FINDING WAYS TO REDUCE THE FREQUENCY OF CESAREAN SECTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Dyussembayeva M.D., Kabbasova G.K., Gassanova E.Z., Shalbaeva O.I., Akylzhanova Z.E.

Relevance. The most common operation worldwide is cesarean section (CS), over the past thirty years, the operation has become much more frequent - from 7% in 1990 to 21% in 2020, and according to WHO data over the past decade, the frequency of CS has peaked and amounted to 25-30% in economically developed countries. Obstetricians and gynecologists are increasingly concerned about the increasing frequency of long-term complications after surgery. Factors contributing to the increase in frequency include an increase in the average age of women giving birth, obesity, the birth of children over 4000 gy, as well as non-medical problems - an increasing number of lawsuits against specialists in this profession. Goal. Conducting an assessment of the frequency of CS to find ways to reduce this indicator. Material and methods of research. The study materials include documentation of the perinatal center of the 3rd level of the KGP at the Pavlodar Regional Hospital named after G.Sultanov, which included all cases that sought medical help in 2021. A retrospective analysis of the birth histories was performed with a sample of patients with operative delivery, who were divided into 10 groups according to the Robson classification. A total of 6534 birth histories were analyzed, of which the share of operative delivery was 1,350 (20.6%). Clinical, instrumental, and statistical research methods were used. An assessment of the dynamics of the CS frequency index over the past 4 years in this obstetric hospital was carried out. Results. In 2021, the increase in the frequency of CS relative to the total number of operative births is mainly due to 4 groups: 3 (6,37%), 4 (12,66%), 5 (49,62%) and 7 (9.62%). The smallest number of abdominal deliveries relative to the total number of operative deliveries is represented in the following 3 groups: 6 (2,66%), 8 (3,03%), 9 (1,70%). Of the 10 groups presented according to the Robson classification, the largest number fell on the category of women belonging to group 5 - 670 (49.62%), and the smallest - 23 (1.70%) belonging to group 9. Despite the absolute leadership of Group 5, in comparison with 2020, there is a significant decrease in the dynamics of the indicator by 1.3%. There is a decrease in the indicator in dynamics in groups 1, 2, 6 and 10. The main direction in reducing the frequency of CS in groups 1, 2, 6 was ignoring the prolonged latent phase of labor and reducing interventions. The widespread use of the Foley catheter for the purpose of cervical dilation has reduced the growth of operative labor among women of groups 2 and 10. An increase in the frequency of CS in groups 4 and 7 is associated with an increase in the number of clinically narrow pelvis, mainly due to fetuses with macrosomia, as well as with a threatening fetal condition. The indicator of the frequency of CS in the perinatal center of level 3 in dynamics was in 2018 - 26,2%, 2019 - 26,9%, 2020 - 21,6% and 2021 respectively - 20.6%. Conclusions. The main ways to reduce the frequency of CS in the perinatal center of Pavlodar include the following: rational management of labor, ignoring the prolonged latent phase of labor and reducing interventions; increasing deliveries through the natural birth canal in pregnant women with a scar on the uterus using a Foley catheter. Over the past four years, the rate of CS in the perinatal center has decreased from 26.2% to 20.6%, and an individual approach to group 5 patients has reduced the percentage of abdominal births by 1.3%.

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УДК: 615.5-089.888.61

DOI 10.53065/kaznmu.2022.50.42.001

Meruert D. Dyussembayeva https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-7007-3625 Gulayim K. Kabbasova https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-1299-4650 Elmira Z. Gassanova https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1212-7132 Oksana I. Shalbaeva https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9646-1981 Zhansulu E. Akylzhanova https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6855-127X

Pavlodar branch of the NAO "Semey Medical University", G.Sultanov Pavlodar Regional Hospital, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan



Relevance. The most common operation worldwide is cesarean section (CS), over the past thirty years, the operation has become much more frequent - from 7% in 1990 to 21 % in 2020, and according to WHO data over the past decade, the frequency of CS has peaked and amounted to 25-30% in economically developed countries. Obstetricians and gynecologists are increasingly concerned about the increasing frequency of long-term complications after surgery. Factors contributing to the increase in frequency include an increase in the average age of women giving birth, obesity, the birth of children over 4000 gy, as well as non-medical problems

- an increasing number of lawsuits against specialists in this profession.

Goal. Conducting an assessment of the frequency of CS to find ways to reduce this indicator.

Material and methods of research. The study materials include documentation of the perinatal center of the 3rd level of the KGP at the Pavlodar Regional Hospital named after G.Sultanov, which included all cases that sought medical help in 2021. A retrospective analysis of the birth histories was performed with a sample of patients with operative delivery, who were divided into 10 groups according to the Robson classification. A total of 6534 birth histories were analyzed, of which the share of operative delivery was 1,350 (20.6%). Clinical, instrumental, and statistical research methods were used. An assessment of the dynamics of the CS frequency index over the past 4 years in this obstetric hospital was carried out.

Results. In 2021, the increase in the frequency of CS relative to the total number of operative births is mainly due to 4 groups: 3 (6,37%), 4 (12,66%), 5 (49,62%) and 7 (9.62%). The smallest number of abdominal deliveries relative to the total number of operative deliveries is represented in the following 3 groups: 6 (2,66%), 8 (3,03%), 9 (1,70%). Of the 10 groups presented according to the Robson classification, the largest number fell on the category of women belonging to group 5 - 670 (49.62%), and the smallest

- 23 (1.70%) belonging to group 9.

Despite the absolute leadership of Group 5, in comparison with 2020, there is a significant decrease in the dynamics of the indicator by 1.3%.

There is a decrease in the indicator in dynamics in groups 1, 2, 6 and 10. The main direction in reducing the frequency of CS in groups 1, 2, 6 was ignoring the prolonged latent phase of labor and reducing interventions. The widespread use of the Foley catheter for the purpose of cervical dilation has reduced the growth of operative labor among women of groups 2 and 10. An increase in the frequency of CS in groups 4 and 7 is associated with an increase in the number of clinically narrow pelvis, mainly due to fetuses with macrosomia, as well as with a threatening fetal condition. The indicator of the frequency of CS in the perinatal center of level 3 in dynamics was in 2018 - 26,2%, 2019 - 26,9%, 2020 - 21,6% and2021 respectively - 20.6%. Conclusions. The main ways to reduce the frequency of CS in the perinatal center of Pavlodar include the following: rational management of labor, ignoring the prolonged latent phase of labor and reducing interventions; increasing deliveries through the natural birth canal in pregnant women with a scar on the uterus using a Foley catheter. Over the past four years, the rate of CS in the perinatal center has decreased from 26.2% to 20.6%, and an individual approach to group 5 patients has reduced the percentage of abdominal births by 1.3%.

Keywords. Robson's classification, operative delivery, cesarean section, childbirth, scar on the uterus.


Меруерт Д. Дюсембаева https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-7007-3625 Гулэшм К- Каббасова https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-1299-4650 Эльмира З. Гасанова https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1212-7132 Оксана И. Шалбаева https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9646-1981 Жансулу Е- Акылжанова https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6855-127X

«Семей Медициналыц Университеты КеАК, Павлодар филиалы ШЖК, "Г.Султанов атындагы Павлодар облыстыц ауруханасы" КМК Павлодар, Цазацстан



взектшШ. длемдегi ец кец тараган операция - кесар тлт блып табылады, соцгы отызжылдыцта -1990 жылы 7%-гадейтболса, 2020 жылгыкерсеткш 20% жетт1ал ДД¥мэлiметтерi бойынша сонгы он жылдыцта шарыцтау шегте жетт, экономикалыц дамыга нелдерде 25-30% курады. Операцияныц кеш асцынулары жишгтщ жогарылауына акушер-гинекологтардыц алацдаушылыгы артып келедь КТ жасалуыныц жишгтщ артуына ыцпал ететт факторларга босанушы эйелдердщ орта жасыныц улгаюы, семiздiк, нэрестелердщ салмагыныц 4000 грасыптуылуы, сонымен цатар медициналыц емесмэселелер-осы кэсттщ мамандарына царсы сотца шагымдардыц кебеюi жатады. Мацсаты. Керсеmкшmi азайту жолдарын iздестiру ушт кесар тлт жилтн багалау

Зерттеудщ цуралдары мен эдiстерi. Зерттеу материалдары ШЖК, "Г.Султанов атындагы Павлодар облыстыц ауруханасы" КМК3 децгейлi перинаталдыц орталыгыныц кужаттамасын цамтиды оныц ште 2021 жылы медициналыц кемекке жугтген барлыцжагдайларды цамтылды. Робсон классификациясы бойынша 10 топца белтген ,оперативтi босанган науцастардыц босану тарихына ретроспективтi талдау жасалды. Барлыгы 6534 босану тарихы талданды, оныц штде оперативтi босану улеа -1350 (20,6%). Клиникалыц, аспаптыц, статистикалыц зерттеу эдiстерi цолданылды. Осы босандыру стационарда соцгы 4 жылдагы КСжишк керсетюштщ динамикасына бага берлдь

Нэтижелер. 2021 жылыоперативтi босанулардыц жалпы санына цатысты КТ жишгтщ есуi негiзiнен 4 топца байланысты болды, олар : 3 (6,37%), 4 (12,66%), 5 (49,62%) и 7 (9,62%). Оперативтi босанулардыц жалпы санына цатысты абдоминальды босанудыц ец аз саны келес 3 топта усынылган: 6 (2,66%), 8 (3,03%), 9 (1,70%). ЯоЬэоп классификациясы бойынша усынылган 10 топтыц штде ец кеп саны 5-топца жататын эйелдер санатына тиесш -670 (49,62%), ал ец азы - 9-топца жататын - 23 (1,70%).5ш топтыц абсолюттi кешбасшылыгына царамастан, 2020 жылмен салыстырганда динамика бойынша керсеткштщ 1,3%-га айтарлыцтай темендеуi байцалады. Динамикада 1, 2, 6 жэне 10 топтарда керсеткштщ темендеуi байцалады. 1, 2, 6 топтардагы КТжишгт темендетудщ негiзгi багыты босанудыц узацца созылган латенттi фазасын елемеу жэне араласуды азайту болды. Жатыр мойнын кецейту ушт Фолей катетерт кецтен цолдану 2 жэне 10 топтагы эйелдер арасында оперативт\ босанудыц есут темендетть

4 жэне 7 топтардагы КТ жишгтщ артуы, негiзгi себебi макросомиялы урыцтыц болып табылатын клиникалыц тар жамбас саныныц улгаюымен, , сондай-ац урыцтыц цаут жагдайымен байланысты. 3-децгейдегi перинаталдыц орталыцтагы КТ жишгтщ керсеткшi динамика бойынша 2018 жылы 26,2%, 2019 жылы 26,9%, 2020 жылы 21,6% жэне 2021 жылы 20,6% цурады.

Цорытындылар. Павлодар ц. перинаталдыц орталыгындагы КТжишгт темендетудщ негiзгi жолдарына келеслер жатады: босануды рационалды жyргiзу, босанудыц узаща созылган латенттi фазасын елемеу жэне араласуларды азаайту,Фолей катетерт цолданып, жатыр тыртыгы бар жyктлердi табиги жолмен босандыруды кебейту. ПеринаталдыкорталыктаFы КТ жилткерсеткшкоцгытертжылда 26,2%-тен 20,6%одейтазайды, ал 5 топтагыпациенттергеиндивидуалдыкезцарас абдоминальды босандыруды 1,3%-га темендетть ТYШндi свздер. Робсон классификациясы, операmивmi босандыру,кесар тлт, босану,жатырдагы тыртыц.

Меруерт Д. Дюсембаева https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-7007-3625 Гулэшм К. Каббасова https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-1299-4650 Эльмира З. Гасанова https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1212-7132 Оксана И. Шалбаева https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9646-1981 Жансулу .Е. Акылжанова https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6855-127X

Павлодарский филиал НАО «Медицинскийуниверситет г. Семей». КГП на ПХВ "Павлодарской областной больницы им. Г.Султанова" Павлодар Казахстан.



Актуальность. Самой распространённой операцией во всем мире является кесарево сечение (КС), за последние тридцать лет операцию стали проводить намного чаще - с 7% в 1990 году, до 21% в 2020-ом, а по данным ВОЗ за последнее десятилетие частота КС достигла максимума и составила 25-30% в экономически развитых странах. Растет озабоченность акушеров-гинекологов в связи с возрастающей частотой отдаленных осложнений после операции. К факторам, способствующим росту частоты относят увеличение среднего возраста рожающих женщин,

ожирение, рождение детей больше 4000 гр, а также немедицинские проблемы - возрастающее число судебных исков в отношении специалистов этой профессии.

Цель. Проведение оценки частоты КС для поиска путей снижения этого показателя.

Материалы и методы исследования. В материалы исследования включена документация перинатального центра 3уровня КГП на ПХВ «Павлодарской областной больницы им. Г.Султанова», куда вошли все случаи, обратившихся за медицинской помощью за 2021 год. Произведен ретроспективный анализ историй родов с выборкой пациенток с оперативным родоразрешением, которые были распределены по классификации Робсона на 10 групп. Всего было проанализировано 6534 историй родов, из которых доля оперативного родоразрешения составила 1350 (20,6%). Использовались клинические, инструментальные, статистические методы исследования. Проведена оценка динамики показателя частоты КС за последние 4 года в данном родовспомогательном стационаре.

Результаты. В 2021 году рост частоты КС относительно общего количества оперативных родов происходит в основном за счет 4-х групп: 3 (6,37%), 4 (12,66%), 5 (49,62%) и 7 (9,62%). Наименьшее количество абдоминального родоразрешения относительно общего количества оперативных родов представлено в следующих 3-х группах: 6 (2,66%), 8 (3,03%), 9 (1,70%). Из 10 представленных групп по классификации Robson, наибольшее количество пришлось на категорию женщин, относящихся к 5 группе - 670 (49,62%), а наименьшее - 23 (1,70%), относящихся к 9 группе. Несмотря на абсолютное лидерство 5 группы, в сравнении с 2020 годом в динамике имеется значительное снижение показателя на 1,3%.

Наблюдается снижение показателя в динамике в группах 1,2, 6 и 10. Основным направлением в снижении частоты КС в 1,2, 6 группах явилось игнорирование пролонгированной латентной фазы родов и снижение вмешательств. Широкое применение катетера Фолея с целью расширения шейки матки позволило снизить рост оперативных родов среди женщин 2 и 10 групп. Повышение частоты КС в группах 4 и 7 связано с увеличением числа клинически узкого таза, в основном за счёт плодов с макросомией, а также с угрожающим состоянием плода. Показатель частоты КС по перинатальному центру 3 уровня в динамике составил в 2018 году - 26,2%, 2019 - 26,9%, 2020 - 21,6% и 2021 соответственно - 20,6 %.

Выводы. К основным путям снижения частоты КС в перинатальном центре г. Павлодара относятся следующие: рациональное ведение родов, игнорирование пролонгированной латентной фазы родов и снижение вмешательств; увеличение родоразрешений через естественные родовые пути у беременных с рубцом на матке с применением катетера Фолея. Показатель частоты КС за последние четыре года по перинатальному центру снизился с 26,2% до 20,6%, а индивидуальный подход к пациенткам 5 группы позволил снизить процент абдоминальных родов на 1,3%. Ключевые слова. Классификация Робсона, оперативное родоразрешение, кесарево сечение, роды, рубец на матке.

Introduction. In obstetric hospitals, cesarean section (CS) is the most common operation worldwide, its frequency according to the World Health Organization (WHO) has peaked over the past decade and amounted to 25-30% in economically developed countries [1-2]. This is the global average, although in a number of countries, especially in Latin America, COP is resorted to in 43% of cases. Not everywhere women have equal access to CS surgery -in the least developed countries of the world, only 8% of babies are born this way, and in sub-Saharan Africa - only 5%, and in five countries of the world - the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Cyprus, Egypt and Turkey, the number of such operations exceeds the rates of natural childbirth. The global trend causes concern among WHO experts: over the past 30 years, CS has become much more frequent -from 7% in 1990 to 21% in 2020 [3]. Obstetric hospitals do not fully use the potential to reduce the frequency of CS operations, their share is 25-30% in different regions of Russia. The frequency of CS in Russia is comparable to Germany - about 30% [4]. Among the factors that contribute to the increase in the frequency of COP, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, an increase in the average age of women giving birth, obesity, the birth of children over 4000 gy, as well as non-medical problems, among which the increasing number of lawsuits against obstetricians and gynecologists plays a leading role [5]. In many countries, obstetricians and gynecologists are increasingly concerned about the increasing frequency of long-term complications after one or more CS operations, such as placenta accretion, placenta retention in the uterus after childbirth and uterine rupture with possible subsequent hysterectomy [2, 6]. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the frequency of CS has changed over the past 5 years as follows: at first, there was a tendency to increase the indicator - from 2016 to 2017 from 17.6% to 18.6%, and in 8 regions this indicator exceeded 18.6%; in 2019 it

amounted to 19.7%; in 2020, the% of the total number of births slightly decreased - 19,4 [7]. It should be noted that in the Pavlodar region in 2019 this indicator was 19.7%, and in 2020 - 19.4%, the same as the republican ones, and in 2021 its decrease was observed - 18.4%. Back in 2001, M.Robson proposed to evaluate the work of obstetric hospitals according to the 10 group classification, in 2015 it was approved by WHO and recommended its use in various obstetric clinics, and in 2016 FIGO recommended the Robson classification as a global standard for evaluating, monitoring and comparing CS indicators in healthcare institutions over time and between institutions [2, 4, 8-9]. Despite the fact that WHO recommends an optimal frequency of CS in the population of 10-15%, since CS operations are most often performed in level 3 perinatal centers and therefore the indicator will be higher. The use of this system will allow for a comparative analysis of the frequency of COP implementation also between countries and regions [4].

Goal. Conducting an assessment of the frequency of CS to find ways to reduce this indicator. Research objectives:

1. Determine the percentage of cases of childbirth and COP according to the Robson method for 2021.

2. To evaluate the dynamics of the frequency of CS for the period from 2018 to 2021 according to the perinatal center of Pavlodar.

Material and methods of research. The materials of the study include documentation of the perinatal center of the 3rd level of the KGP at the Pavlodar Regional Hospital named after G.Sultanov, which includes all cases that applied for medical care in 2021, registered in electronic journals and protocols of operations of this medical institution, as well as registered in the integrated medical information system (KIIS). A retrospective analysis of the birth histories was performed with a sample of patients

with operative delivery, who were distributed according to the Robson classification (Table 1). In his classification, Robson distributed all women with abdominal delivery

according to the parameters: female parity; gestational age; fetal part of the fetus; single or multiple pregnancy; spontaneous or induced labor.

1 Primiparous, gestational age > 37 weeks, singleton pregnancy, headache, spontaneous labor.

2 Primiparous, gestational age > 37 weeks, singleton pregnancy, headache, induced labor or planned COP.

3 Repeat births, without a scar on the uterus, with a gestational period of > 37 weeks, single pregnancy, head presentation, spontaneous labor.

4 Repeat births, without a scar on the uterus, with a gestational period of > 37 weeks, single pregnancy, head presentation, induced labor or planned CS.

5 Repeat births, with a scar on the uterus, with a gestational period of > 37 weeks, single pregnancy, head presentation.

6 Primiparous, singleton pregnancy, pelvic presentation.

7 Repeat births, single pregnancy, pelvic presentation, including with a scar on the uterus.

8 All women with multiple pregnancies, including those with a scar on the uterus.

9 All women with a singleton pregnancy with a transverse or oblique fetal position, including women with a scar on the uterus.

10 All women with a singleton pregnancy with a transverse or oblique fetal position, including women with a scar on the uterus.

A total of 6534 birth histories were analyzed, of which the share of operative delivery was 1,350 (20.6%). Research methods: clinical; instrumental; statistical (MicrosoftExcel packages).

Results and discussion

From the table below (Table 2) it can be seen that in 2021, the increase in the frequency of CS relative to the total number of operative births is mainly due to 4 groups: 3 (6,37%), 4 (12,66%), 5 (49,62%) and 7 (9.62%). The smallest number of abdominal deliveries relative to the

total number of operative deliveries is represented in the following 3 groups: 6 (2,66%), 8 (3,03%), 9 (1,70%). It should be noted that of the 10 groups presented according to the Robson classification, the largest number fell on the category of women from the repeat-bearing with a scar on the uterus 670 (49.62%) belonging to group 5, and the smallest - 23 (1.70%) belonging to group 9 (with a singleton pregnancy with a transverse or oblique position of the fetus, including women with a scar on the uterus).

Table 2 - Data for 2021 for the perinatal center of Pavlodar

Absolute quantity total Total The frequency % ofthe

births of CS relative to the total number of operative births % number of all genera


Number of births 496 433 480 523 558 583 562 648 582 553 573 544 6534

number of cs 97 100 110 123 142 138 120 101 118 105 85 111 1350

1 group 5 5 7 5 4 6 4 5 4 2 4 1 52 6534 3,85% 0,79%

2 group 9 12 6 6 8 10 6 6 3 3 4 5 78 6534 5,77% 1,19%

3 group 6 7 2 8 8 6 4 9 5 9 10 12 86 6534 6,37% 1,31%

4 group 9 6 17 24 22 24 17 9 11 15 2 15 171 6534 12,66% 2,61%

5 group 47 51 54 52 76 64 58 54 61 49 41 63 670 6534 49,62% 10,25%

6 group 6 6 2 2 1 3 5 2 4 1 2 2 36 6534 2,66% 0,55%

7 group 6 3 8 12 11 13 13 11 21 11 12 9 130 6534 9,62% 1,98%

8 group 6 3 6 3 3 3 4 1 2 5 4 1 41 6534 3,03% 0,62%

9 group 2 0 1 4 0 2 5 2 3 2 2 0 23 6534 1,70% 0,35%

10 group 1 7 7 7 9 7 4 2 4 8 4 3 63 6534 4,66% 0.96%

The absolute leadership in the structure of operative delivery in recent years has been maintained by a group of women with a scar on the uterus (group 5), which makes

up half of all cases of CS, which is predictable (Table 3). According to other researchers, similar indicators are observed in-group 5 [2, 8-10].

Table 3 - Percentage of CS in each group for the period 2018-2021

Group 2018 1 2019 1 2020 | 2021

nuber of CS in group

абс. % абс. % абс. % абс %

1 77 6,96 47 4,72 101 7,76 52 3,85

2 93 8,41 141 14,2 123 9,45 78 5,77

3 65 5,89 18 1,8 43 3,30 86 6,37

4 51 4,61 76 7,6 62 4,77 171 12,66

5 498 45,03 476 47,8 663 50,96 670 49,62

6 50 4,52 52 5,22 54 4,15 36 2,66

7 75 6,78 57 5,72 63 4,84 130 9,62

8 54 4,88 51 5,13 28 2,15 41 3,03

9 15 1,36 23 2,31 6 0,46 23 1,70

10 140 12,66 76 7,6 158 12,14 63 4,66

Compared to 2020, there is a significant decrease in indicators by 1.3% in group 5, an individual approach to

patients in this group allowed to reduce the percentage of abdominal births.







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50,96 49,62






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□ 2018

□ 2019

□ 2020 □ 2021


1 группа 2 группа 3 группа 4 группа 5 группа 6 группа 7 группа 8 группа 9 группа 10 группа Figure 1 - Dynamics of the frequency of CS for the period from 2018 to 2021 at the perinatal center of Pavlodar

In dynamics, there is a decrease in the indicator in groups 1, 2, 6 and 10 (Figure 1). The main direction in reducing the frequency of CS in groups 1, 2, 6 was ignoring the prolonged latent phase of labor and reducing interventions. The widespread use of the Foley catheter for the purpose of cervical dilation has reduced the growth of operative labor among women of groups 2 and 10. An increase in the frequency of CS in groups 4 and 7 is associated with an increase in the number of clinically narrow pelvis, mainly due to fetuses with macrosomia, as well as with a threatening fetal condition. The indicator of the frequency of CS in the perinatal center of level 3 in dynamics was in 2018 - 26,2%, 2019 - 26,9%, 2020 - 21,6% and 2021 respectively - 20.6%.

Conclusion. The indicator of the frequency of CS from 2018 to 2021 decreased from 26.2% to 20.6%. We believe that the main ways to reduce the frequency of CS in the perinatal center of Pavlodar were the following: rational management of childbirth (monitoring the condition of the woman and fetus with a partogram, compliance with effective perinatal technologies recommended by WHO); ignoring the prolonged latent phase of labor and reducing interventions; increasing deliveries through the natural birth canal in pregnant women with a scar on the uterus, the use of a Foley catheter for the purpose of induction.

Authors' Contributions. All authors participated equally

in the writing of this article.

No conflicts of interest have been declared.

This material has not been previously submitted for publication in other publications and is not under consideration by other publishers.

There was no third-party funding or medical representation in the conduct of this work. Funding - no funding was provided.

Авторлардьщ улесь Барлык; авторлар осы мак;аланы

жазуга тен, дэрежеде катысты.

Мудделер цацтынысы - мэлiмделген жок;.

Бул материал баск;а басылымдарда жариялау ушш

бурын мэлiмделмеген жэне бас;а басылымдардын,

;арауына усынылмаган.

Осы жумысты журпзу кезшде сырт;ы уйымдар мен медициналык; екшджтердщ каржыландыруы жасалган жок;.

Царжыландыру журпзшмедь

Вклад авторов. Все авторы принимали равносильное участие при написании данной статьи. Конфликт интересов - не заявлен. Данный материал не был заявлен ранее, для публикации в других изданиях и не находится на рассмотрении другими издательствами. При проведении данной работы не было финансирования сторонними организациями и медицинскими представительствами. Финансирование - не проводилось.


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Дюсембаева Меруерт Джаксылыккызы резидент 3 года обучения по специальности "Акушерство и гинекология, в том числе и детская", гр.303 E-mail mika 90 [email protected]

Каббасова ^лэшм Цайраткызы, резидент 1 года обучения по специальности "Акушерство и гинекология, в том числе и детская", гр.103 E-mail gulaim [email protected]

Гасанова Эльмира Зиядовна, ассистент кафедры акушерства и гинекологии ПФ НАО «МУС», магистр медицины

E-mail gasanova [email protected]:[email protected] Акылжанова Жансулу Егизбаевна, заведующая кафедрой акушерства и гинекологии ПФ НАО «МУС», кандидат медицинских наук E-mail [email protected]

Шалбаева Оксана Ивановна, ассистент кафедры акушерства и гинекологии ПФ НАО «МУС» E-mail [email protected]

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