Научная статья на тему 'Forage productivity of spring triticale in pure and mixed sowings as green feed in the conditions of Belgorod region'

Forage productivity of spring triticale in pure and mixed sowings as green feed in the conditions of Belgorod region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Demidova A. G., Kuleshova I. V., Gubina T. G.

Researches were conducted on studying forage productivity and nutritional value of spring triticale under its growing in single-species and mixed sowings for green forage in comparison with traditional pea-oats mixture in the conditions of the first Western forest-steppe agroclimatic zone of Belgorod region. The high effectiveness of growing spring triticale in single-species and mixed sowings is proved by the results of yield record of green mass, its high protein content. Two-, threeand four-component mixtures with spring triticale don’t concede in yield to control mixture, and the highest yield was obtained in mixture pea+oats+spring triticale. Barley and oats have the highest competitive capacity and aggressiveness in agrocenosis, while pea leaf has the least one. The content of raw protein in dry substance is high in mixture pea+spring triticale (30:70) and corresponds to the regulatory requirements to the quality of green forages. The output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing, the output of forage units, forage-protein units, metabolizable energy, provision of 1 forage unit with digestible protein were calculated for evaluation of forage productivity. The green mass of spring triticale in single-species sowing and mixture pea+barley+spring triticale differ in the highest energy nutritiousness, and have high content of metabolizable energy and energy forage units in 1 kg of green mass. The highest output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing was provided by: mixture pea+oats+spring triticale, pea+spring triticale (50:50), and spring triticale in pure form. The highest provision of one forage unit with digestible protein was obtained in mixture pea+spring triticale (50:50), pea+spring triticale (30:70), pea+oats+spring triticale. On the output of oats forage units from 1 hectare of sowings one can define single-species sowings of spring triticale, pea and mixture pea+oats+spring triticale. These variants provide the highest output of feed-protein units and metabolizable energy from 1 hectare of sowings. The increasing of level profitability with comparison with the control variants is observed under growing mixture pea+oats+spring triticale and spring triticale in pure form.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Forage productivity of spring triticale in pure and mixed sowings as green feed in the conditions of Belgorod region»

UDC / УДК: 633.25»321»:631.559




Demidova A.G.*, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Демидова А.Г., кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук Kuleshova I.V., Gubina T.G., Research Assistants Кулешова И.В., Губина Т.Г., научные сотрудники Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Y. Gorin, Belgorod, Russia Белгородский государственный аграрный университет имени В.Я. Горина,

Белгород, Россия

*E-mail: [email protected]


Researches were conducted on studying forage productivity and nutritional value of spring triticale under its growing in single-species and mixed sowings for green forage in comparison with traditional pea-oats mixture in the conditions of the first Western forest-steppe agroclimatic zone of Belgorod region. The high effectiveness of growing spring triticale in single-species and mixed sowings is proved by the results of yield record of green mass, its high protein content. Two-, three- and four-component mixtures with spring triticale don't concede in yield to control mixture, and the highest yield was obtained in mixture pea+oats+spring triticale. Barley and oats have the highest competitive capacity and aggressiveness in agrocenosis, while pea leaf has the least one. The content of raw protein in dry substance is high in mixture pea+spring triticale (30:70) and corresponds to the regulatory requirements to the quality of green forages. The output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing, the output of forage units, forage-protein units, metabolizable energy, provision of 1 forage unit with digestible protein were calculated for evaluation of forage productivity. The green mass of spring triticale in single-species sowing and mixture pea+barley+spring triticale differ in the highest energy nutritiousness, and have high content of metabolizable energy and energy forage units in 1 kg of green mass. The highest output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing was provided by: mixture pea+oats+spring triticale, pea+spring triticale (50:50), and spring triticale in pure form. The highest provision of one forage unit with digestible protein was obtained in mixture pea+spring triticale (50:50), pea+spring triticale (30:70), pea+oats+spring triticale. On the output of oats forage units from 1 hectare of sowings one can define single-species sowings of spring triticale, pea and mixture pea+oats+spring triticale. These variants provide the highest output of feed-protein units and metabolizable energy from 1 hectare of sowings. The increasing of level profitability with comparison with the control variants is observed under growing mixture pea+oats+spring triticale and spring triticale in pure form.


Были проведены исследования по изучению кормовой продуктивности и питательной ценности яровой тритикале при выращивании её в одновидовом и смешанных посевах на зелёный корм в сравнении с традиционной горохо-овсяной смесью в условиях первой западной лесостепной агроклиматической зоны Белгородской области. Высокая эффективность выращивания яровой тритикале в одновидовом и смешанных посевах подтверждается результатами учёта урожайности зелёной массы, высоким содержанием в ней протеина. Двух, трёх и четырёхкомпонентные смеси с участием яровой тритикале не уступают по урожайности контрольной смеси и наибольшая урожайность получена у смеси горох+овёс+яр.тритикале. Наибольшей конкурентной

способностью и агрессивностью в агроценозах отличаются ячмень и овёс, наименьшей горох листочковый. Содержание в сухом веществе сырого протеина наибольшее у смеси горох+яр. тритикале (30:70) и вполне соответствует нормативным требованиям к качеству зелёных кормов. Для оценки кормовой продуктивности изучаемых вариантов опыта рассчитывали выход переваримого протеина с 1 га посева, выход кормовых единиц, кормопротеиновых единиц, обменной энергии, обеспеченность одной кормовой единицы переваримым протеином. Наибольшей энергетической питательностью отличается зелёная масса яровой тритикале в одновидовом посеве и смесь горох+ячмень+яр. тритикале, у которых высокое содержание в 1кг зелёной массы обменной энергии и энергетических кормовых единиц. Высокий выход переваримого протеина с 1 га посева обеспечили: смесь горох+овёс+яр. тритикале, горох+яр. тритикале (50:50), а также яровая тритикале в чистом виде. Наибольшая обеспеченность одной кормовой единицы переваримым протеином получена у смеси горох+яр. тритикале (50:50), горох+яр. тритикале (30:70), горох+овёс+яр. тритикале. По выходу овсяных кормовых единиц с 1 га посевов выделяются одновидовые посевы яровой тритикале, гороха и смесь горох+овёс+яр. тритикале. Эти же варианты обеспечивают наибольший выход кормопротеиновых единиц и обменной энергии с 1 га посевов. Повышение уровня рентабельности по сравнению с контролем наблюдается при выращивании смеси горох+овёс+яр. тритикале и яровой тритикале в чистом виде.


Spring triticale, pea, oats, barley, mixed sowing, feed mixture, single-species sowing, green mass, green forage, forage productivity, feeding value, green mass yield.


Яровая тритикале, горох, овёс, ячмень, смешанный посев, кормовая смесь, одновидовой посев, зелёная масса, зелёный корм, кормовая продуктивность, питательная ценность, урожайность зелёной массы.

The basis of cattle feeding are vegetable feeds, which should differ in high nutritiousness, optimal sugar-protein ratio and balance of digestible protein content. The development of milk and beef husbandry and increasing its productivity is not so restrained by shortage of feeds, but by its imbalance in protein and sugar content, that's the reason of significant feeds waste and increased costs for one unit of animal production. For solution of protein deficiency in fodder, there is a need in not only growing legumes, but also line extension and including in production high-protein grain-forage crops, and their using in mixed sowings with legumes [1, 2, 4].

Cultivation of mixed agrocenoses of legumes and cereals can provide not only high and stable yields of high-quality green mass and obtain unlodging grass, but provide favourable conditions for the following crops of crop rotation [3, 7].

In fodder production annual forage crops and their mixtures with high potential productivity and different using gained wide spreading. The application of mixed sowings on scientific basis increases forage harvesting up to 10-20% from one hectare of sowing in comparison with single-species sowings, without huge energy costs, they are more effective in unfavourable years [1, 5].

There are researches data of yield increasing of barley-oats mixtures regardless of saturation rate of cenosis with components and their spatial location in comparison with pure sowings of forage pea and spring barley [2].

The important merit of mixed sowings, consisting of legumes and cereals is the increasing quality of forages, their feeding value. Legumes and Pooideae crops sowings in mixture is one of the technique of increasing protein content in forages. Carbohydrates and protein ratio in green mass under sowing these crops in mixture is more favourable than its ratio in legumes only [1, 3, 9].

There is a need to grow high-yield, drought-resistant, disease and pest-resistant crops for forage purposes, and their using in different forage mixtures. That's why spreading forage

using of spring triticale gains a special role. This crop is used as Pooideae component of mixed sowings in farms of different regions of the Russian Federation [5, 6, 8].

That's why there is a need in searching alternative variants of mixed sowings of spring triticale with grain-legumes crops giving a high harvest of forage biomass with increased raw protein content but not second to traditional mixture.

According to the data of Federal statistics service cultivation areas of spring and winter triticale increased in Russia for the last 5 years. Thus, in 2009 it was sown on the area of 189,9 thousands of hectares, in 2012 - 233,3 thousands of hectares and in 2013 - 250,9 thousands of hectares. Such a tendency is observed in the Central Federal District and in Belgorod region. In the Central Federal District in 2009 its area was 64,4 thousands of hectares, and in 2013 it reached 117,7 thousands of hectares. In Belgorod region cultivation area of this crop was 0,6 thousands of hectares in 2009, and increased to 37,6 thousands of hectares [10].

It was determined by studies that for provision of animal husbandry with high-protein forage along with oat-pea mixture traditionally cultivated in Western Siberia, it is recommended to sow mixtures of spring triticale with vetch and oat, which differs in high yield and feeding value. Triticale-legumes mixtures do not yield to oat-pea mixtures in productivity of green mass and do not exceed traditional mixture in protein provision. Triticale mixtures with legumes exceed single-species triticale sowings and oat-pea mixture cultivated in the south forest-steppe Omsk region for their feeding value of forage [9].

The aim of our researches is studying forage productivity and feeding value of spring triticale under its growing in mixed sowings for green forage in comparison with other forage mixtures in the conditions of the first Western forest-steppe agroclimatic zone of Belgorod region. The tasks of our studies are: 1) to determine optimal species composition of mixed sowings and ratio of legume and grain components for obtaining green mass better in productivity and feeding value; 2) to study participation of different components of mixed sowings in formation its yield; 3) to determine economic effectiveness of growing spring triticale in single-species and mixed sowings for green forage.


The field experiments were laid in the crop rotation of Laboratory of selection and industrial seed growing named after N.S. Shevchenko in the Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Y. Gorin in 2014. The objects of studies are cereals in pure form and in mixture with pea leaf under different percentage components ratio.

The soil of experimental plot - the typical chernozem, medium, on loess loam.

The scheme of experience included 13 variants: three variants of two-component mixtures of peas with grain crop (oats, spring triticale, barley) under ratio of components seeding rate 30%:70%; three variants of two-component mixtures of peas with grain crop (oats, spring triticale, barley) under ratio of components seeding rate 50%:50%; two variants of three-component mixtures, consisting of pea and cereals (pea+oats+spring triticale, pea+barley+spring triticale) under ratio of components seeding rate 30%:35%:35%; one variant of four-component mixture of pea and cereals (pea+spring triticale+oats+barley) with ratio of components seeding rate 25%:25%:25%:25%; four variants of single-species sowings of these crops.

The experiment was laid in three-fold repetition with systematic placement of plots. The sown area of plot is 55 square meters, the discount area is 50 square meters.

In studies we used cultivars: peas - «soyuz-2», spring triticale - «ukro», barley -«gonar», oats - «kozir». The seeding rate of crops in pure form recommended for the zone, million of germinating seeds per 1 hectare: pea - 1,2; spring triticale - 4,5; oats - 4,5; barley -4,5. Pea-oats mixture with ratio 30% of pea and 70% of oats was used as a control example.

All observations, records and analyses were conducted using the established techniques on the standard grounds. The onset of phenophases was observed on all plots of the experiment. The yield harvesting of green mass was done plot by plot. The harvesting of green mass was done when oats was in the phase of onset coming into the tube, barley and

spring triticale - under its heading, pea - under the onset of beans formation. Statistical processing of the studies results was done by the method of analysis of variance.


On the basis of analysis of variance of green mass yield of studied variants it was determined that no one of them differs significantly from the control mixture on this indicator (table 1).

Table 1 - Yield of green mass of forage mixtures and single-species sowings of crops,

tons from 1 hectare

Mixture components % from seeding rate total, ton per hectare +/- to the control example

1 2 3 4

1. pea+oats, control examples 30:70 15,90 -

2. pea+oats 50:50 11,50 -4,40

3. pea+spring triticale 30:70 10,90 -4,00

4. pea+spring triticale 50:50 14,70 -1,20

5. pea+barley 30:70 12,99 -2,91

6. pea+barley 50:50 14,97 -0,93

7. pea+oats+ spring triticale 30:35: 35 17,00 + 1,10

8. pea+barley+spring triticale 30:35:35 11,72 -4,18

9. pea+spring triticale+oats+barley 25:25:25:25 14,32 -1,88

10. oats 100 17,10 + 1,20

11. spring triticale 100 13,58 -2,32

12. barley 100 15,23 -1,87

13. pea 100 16,00 +0,10

Two-, three- and four-component mixtures with spring triticale do not concede in yield to traditional pea-oats mixture in the region taken as a control. On the whole in the experiment green mass yield is in the range from 10,90 tons per hectare in mixture pea+spring triticale under percentage ratio of seeding rate of components 30:70 to 17,10 tons per hectare in single-species oats sowing. High yield in the experiment is provided by: single-species of oats - 17,10 tons per hectare, mixture pea+oats+spring triticale - 17,00 tons per hectare, pea in pure form and control mixture pea+oats (30:70) - 16,00 and 15,90 tons per hectare correspondingly.

In our studies botanical composition of agrocenosis varied according to the set of components in mixed sowings and percentage ratio of their seeding rate (table 2).

The structural analysis of green mass yield of studied variants from 1 hectare shows that barley and oats are differed by the highest competitive capacity and aggressiveness in agrocenoses, while pea leaf has the least. Thus, under estimation of participation portion of different components in formation of green mass yield of four-component mixture pea+spring triticale+oat+barley it was determined that barley and oat prevailed in it, and their part of participation is 39,3 and 32,3% correspondingly. Pea and spring triticale are in less degree in mixture, and have participation part in yield - 13,1 and 15,3% correspondingly. As for three-component mixtures, their yield has the same prevailed cereal components of barley and oat. In yield of green mass mixture pea+oat+spring triticale oat has 55,8%, pea and spring triticale have 10,6 and 33,6% correspondingly. In green mass mixture pea+barley+spring triticale barley has 54,8%, pea+spring triticale - 23,6 and 21,6%. The analysis of two-component green mass mixtures shows that under increasing its pea seeding rate from 30 up to 50%, its part participation in yield increased only in mixture with spring triticale from 9,3 to 16,5%.

Table 2 - Structural analysis of the green mass yield of feed mixtures

Mixture components % of seeding rate total, tons per hectare including

pea spring triticale oats barley

tons per hectare % tons per hectare % tons per hectare % tons per hectare %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1.pea+oats, control examples 30:70 15,90 2,94 18,4 - - 12,96 81,6 - -

2. pea+oats 50:50 11,50 1,90 16,5 - - 9,60 83,5 - -

3.pea+spring triticale 30:70 10,90 1,01 9,3 9,89 90,7 - - - -

4.pea+spring triticale 50:50 14,70 2,43 16,5 12,27 83,5 - - - -

5. pea+barley 30:70 12,99 3,46 26,7 - - - - 9,53 73,3

6. pea+barley 50:50 14,97 2,28 15,2 - - - - 12,69 84,8

7. pea+oats+spring triticale 30:35:35 17,00 1,80 10,6 5,72 33,6 9,48 55,8 - -

8.pea+barley+spring triticale 30:35:35 11,72 2,76 23,6 2,54 21,6 - - 6,42 54,8

9.pea+spring triticale + oats+ barley 25:25: 25:25 14,32 1,89 13,1 2,19 15,3 4,62 32,3 5,62 39,3

10. oats 100 17,10 - - - - 17,10 100 - -

11. spring triticale 100 13,58 - - 13,58 100 - - - -

12. barley 100 15,23 - - - - - - 15,23 100

13. pea 100 16,00 16,0 100 - - - - - -

The results of chemical analysis of green mass of studied variants show that they differ in dry substance content and in nutrients content (table 3).

Table 3 - Nutrients content in green mass of forage mixtures and single-species crop sowings,%

Mixture components % from seeding rate Dry substance Raw ash Raw fat Raw protein Raw fibre Raw NFES

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.pea+oat, control 30:70 18,10 10,23 2,62 15,38 24,60 47,21

2. pea+oat 50:50 18,66 12,33 2,27 14,66 22,79 47,96

3. pea+spring triticale 30:70 19,53 10,52 2,92 17,35 24,42 44,79

4. pea+spring triticale 50:50 19,35 13,09 3,13 16,47 24,15 43,17

5. pea+barley 30:70 22,92 9,16 1,96 14,72 24,16 50,00

6. pea+barley 50:50 21,42 8,97 2,49 16,19 24,43 47,96

7. pea+oat+spring triticale 30:35:35 17,85 12,78 2,87 16,79 23,21 44,35

8.pea+barley+spring triticale 30:35:35 22,49 10,35 2,99 15,53 23,84 47,30

9. pea+spring triticale+ oat+barley 25:25:25:25 19,65 11,89 2,66 15,10 25,37 45,49

10. oat 100 16,70 13,33 3,00 13,78 23,81 46,10

11. spring triticale 100 19,86 6,39 3,05 16,47 25,79 51,84

12. barley 100 18,47 13,85 3,27 15,47 25,29 42,10

13. pea 100 22,69 9,96 2,92 14,13 26,17 46,93

According to the data of table 3 mass fraction of dry substance in plants is in the range from 16,70% in oats in pure form to 22,92 in mixture pea+barley (30:70). Its content more than 20% is marked in pea in pure form, in mixture pea+barley+spring triticale and pea+barley (50:50).

The mass fraction of raw protein in dry substance in experiment variants is enough high (from 13,78% in oats to 17,35% in mixture pea+spring triticale (30:70)) and corresponds to the regulatory requirements of green feeds quality. In other mixtures with spring triticale its content is from 15,10% in four-component mixture pea+spring triticale+oats+barley to 16,79% in mixture pea+oats+spring triticale.

The raw fat content from 3,00 to 3,27% was determined in dry substance in mixture pea+spring triticale (50:50) and in single-species sowings of barley, spring triticale and oat. As for the content of raw nitrogen-free extractive substances (NFES) one can distinguish spring triticale in pure form - 51,84% and mixture pea+barley (30:70) - 50,00%.

The raw fiber content in mixtures with spring triticale doesn't exceed regulatory requirements for the green forage of the second quality grade.

For evaluation of feeding value of green mass of forage mixtures and single-species sowings oat forage units (OFU), energy forage units (EFU) and metabolizable energy (ME) contents were calculated. The given calculations show that OFU content in studied variants of experiment ranges from 0,14 kg in 1 kg of green mass to 0,21 kg in spring triticale sown in pure form (table 4).

Table 4 - Feeding value of green mass of forage mixtures and single-species crop sowings

Mixture components % from seeding rate Indicators of nutritional value 1 kg of green mass

ME, megajoules OFE, kg EFU

1 2 3 4 5

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1.pea+oats, control 30:70 1,72 0,16 0,16

2.pea+oats 50:50 1,75 0,16 0,17

3.pea+spring triticale 30:70 1,83 0,17 0,18

4. pea+spring triticale 50:50 1,62 0,15 0,16

5. pea+barley 30:70 1,95 0,18 0,19

6. pea+barley 50:50 1,81 0,17 0,17

7.pea+oats+spring triticale 30:35:35 1,70 0,16 0,16

8.pea+barley+spring triticale 30:35:35 2,07 0,20 0,20

9. pea+spring triticale+ oats+barley 25:25:25:25 1,84 0,17 0,18

10. oats 100 1,41 0,14 0,14

11. spring triticale 100 2,17 0,21 0,21

12. barley 100 1,65 0,15 0,16

13. pea 100 2,00 0,17 0,19

High OFU content (no less than 0,16 in 1 kg of green mass) have all mixtures with spring triticale, except pea+spring triticale (50:50), which has 0,15 kg of OFU.

The calculation of metabolizable energy content in green mass in studied forage mixtures in sum of digestible nutrients show that green mass of spring triticale in single-species sowing have highest energy nutritiousness - 2,17 megajoules in 1 kg and mixture pea+barley+spring triticale - 2,07 megajoules. Other mixtures with spring triticale (pea+spring triticale (30:70) - 1,83, pea+oats+spring triticale - 1,70 and pea+spring triticale+oats+barley -1,84 megajoules) correspond to regulatory requirements to the quality of green forages for this indicator (with content of metabolizable energy no less than 1,70 megajoules in 1 kg).

As for the evaluation of nutritiousness of green mass in EFU, the same regularity can be seen for metabolizable enrgy content. Thus, the highest its content is marked in 1 kg of green mass - 0,21, in mixture pea+barley+spring triticale, pea in pure form and mixture pea+barley (30:70) - 0,20, 0,19 and 0,19 correspondingly.

One of the indicators of forage productivity of green mass of studied variants is the output of digestible protein from 1 hectare of sowing (table 5). The highest meanings of this indicator were obtained in mixture pea+oats+spring triticale - 0,37 tons per hectare, pea and spring triticale in pure form - 0,35 tons per hectare, and ind in mixture pea+spring triticale (50:50) - 0,33 and pea+barley (50:50) - 0,32 tons per hectare.

The evaluation of OFU provision with digestible protein shows that it is enough high and exceed zootechnical norm for milk cows (100-120 grams). The highest meanings of this indicator were obtained in mixture pea+spring triticale (50:50) and (30:70), pea+oat+spring triticale - 146,4, 136,4 and 133,4 grams correspondingly.

On the output of OFU from 1 hectare of sowings one can define single-species sowings of spring triticale - 2,84 tons, pea - 2,77 and mixture pea+oats+spring triticale - 2,77 tons.

The output of feed-protein units (FPU) from 1 hectare is an important indicator characterizing forage productivity of different crop sowings. According to this indicator, the best results have the same variants: mixtures pea+oats+spring triticale - 3,60 tons per hectare, sowings in pure form of pea - 3,51 and spring triticale - 3,50 tons per hectare.

The highest output of metabolizable energy from 1 hectare is provided by single-species sowings of pea and spring triticale, mixture pea+oats+spring triticale having 3,20, 2,95 and 2,89 gigajoules.

Table 5 - Forage productivity of green mass of mixed and single-species sowings

Mixture components % from seeding rate Digestible protein content, g in 1 kg Output of digestible protein, tons per hectare Provision of 1 OFU with digestible protein, r Output of OFU, tons from hectare Output of feed protein units, tons from hectare Output of ME, gigajoules per hectare

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1.pea+oats. control 30:70 19,53 0,31 120,6 2,58 3,15 2,74

2.pea+oats 50:50 19,53 0,22 118,4 1,90 2,30 2,01

3.pea+spring triticale 30:70 23,73 0,26 136,4 1,90 2,50 2,00

4.pea+spring triticale 50:50 22,26 0,33 146,4 2,23 3,08 2,38

5. pea+barley 30:70 21,23 0,28 117,3 2,35 2,83 2,53

6. pea+barley 50:50 21,67 0,32 129,8 2,50 3,20 2,71

7. pea+oats+ spring triticale 30:35:35 21,74 0,37 133,4 2,77 3,60 2,89

8.pea+barley+spring triticale 30:35:35 24,50 0,29 124,4 2,31 2,88 2,43

9.pea+spring triticale+ oats+barley 25:25:25:25 21,08 0,30 121,5 2,49 3,06 2,64

10. oats 100 17,02 0,29 126,1 2,31 2,90 2,41

11.spring triticale 100 25,48 0,35 121,9 2,84 3,50 2,95

12. barley 100 20,02 0,30 128,3 2,38 3,02 2,51

13. pea 100 22,14 0,35 128,0 2,77 3,51 3,20

For evaluation of economic effectiveness of growing crops in mixed and single-species sowings for green forage one determined net cost of 1 ton of green mass, net income from 1 hectare and profitability level. Calculations show that green mass of oats under sowing in pure form has the least net cost of 1 ton - 138,0 rubles. Mixture pea+oats+spring triticale showed decreasing of net cost - 202,3 rubles and single-species of this crop - 195,9 rubles in comparison with control mixture.

As for the level of profitability, all variants in experience have its high meanings, and oats in single-species sowing has the highest meaning - 443, 4%. The increasing of profitability level in comparison with the control is observed in mixture pea+oats+spring triticale - 270,6% and in spring triticale in pure form - 282,9%.


On the basis of conducted researches one can conclude that mixed sowings with spring triticale in the conditions of the first Western forest-steppe agroclimatic zone of Belgorod region differs in high forage productivity and feeding value and do not concede to traditional pea-oat mixture. Under harvesting for green forage in optimal phases of plant development the best forage advantages in comparison with traditional mixture are: three-component mixture pea+oats+spring triticale (30:35:35), pea+spring triticale (50:50) and pea+spring triticale (30:70), and single-species sowing of spring triticale.


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