FEATURES OF THE INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR ETHNO-GASTRONOMIC TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Bodzhgua Anna U.

This article is devoted to modern problems and features of ethno-gastronomic tourism development, mediated by the formation and development of socio-economic institutions of the tourism sector. Modern development trends in the tourism industry in the context of updating the "experience economy" and ensuring a strong position of the Russian Federation in the domestic and world tourism market, on the one hand, determine the priority direction of the formation of original types of tourism that have uniqueness and the ability to gain new knowledge. On the other hand, the formation of a new direction of tourism activities will create a platform for the development of individual regions and industries through the consolidation of state, public and private institutions for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism. The author investigates the main institutional factors that have a direct impact on the formation of institutions of ethno-gastronomic tourism, and also highlights institutional contradictions that reflect the imperfection of the institutional environment for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism, limiting the sustainable development of tourist territories on its basis. A retrospective analysis of the institutional environment for the formation and development of ethno-gastronomic tourism made it possible to formulate institutional problems and measures for improving the institutional structure of the formation and development of ethno-gastronomic tourism.

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UDC 332.1/39 DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-1-5-13


Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

FRC SSC RAS (Sochi, Krasnodar Kray, Russia) PhD in Economics, Researcher; e-mail: [email protected]



Abstract. This article is devoted to modern problems and features of ethno-gastronomic tourism development, mediated by the formation and development of socio-economic institutions of the tourism sector. Modern development trends in the tourism industry in the context of updating the "experience economy" and ensuring a strong position of the Russian Federation in the domestic and world tourism market, on the one hand, determine the priority direction of the formation of original types of tourism that have uniqueness and the ability to gain new knowledge. On the other hand, the formation of a new direction of tourism activities will create a platform for the development of individual regions and industries through the consolidation of state, public and private institutions for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism. The author investigates the main institutional factors that have a direct impact on the formation of institutions of ethno-gastronomic tourism, and also highlights institutional contradictions that reflect the imperfection of the institutional environment for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism, limiting the sustainable development of tourist territories on its basis. A retrospective analysis of the institutional environment for the formation and development of ethno-gastronomic tourism made it possible to formulate institutional problems and measures for improving the institutional structure of the formation and development of ethno-gastronomic tourism.

Keywords: institutions, ethno-gastronomic tourism, institutional framework, institutional factor

Citation: Bodzhgua, A. U. (2021). Features of the institutional environment for ethno-gastronomic tourism development. Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom [Services in Russia and Abroad], 15(1), 5-13. doi: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-1-5-13.


Article History

Received 12 February 2021 Accepted 14 March 2021

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

© 2021 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 332.1/39 001: 10.24412/1995-042Х-2021-1-5-13

БОДЖГУА Анна Юрьевна

ФИЦ «Субтропический научный центр РАН» (Сочи, Краснодарский край, РФ) кандидат экономических наук, научный сотрудник; [email protected]


Статья посвящена современным проблемам и особенностям развития этно-гастроно-мического туризма, опосредованным формированием и развитием общественно-экономических институтов туристской сферы. Современные тенденции развития туристской отрасли в контексте актуализации «экономики впечатлений» и обеспечения прочной позиции Российской Федерации на внутреннем и мировом туристском рынке, с одной стороны, обуславливают приоритетное направление формирования оригинальных видов туризма, обладающих уникальностью и возможностью получения новых знаний. С другой стороны, формирование нового направления туристской деятельности позволит создать платформу для развития отдельных регионов и отраслей, посредством консолидации государственных, общественных и частных институтов функционирования этно-гастрономического туризма. Автором исследованы основные институциональные факторы, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на формирование институтов этно-гастрономического туризма, а также выделены институциональные противоречия, отражающие несовершенство институциональной среды функционирования этно-гастрономического туризма, ограничивающие устойчивое развитие туристских территорий на его основе. Проведен ретроспективный анализ институциональной среды формирования и развития этно-гастрономического туризма, в результате которого сформулированы институциональные проблемы и меры по совершенствованию институциональной структуры формирования и развития этно-га-строномического туризма.

Ключевые слова: институты, этно-гастрономический туризм, институциональная основа, институциональные факторы.

Для цитирования: Боджгуа А.Ю. Особенности институциональной среды развития этно-гастроно-мического туризма // Сервис в России и за рубежом. 2021. Т.15. №1. С. 5-13. 001: 10.24412/1995-042Х-2021-1-5-13.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 12 февраля 2021 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 14 марта 2021 г.

Introduction. The modern development of the tourism sector is accompanied by a shift in tourist flows towards inbound tourism, due to the foreign policy situation, anti-Russian sanctions, restrictions on entry for Russian citizens to a number of countries, as well as, undoubtedly, the coronavirus pandemic, which has limited the movement of tourist flows. Current trends in tourism development: the steady growth of domestic tourism, the reorientation of tourist preferences, the search for new experiences necessitate the formation of an institutional environment that ensures the interconnection and interaction of all participants in ethno-gastronomic tourism on the basis of the coordinated functioning of state, private and public institutions.

Analysis of publications on this topic. In foreign and domestic science, there are a number of areas of scientific research on this topic. The formation of the institutional foundations for the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism is studied in the framework of research in the field of economic geography, ethno-social research, institutional economic development, sociology, regional economics, tourism economics and strategic management. The institutional foundations of the formation and development of ethno-gastro-nomic tourism are studied in the aspect of modern economic science in order to develop methodological recommendations for ensuring the sustainable development of tourist areas.

The largest number of modern publications on the institutional provision of tourism is contained in the journals "Economics: Theory and Practice", "Modern Problems of Service and Tourism", "Bulletin of the National Academy of Tourism", "Bulletin of the Academy of Knowledge", "Service and Tourism: Current Challenges", as well as in the Materials of the IV International Scientific Conference "Institutional Transformation of the Economy: Russian Vector new industrialization ", which reflects the main institutional problems of the development of the tourist space. Significant results of modern research in the field of institutional foundations of tourism development are reflected in the works of P. P. Chuvatkin, L. A.

Moreva, A.N. Polukhina, Yu. Yu. Shvetc, A. I. Mo-salev, M. V. Rosser, C. Wang, N. Zigern-Korn, who are studying the institutional foundations of the formation and development of the tourism industry [7, 9, 11, 12, 14].

Ethno-gastronomic tourism is a new unexplored direction of the tourist sphere, the study of which is only being conducted in the works of A. U. Bodzhgua, P. P. Chuvatkin, based on the study of its components.

The study of the practice of the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism was carried out using the works of foreign and domestic authors in the field of tourism economics and ethnic research, reflecting the features of the functioning of various directions of tourist activity within the framework of a tourist destination [8, 10].

Methods and methodology. This study is based on a multivariate analysis of the functioning of the institutional environment of ethno-gastro-nomic tourism. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods and specific economic research methods: a systematic analysis of types of tourist activities, structural and functional analysis of domestic and foreign practice of institutional support of ethnic and gastronomic tourism, a method of comparative analysis and economic and mathematical modeling.

Based on the use of the methodology of institutional analysis, the main institutions were identified that provide the regulatory framework for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism.

The analysis of the existing practice of the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism was carried out on the basis of the study of domestic and foreign materials on the research topic, reflecting the general patterns of institutional provision of tourist activities, factors and features of the institutional environment of ethnic and gastronomic tourism in foreign countries, as well as the terminological foundations of the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism. tourism based on the consolidation of state, public and private institutions.

Discussion. Ethno-gastronomic tourism is a unique direction of tourist activity, which

Т. J5, No. J (93) 2021

aggregates elements of ethnic, gastronomic, cultural, cognitive, scientific and educational tourism, the purpose of which is to form sustainable interethnic, as well as intercultural interaction through the study of the peculiarities of the economy and life of national ethnic minorities.

From the standpoint of the institutional approach, ethno-gastronomic tourism is a set of interacting subjects and objects of the tourism sector, functioning on the basis of rules and norms of behavior regulated by state, public and private institutions.

The study of world and domestic experience in the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism makes it possible to define it as a promising, developing direction of the modern tourism sector. According to UNVTO, ethno-gastronomic tours account for about 12% of the world's tourist flow [5]. The Italian experience of the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism makes it possible to determine its relevance and demand for tours with living in real rural settlements, visiting local farms and producing authentic products, harvesting and participating in various culinary and artisan master classes, immersion in the life and management of ethnic groups. In Russia, according to a sociological study, about 70% of tourists highlight the relevance of ethno-gastronomic tourism [6]. Certain elements of ethno-gastronomic tours, presented in different regions of the country, require the formation of a single institutional framework for the formation of ethno-gastronomic tourism based on the consolidation of the efforts of the sovereign, private entrepreneurs and public organizations.

The institutional environment of ethno-gas-tronomic tourism is a set of cooperating public, state and private institutions that regulate the relationship between objects and subjects of tourism.

The basis for sustainable institutional support is the interaction and accumulation of factors and components of the institutional environment: ✓ Technical and economic factors that form the fundamental basis for the development of ethno-gastronomic truism:

• economic and geographical location;

• infrastructure of the territories;

• the specificity of the cultural and historical environment of tourist areas;

• presence of a territorial or ethnic brand;

• socio-economic indicators;

• indirect demand for ethno-gastronomic tourism products;

• state and financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

✓ Institutional factors [9] that ensure complementarity and interrelation of the main institutions of ethno-gastronomic tourism:

• the factor of complementarity of formal and informal institutions, mediating the consistency of formal and informal rules, their coordination and interrelation;

• the supply factor, which is formed under the influence of the multiplier effect of related areas of ethno-gastro-nomic tourism development: service infrastructure, transport, trade, leisure and entertainment, information technology, etc.;

• the demand factor, which is determined by financial capabilities;

• transactional factors related to the reliability and availability of information;

• the factor of conformity of interests of subjects of ethno-gastronomic tourism: producers and consumers of tourist services at various levels of management.

Institutional factors are the driving force behind the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism, ensuring the rational use of tourism and resource potential by individual entities, enterprises and regions under the influence of institutional capacities and constraints [12, 13].

The carried out multifactorial study of the institutional environment of ethno-gastronomic tourism makes it possible to single out the main institutional problems and contradictions mediated by the presence of negative factors and

Legislative consolidation of the legal framework and regulation of the activities of subjects and objects of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Stimulating investment activity in the field of ethno-_gastronomic tourism_

Financial support for small and medium enterprises in ethno-gastronomic tourism

State support for grant projects and restructuring of ethno-gastronomic tourism enterprises

Creation of a unified information system that ensures the collection and processing of statistical information

on the data of ethno-gastronomic tourism for the formation of information transparency and accessibility

Implementation of international standards for quality management of recreational and tourist services

Providing a safe tourist environment

Regulation and control of customs and visa regime

Investment in the development of service infrastructure

Development of excursion routes

Increase in profits and development of enterprises

Ensuring an increase in the efficiency of production activities of ethno-gastronomic tourism enterprises

Providing training and retraining of qualified personnel in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Assistance in determining the main ethnocultural directions of tourism development

Providing object cultural and historical equipment

Material and technical support of ethnic components for the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Regulation of procedures for the use of environmental objects and cultural and historical monuments in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Fig. 1 - Institutional environment of ethno-gastronomic tourism

State institutes

Regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Institute of Public Administration of Ethno-Gastronomic Tourism

Institute for Statistical Accounting of Ethno-Gastronomic Truism

u o

m o n o

a g-

-o n

e f o s e t u

Private Institutes

Implementation of lawful management and financial and economic activities of tourist facilities in accordance with the rules and standards established by the state

Public institutеs

Object-methodological support for the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Institutions for regulating the activities of tourist objects of ethno-gastronomic tourism

Institutes of objects of tourist display

institutional barriers associated with the conflict of interests of the subjects of ethno-gastronomic tourism, which impede the provision of a stable institutional basis for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism:

• Imperfection of formal and informal institutions of state regulation and legislative support of ethno-gastronomic tourism, designed to reduce the uncertainty between interacting subjects and objects of tourism [3]. The clash of formal and informal rules in ethnic communities, traditional norms of lifestyle and legal norms of behavior causes the problem of inconsistency and ignoring of "rules imposed from above", which leads to the emergence of new informal institutions in response to the introduction of new formal rules and norms of behavior and the spread of the "shadow economy".

• Informal institutionalization, manifested in the prevalence of the priority of informal institutions over formal ones, the recognition by society of the legitimacy of informal institutions in order to increase the institutional attractiveness of the tourist area, reform of official legislation to comply with informal norms.

• Institutional contradictions caused by the discrepancy between federal, regional and local interests. Competition both at the vertical and horizontal levels between regions and territories leads to disunity, inconsistency between formal and informal institutions, lack of financial security for the subjects of recreational and tourist activities and a lack of striving for national development goals. Dragging out budget funds allocated within the framework of subsidizing the development of individual territories and regions leads to a selfish desire to obtain financial support, which is actually insufficient to significantly improve the recreational and tourist territory [1].

• Institutional barriers limiting financial support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism and economic regulation, as well as protection from illegal actions of government institutions, lobbying for the institutional and economic interests of private owners of recreational and tourist resources of

ethno-gastronomic tourism, due to their merging with the interests of government officials [4]; excessive control by natural and organizational monopolies over prices, product quality, production and sales volumes, resources and suppliers.

• Institutional "weaknesses" of the Russian tax system, manifested in the contradictory nature of regulation and encouragement of the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism enterprises, on the one hand, as well as restrictions and barriers to economic activity, disproportionate redistribution of capital, and at the same time the growth of investment and innovation activity, with another. That will happen as a kind of trigger for the development of the "shadow economy", as well as the spread of legal channels for avoiding high taxes.

• Low efficiency of the state as an institution, associated, firstly, with the lack of stable institutions of financial infrastructure, secondly, with the presence of institutional gaps filled with informal norms, and thirdly, with the inconsistency of institutions for the development of en-trepreneurship.

• Underdevelopment of the institution of public-private partnership. The existence in modern conditions of corporate associations of the state, private entrepreneurs and socio-political organizations is based on financial control of all activities by private organizations, while state power structures act as a formal "holder" of shares, in fact, a non-working institution, embedded in formal and informal institutions of a corporate association.

• Lack of a single legislatively enshrined organizational and economic institutional mechanism for supporting ethno-gastronomic tourism at the federal, regional and local levels.

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Research results. Ensuring a stable institutional environment for the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism is largely determined by the degree of state support for this area in the context of the implementation of the applied institutional measures to improve the institutional environment, implemented through the coordinated activities of formal and informal institutions

of the state, society and private entrepreneur-ship, mediating the multiplicative synergistic effect of coordinated activities each individual subject of ethno-gastronomic tourism at all levels of government. The study allows us to formulate a number of institutional measures to ensure a sustainable institutional environment for ethno-gas-tronomic truism:

1. Normative legal regulation of the sphere of ethno-gastronomic tourism:

• consolidation of common concepts, definitions and terms of ethno-gastronomic tourism, ensuring the consistency of formal and informal rules and norms;

• regulation of the procedures for concluding contracts, obtaining visas, crossing state borders, legislative rules and requirements of the host country related to the formal characteristics of the behavior of foreign tourists;

• recognition of the legitimacy of a number of informal rules of ethnic communities that determine their traditional norms and rules of behavior in order to eliminate the effect of the predominance of informal institutions over formal ones;

• provision of licensing, standardization and certification of activities in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism.

2. Providing financial and institutional state support for the sphere of ethno-gastro-nomic tourism:

• development and consolidation at the federal level of strategies and concepts for the development of a regional tourist product using ethno-gastronomic tourism;

• legislative consolidation of tax benefits and measures of financial support for entrepreneurial activity in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism, introduction of a system of tax, registration and infrastructure benefits, reduction of legal barriers in the process of registration and operation of enterprises;

• support of investment activity in the field of ethno-gastronomic tourism,

through state and regional assistance, encouragement of investment activity, reduction of financial and registration restrictions;

• development of the concept of infra-structural development of tourist areas

3. Control of international quality standards and service culture:

• availability of modern service and information infrastructure;

• ensuring safe conditions for tourists;

• ensuring the consistency of informal norms and traditions of national minorities' management with formal institutional rules;

• development of regional programs for the training and retraining of qualified personnel for the field of ethno-gastro-nomic tourism;

• development of rules and laws governing the use of environmental objects, cultural and historical monuments, traditional national objects of everyday life and management, as well as measures to support and restore them;

• financing of environmental and public organizations exercising control over the use of objects of ethnocultural heritage.

4. Ensuring information accessibility of ethno-gastronomic tourism:

• formation of a recognizable brand of the territory based on ethno-gastro-nomic tourism;

• provision of a modern information infrastructure, which is a system of organizational structures designed to ensure the functioning and development of the country's information space and means of information interaction and includes a set of information centers, databases, systems and communication facilities that provide consumers with access to information resources.

• advertising and promotion of national ethno-gastronomic tourism products;

• conclusion of international agreements.

Conclusion. Ethno-gastronomic tourism, which is currently a promising direction for the development of the tourism industry, capable of providing an additional influx of tourists both in the domestic and international tourism markets, operates under conditions of constant transformation and institutional changes in the economic environment. The institutional environment is the fundamental basis that supports socio-economic interconnection and coordinated activities of all participants in ethno-gastronomic tourism with the direct support of the state. In the context of

socio-economic development, ethno-gastro-nomic tourism is a synthesis of entrepreneurial activity, social activities that support the ethnic heritage of national societies, and government regulation. Overcoming institutional barriers and applying measures to improve the institutional environment for the functioning of ethno-gastro-nomic tourism will create favorable conditions for the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism and will increase the attractiveness of the territory for tourists as a whole.


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