
Rhabdammina aff. discreta +
Robertinoii.charlottensis +
Saccannina sphaerica + + +
Saccorhiza ramosa + + + + + +
SHicosigmoil.groenlandica + + + + +
Tholosina bulla + + +
Tholosina vesicularis + +
Thurammina favosa +
Thurammina papHlata + +
Triloculina tricarinata +
TrUoculma trichedra +
No. species 13 28 24 21 23 11 20 7 3 10 1 26 1 1 11 20 18 11 31 20 24
% agglutinated 69 43 42 33 22 36 50 100 67 40 0 38 0 0 55 55 56 36 39 50 38
79. Planispirinoides bucculentus (Brady) = Miliolina Trochammina squamata var. charoides Jones and
bucculentus Brady, 1884 Parker, 18б0
80. Polymorphina sp. 104. Rhabdammina abyssorum M.Sars, 1869
81. Portatrochammina bipolaris Bronnimann and 105. Rhabdammina aff. discreta Brady, 1881
Whittaker, 1980 10б. Robertinoides charlottensis (Cushman) =
82. Psammosphaera bowmanni Heron - Allen and Cassidulina charlottensis Cushman, 1925
Earland, 1912 107. Rosalina wrightii (Brady) = Discorbina wrightii
83. Psammosphaera fusca Schulze, 1875 Brady, 1881
84. Pseudonodosinella nodulosa (Brady) = Reophax 108. Rupertina stabilis Wallich, 1877
nodulosa Brady, 1879 109. Saccammina sphaerica Brady, 1871
85. Pullenia bulloides D’Orbigny, 1826 110. Saccorhiza ramosa (Brady) = Hyperammina
8б. Pyrgo elongata (D’Orbigny) = Biloculina ramosa Brady, 1878
elongata D’Orbigny, 1826 111. Silicosigmoilina groenlandica (Cushman) =
87. Pyrgo williamsoni (Silvestri) = Biloculina Quinqueloculina fusca var. groenlandica
williamsoni Silvestri, 1923 Cushman, 1933
88. Pyrgoella sphaera (D’Orbigny) = Biloculina 112. Sorosphaera confusa Brady, 1879
sphaera D’Orbigny, 1839 113. Spiroplectammina biformis (Parker and Jones)
89. Pyrulina cylindroides (Roemer) = Polymorphina = Textularia biformis Parker and Jones, 1865
cylindroides Roemer, 1838 114. Stainforthia concava (Hoglund) = Virgulina
90. Quinqueloculina agglutinata Cushman, 1917 concava Hoglund, 1947
91. Quinqueloculina arctica Cushman, 1933 115. Textularia earlandi Parker, 1952
92. Quinqueloculina lamarckiana D’Orbigny, 1839 116. Textularia torguata Parker, 1952
93. Quinqueloculina seminulum (Linne) = Serpula 117. Tholosina bulla (Brady) = Placopsilina bulla
seminulum Linne, 17б4 Brady, 1881
94. Recurvoides contortus Earland, 1934 118. Tholosina vesicularis (Brady) = Placopsilina
95. Recurvoides laevigatum Hoglund, 1947 vesicularis Brady, 1879
9б. Reophanus ovicula (Brady) = Hormosina ovicula 119. Triloculina oblonga (Montagu) = Vermiculum
Brady, 1879 oblonga Montagu, 1803
97. Reophax bilocularis Flint, 1899 120. Triloculina tricarinata D’Orbigny, 1826
98. Reophax bradyi Bronnimann and Whittaker, 121. Triloculina trichedra Loeblich and Tappan, 1953
1980 122. Triloculinella cf. tegminis (Loeblich and Tappan)
99. Reophax curtus Cushman, 1920 = Scutuloris tegminis Loeblich and Tappan, 1953
100. Reophax pilulifer Brady, 1884 123. Tritaxis bullata (Hoglund) = Trochamminella
101. Reophax sabulosus Brady, 1881 bullata Hoglund, 1947
102. Reophax subfusiformis Earland, 1933 124. Trochammina globigeriniformis (Parker and
103. Repmania charoides (Jones and Parker) = Jones) = Lituola nautiloidea var. globigeriniformis
Parker and Jones, 1865
125. Trochammina inflata (Montagu) = Nautilus i nflata Montagu, 1803
126. Trochamminula lobata (Cushman) = Trochammina lobata Cushman, 1944
127. Trochamminopsispusillus Hoglund, 1947
128. Thurammina favosa Flint, 1899
129. Thuramminapapillata Brady, 1878
130. Verneuilinulla advena (Cushman) = Vernuilina advena Cushman, 1922
The author would like to thank the staff of Laboratory of Marine Research of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences for support and especially for the material which was collected and given for the identification.
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Address for correspondence: Tatiana G.Lukina. Laboratory of Marine Research, Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab. 1, 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
The manuscript is presented by A.A.Dobrovolskij