Научная статья на тему 'Field approach in the parts of speech interaction'

Field approach in the parts of speech interaction Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Murugova Elena V.

The problems of parts of speech interaction with the application of field theory revealing the systematic ties within the vocabulary system, the existence of synchronic and diachronic, implicit and explicit, syntagmatic and paradigmatic, direct and indirect, motivated and idiomatic relationships between language items, dependence of word-building meaning of any derived word on a structural, semantic character of its word-building bases giving a wideranging analysis of parts of speech interaction in the linguacreative activity of people are considered.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Field approach in the parts of speech interaction»


UDC 81'1:008:911.3


E. V. Murugova

(Don State Technical University)

The problems of parts of speech interaction with the application of field theory revealing the systematic ties within the vocabulary system, the existence of synchronic and diachronic, implicit and explicit, syntagmatic and paradigmatic, direct and indirect, motivated and idiomatic relationships between language items, dependence of word-building meaning of any derived word on a structural, semantic character of its word-building bases giving a wide-ranging analysis of parts of speech interaction in the linguacreative activity of people are considered.

Keywords: vocabulary system, interdependence of parts of speech, derived words, field approach, word-building base, word-building fields.

Introduction. Language constitutes a system of interconnected elements which penetrate, connect, and organize its lexicon. We pay great attention to interconnection in social, cross-cultural, informative processes of our life. As V. N. Migirin marks, "categories of dialectics are present at language implicitly, as well as concepts, common for language and other sciences: the speakers use them, not thinking of how they can be named or refer to" [1,16]. We treat interaction as a certain law of philosophy, characterized by necessity, universality, repeatability and invariance. The problem of interaction in linguistics is connected with the whole complex of general-theoretical questions concerning not only definition of interaction, revealing various types of connections and relations between elements of language, but also the basic criteria of parts of speech interaction in creative activity of people. Questions of interaction covered not only by foreign scientists (Z. Vandries, 0. Espersen, G. Paul, F. Sosseure), but also by Russian scientists, such, as: V. V. Vinogradov, A. M. Peshkovsky, A. I. Smirnitsky, J. G. Birenbaum, V. M. Zhirmunsky, 1.1. Meshchaninov, M. I. Steblin-Kamensky, L. V. Sherba, V. N. Jartseva.

The main interaction indicators are:

• manifestation of identity and distinction relations between language units, sets of universal integrated and differential signs;

• existence of synchronic and diachronic, direct and indirect, implicit and explicit, syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections of derivative words;

• onomasiological and semasiological correlation applied to the language study, presence of systematical ties between field's elements;

• hierarchiral relations of the language elements, joint participation of derived words and its derivatives in the transference of word-building meaning;

• absence of precise borders between parts of speech and their ways of word-formation, crossing of words classes, variability.

Main part. The system of parts of speech created by linguists' efforts is determined by the objective reality and person's activity. Representatives of each nation use those language means which are fixed in the corresponding language system and constitute the language aspect of national mentality. The semantic structure of an initial word predetermines its semantic development and, accordingly, a set and character of derivative meanings. I. Zlatev fairly brings to focus the fact, that meaning is in close connection with the physical, social, cultural environment ("Meaning = Life + Culture") and only active, developing systems ("only living systems") are capable to develop constantly new meanings [2, 284,


289]. At the description of process of reflection it is important to use knowledge of psychologists of creation a subjective image of the objective world, the admittance of the fact that the same real object in the world and the same objective situation are described differently.

In dialectic process of continuous changes, new concepts are formed on the already existed basis. A person approximately, but correctly reflects objects of objective reality, each time selectively reflecting their differential signs. Meaning formation entails both a choice, and integration of the linguistic and extra linguistic information. This major position of materialistic linguistics is very important for a new meaning building, arising each time at the reflection of a new sign concept. The concept, as well as meaning constantly vary and develop and the semantic potential of any word cannot be exhausted.

Occurrence of parts of speech in the same system generates interosculation of classes, leads to interconditionality of differentiation and integration. About interaction of language units linguists speak enough frequently, meaning the following:

• simple concurrence of the classes features;

• constituents' interchangeability;

• connection of words with each other within the framework of different types of lexical

and grammatical unities;

• transition of words from one parts of speech into another;

• conversion.

At the present stage not all parts of speech are precisely allocated in the language though the tendency of their differentiation, specifying their independence, is traced. The principles of parts of speech classification and words allocation are explained by different linguists. For better understanding of the interaction law, revealing the integrated and differential models potential, defining the factors influencing the interrelation abilities, existing between word-building bases and derivatives, it is necessary to involve specific categorical terms of the dialectic law of interaction, including parameters of interaction:

• range of interaction

• degree of interaction

• form of interaction display

The concept of interaction range reflects number of connections and types of part-of-speech, and also semantic relations between the language units, involved in the process of word-formation and found the reflection in various word-formation models, in word-formation meanings of derivative words, and also in the structure of word-formation fields, with allocation of the central and peripheral mechanisms of interaction. In view of interaction between a word-building base and a derivative word, it is possible to present a structural-semantic model of a derivative word.

The parameter of interaction depth is connected with the amount of new words, formed by means of this or that productive word-building model.

The interrelation of any elements has indefinitely diverse displays, and it naturally assumes the existence of different forms of interaction (essential and insignificant, necessary and casual, direct and indirect, constant and temporary, functional and reverse connections).

Direct interaction generates the direct contacts with objects of objective reality. At a direct nomination elements of a displayed situation are formed directly or explicitly. Indirect nominations are found at all levels of language system: in lexicon (use of words in metaphorical or metonymical meaning, de-semantisation, fraseologisation), in morphology (use of parts of speech not in their primarily meaning), in syntax (change of actantial structure of the sentence, the use of the coordination instead of subordination and on the contrary).

Systematic ties of parts of speech can be revealed through its field structure which is the immanent property of the language system as a whole, and can be referred to language universals. The con-


cept of field in linguistics turned out to be perspective as categorization of the objective reality in language occurs not with the help of separate words, but with the help of internally organized systematic lexical groups. The given lexical groups can be treated as fields which can be grouped in parts of speech, on a thematic or functional-semantic signs. The field's theory helps to order units of all language levels, reflecting, on the one hand, incongruenty of form and content, and on the other hand, investigating all disputable, inconsistent groups of words and separate words which have dropped out of existing classifications.

The analysis of dictionary definitions shows that interaction of parts of speech is most typical for individual semes, laying on periphery of part-of-speech field, which are shown at a lexico-semantic level with a different degree of intensity (f. ex. the semes "temporality", "aspectuality", "relativity" etc. expressed by parts of speech).

In this connection, one of the central ideas of this paper is to work out the typology of semantic motivation between a derivative word and its word-formation base. Thus, in view of interaction of word-building base (further WB) and a derivative word (further DW), reflecting its morphological structure, naming the main lexico-grammatical groups, included in its structure, it is possible to present a structural-semantic model of a derivative word, as:

WB o WE -> DW (WM)

WB — a word-building basis WE — word-building element DW — a derivative word WM — a word-building meaning So, for example, DW, naming noun of the person (Ag) "driver", formed by means of affixation with the basic type of WM "agent" (Ag) can be submitted as:

Drive <-> er ->■ driver (Ag)

The given circuit illustrates mutual relations between WB of the verb and the word-building element, represented by the suffix -er, which finds the reflection in the basic type of WM "agent".

DW such as European (Ag), formed by means of conversion from an adjectival stem where the word-building means considered to be a change of paradigm (Pdgm) and its environmental characteristics — (ECh) with a WM "location" (Loc) can be submitted as:

European <-> Pdgm and ECh -» European (Loc)

In the derivative words formed by the linear ways of word-formation (affixation, etc.), connection between a derivative and a motivating word is formally expressed, at nonlinear ways of word-formation (conversion, back-formation, etc.) the given connection is indirect, a direction of derivation is established with the help of the special analysis including a number of criteria of internal derivation of a word. Thus, the law of interaction finds the reflection in fulfilling by derivative words such properties, as: motivation, divisibility, coherence with their word-building base, double reference.

The word-stock actively replenishes due to word-formation occuring as a result of direct interaction of two parts in the act of word-building where formal connection of a derivative with a motivating one can be direct or indirect, and semantic connection — direct and indirect or metaphorical. Derivative words are secondary signs. That is a necessary condition of interaction.

From the point of view of the interaction law, derivation can be considered as a result of word-formation interaction which provides an extra linguistic and intra linguistic interrelations between language units. Derivative words enable us to determine a source of derivation, to establish primacy of semantics and form. Meanings between a derivative and a derived one are connected through a prototypical situation, correlated to the same source; therefore they can have common components. The semantic structures of a derivative word and its word-building base, as a rule, do not coincide on the volume


of meanings transmitted by them. Character of the semantic ties is caused by specificity of concept, which word names.

We believe that word-building meaning is a component of the lexical meaning of a derivative word, which is determined by the type of semantic link between a derivative word and its word-building base. Affix expresses the word-building meaning only partially. When the derivative words formed by the linear ways of word-formation (affixation, etc.), connection between a derivative and a motivated word is formally expressed, at nonlinear ways of word-formation (conversion, back-formation, etc.) the given connection is indirect, a direction of derivation is established with the help of special analysis including a set of internal derivation criteria.

Thus, the law of interaction finds reflection in such properties of derivative words as: motivation, divisibility, coherence with their word-building base, double reference. Such signs as:

• presence of common word-formation meanings;

• crossing of semantic features of derivative words and their word-building bases;

• the general features underlying all ways of word-formation;

• the properties determining all system as a whole and specificity of each individual way of word-formation;

• the interaction within the subsystem's limits of a separate part of speech;

• introduce the presence of the word-formation field organization.

The term, "word-building field" yet is not settled enough, it is not mentioned among the types of fields brought in fundamental linguistic sources and there is a discrepancy of views concerning its definition. Definition of the word-building field is mainly applied to concrete researches.

The word-building field is a field which is limited to word-formation of words of one part of speech, the word-building bases of which considered to be stems (less often — word forms) of this part of speech. Each field should act as a complex word-building field which include a number of word-building fields of this or that part of speech, the word-building bases of which are different part-of-speech stems and word forms, phraseological units, various types of word-combinations. Each of the ways of word-formation is expedient for examining as a microfield. The nucleus and periphery are allocated in the structure of word-formation field. The microfields including the greatest number of words of a certain part of speech constitute a nucleus. On the periphery there are the microfields located on different distances from a nucleus. In the structure of each microfield there are both productive and unproductive models of this or that part of speech.

By word-formation fields interaction is necessary to understand the processes of their influence each other, their joint participation in transference of this or that meaning. During modeling the word-building field the systematic principle interacts with the principle of the variability, consisting in a choice of this or that way of word-formation from semantics of word-building base. The role of the same way of word-formation in this or that field or a microfield is various. The interrelation of word-formation microfields can go on lines "nucleus—nucleus", "nucleus—periphery", "periphery—periphery". The same word-formation models enter into different fields as nuclear or peripheral models.

Conclusion. Thus, interaction — one of the types of relations connecting various parts of speech and their ways of word-building where the certain dependence between the structural-semantic characteristic of the word-building base and the derivative word of this or that part of speech is observed. Consideration of parts of speech interaction with the application of a field method will help to penetrate more deeply into variety of connections and mutual relations between parts of speech and their word-building processes, to understand interaction of linear and nonlinear ways of the word-formation, and also to reveal the dependence of word-building process on the character of word-building base. Existence of derivative words creates conditions for more simple access to structures of consciousness that provides fulfillment of one of the major functions of language — communicative. The hierarchical organization of


word-formation fields on nuclear and peripheral zones predetermines the systematical approach to the description of word-formation interaction of language units of different parts of speech.


1. Migirin, V. N. Grammatika, logika, filosofiya v ix svyazyax i vzaimodejstviyax / V. N. Migirin. — Kishinyov: Inessa, 2002. — 256 s. — In Russian.

2. Zlatev, J. (2003) Meaning = Life (+ Culture). An outline of a unified biocultural theory of meaning. Evolution of Communication, 4/2: 253—296.

Материал поступил в редакцию 12.12.2011.

Библиографический список

1. Мигирин, В. Н. Грамматика, логика, философия в их связях и взаимодействиях / В. Н. Мигирин. — Кишинёв: Инесса, 2002. — 256 с.

2. Zlatev, J. (2003) Meaning = Life (+ Culture). An outline of a unified biocultural theory of meaning. Evolution of Communication, 4/2: 253—296.

Полевой подход во взаимодействии частей речи

Е. В. Муругова

(Донской государственный технический университет)

Рассматриваются перспективы применения полевого подхода к решению проблем частеречного взаимодействия, который позволяет выявить системные связи между элементами языковой системы, синхронные и диахронные, непосредственные и опосредованные, внешние и внутренние, парадигматические и синтагматические, прямые и обратные, эксплицитные и имплицитные отношения между языковыми единицами, зависимости словообразовательного значения производных слов от структурно-семантической характеристики производящей базы в лингвокреативной деятельности человека.

Ключевые слова: языковая система, взаимодействие частей речи, производные слова, полевой подход, производящая база, словообразовательные поля.


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