UDC 331.101.39 HAC Code 08.00.05 DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-212-09-73-79
Features of using human capital in agrarian sector of economy
G. P. Butko1, 2*, O. N. Saparova3
1 Ural State Forestry University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
3 Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
*E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The article discusses the influence of human capital on the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex. The purpose of the study is to analyze the use and management of human capital from the standpoint of practice, the development of systems that are used to manage and develop employees of an organization. Results. The article reveals the results of the analysis of the development level of the agro-industrial complex and the state of the social infrastructure of the region as the most important conditions for the formation of human capital, functioning within a particular region. On the basis of theoretical generalizations, the analysis of statistical data, the desired dependencies and the rating of countries according to the human development index were obtained. The state and development of human capital is based on the initial data of Russian agricultural organizations for 2017-2019. As a result of the analysis, two types of models were proposed - linear and nonlinear models; correlation and regression analysis of statistical data was carried out. The main importance is the setting of the prospects for the development of human capital and, on this basis, the possibility of creating and strengthening food self-sufficiency. In the formation of human capital, the topical issue is the qualifications of specialists and its constant growth. The article presents in the most detail the results of processing the theory of statistical information on the example of correlation-regression analysis. Scientific novelty. The results obtained in the process of work have theoretical novelty and practical value, because, first of all, in the context of a pandemic, the formation of the importance of an emphasis on the progressiveness of the regulatory and legal framework and the improvement of stimulating the demand for highly qualified specialists in rural areas has been accomplished. Achieving competitive advantages is possible on the basis of sustainable development as a factor in ensuring economic stability. The structure of the process of using human capital includes progressive elements based on a balance between the increase and depletion of available resources. The results of the study confirmed the significance of the proposed indicators of human capital, however, they refuted the hypothesis of a direct relationship between the number of employees with higher education and the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex.
Keywords: human development index, methods for assessing human capital, agriculture, human capital, intellectual capital, correlation and regression analysis, performance indicators.
For citation: Butko G. P., Saparova O. N. Features of the use of human capital in the agricultural sector of the economy // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 09 (212). Pp. 73-79. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-212-09-73-79.
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Date ofpaper submission: 02.08.2021, date of review: 06.08.2021, date of acceptance: 11.08.2021.
The economic and political situation both at the state and international levels brings topical issues to the fore. These include improving the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). The category of human capital is presented in the program documents of the Russian Federation. This is evidenced by the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, where it was emphasized that the problem of human resource management has a special role.
As studies show, ... "sustainable and dynamic development of rural areas has become an object of federal state policy only in recent years, while previously practiced strategies most often focus on purely production
aspects (issues of intensification of agricultural production, first of all). And, on the contrary, they exacerbate © both ecological and social imbalances in society" [11, p. tu 67]. They are trying to study the influence of human and k social capital on entrepreneurial activity [13]. Equally G important are the issues of the evolutionary theory of hu- p man capital [17]. The author's hypothesis is that the situa- J tion with human resource management at agro-industrial p complex enterprises has worsened in the context of a pan- r demic, and the need for a systematic approach to human § resource management has intensified, highlighting their ° leading role in achieving an effective result in the innova- ^
tive environment of the organization. J
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Research methods: economic analysis, monographic analysis, system analysis.
A feature of the analysis of the use and management of human capital is the combination of such components as modern technologies with advanced methodology for the formation, management and development of human capital to achieve and maintain competitive advantages.
Human capital management refers to HR services, recruiting, human capital assessment, service verification, talent management, human resources management, outsourcing, human capital management solutions software.
In addition, the "analysis of the use and management of human capital" refers to the practice, processes and systems that are used to manage and develop the employees of the organization ("assets") [1].
As a rule, in management, the human component is the most burdensome of all assets on the one hand, and on the other, people are the only element that has the ability to produce the value of a product. The performance of an organization's human capital is not always predictable and is under the control of the employer. Human capital management practices are based on the belief that labor is part of a company's capital, just like other assets such as land, buildings and equipment.
A special place in the formation of human capital is occupied by the qualifications of specialists. With the growing economy of the agricultural sector, many agricultural enterprises are acutely aware of the lack of labor with secondary and higher education. This is aggravated by low wages of employees and unsatisfactory working conditions in rural areas [2]. The importance of foreign approaches to assessing the human capital of the agro-industrial complex of enterprises should be confirmed. As the research has shown, there have been many attempts to estimate the value of human capital using these methods and various techniques. Assessment of the structure of labor motivation at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and the direct transformation of the concept
Аграрный вестник Урала № 09 (212), 2021 г.
of "Labor" is considered in the author's works [8], [9], [11-18]. The cost of human capital is, in our opinion, not just the price of productive abilities, but above all an integrated value, adjusted for the number of these abilities. They were one of the first to calculate the value of human capital in the United States in 1961. Experts used the following method: the cost of one year of education at each level was multiplied by the number of person-years of education accumulated by the population at a given point in time.
N. I. Pirozhkova believes that thanks to the economic analysis of the human capital of an enterprise, it will be possible to understand from a scientific point of view managerial decisions and actions at the enterprise, the socio-economic policy at the enterprise, as well as economic analysis will contribute to the choice of the best options for action [10]. She allocated individual, collective and social human capital.
However, all the increasing sanctions from the Western world unequivocally make us understand that the country's food security depends on the effective use of human capital, among other things.
Most scientists consider the most important factor in the development of any economy is to be effective management of human capital. The transition of the economy to innovative development has revealed the importance of human capital development in agriculture in Russia, the use of management techniques that can increase production efficiency. The leading parameter of human capital is the health of people determined by various natural and infrastructural circumstances, which determines their ability to work fully. In this regard, for the specification of some parameters of human capital, the above techniques are used [11], [12],
Russia is not included in the group of countries with a very high HDI level, and in the group of countries with a high level of HDI development it occupies not the most honorable 52nd place, between Kazakhstan (51st place) and Belarus (53rd place) [3].
Table l
Human Development Index 2019
Rating HDI Country Rating HDI Country
Countries with very high HDI levels (over 0.9) Countries with an average HDI level (from 0.5 to 0.8)
1 Norway 0.957 69 Albania 0.795
2 Switzerland 0.955 70 Cuba 0.783
6 Germany 0.947 74 Ukraine 0.779
22 Slovenia 0.917 142 Nepal 0.602
26 France 0.901 166 Tanzania 0.529
Countries with high HDI levels (0.8 to 0.9) Countries with a low HDI level (less than 0.5)
29 Estonia 0.892 173 Ethiopia 0.485
43 Chile 0.851 181 Mozambique 0.456
51 Kazakhstan 0.825 184 Mali 0.434
52 Russia 0.824 187 Chad 0.397
53 Belarus 0.823 189 Niger 0.394
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Compiled by the authors based on the United Nations Development Program: Human Development Index 2020.
It is important to emphasize that an insignificant part of Russia's human capital is concentrated in agriculture, and this share is constantly decreasing. Thus, over 13 years of research, the proportion of the population employed in agriculture and forestry, hunting and fishing decreased from 19.70 % in 2005 to 11.7 % in 2018 (by 8 %). This is due to low wages, job cuts and, as a result, unemployment. An important role is played by the migration of rural residents of working age to cities, and this is a tendency for many decades. However, it is necessary to note some stabilization of the process of change in the size of the rural population, since 2014 the percentage of people employed in agriculture has fluctuated around 12 % of the total number of people employed, the decrease occurs by no more than 1 % per year [6].
The decline in the number of employed people in agriculture is a natural process, which is conditioned by the transition to an innovative way of development. All the
factors described above lead to a decrease in the natural base for the formation of human capital in the agricultural sector of Russia [4], [5], [6], [14].
At the same time, it should be noted that agriculture has large unused reserves and is one of the priority sectors of the country's economy, since it plays a significant role in preserving rural society, in solving employment problems, generating income, preserving and increasing human capital. The agro-industrial complex is also of great importance in ensuring the country's food security.
In 2018, only 4 267 thousand people worked in the agricultural sector, which is 11.7% of the total employed population. The nominal gross wages of agricultural workers are constantly growing (2010 - 11 109 rubles, 2018 - 28 699 rubles or as a percentage of the previous year 2010 - 110.0 %, 2018 - 111.8 %), real wages also increased , but somewhat less [4], [5], [15].
Table 2
Dynamics of the share and number of population employed in agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing in 2012-2018
2005 2010 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
m f m f m f m f m f m f m f m f
% to 11.9 7.8 9.6 5.5 8.0 5.1 7.9 5.1 8,0 5,0 7,7 4,0 7,7 4,0 7,6 4,0
Employed, 4115 2643 3404 1898 2911 1787 2941 1784 2985 1752 2850 1418 2858 1409 2793 1403
% to 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.4
Employed, thousand 642.0 630.3 634.9 640.6 661.9 662.3 663 664
% to 19.2 19.0 18.9 18.0 16.2 16 14.1 14.5
Employed, thousand 2150 2196 1605.1 1553.4 1385.5 1300 1300 1315
% to 18.9 18.7 17.5 17.1 17.1 17.5 18 17.9
Employed, thousand 4156 3998 3389 3091.4 3070.3 3120 3300 3031
Table 3
Change in average monthly wages (as a percentage of the previous year)
2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Nominal accrued wages
Total across Russia 112.4 105.1 107.9 106.7 111.6 106.7
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 110.0 112.6 110.9 112.0 111.8 112.0
Real accrued wages
Total across Russia 105.2 91.0 100.8 102.9 108.5 108.5
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 103.0 97.4 103.6 108.1 108.7 108.7
Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of organizations by economic activity (rubles)
Total across Russia 20 952 34 030 36 709 39 167 43 724 47 468
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 11 109 20 670 22 915 25 671 28 699 31 581
Аграрный вестник Урала № 09 (212), 2021 г.
Table 4
The number of employed by education level and types of economic activity in 2019 [7]
Total, thousand people Including have education
Higher Secondary vocational Average general Main common Have no basic common
On the training program for mid-level specialists According to the qualification training program. workers, employees
In thousands of people
Employed - total, including 71 933 24 632 18 423 13 951 12 121 2 635 172
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 4 196 541 784 973 1 310 527 61
In percents
Employed - total, including 100 34.2 25.6 19.4 16.9 3.7 0.2
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 100 12.9 18.7 23.2 31.2 12.5 1.5
Table 5
Growth (decline) rates of labor productivity by type of economic activity
(as a percentage of the previous year) [7]
2015 2016 2017 201S
Total 98.7 100.1 102.1 102.8
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 104.0 102.2 105.3 102.8
Table 6
Turnover of organizationsby type of economic activity (thousand rubles) [7]
2016 2017 201S 2019
Total 146 3 76.8 158 778.0 191 813.3 201 315.5
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 2 640.5 2 720.4 3 160.7 3 418.0
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming
Total 4 520.3 4 561.7 4 214.7 3 826.9
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 130.0 129.4 115.4 102.9
These indicators are quite comparable with the average indicators for Russia, which include changes in nominal and real wages in all sectors.
According to the latest data (May 2021), the number of vacancies in the group of occupations "agriculture" has increased. The largest increase in demand is observed in the Novosibirsk region: from March 2019 to March 2020 - 200 %, followed by the Sverdlovsk region -183 %. Throughout Russia, the activity of employers in this group of professions increased by 115 %. Most in demand are agronomists, machine operators, tractor drivers, greenhouse workers, gardeners, vegetable growers and agricultural engineers. The average salary offered by employers in agriculture in 2020 is 35 000 rubles per month [6].
In modern conditions, the role of the educational and qualification component of human resources in the agricultural sector is increasing - the creation of such workers who have the necessary knowledge and skills in the technical, agronomic, and economic spheres [6].
It should be noted that the current level of human capital development in agriculture is insufficient to fully meet the needs of Russia and integration into the world
economy. This is especially evident if we study the problems of the productive use of human capital, the methodological foundations of the study of the relationship between the quality of personnel and the effectiveness of its use [9], [10]. Hence the need for a more detailed study.
Human capital, being an independent part of the population, from the standpoint of economic and production approaches, largely depends on the socio-cultural factors of the formation environment [18].
In accordance with the author's assumptions and analytical assessment, the following factors affect the efficiency of using human capital:
1. Professional level of employees (education level).
2. Wages of employees.
3. Labor productivity of workers.
In order to confirm or deny this hypothesis, a correlation and regression analysis of the initial data is made.
I. First of all, we will consider the data of correlation analysis. The correlation coefficient is a quantitative characteristic of the degree of relationship between two properties of objects. The calculations were carried out according to the formula (1) below and are presented below (Table 7).
Table 7
The value of the coefficient r (correlation)
Average monthly nominal salary, rubles Nominal accrued wages fee, % Real accrued wages, %
1 2 3 4
Higher 0.32364
Secondary vocational training program for mid-level specialists 0.99504
Secondary vocational training program qual. workers, employees 0.94629
Average general 0.99583
Main common 0.87944
Have no basic common 0.63005
Share of employed in agriculture,% 0.04046
Change in laborproductivity,% to the previous year 0.56402
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As follows from the analysis, according to the data of the average monthly nominal wages in the table below it can be seen that the wages offered in agriculture are attractive for people with less than higher education, and those with higher education do not consider this job attractive, at least measure according to wages. It follows from the third column that the number of people employed in agriculture does not depend on wages, and the fourth says that labor productivity does not depend very much on the level of wages.
II. The regression model included factors similar to the previous ones, taken from the tables above:
y - effective indicator; the average annual income of enterprises from the sale of products.
x1 - factorial sign; average annual salary of one employee;
x2 - factorial feature; the proportion of highly qualified (with higher education) workers in the total number of agricultural workers;
x3 - factorial feature; the proportion of skilled workers (with secondary vocational education under the program for training mid-level specialists and secondary vocational education under the program for the training of skilled workers, office workers) in the total number of agricultural workers.
As a result of the regression analysis, the following linear regression equation was obtained:
y = a0 + alxl + a2x2 + a3x3
Based on the performed regression analysis, the following data were obtained:
11.1. Analysis of the dependence of "the average annual income of enterprises from the sale of products" -"the average annual salary of one employee".
R-square is the coefficient of determination in our example - 0.952, or 95.2 %. This means that the calculated parameters of the model explain the relationship between the income of agricultural enterprises and average wages by 95.2 %.
11.2. Analysis of the dependence of "the average annual income of enterprises from the sale of products" - "the proportion of highly qualified (with higher education) workers in the total number of agricultural workers".
In the second group, according to the results of regression analysis, we can say that there is no relationship between the income of an agricultural enterprise and the number of employees with higher education, that is, the component of human capital that is characterized by the presence of higher education in agriculture is not significant.
11.3. Analysis of the dependence of "the average annual income of enterprises on the sale of products" - "the proportion of qualified workers (with secondary vocational education under the program for training mid-level specialists and secondary vocational education under the program for the training of skilled workers, office workers) in the total number of agricultural workers".
However, the relationship between the income of agricultural enterprises and employees with secondary education is significant, which can be seen on the basis of the following data (Table 10).
In this case, the R-squared parameter is 0.890 or 89.0 %, this high value of the coefficient of determination tells us about the close dependence of secondary specialized education and the income of agricultural enterprises.
It should be noted that when shaping the personnel policy at agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the need not only for material incentives for labor, but also other factors that can affect the motivation of workers, especially those with higher education (and, accordingly, a higher human development index). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that workers with secondary vocational education have the greatest influence on the income of agricultural enterprises.
Discussion and Conclusion
As a result of the theoretical review and analysis, the main directions of the development and transformation of human capital in the agro-industrial complex were determined. It is confirmed that the lack of human capital in general, as well as the demanded quality in particular, is aggravated by the ongoing migration of the population from rural areas to cities and towns.
Аграрный вестник Урала № 09 (212), 2021 г.
Table 8
Regression statistics of the 1st stage of the analysis
Regression statistics for xt
Multiple R 0.975747775
R-square 0.952083721
Normalized R-square 0.92S1255S2
Standard error 9S.75337565
Observations 4
Table 9
Regression statistics of the 2nd stage of analysis
Regression statistics for x2
Multiple R 0.270833615
R-square 0.073350847
Normalized R-square -0.3S9973729
Standard error 434.27S2449
Observations 4
Table 10
Regression statistics of the 3rd stage of analysis
Regression statistics for x3
Multiple R 0.9433S3929
R-square 0.SS9973237
Normalized R-square 0.834959856
Standard error 149.6440919
Observations 4
A feature of the rural areas of the Sverdlovsk region, like other regions of the Russian Federation, is a negative factor in the provision and possibility of obtaining comfortable housing and its insufficiently high quality in comparison with modern urban living standards.
A feature of the analysis of the use and management of human capital is that it fundamentally differs from the traditional concept of analysis and personnel manage-
ment in that personnel management is understood as recruiting personnel, calculating wages, benefits, as well as other fundamental aspects of labor relations. Based on the analysis of the concepts presented and the calculations performed, it can be concluded that the most important criterion of human capital is the income that it (human capital) brings to a person, the organization of the agro-industrial complex as a whole.
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Authors' information:
Galina P. Butko1- 2, doctor of economic sciences, professor, ORCID 0000-0003-0304-1265, AuthorID 657031; + 7 902 259 11 35, [email protected]
Olga N. Saparova3, senior lecturer, ORCID 0000-0002-5565-2298, AuthorID 251300; +7 912 262 36 07,
1 Ural State Forestry University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
3 Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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