УДК 796.412 ББК Ч565.66
V.D. Ivanov
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
This article focuses on health fitness activities. Different kinds of fitness are described. Different classifications of fitness are reviewed. Author sets out reasons for the popularity of fitness and its aim: improving of person's physical fitness and state of mind.
Keywords: fitness, fitness techniques, health activities.
Relevance. "Physical education" .. We all hear it so often from the very school bench, especially its short version: "PE" In the kindergarten we did gymnastics, various physical exercises. We also attended these classes at universities, colleges and other post-school educational institutions.
The problem of sedentary lifestyle which can result in overweight, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, the constant stress, depression leads to the implementation of new technologies in physical culture. A great number of physical health techniques are being practiced today. A marketing ploy overshadows an unpleasant title of "Physical education".
To draw people teachers and coaches use unusual, capacious, veiled, foreign names for familiar physical activities ("stretching", "pilates", "shaping", "bodyflex", "bailotherapy", "yoga"), which actually mean their various combinations, aimed at increasing of the body's and mind's well-being, for example, dances+aerobics, correct breathing +stretching exercises etc.
"Fitness" — contemporary health physical techniques, which encompass all those activities. Fitness programs are coordinated individually with age and gender taken into account. People find it interesting and useful to do not only traditional physical exercises but also new activities such as fitness.
Besides "fitness-movement" gains momentum. Considerable number of people, mainly women, sigh up for fitness classes and set up a gym membership. The men who care of themselves also tend to do fit-
ness. Numerous celebrities do it to sustain a good shape. Fitness — it is fashionable, beneficial, relevant, effective, dynamic, aesthetic, healthy and sportive.
Fitness — is a kind of physical culture with a health-improvement orientation. It may also be said that it's a complex of physical exercises, directed at keeping the physical shape, improving of the flexibility, stretching, or a set of measures, which includes proper nutrition, health and mental care. Maria Baden sets out different definitions of fitness in her article "Fitness and modern fitness techniques" [2]. She defines it as a particular lifestyle which helps to reach a harmony of the body and the soul; as a lifestyle, aimed at preservation of health; or as a system of overall health improvement through physical activity, combining strength and aerobic training, complemented by flexibility improvement. Author sets out the main goal of fitness: improvement of physical and mental health of a person.
A willingness to be fit is natural for everyone. Fitness can help to achieve the desired shape with moderate level of efforts. It is based on the healthy lifestyle, physical exercise, flexibility, endurance, strength etc. There are various classifications of fitness activities. One of them is given in the article of A. A. Dalinger, O. V. Yefremov "Fitness" [4] as a description of fitness stages. Authors distinguish general (first stage — doing exercises of lesser strain, which increases stress tolerance and workability), physical (the second stage — same "general" but aimed at sustaining of the physical well-being and disease prevention) and sports-oriented
(the third stage — achievement of the higher level of physical fitness and lesser vulnerability to disease) fitness. Therefore, the fitness form depends on the training intensity and on the aim of the training.
Yoga is one of the most widespread forms of fitness, which occupies a leading position among other kinds of physical activities. Yoga — it is a very intense fitness activity. It includes a great number of techniques and practices, contributing to development of psychophysical capabilities of the body, achievement of specific states of consciousness. Hatha and Raja Yoga are the main forms. The first focuses on the body and its state, the second — on the mind's tranquility and on the change of psychological state in general. In fact, there is no clear division between these types, as it is hard to distinguish where the physical part ends and the psychological begins in their tight interconnection. There are eight stages of yoga, which help to achieve maximum health effect on cardiovascular, nervous system, skeleto-muscular system. In the article A.V. Manuylenko, D.R. Safarieva "Influence of yoga on the body's health" [7] reviewed the significance of various yoga poses, their effect on parts of the body. A lot can be said about this activity, taking into account its profundity, but we should proceed to the other types of fitness activities.
The next activity we are going to describe is stretching. It became quite popular recently. It focuses on the muscles stretching and development of the body's flexibility. This complex of exercises is appropriate for the overall development, for the relaxation after intense strength training and is effective for trauma recovery as well. The effectiveness is substantiated in the article of S.U. Kositskaya, S.N. Belova, O.U. Stepanova "Stretching and its features" [6], where they state the positive influence of stretching on the body (stimulation of lymph and blood circulation, muscles relaxation, increase of elasticity, correction of the posture, stress reduction), and also describe different types of stretching and set out training rules.
Shaping — is a form of fitness activity. The basic feature is that shaping focuses on the particular group of muscles. It is popular mainly among women as it is effective for weight loss. In the article A. A. Skidan, S.V. Sevdalev, E.P. Vrublevskiy "The essence of health shaping exercises for girls in the process of the physical education" [15] they set out results of the research which conclude in positive effect of training on the psycho-emotional state and development of the motivation for the continuation of exercises, physical development and girls' functional state.
Pilates — it is an exercises complex created by Joseph Pilates. Some sources state that pilates is strictly orientated on post-trauma recovery. This statement is related to activity's emergence. However, now it is available for anyone, and can be recommended for the young as well as for the elderly. In reality we see women sigh up for classes mainly. T.A. Bespalova, S.S. Pavlenkovich in the article "Pilates as a health-improving activity for women" [3], assert that pilates is very effective in the reaching of a state of physical and mental well-being of women.
The next kind of a fitness activity — callanetics represents a complex of gymnastics exercises, designed by Callan Pinckney. Its basis is constituted by static training meaning muscle tension in the absence of movement. They are to be implemented with a short amplitude, often in an uncomfortable position. Exercises are focused on the "problem zones" and engage hard-to-reach core muscles. Z.N. Palagina in the article "Callanetics as a kind of health physical education" [10] confirms the statement and complements: these exercises have positive effect on physical and mental state, strength and flexibility.
Bodyflex combines correct breathing and static stretching training. L.A. Ivanova, A.M. Danilova, A.G. Denisenko in the article "Improvement and preservation of health through he breathing exercises body-flex" [5] set out the fact of positive effect of bodyflex on a person. Bodyflex improves health significantly by saturating body cells with oxygen, increasing their efficiency and killing harmful microbes and viruses.
We reviewed fitness activities with lesser popularity as well. Jumpfit — it is a kind of fitness which involves skipping rope and choreographical elements with active music. Fitness involving fitball (Bosu) develops strength, coordination and agility. Slide-aerobics — it is a complex of strength and aerobic training. Classes require special rug with a gliding surface on which movements of skiers and skaters are imitated. Jukari — it is a combination of sport and circus. Trainings require trapeze. They are recommended to those who feel fatigued from monotonous physical exercise. This activity engages all muscle groups, keeping the physical and mental abilities, strengthening muscles. G.V. Rudenko, A.S. Martyinov, I.A. Panchenko Sovremennyie give detailed description of health fitness activities in the article "Modern fitness activities in physical education" [13]. They also describe activities that are only gaining popularity. They help to improve physical and mental state of people.
Workout — it is the next popular type of fitness, that represents street training and doesn't require much financial cost. There are plenty of workout grounds throughout cities. It contributes to public health promotion. Trainings are quite rough with respect to physical strain and demands endurance which is improved during these training. In the article of O.V. Rachkovskaya "Workout: problems and perspectives" [12] different kinds of workout are reviewed and their aims are set out (weight loss, gaining lean body mass).
Aerobics — it is a complex of exercises, which includes jogging, jumping, aiming at elevation of respiration and flexibility. Correct breathing and actions must be combined. There are many kinds of aerobics and each has its orientation. They are beneficial for pregnant women, for post-trauma recovery, figure correction and stress reduction. Different kinds of aerobics are reviewed in the article A.V. Antonova, D.N. Paymushkina, A.N. Borisov "Aerobics" [1], with their orientation, effectiveness and health-improving effects.
We also reviewed uncommon kinds of fitness. Tae Bo combines martial arts elements including oriental ones (Karate, Muay Thai, Taekwondo), which develop strength, speed, sense of balance, reaction. Exercises are based on kicks and punches against imaginary targets. In the article of O.V. Prosvetova, L.B. Dzerzhinskaya "Tae Bo" [11] this kind of fitness activity is presented as an effective way to improve physical abilities. Authors state: "As the result of training physical fitness gets positively effected: strength of the upper and lower limbs is increased, as well as the strength of back and abdominal muscles; speed and strength abilities get improved, as well as the mobility of joints" [11]. Also Tae Bo contributes to blood supply of muscles.
Aqua aerobics, as its name suggests, is directly related to water. It is preferred by women who wish to lose weight mainly. It consists of exercises implemented in the water. O.A. Safonova, A.E. Shevtsova, D.A. Byistrova in the article "Effects of Aqua aerobics on human body" [14] this fitness activity is closely examinated. Trainings pass in the water, which cleanses the skin and improves its respiration, removes cellulite, revitalizes vitals. Aqua aerobics helps to lose weight. Due to universal properties of water a human body experiences a so-called effect of "double-action" when human body directs the energy into the body (on muscle activity) and out (on the overcoming of water resistance). Aqua aerobics improves flexibility, agility and endurance.
Crossfit — is a kind of fitness which is featured
by the effect of a deep psychological and emotional decompression that person experiences due to the training, because crossfit — is a large burst of energy. Physical strain is considerable and very intense. L.V. Morozova, O.G. Morozov, T.I. Melnikova in the article "Crossfit — effective functional training" [9] point that crossfit develops endurance, flexibility, sense of balance, improves strength, cardio and respiratory system. The spirit of competition makes this activity even more effective and intensity of the trainings accelerates the achievement of the positive results.
Powerlifting is not usually attributed to fitness activities, but in some classifications it is considered as one of fitness kinds. Powerlifting also can be called a power triathlon. It includes power squats, bench-press, deadlifting. An aim of powerlifting — is a lifting of weights as heavy as possible. Powerlifting requires a long-term preparation training of the body. M.U. Minov in the article "Powerlifting as an effective way of improving of physical abilities and students' health promotion" [8] points that training aims at development of the increasing of lean body mass and weight loss, and also at an integrated development of all muscle groups. The article is complemented by the recommendations for improving sport results as well.
We have a great number of different fitness activities today and each of them has its own way of physical activity organization. Every kind is unique, interesting and effective in its own way but all of them are orientated on the improvement of health, physical and emotional state, well-being and workability. Some have an effect on a mental state mainly and some affect physical fitness. The choice is up to ones who wish to stay healthy and beautiful and regard their aim as a promotion of physical health, improvement of flexibility, endurance, psychological well-being, increasing of stress tolerance. Everybody wishes to be fit, beautiful, healthy externally and internally, but it is necessary to remember, that it is not enough to reach the desirable shape but one also has to sustain and improve it.
1. Antonova A.V., Paymushkina D.N., Borisov A.N. Aerobika [Aerobics]. Nauchnyiy almanakh [Scientific almanac], 2015, no. 12-1 (14), pp. 441-446. (In Russ.).
2. Baden M. Fitnes i sovremennyie fitnes-tehnolo-gii [Fitness and modern fitness techniques]. Problemy nauchnoy mysli [Problems of scientific thought], 2016, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 47-49. (In Russ.).
3. Bespalova T.A., Pavlenkovich S.S. Pilates kak sredstvo vozdeystviya na zdorov'ye zhenshchin [Pilates
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5. Ivanova L.A., Danilova A.M., Denisen-ko A.G. Sokhraneniye i sovershenstvovaniye fiziches-kogo zdorov'ya pri pomoshchi dykhatel'noy metodiki «Bodifleks» [Maintaining and improving physical health through breathing techniques «Bodyflex»]. Olymplus. Gumanitarnaya versiya [Olymplus. Humanitarian version], 2018, no. 1 (6), pp. 80-83. (In Russ.).
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Поступила в редакцию 15 декабря 2018 г.
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13. Rudenko G.V., Martyinov A.S., Panchen-ko I.A. Sovremennyye vidy fitnesa v sisteme fizvospi-taniya [Modern fitness activities in physical education]. Nauchnoe obespechenie razvitiya APK v usloviyah im-portozamescheniya. Sbornik nauchnyih trudov [Scientific support for the development of Agricultural and industrial complex in the conditions of import substitution. Collection of proceedings]. St. Petersburg, 2018. Pp. 405-407. (In Russ.).
14. Safonova O.A., Shevtsova A.E., Byistro-va D.A. Osobennosti vliyaniya akvaaerobiki na organizm cheloveka [Effects of Aqua aerobics on human body]. In-novatsionnaya nauka [Innovative science], 2018, no. 6, pp. 148-151. (In Russ.).
15. Skidan A.A., Sevdalev S.V., Vrublevs-kiy E.P. Soderzhaniye metodiki ozdorovitelnyih zanyat-iy sheypingom dlya devushek v protsesse fizicheskogo vospitaniya [The essence of health shaping exercises for girls in the process of the physical education]. Fiziches-koye vospitaniye studentov [Physical education of students], 2015, no. 6, pp. 56-62. (In Russ.).
Для цитирования: Ivanov, V.D. Fitness as Physical Education Technique / V.D. Ivanov // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2019. — Т. 4, № 1. — С. 118-122.
About the author
Ivanov Valentin Dmitriyevich — Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Sport. Chelyabinsk state university. Chelyabinsk, Russia. [email protected]
Фитнес как физкультурно-оздоровительная технология В. Д. Иванов
Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта. Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия, [email protected]
Статья посвящена оздоровительным фитнес-технологиям. Приведено описание различных направлений в фитнесе. Рассмотрены разные классификации фитнеса. Автор раскрывает причины популярности фитнес-технологий, приводит цель фитнеса: улучшение психофизического и душевного состояния человека.
Ключевые слова: фитнес, фитнес-технологии, оздоровительные технологии.
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