Научная статья на тему 'Firepower training planning among military higher educational establishments cadets'

Firepower training planning among military higher educational establishments cadets Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
planning / hours calculation / kinds of training / firepower training / objectives

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chaban A. V.

The article is about the main aspects of hours distribution according to kinds of cadets’ firepower training at military higher educational establishments. The necessity to define the main objectives, which are used during firepower training of cadets planning, and the orientation of their realization is mentioned. In this connection the necessity to distribute means and methods of training is revealed, taking into account the main objectives of the training kinds. The main components of this process should be the following: on the one hand, teaching cadets the main motor skills, which are necessary in professional activity, on the other hand, all kinds of training development on the basis of sports training principles realization. Such kind of an approach helps to broaden the mechanisms of cadets’ organism adaptation to everyday physical and psychic load. That is why educational process optimization is necessary, connected with physical training of cadets, including the factors of motor skills revelation and formation, taking into account the regularities of sports training organization in different kinds of sport. Research methods: scientific and methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, the scheme of cadets’ firepower training structural components creation, documents study. Materials. The article presents methodical aspects of hours planning and distribution according to kinds of cadets’ firepower training, taking into account the objectives and orientations of training means realization. Results. The main difficulties, which cadets face during the process of firepower training are revealed. Revealed by us difficulties were used during cadets’ educational and training process organization. The difficulties help to set objectives for their elimination while planning training among cadets. The objectives, used during firepower training planning among cadets and the orientation of their realization are presented. Structural components of cadets firepower training from small arms are created. Conclusion. Presented by us variant of structural components planning of firepower training among cadets helps to control physical and psychic loads. The main methodical peculiarities of the training lessons organization among cadets are the following: taking into account current functional state of cadets; taking into account physical and functional readiness; taking into account physical qualities demonstration; taking into consideration individual peculiarities; taking into account advantages and drawbacks of all skills demonstration.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Firepower training planning among military higher educational establishments cadets»

DOI 10.14526/02_2018_313



Chaban A.V.1

1Tyumen Higher Military-Engineering Command College Named After Marshal of Engineers Corps

A.I. Proshlyakov Russia, Tyumen, [email protected]

Annotation. The article is about the main aspects of hours distribution according to kinds of cadets' firepower training at military higher educational establishments. The necessity to define the main objectives, which are used during firepower training of cadets planning, and the orientation of their realization is mentioned. In this connection the necessity to distribute means and methods of training is revealed, taking into account the main objectives of the training kinds. The main components of this process should be the following: on the one hand, teaching cadets the main motor skills, which are necessary in professional activity, on the other hand, all kinds of training development on the basis of sports training principles realization. Such kind of an approach helps to broaden the mechanisms of cadets' organism adaptation to everyday physical and psychic load. That is why educational process optimization is necessary, connected with physical training of cadets, including the factors of motor skills revelation and formation, taking into account the regularities of sports training organization in different kinds of sport. Research methods: scientific and methodical literature analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, the scheme of cadets' firepower training structural components creation, documents study. Materials. The article presents methodical aspects of hours planning and distribution according to kinds of cadets' firepower training, taking into account the objectives and orientations of training means realization. Results. The main difficulties, which cadets face during the process of firepower training are revealed. Revealed by us difficulties were used during cadets' educational and training process organization. The difficulties help to set objectives for their elimination while planning training among cadets. The objectives, used during firepower training planning among cadets and the orientation of their realization are presented. Structural components of cadets firepower training from small arms are created. Conclusion. Presented by us variant of structural components planning of firepower training among cadets helps to control physical and psychic loads. The main methodical peculiarities of the training lessons organization among cadets are the following: taking into account current functional state of cadets; taking into account physical and functional readiness; taking into account physical qualities demonstration; taking into consideration individual peculiarities; taking into account advantages and drawbacks of all skills demonstration.

Keywords: planning, hours calculation, kinds of training, firepower training, objectives. For citations: Chaban A.V. Kinds of firepower training planning among military higher educational establishments cadets. The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports). 2018; 13(2): 73-80. DOI 10.14526/02_2018_313


At a modern stage of professionalapplied physical training development of cadets from military higher educational

establishments, the specialists, who train military men, are sure that it is necessary to reconsider the existing program and create new programs of firepower training among

cadets at higher military educational establishments. On this basis the most effective way of training effectiveness increase is practical realization of complex firepower training means [5,9].

Scientific-methodical and special literature analysis showed, that firepower training improvement among cadets of military higher educational establishments is a long-term process, which includes all kinds of training integration into educational process [6,7,8,15,16]. This is necessary in order to create a strong base for professional-applied physical training of cadets and professionally important qualities improvement [13,14,19,20,21]. The main components of this process should be, on the one hand, teaching cadets the main motor skills, which are necessary in professional activity, on the other hand, all kinds of training improvement on the basis of the sports training realization principles. Such kind of an approach helps to broaden the mechanisms of cadets' organism adaptation to everyday physical and psychic load. That is why educational process optimization is necessary, connected with physical training of cadets, including the factors of motor skills revelation and formation, taking into account the regularities of sports training organization in kinds of sport.

The history of small-arms training development shows, that many specialists considered it as the enemy's live power destruction by means of high volume of fire use. Such kind of an approach during many years didn't give an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of firepower training among military men and it is mentioned in the works of the following authors: A.A. Gofman, (2008); M.V. Galda and others (2016); S.A. Antonyuk and others (2017) [1,2,3]. Firepower training of military men is considered in educational program of a higher educational establishment, but the content has many formal instructions, which prevent firepower training development. Firstly, great volume of theoretical material and small volume of practical training objectives.

Secondly, firepower training is almost not used by cadets in battle condition.

Such authors as R.A. Solonitsin, N.I. Medvedkova, (2011); G.L. Gross, (2012); S.N. Ostrovskiy and others (2015) paid great attention to the influence of different factors , especially a complex of different physical exercises use, on the effectiveness of shooting in strong connection with the level of cadets' physical readiness and the level of firepower training skills formation [4,10,11,12].

Scientific-methodical literature and military specialists' practical experience analysis showed that cadets' psychic readiness state at military higher educational establishments influences the effectiveness of shooting, but these questions almost were not considered by the specialists. Moreover, there are no materials of firepower training planning among cadets on the basis of directed development of their motor skills during educational process in extreme conditions [16,17, 18, 19].

Presented by us work considers the main conditions of firepower training planning use among cadets during the lessons according to the program and in terms of the educational-training orientation lessons.

The aim of the research is cadets' firepower training planning on the basis of their motor skills directed development.


1. To analyze scientific-methodical and special literature concerning the questions of cadets military educational establishments firepower training.

2. To reveal the factors, which determine the base of firepower training.

3. To plan a complex firepower training of cadets.

4. To offer methodical recommendations concerning firepower training planning among cadets on the basis of their motor skills directed development.


The following methods are used in the research: scientific-methodical literature analysis, a questionnaire survey and a

conversation, documents study, the results of pedagogical observation summarizing, the process of cadets' firepower training structuring, the research results handling.

At the first stage of the research we analyzed the records of pedagogical observation, directed at the difficulties revelation, which were used during cadets' educational and training process organization. A questionnaire survey was held among firepower training teachers and trainers (n=27).

The questionnaire includes the following: difficulties during ready position, accuracy of small arms aiming at a target, pulling the trigger, control over the arms vibration, transfer from the state of vibration into the state of damping, control over twitching, forefinger muscles contraction and etc. Time was calculated according to micro periods during cadets' firepower training and time was distributed for the kinds of training cadets.

The research was held on the basis of the Tyumen Higher Military-Engineering Command College (military Institute) Named After Marshal of Engineers Corps A.I. Proshlyakov in Tyumen. Pedagogical observation was held over cadets' firepower training at military higher educational establishments. Cadets' firepower training planning at military higher educational establishments was analyzed and a principle scheme of training planning sides was created.


At the first stage of the pedagogical observation we revealed the main difficulties, which cadets face during firepower training.

Table 1 - Objectives, used during cadets' fi realization

We revealed the difficulties, which were used during cadets' educational and training process organization. For this purpose the pedagogical observation was held according to the following plan: cadets' main actions determination during firepower training; situations revelation; the main objectives determination before firepower training; volitional efforts direction. The results were recorded in the protocol of observations. In order to reveal the difficulties before firepower training a questionnaire was held among firepower training teachers and trainers (n=27). For this purpose a questionnaire was created, where the specialists enumerated difficulties during ready position, accuracy of small arms aiming at a target, pulling the trigger, control over the arms vibration, transfer from the state of vibration into the state of damping, control over twitching, forefinger muscles contraction and etc.. During the results analysis the following difficulties during cadets' firepower training were revealed: rough arms aiming (13%), self-possession absence during aiming (12%), strong arms vibrations, absence of concentration (23%), bad steadiness (10%), disrupting the aim of the arms (17%), the absence of control over the forefinger (3%), all body muscles contraction during the trigger (1%), muscle tone decrease, private cases of twitching, sense of uncertainty (21%). The revealed difficulties help to set objectives for their elimination while planning cadets' training. For this purpose we create the objectives, which are used during firepower training of cadets. Table 1 presents the main objectives of firepower training and the orientation of their realization.

training planning, and orientation of their

№ Objectives Methodical recommendations

1 Positive motivation for the lessons creation. Lead away from unimportant thoughts and actions. Focus on the future work with the arms Mentally get ready oneself for the future work. Picture the program of lessons. Prepare muscles for the future work.

2 Achieve the balance during ready position. Pay attention to immobility of the whole

Learn to freeze in a necessary position and preserve immobility during ready position and aiming. Restrain reflex muscle actions. body. Control the work of muscles. Preserve immobility of the arms.

3 To fulfill aiming and trigger pulling. Control the movement of a forefinger. Control the efforts of a forefinger.

4 To fulfill a fire dominant. To avoid strong vibrations of the arms. Overcome bad steadiness during aiming. Control thoughts. Keep in mind only one mindset "Hit the target". Avoid negative thoughts. To hurl oneself into work.

5 To preserve control over all actions. Learn to reveal the reasons for made mistakes. To control consistency of motor actions, taking into account the phases and elements of fulfillment.

6 Struggle against lack of confidence. Control tiredness of an organism. Control attention. Control pulse and rate of respiration. Avoid working capacity decrease. Control the efforts. Restore self-control, confidence, interest.

Mentioned by us objectives and directions of their realization help to satisfy the demands of cadets' individual training. Training activity of cadets from course to course is based, taking into account the conditions of teaching. That is why great attention is paid to independent work of cadets, which takes half of general time volume hours. For example, a cadet made the mistake during control normatives fulfillment, such as disorder between ready position and aiming. His further work will be in this mistake correction. Such kind of the approach makes motor action mastering easy and helps to practice the action until it becomes second nature.

Control normatives of firepower training fulfillment and shooting for the result in terms of military objectives realization demand the highest level of cadets' physical and moral powers. Planned taking into account different difficulties, revealed during the process of training, helps to control physical working capacity and distribute organism capacities for a long-term period of work.

During the plan of independent work creation, a cadet and a teacher form events according to periods, taking into account physical loads decrease and increase. Cadets' physical and psychic state control helps to correct physical loads and select means and methods according to the definite situation.

Time calculation according to micro periods during cadets' firepower training helps to control the whole process of firepower training, without missing the smallest disadvantages during motor action fulfillment. Such kind of micro periods can be periods between competitions, between training camps and sessions.

High level of cadets' working capacity during firepower training demands constant training in different physical loads overcoming. High level of working capacity preservation is possible only if the process of training is planned, taking into account cadets' initial physical and functional state. A person's organism has different reactions to different influences. In the training process competent planning of training loads volume and intensity is very important.

Not much time is paid to training lessons that is why cadets are not good at firepower training normatives fulfillment. That is why we offer additional lessons, which are directed at different sides of cadets' training development.

Picture 1 presents the structural components scheme of cadets' firepower training.

Picture 1 shows that cadets' firepower training can be considered as a complex structure, which includes all kinds of training: physical, technical, psychological, theoretical. At first glance the scheme is similar to sports

training of different kinds of sport. However, such kind of an approach during cadets' firepower training helps to control all kinds of

training. Each kind of training solves its own problems, which then integrate into training in general.

General physical training

Health preservation, power, general

endurance development, volitional qualities formation



Special physical training

The reflex of pose formation, general and

special endurance development

Technical training

Shooting technique teaching and development


training _±_

Psychic, moral-volitional qualities and behavior development

Theoretical training

Knowing the basis

of firepower training. Technique of shooting. Experience of taking part in competitions formation

Picture 1 - The scheme of structural components of cadets' firepower training

The first place in training cadets takes physical training as the base of skills and abilities successful formation during firepower training. The main objective of firepower training is all skills of shooting formation on the basis of motor skills, psychic qualities complex development, physical working capacity increase.

Cadets' all motor skills development during firepower training should increase from course to course in the following ratio: 60, 80, 90, 100%. Health state in this case should be 100%. General endurance development is the base of cadets' perfect physical working capacity, that is why special attention is paid to cadets' organism aerobic capacities development. This means ratio during studying at a higher educational establishment is the following: 60, 80, 90, 100%. Volitional qualities formation is a

necessary condition for successful firepower training. In this connection great attention should be paid to this quality development. The ratio of the means on volitional qualities formation should be 80%.

Cadets' special physical training is especially significant. The main objective is further development of endurance in order to preserve the pose for a long time, especially during ready position for great physical loads overcoming.

Taking into account all kinds of training and the hours volume, given to firepower training, we made our own firepower training planning for an academic year.

Table 2 presents time distribution, planned for firepower training of cadets for an academic year according to the kinds of training.

Table 2 - Approximate time planning for the cadets' kinds of training

Stages of training

Kinds of training General and special-preparatory Training Control

Months and weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

General physical training (GPT) 10 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 12 12 12 10 10

Special physical training (SPT) 14 14 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 14 14 14 10

Technical training (TT) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10

Psychological training (PT) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Theoretical training 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4

Cadets trained additionally three days a week. Firepower training camps were in May and September. Cadets' psychological training was held in terms of other kinds of training realization giving it additional time.

The presented time calculation for firepower training of cadets then was distributed according to months and weeks. Micro distribution of the planned firepower training hours of cadets helps to increase the effectiveness of professional training. Individual planning of firepower training is also very important for cadets. Such kind of plan is created for each cadet, who had achieved the definite level of firepower training. The individual plan of a cadet includes the following: the initial results of planning, a cadet's training level, motivation, results of control normatives, drawbacks of technical readiness, drawbacks of psychological training.

All mentioned above theses help to direct the process of firepower training, develop effectively motor skills typical to shooters.

The presented components of cadets' firepower training have the main aim: a complex development of motor skills with cadets' functional and psychological state development and different levels of physical and psychic loads use.


Presented by us variant of structural components planning of firepower training among cadets helps to control physical and psychic loads.

Our planning demands methodical techniques use of firepower training lessons organization. The main methodical peculiarities of the training lessons organization among cadets are the following:

- taking into account current functional state of cadets;

- taking into account physical and functional readiness;

- taking into account physical qualities demonstration;

- individual peculiarities taking into consideration;

- taking into account advantages and drawbacks of all skills demonstration.

Summing up, we come to the following conclusion:

- to define the objectives, used during cadets' firepower training planning, and the direction of their realization, taking into account the revealed difficulties during firepower training;

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- cadets' firepower training should be considered as a complex structure, which includes all kinds of training: physical, technical, psychological and theoretical;

- for cadets' firepower training organization and planning improvement it is necessary to plan and calculate hours according to kinds of cadets' firepower training;

- cadets' all motor skills development during firepower training should increase from course to course in the following ratio:60, 80, 90, 100%.

Presented by us research work helps to control cadets' firepower training, taking into account their professional-applied physical readiness. A complex realization of kinds of cadets' firepower training provides collective training organization, where cadets solve different problems during one lesson, helping each other. A complex organization of cadets' firepower training, in their opinion, provides a shooter's emotional state regulation, owing to urgent information, received from a teacher and a team member.


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Author's information:

Chaban A.V. - Senior Lecturer, Tyumen Higher Military-Engineering Command College Named After Marshal of Engineers Corps A.I. Proshlyakov, 625001, Russia, Tyumen, Tolstogo str., House 1 (10th military town), e-mail: [email protected]

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