yKpaÏHCbKHH .icp^aBUMÜ .ricoTexmHHMH yHÏBepcHTeT
2. Borhan Mohammad and etal,(1987), studying on logging damage due to different method and intensities of harvesting in a hill Diptrocarp forest of peninsular Malaysia, vol.50, no.2.
3. Dykstra, P. Heinrich, R.(1996).FAO Model Code of Forest Harvesting Practice.FAO of the United Nations.Rome.
4. Feghi, j.(1987). Evaluation two Harvesting Mechanization Systems.
5. Goulet, V. Sirois, l.and Iff, H.(1979).A Survey of Timber Harvesting Simulation Models for use in the South. USDA Forest Service. General Technical Report.SO-25.
6. Heinimann, R.(1999) Ground-based Harvesting Technologies for Steep Slopes.De-partment of Forest Engineering.Oregon State University.Corvallis, OR.
7. Khajehnori, A.(1969).Analysis of Multivariation Method. Institue of Statistic of High Education.
8. ledoux, B. Huyler, K.(2000) Cost Comparisons for Three Harvesting Systems Operating in Nothern Hardwood Stands.USDA, Forest Service.Research.paper NE-715.
9. MacDonald, P. Clow, M.(1999) Just One Damn Machine after another? Technological Innoration and the Industrialization of Tree Harvesting Systems.Technology in Society (21)323-344.
10. Majnonian, B.(1986). Study of Place and Situation of Forest Harvesting on Forest Production. Journal of Iranian Natural Resources.Vo (43)101-112.
11. Pulkki, R.(2000) Cut to Length, Tree Length or Full Tree Harvesting. Lake Head University Faculty of Forestry.
12. Sarikhani, N.(1990).Forest Harvesting.University of Tehran.
13. Sobhany, H. Ghasemzadeh, R. (1987).The Study of Effects of Skidding by Wheeled Skidder. Journal of Iranian Natural Resources.Vo (41)53-64.
14. Sobhany, H.(1981) Cost Analysis of Chocker Versus Grapple Yarding System.M.S. Thesis Hamboldt State University. 73 pp.
Nosratollah RAAFATNEIA1; VahidHEMMATI2;
Seyahkal forest area in east of Guilan province, Iran, consist of hardwood, s species such as Beech (Fagus orientalis) and Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), that is managed by selection logging. The forest was logged by a private company under a government concession. A total density of 2.4 tree/ha and 12.77 m3/ha of wood (113 trees in 31 felling gaps) were harvested. The felling and winching damage on regeneration (dbh<10cm) was assessed in total felling gaps and winching strips with handered percent inventory. Damages in winching strips were greater than felling gaps. In felling gaps the percentage of damage on regeneration in height-limit of 0-0.5m, 0.5-2.5 and 2.5-8m were estimated %9.57, %14 and %17.4 respectively. From this amount %28 were bent and %31 wounded and %41 crown breakage were seen.
Also in the winching strips the percentage of damage on regeneration in height-limit of 0-0.5m, 0.5-2.5m and 2.5-8m were estimated %11, %15.3 and %21 respectively. From this amount %17 were bent and %25 wounded, %43 had crown breakage and %15 were uprooted.
Keywords: Hardwood forest; Selection logging; Regeneration damage; Felling gaps; Winching strip
1 Assistant professor, Forest college, University of agricultural sciences and natural resources of Gorgan, Iran, Fax: +98(0171)2245964
2 M. Sc student, Forest college, University of agricultural sciences and natural resources of Gorgan, Iran, E-mail: [email protected]
3 Assistant, Gilan university, Iran
4 Assistant, Forest college, University of agricultural sciences and natural resources of Gorgan, Iran
^icoBa ÏH^eHepia: TexHiKa, TexHO^oria i .obkï^^h
Науковий ¡¡¡сник, 2004, вип. 14.3
Асист. проф. Носратоллах РААФАТНЕЯ; магктрант Baxid ХЕММАТ1;
асист. Рамт НАЙД1; асист. Калт САЛЕПОУР - Ун-т стьськогосподарських наук i природнихресурав Джордану, 1ран
Пошкодження дерев, завдане рубанням та трелюванням шсля виб1рковоТ' л1созагот1вл1 у л1с1 Сеякал (на швноч1 1рану)
Метою даного дослщження було встановити шкоду, нанесену регенерацп лiсiв рубанням та трелюванням тд час вибiрковоi лiсозаготiвлi, що в останш роки, голов-но, застосовусться на територп 1рану. Для ощнювання пошкоджень, завданих регенерацп лiсiв пiсля рубань, використовувався метод вибiрковоi таксацп, а пiсля тре-лювання - метод ручно'1' вщсотково'1' таксацп. Сеякалський лiс розмiщений на сходi областi Гуiлан в Iранi. Вш, головно, утворений деревами твердих порщ (листяних), таких як бук (Fagus orientalis) та граб (Carpinus betulus). Пошкодження на смугах пщ-трелювання були бiльшими, нiж на люосщ. Частка пошкодження залишених дерев на висот 0-0.5 м, 0.5-2.5 та 2.5-8 м була ощнений у 9.57 %, 14 % и 17.4 % вщповщно. З ще'1' кшькосп 28 % дерев були з^нут^ 31 % - поламаш та пошкодженi, 41 % - Í3 зламаними кронами.
Ключов1 слова: лiс твердих деревних порщ; вибiркова лiсозаготiвля; пошкодження регенерацп лiсiв; лiсосiчнi пасши; смуга пiдтрелювання.
Development and use of selection system in uneven-aged standard forest management have increased the use of selection logging. In this regards, ground skidding because of low cost and high efficiency is used more than the conventional skidding in primary transportation. On the other hand this system has high damaging effect on the residual stand and forest soil (6, 10). A report shows that the percentage of damage on residual stand and saplings by using tractor skidding method was up to % 48 (12). Up to known different studies have been carried out on the percentage of damage on regeneration and residual stand of selection and shel-terwood systems. Although selection method has been used in Iran for the last few years but studies have not been done on this system.
In this paper a study has been carried out in the seyahkal forest for determining felling and winching damage following selection logging on regeneration.
Materials and Methods
1. Study site
The study site is located in the Seyahkal region of Guilan, Iran (longitude 49.50"-49.57"N, latitude 36.35"-37.10"N). The forest structure in this region is uneven-aged standard hardwood. Region area was 53 ha (47 ha was logged, 6 ha was protected). Region height-limit was 400-800m. Rainfall is more than 1000 mm/year. The main species are Beech (Fagus orientalis), Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) and Alder (Alnus subcordata). Slope range is 0-120 % (dominant slope is 30-60 %). Selection methods were used in Harvesting and silviculture (single/group selection). Harvesting volume was 600 m3/year which were extracted by two-stage skidding system (with Zetor crawler skidder and Timberjack 450c wheeled skidder). Logs were extracted to roadside in short/long logs.
2. Inventory methods
2.1. Felling gaps
Inventory method in this region was selective and sample plot forms was circle. Sample plot area was varied due to: (1) region slope in felling gaps, (2) vari-
2. Еколопчш проблеми лкогосподарськоТ дiяльностi
yKpaiHCbKHH icp^aBMMM .ricoTexMiHMMH yMiBepcMTeT
ation size (diameter/height cuted trees), (3) number of felled trees per gaps and (4) tree crown development. The felling damage on regeneration (dbh<10 cm) was assessed in total felling gaps with handered percent inventory. In total region (31 felling gaps inventories) 113 trees were cut.
Table 1. Information of harvested trees in _ felling gaps
Species Fagus orientalis Carpinus betulus Alnus subcor-data Fraxi-nus carpi-nifolia Petero-caria fraxini-folia Acer veloti-num Dios-pirns lotus total
Number of harvested trees 33 64 12 1 1 1 1 113
Diameter -limit (cm) 30-150 35-125 35-105 70 45 30 30
Volume (m3) 309.745 225.354 58.472 4.559 0.993 0.556 0.524 600.203
Table 2. Information of cuted logs in _ felling gaps
Species Number of harvested logs Volume of logs
Fagus orientalis 125 182.627
Carpinus betulus 121 120.665
Fraxinus carpinifolia 26 35.3
Peterocaria fraxinifolia 4 2.25
Acer velutinum 3 1.108
Total 279 341.89
After determining type and percentage of damage per felling gap in different height-limit of saplings the type and percentage of damage for total felling gaps is determined by mean weight because the area of the felling gaps are different:
dfg = Nh' % (1)
where: dfg - % damage per felling gap; Nd: Number of damaged saplings; Nh -Number of helthy saplings;
£ lai • dfg ) la"
Dfg = -, % (2)
where: Dfg - % damage total of felling gaps; a^ area per felling gap; Za^ area total of felling gaps
2.2. Winching strips
In order to determine the percentage of damage and type of damage to the height-limit at log skidding stage in winching strips-limite, the handered percent inventory were used. Also percentage of damage for total winching strips is determined by mean weight because the area of the winching strips are different.
dws = N-, % (3)
304 ^icoBa iH^eHepm: TexMiKa, TexMO^oria i goBKimH
HiiyK'QBiiii BiCHHK, 2004, BHn. 14.3
where: dws - % damag per winching strip; Nd - Number of damage saplings; Nh -Number of helth saplings
Z(ai • dws)
Dfg =
Z ai
where: Dfg - % damage total of winching strips; ai - area per winching strip; Zai: area total of winching strips
In (2), (4) formula area were determined according to hectare.
For determining type of damage the following code were used:
• code 1: bent saplings
• code 2: wounded saplings
• code 3: crown breakage saplings
• code 4: uprooted saplings
For drawing charts and extracting results the excel software were used.
1) - In 31 felling gaps a total of 2192 saplings were Considered (192 saplings of 0-0.5m height, 1027 saplings of 0.5-2.5m height and 968 saplings of 2.5-8m height) in 3.4 hectare. In winching strips of 1.11 hectare 640 saplings were considered, 58 saplings 0-0.5m of height, 300 saplings of 0.5-2.5m height and 282 saplings of 2.5-8m height. In total %10 of area were inventoried._
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
Number of saplings in feline/ gaps /winching strips
■Feling gaps "winching strips
15.00% -
Percentage of damage of saplings in felling gaps/winching strips
-felling gaps -winching strips
0.5-2.5m Height-limit
2) - In felling gaps the persentage of damage on regeneration in height-limit of 0-0.5m, 0.5-2.5 and 2.5-8m were estimated %9.57, %14 and %17.4 respecti-
25.00% -
2. EKO.omm npo6.TOMH .icorocnogapctKoi' gmmHOcri
yKpaÏHCbKHH .icp^aBUMÜ .ricoTexmHHMH yHÏBepcHTeT
vely. Also in the winching strips the percentage of damage on regeneration in height-limit of 0-0.5m, 0.5-2.5m and 2.5-8m were estimated %11, %15.3 and %21 respectively.
3)- In felling gaps, %28 were bent and %31 wounded and %41 crown breakage were seen. Also in winching strips, %17 were bent and %25 wounded, %43 had crown breakage and %15 were uprooted. Percentage of damage type on saplings
50% t
45%- 43%
40%-35% -
30% - ___- - ...
9 • felling gaps
25% - ___ .
^S,^ —■—winching strips
20%-15% -10% -5% 0% -bent wounded crown breakage uprooted
Damage type
1) - The height-limits of 0-0.5, 0.5-2.5 and 2.5-8 in felling gaps and winching strips are shown in graphs below. Since the curve of number of trees per hectare in uneven-aged stands in normal distribution showed a decreasing form, but in this stand the curve dos not obey the normal form, this is due to the dense cover Ruscus hyrcanus. The height of Ruscus hyrcanus were 40-50cm which had a decreasing effect on regeneration process. Therefore for eliminate this problem the forest soil in this stand should be ploughed.
Number of saplings in normal curve of stand
1600 1 1400 1200 1000 -800 -600 400 200 0
0ôfe Nisfe ¿>b 4
Number of saplings in this stand
"Number of saplings
1400 -1200 -1000 -800 -600 -400 200 0
• Number of saplings
heigt-lim it
2) - The results showes that the damage to the saplings increases as height of saplings increases. The damage in 2.5-8 m height were highest because as the saplings increases in height the elasticity decreases. On this basis in upper height-limit with minimum pressure the damage increases.
3) - The amount of damage in selection logging for different hight-limits in the forest of north of Iran is lower than the shelterwood logging.
1. Ahmadi, H. 1375. Determination of harvesting damages on forest stand, McS thesis, Tehran university of natural resources.
2. Tashakori, M. 1373. Determination of harvesting damages on forest stand, McS thesis, Tarbiat modares university of natural resources.
^icoBa ÏH^eHepia: TexHiKa, TexHO.roriH i .obkï^^h
Науковий вкник, 2004, вип. 14.3
3. Hossaini, M. 1376. Determination of harvesting damages on forest stand, McS thesis, Tarbiat modares university of natural resources.
4. Zobeiry, M. 1380. Forest inventory, Tehran university press, Iran.
5. Zobeiry, M. 1381. Forest biometry, Tehran university press, Iran.
6. Ashrafi, R. 1375. Forestry of north forests, Journal of forest and range, No. 31: pP. 31-33.
7. Sarikhani, N. 1380. Forest harvesting, Tehran university press, Iran.
8. Borhan mohammad & etal, (1987), Studying on logging damage due to different method and intensites of harvesting in a hiil Diptrocarp forest of Peninsular mallyzia, vol.50, no.2.
9. Fredreickson T.S, Motacedo B. (2000), Regeneration of timber species following selection logging in a Bolivian tropical dry forest, forest ecology and management (131), 47-56.
10. Neil I, lamson H, clay smith, & Gary W.miller,(1985), Logging damage using on individual - tree selection practice in applachian hardwood stands, northeastern forest experiment sation, timber and watershed laboratory, p.o.box 404, parsons wv, 26287.
11. Neel M.C, J.& T. Ballard. (1992), Site and stand impacts of harvester-forwarder thi-ning operations in a Douglas-fir plantation, jrnl.for.engr,4(1):23- 29.
12. Nyland R.D&w.j.Gabriel,(1971), Logging damage to partioally cut hardwood stand in newyork state, state univ.cool. of for, syracus, univ.AFRI, res.pap.5,38p.
Assoc. Prof. Miroslav ROUSEK, PhD. - Mendel University of Agriculture
and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic
The paper deals with problems of biodegradable oils produced on a rape-seed basis. The oils replace mineral oils heavily disturbing natural ecosystems. Biodegradable oils are manufactured as raffinates but the substance of our research is the development of recycled products. Recycled products are produced from already used food oils in which refining and additivation are carried out. It is demonstrated that oils can be evaluated by methods of tribotechnical diagnostics using several parameters (viscosity, acid number, water content), however, the only parameter reliably determining its quality and service life is peroxide number which is much more better in recycled products than in raffinates. In diagrams, changes related to time are given in the peroxide value in sixsamples, data on the mean time of service life and relative lifetime.
Keywords: protection of the enviroment, biologically degradable oils, hydraulic circuits, gearbox, recycling oils, reliability
Проф. Мирослав РОУСЕК - Ун-т стьського та лкового госп-ва M. Менделя в Брно, Чеська Республжа
Зниження впливу на довкшля шляхом повторного використання
бюлопчно розщеплюваних олив для гщравл1чних систем
Розглянуто проблеми використання бюлопчно розщеплюваних олив, виробле-них з насшня рапсу. Для зменшення негативного впливу на довкшля запропоновано замшу мшеральних мастил бюлопчно розщеплюваними, яю виробляються iз вико-ристаних харчових олив. Яюсть оливи може бути оцшена методом триботехшчно'1 дiагностики за декшькома параметрами (в'язюсть, кислотшсть, вмют води), однак визначальним яюсним показником оливи е вмют перекису водню. Цей показник е вищим у бюлопчно розщеплюваних оливах, шж в очищених нафтопродуктах. На дь аграмах показано динамшу змши вмюту перекису водню в бюлопчно розщеплюваних та мшеральних оливах за певний промiжок часу експлуатацп.
Ключов1 слова: охорона довкшля, бюлопчно розщеплювана олива, riдравлiч-на система, редуктор, повторне використання олив, надшшсть.
2. Еколопчш проблеми лкогосподарськоТ дiяльностi