Received: 30 November 2022 Accepted: 5 December 2022 Published: 15 December 2022
y^K 632.7.753
A.G. Kozhevnikova
Tashkent State Agrarian University, [email protected]
Abstract: The article presents materials on the study of Oncopsis albinata Dlab. on the oleaster -Elaeagnus angustifolia L. in Eastern Fergana. The harmfulness of Oncopsis albinata Dlab., the nature of the damage, morphological and biological features are presented, the wintering phase, the place of oviposition are determined, the systematic position, features of definition, distribution are presented.
Key words: harmfulness, Auchenorryncha, Cicadellidae, Oncopsis albinata Dlab., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., family, genus, species, development features, pests.
Introduction. In the conditions of Uzbekistan, cicadas (Auchenorryncha) are found in a wide variety of biotopes. Of course, these insects prefer field crops, herbaceous communities, there are many of them on shrubs and trees. There are many cicadas on their favorite cultivated and wild plants [1].
The damage from cicadas of tree and shrub vegetation has been noted by many scientists.
In Central Asia, according to A.A. Zakhvatkin, forest species are harmed by: Aphrophora salicis DeGeer, Idiocerus nobilis Fieb., Idiocerus ustulatus M.R., Kyboasca biunctata ulmicola Zachv, Kybos mesasiaticus Zachv, Kybos niveicolor Zachv, Edvardsiana divergens orientalis Zachv, Edvardsiana tshinari Zachv, Tyniphlocyba roseipen Osh. [2].
In the monograph of G.K. Dubovsky, it is noted that some types of cicadas cause serious harm to tree crops; in Central Asia the harm mainly caused by song cicadas, it is also indicated in the works of A.E. Semenov (1940), V.P. Grechkina (1951), I.K. Makhnovsky (1959), Yu.V. Sinadsky (1963) [3].
But since then, there have been no research works on the study of cycads of trees and shrubs, the determination of their harmfulness, the nature of the damage, morphological, biological and other features in the conditions of Eastern Fergana.
From the complex of species of tugai forests, jida (oleaster) is a valuable field-protective plant. These forests, located mainly along the banks of rivers, protect them from erosion, embank riverbeds from drifting with sand, protect fields from sand drifts, reduce the harmful effects of dry winds and are a source of fuel [4].
Identification of the fauna of cicadas, the nature of the damage, a detailed study of their characteristics, and other equally important issues will facilitate the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the protection of trees and shrubs.
Materials and research methods. The material for this work was a 5-year study of oleaster pests in the conditions of Eastern Fergana. Common in entomology and special techniques were used [3,5].
The research results. In the conditions of Eastern Fergana, we found Oncopsis albinata Dlab. There are no other reports of this species being found in Eastern Fergana.
Oncopsis albinata Dlab. belongs to the cicadas (Auchenorryncha), to the family Cicadellidae, the order Homoptera.
The species was first described by Dr. Dlabola in 1965. But there were no reports of the presence of this species in Eastern Fergana.
Cicada Oncopsis albinata Dlab. found by us on
oleaster in the surveyed gardens, street plantations and in the tugai thickets of Andijan, Namangan and Fergana regions, but in different quantities. Sometimes these are just single instances.
When determining Oncopsis albinata Dlab. it must be taken into account that these are small cicadas with a pale green body. There is usually a keel above the antennae. Their hind coxae are wide, transverse; the hind tibiae are flat, tetrahedral, with bristles along the outer ribs. Elytra compacted dark transparent, with light veins. Aedeagus wide in profile, narrowed at base.
The species Oncopsis albinata Dlab., found in the conditions of Eastern Fergana, has an average size of male 3.2 mm, female 4.1 mm.
Oncopsis albinata Dlab. well jumping and flying forms.
The results of our observations showed that cicadas of the species Oncopsis albinata Dlab. live and feed on the oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.).
Oleaster - Elaeagnus angustifolia L. is a species of woody plants of the genus Elaeagnus, family Elaeagnaceae. It grows in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, Asia Minor, Iran. It is a shrub or low tree. Young shoots are silvery [6].
Oncopsis albinata Dlab. lives and feeds on the oleaster, sucking plant juices on the underside of the leaves. On the upper side of the leaves you can see light small spots. The presence of pale whitish spots leads to inhibition of the plant and poor overwintering of the oleaster.
Feed on Oncopsis albinata Dlab. starts from the peripheral part of the leaves, moving to the center.
Imago (adult insects], mobile insects, so you can watch them fly from one plant to another, settling on the leaves. The lifespan of imago (adults) is 10-25 days.
There are no published data on the wintering of this species of cicada.
To determine the wintering phase of Oncopsis
albinata Dlab. observations of adults (imago) were carried out in the autumn period.
In autumn, egg-laying began in the first decade of October and continued throughout the month. At the beginning of November, single individuals of imago (adults) were found. Observations showed that in mid-November the cicadas Oncopsis albinata Dlab. began to die off and by the end of the month had died out completely. Last year, egg-laying ended at the end of October.
Based on these data, it can be considered that Oncopsis albinata Dlab. overwinters in the egg stage in the conditions of Eastern Fergana.
The females lay eggs on the growths of oleaster, on thin peripheral shoots.
Larvae appear in the second decade of March and develop until the end of the third decade of April. Younger larvae feed on the same plants on which they hatched. Older larvae begin to disperse.
Larvae of the second generation appear in the first decade of May and complete their development in the middle of the first decade of June.
Larvae of the third generation develop from the second decade of June to the middle of the first decade of July.
Larvae of the fourth generation appear at the end of the first decade of July and complete their development at the end of the third decade of July.
Larvae of the fifth generation develop from the first decade of August to the end of the first decade of September.
Conclusions: Thus, as a result of research, for the first time, the species Oncopsis albinata Dlab. living on the oleaster Elaeagnus angustifolia L. was found in Eastern Fergana.
Oncopsis albinata Dlab. lives and feeds on the oleaster, sucking out plant juices on the underside of the leaves, this leads to plant inhibition and poor overwintering of oleaster.
Studies show that Oncopsis albinata Dlab. develops in 5 generations and hibernates in the egg stage in the conditions of Eastern Fergana.
Agro Inform N4 [6] 2022
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