Научная статья на тему 'Features of territorial organization of population resettlement of the coastal strip of the Ukrainian Black Sea Region'

Features of territorial organization of population resettlement of the coastal strip of the Ukrainian Black Sea Region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Ключевые слова
coastal zone / seaside strip / population resettlement / territorial organization of the economy / suburban areas / берегова зона / приморська смуга / розселення населення / територіальна організація господарства / приміські зони

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Vitaliy A. Sych, Victoria V. Yavorska, Igor V. Hevko, Katherine V. Kolomiyets, Inna M. Shorobura

This article deals with the features of population settlement within the Ukrainian Black Sea region and its coastal zone. It is emphasized that the problems of coastal resettlement, the factors that determine it, are highlighted in the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists. The purpose of the work is to find out the features of the population settlement in the region of the Ukrainian Black Sea region. In the studied region, due to the territorial differentiation of economic activity, change in the intensity of economic use of the territory and the population density can be distinguished by the coastal, middle and peripheral economic zones. It was established that the supporting framework of urban settlement in the Ukrainian Black Sea region is characterized by a fairly sparse network, and the settlement process itself is in many respects still in the stage of formation, incompleteness. Unlike the whole region, for the coastal zone, the more prevalent network of urban settlements, which are represented within the coastal zone not only by small and medium, but also large cities (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson), has contributed to the formation of urban agglomerations with wide distribution functions. In the zones of attraction of large cities, a new type of settlement was formed in fact, suburban. In the Odesa metropolitan area, there are two powerful, fast-developing planning axes OdesaChornomorsk and Odessa-Yuzhne. Seaside-facade linear planning organization agglomeration repeats the restructuring of the territorial structure of Odesa itself, which in the second half of the twentieth century turned from a city with a compact building pattern into a linear city, stretching along the sea bay. In the coastal zone of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, which occupies one third of the region’s area, live 65.0% of the total number of inhabitants of the region. The density of urban settlement network here is 1.5-2.0 times higher than the average indicators of the region, urban processes in the coastal zone are characterized by greater intensity. Small cities of the coastal zone in genetic typing are mainly seaport cities, urban-type settlements, and resort and recreation in character. More than 40% of the rural population is concentrated in the coastal regions and tends to agglomeration, which, in its turn, causes a steady flow of the settlement network from areas remote from the centers of economic activity. In the last 5 years, the demographic situation, both in the region as a whole and in the coastal zone, has deteriorated significantly, and here, as in other districts, depopulation is evident. The prospects for the development of the coastal resettlement system are directly related to the further intensification of maritime and recreational activities, and, first of all, with the development of recreational, tourist and port infrastructure.

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Особливості територіальної організації розселення населення приморської смуги регіону Українського Причорномор’я

В статті розглянуто особливості розселення населення в межах регіону Українського Причорномор’я та його приморської смуги. Наголошено, що проблематика приморського розселення, фактори, що його обумовлюють, висвітлені в працях зарубіжних та вітчизняних вчених. Мета роботи полягає в з’ясуванні особливостей розселенської мережі в регіоні Українського Причорномор’я. В досліджуваному регіоні завдяки територіальній диференціації господарської діяльності, зміні інтенсивності господарського використання тириторії та за густотою населення можна виділити приморську, серединну та периферійну господарські смуги. Встановлено, що опорний каркас міського розселення в регіоні Українського Причорномор’я характеризується досить рідкою мережею, а сам розселенський процес в багатьох відношеннях знаходиться ще в стадії формування, незавершеності. В приморській смузі регіону Українського Причорномор’я, яка займає третину площі регіону проживає 65,0 % від всієї кількості жителів регіону. Для неї характерна більш сформована мережа міських поселень, які представлені малими, середніми і великими містами (Одеса, Миколаїв, Херсон). У зонах тяжіння великих міст сформувався новий тип розселення власне приміський. В Одеській агломерації виділяються дві потужні планувальні осі, які швидко розвиваються «Одеса-Чорноморськ» і «Одеса-Южне». Приморсько-фасадна лінійна планувальна організація агломерації повторює перебудову територіальної структури самої Одеси, яка в другій половині ХХ ст. з міста з компактною забудовою перетворилася в лінійний місто, витягнуте уздовж морської затоки. Більше ніж 40% сільського населення зосереджено в районах приморської смуги та тяжіють до агломерацій. Встановлено, що в останні 5 років спостерігається депопуляція населення, Перспективи розвитку приморської системи розселення на пряму пов’язані з подальшою активізацією морегосподарської та рекреаційної діяльності, і, в першу чергу, з розвитком рекреаційно-туристичної та портової інфраструктури.

Текст научной работы на тему «Features of territorial organization of population resettlement of the coastal strip of the Ukrainian Black Sea Region»

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Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology

Journal home page: geology-dnu-dp.ua

ISSN 2617-2909 (print) ISSN 2617-2119 (online)


Geology, 28(4), 747-756. doi: 10.15421/111970

VitaliyA. Sych, Victoria V.Yavorska, Igor V. Hevko, Katherine V. Kolomiyets, Inna M. Shorobura Journ. Geol. Geograph.Geoecology,28(4), 747-756.

Features of territorial organization of population resettlement of the coastal strip of the Ukrainian Black Sea Region

Vitaliy A. Sych1 , Victoria V. Yavorska1, Igor V. Hevko2, Katherine V. Kolomiyets1, Inna M. Shorobura3

'Odesa I .I. Mechnykov National University, Odesa, Ukraine,[email protected]

2Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine

3Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Ukraine

Received: 07.05.2019

Received in revisedform:21.05.2019

Accepted: 17.11.2019

Abstract. This article deals with the features of population settlement within the Ukrainian Black Sea region and its coastal zone. It is emphasized that the problems of coastal resettlement, the factors that determine it, are highlighted in the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists. The purpose of the work is to find out the features of the population settlement in the region of the Ukrainian Black Sea region. In the studied region, due to the territorial differentiation of economic activity, change in the intensity of economic use of the territory and the population density can be distinguished by the coastal, middle and peripheral economic zones. It was established that the supporting framework of urban settlement in the Ukrainian Black Sea region is characterized by a fairly sparse network, and the settlement process itself is in many respects still in the stage of formation, incompleteness. Unlike the whole region, for the coastal zone, the more prevalent network of urban settlements, which are represented within the coastal zone not only by small and medium, but also large cities (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson), has contributed to the formation of urban agglomerations with wide distribution functions. In the zones of attraction of large cities, a new type of settlement was formed - in fact, suburban. In the Odesa metropolitan area, there are two powerful, fast-developing planning axes - Odesa-Chornomorsk and Odessa-Yuzhne. Seaside-facade linear planning organization agglomeration repeats the restructuring of the territorial structure of Odesa itself, which in the second half of the twentieth century turned from a city with a compact building pattern into a linear city, stretching along the sea bay. In the coastal zone of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, which occupies one third of the region's area, live 65.0% of the total number of inhabitants of the region. The density of urban settlement network here is 1.5-2.0 times higher than the average indicators of the region, urban processes in the coastal zone are characterized by greater intensity. Small cities of the coastal zone in genetic typing are mainly seaport cities, urban-type settlements, and resort and recreation in character. More than 40% of the rural population is concentrated in the coastal regions and tends to agglomeration, which, in its turn, causes a steady flow of the settlement network from areas remote from the centers of economic activity. In the last 5 years, the demographic situation, both in the region as a whole and in the coastal zone, has deteriorated significantly, and here, as in other districts, depopulation is evident. The prospects for the development of the coastal resettlement system are directly related to the further intensification of maritime and recreational activities, and, first of all, with the development of recreational, tourist and port infrastructure.

Keywords: coastal zone, seaside strip, population resettlement, territorial organization of the economy, suburban areas.

Особливост1 територ1альноТ оргашзацн розселення населення приморсько'Т смуги регюну УкраТнського Причорномор'я

В. А. Сич1 , В. В. Яворська1, I. В. Гевко2, К. В. Коломieць1 , I. М. Шоробура3

'Одеський нацгональний унгверситет 1мет 1.1. Мечникова, Одеса, Украша, [email protected] 2Терноп1льський нацгональний педагоггчний унгверситет 1мет Володимира Гнатюка, Тернотль, Украша 3Хмельницька Гуман1тарно-педагог1чна академ1я, Хмельницький, Украша

Анотащя. В стати розглянуто особливосп розселення населення в межах регюну Украшського Причорномор'я та його приморсько! смуги. Наголошено, що проблематика приморського розселення, фактори, що його обумовлюють, висвгглет в працях зарубiжних та вггчизняних вчених. Мета роботи полягае в з'ясуванш особливостей розселенсько! мережi в репош Украшського Причорномор'я. В дооиджуваному регюш завдяки терит^альнш диференщацл господарсько! дiяльностi,

змiнi iнтенсивностi господарського використання тириторil та за густотою населення можна вид1лити приморську, сере-динну та периферiйну господарськi смуги. Встановлено, що опорний каркас мюького розселення в регiонi Укра1нського Причорномор'я характеризуется досить рщкою мережею, а сам розселенський процес в багатьох вдаошеннях знаходиться ще в стадл формування, незавершеностi. В приморськiй смузi регiону Укра1нського Причорномор'я, яка займае третину площi регiону проживае 65,0 % ввд всiе1 кiлькостi жителш регiону. Для не1 характерна бшьш сформована мережа мiських поселень, яю представленi малими, середами i великими тстами (Одеса, Микола1в, Херсон). У зонах тяжшня великих мiст сформував-ся новий тип розселення - власне примюький. В Одеськiй агломерацл видiляються двi потужнi планувальнi оа, якi швидко розвиваються - «Одеса-Чорноморськ» i «Одеса-Южне». Приморсько-фасадна лiнiйна планувальна органiзацiя агломерацi1 повторюе перебудову тершо^ально! структури само1 Одеси, яка в другш половинi ХХ ст. з мюта з компактною забудовою перетворилася в лiнiйний мiсто, витягнуте уздовж морсько1 затоки. Бшьше н1ж 40% сшьського населення зосереджено в районах приморсько1 смуги та тяжшть до агломераций. Встановлено, що в останш 5 рокiв спостерiгаеться депопулящя населення, Перспективи розвитку приморсько1 системи розселення на пряму пов'язанi з подальшою активiзацiею морегосподарсько1 та рекреацшно1 дiяльностi, i, в першу чергу, з розвитком рекреацшно-туристично1 та портово1 iнфраструктури.

Ключовi слова: берегова зона, приморська смуга, розселення населення, територiальна оргатзащя господарства, примiськi зони.

Introduction. Interest in the problems of coastal resettlement, the factors that determine it, arose among domestic scientists in the 1960s. The strengthening of the role of the sea-related sectors of the economy has affected the increase in the population growth of the coastal zone, in particular, its seaside part. The need for scientific substantiation of the development of coastal territories and their territorial planning has increased.

Researchers state that 37% of the world's population lives in the strip 100-kilometers from the Ocean, and about 50% within 200 km; the density ofthe coastal population is 2.5 times higher than the global average density (Druzhinin, 2016). Considered as one of the priority factors of the territorial organization of society ,as announced in numerous publications both domestic (Dergachev, 1980, Posibnyk, 2009, Studennikov, D'jakov, 2012, Topchijev et al., 2013) and foreign (Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 2005, Pelling, Blackburn, 2013, Post, Lundin, 1996), "sea attraction" receives its actual embodiment in the phenomenon of "coastal zone", "sea-side zone", "coastal strip", "coastal area", "sea coast", "contact zone "land-sea", "seaside region".

The Ukrainian Black Sea region is a highly specific region in connection with its coastal economic and geographical situation, historical and geographical features of the settlement of the region, the peculiar ethno-national composition of the population, which have all together imprinted on the formation of a settlement system. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the resettlement of the population of the coastal zone of the Ukrainian Black Sea region.

Materials and methods. To date, some aspects of the modern territorial organization of the population of the Ukrainian Black Sea region are covered in the works of O.G. Topchiev, O.I. Polos, V.G. Pizhova, V.O. Dergachev, V.L. Smolsky, V.V. Yavorskaya,

D. S. Malchikova; historical features of the settlement of the coastal areas of the Ukrainian Black Sea coast are covered by the research of D. I. Bagalii, V. M. Kobuzan, A. S. Skalkovsky, K. I. Druzhinina, V. A. Dergachev, O. G. Topciyeva.

In this study, we used cartographic, field, cameral and, comparative-geographical methods. The statistical information and mapping materials, as well as the developments described in scientific papers (Pokshishevskij, Fedorov, 1988, Fedorov et al., 2017, Topchijev et al., 2013, Pelling, Blackburn, 2013) served as the information base of the study. Results and their analysis. In Ukraine, a separate document regulating the use of land in the coastal zone does not exist, and also its legislative boundaries are not defined. Scientists indicate the boundaries of coastal zones in different ways. For example, S. S. Sal'nikov defined it as a distance of up to 80 km from the coast (Sal'nikov, 1988), other authors defined a distance of 50-200 km (Slevich, 1988). It is noted (Integrated Coastal Zone management, 2005) that the border of coastal zones can be established in three different ways: linear-geometric - related to the criterion of actual distance from the sea, the coastal zones are fixed by the isolines on the maps (the oldest and easiest method). Another way is the allocation of administrative boundaries (Karamushka, 2009) for the purpose of management of this territory. The least common approach to the allocation of coastal zone is the approach based on establishing its natural-ecological, landscape specificity. The main landmarks here are the orographic boundaries, as well as the dominant types of economic activity (for example, recreation, certain types of agriculture, reproduction of biological resources, sea-economic complex) adapted to the landscape-resource uniqueness of the coastal areas.

In the situation ofthe Ukrainian Black Sea region, the coastal zone can be identified within its limit (up to

200 km) width. The region expresses the natural and economic separation of the territory. This feature of the seaside region has been repeatedly emphasized in research works (Topchijev et al., 2013, Kolomijec et al., 2017). The territorial differentiation of economic activity, the distribution of economic functions and the change in the intensity of economic use in the region are observed in the following directions: conventionally perpendicular to the coast line; in a horizontal direction along the sea coast; according to the centers of greatest concentration and zones of their influence. Such separation may be based on differences in intensity and types of economic use of territory and water area, as well as population density - on land. So within the region, these features distinguish the following economic strips : seaside (facade) (up to 50 km), in which the concentration of population, infrastructure and economy continues to grow steadily. The port economy is intensively developing, new specialized terminals and transshipment complexes are being built, and sea-side resorts, dacha and residential development are expanding along the coast. Here, port-industrial complexes were formed - Odesa, Danube, Dnipro-Bug, which in the market conditions turn into port-logistics centers. In the seaside (facade) zone are the largest recreational areas of the Ukrainian Black Sea region: Odesa, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, Ochakivsky, Skadovsky, Genichesky.

From this seaside (facade) strip inland to the land and to the sea, the intensity of economic activity falls and takes another direction. But on the example of the port economy, we see that in the rear zones of the ports - suburban areas, a network of transport and distribution centers serving the ports is formed. At present, such centers are Rozdilna, Berezivka, Artsiz, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky (Nefedova, 2014). The ports are also closely tied to agro-industrial sites, urban-type settlements (uts), small and medium-sized cities, whose economic activity is somehow indirectly linked to the port-sea facade of the southern seaside part of the region. The population living within the suburban areas goes to work in large cities and other intensive economic ties take place. Further from the coast, the seaside (facade) is replaced by a middle (transitional) strip (50-100 km), where there are no types of economic activity associated with the sea, but a general orientation towards the economic centers located on the coast remains. The northern districts, most distant in relation to the seaside, form a peripheral (outskirts) strip (100-200 km), characterized by poorly developed social infrastructure, constant outflow of population and unfavourable gender and age structure of the population (high proportion of

pensioners, small employable population, including few young people (Topchijev et al., 2013, Kolomijec et al., 2017).

In our study, we used the boundaries of the administrative units to allocate the boundaries of the seaside (facade) strip, because the statistical data is collected precisely in the administrative districts. Thus, 19 districts of Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, which have direct access to the sea, or, such as Reni, located near the mouths of a great river are attributed to the seaside (facade) strip.

In general, the Ukrainian Black Sea region as a result of its maritime position stands out as a kind of territorial organization of economy and population resettlement. The main economic centers are the port-industrial complexes and sites, as well as recreation centers and largest cities, are located along the sea coast and downstream of the Danube, Dniester, Southern Bug and Dnipro (Fig. 1).

This attraction of the population and the economy forms a polycentric (multi-core) seaside-facade type of territorial organization of the economy, which causes a huge unevenness and contrast of economic development of the region. According to M. M. Baransky, "The city plus the road network is a framework, a skeleton on which everything else is kept, the skeleton that forms the territory, gives it a certain configuration." To a large extent, this thesis is valid in relation to coastal settlements and the special role in it of urban centers. The dominant role in the resettlement systems, in this case, is played by the coastal strip.

As of 01.01.2018, the regional urban settlement system of the Ukrainian Black Sea region is represented by 37 cities and 81 urban type settlements (UTS). The number of urban population at that date was 3023.3 thousand people, or 66.1% of the total population of the region of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, which was 4,571.4 thousand people (Table 1).

The number of urban settlements in the Ukrainian Black Sea region is dominated by small towns (30 out of 37). One should note the unevenness of their placement in the territory of the region. The largest number of them is concentrated in Odesa region (15 units), followed by 7 in Mykolaiv region and 8 in Kherson region. On the other hand, their population is only 19.1% of the total urban population of the Ukrainian Black Sea region.

Features of economic development and settlement of the Ukrainian Black Sea region formed the main typological features of small cities. In the Ukrainian Black Sea region, five genetic types of small cities are identified: 1) seaports - Reni, Kilia, Vilkove, Gola

Fig. 1. Seaside system of resettlement and zone of influence of the sea

Prystan, Oleshki, Ochakiv, Skadovsk, Genichesk; 2)) fortress cities - Beryslav, Kakhovka, Balta; 3) cities of foreign settler colonization - Bolgrad, Artsiz; 4) the cities of new construction - Rozdilna, Yuzhne, Yuzhnoukrainsk, Tavriysk, Teplodar; 5) city-agricultural settlements - Ananiev, Bashtanka, Berezivka, Bilyaivka, Voznesensk, Kodima, Podilsk, Nova Odesa, Novy Buh, Snigurivka and Tatarbunari (Javors'ka, 2013).

Large cities (to this category we attributed regional centers - Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, where the population exceeds 100 thousand people) and the category of medium-sized cities (50-100 thousand people) in the region are few (respectively, 3 and 4 units - in Odesa region, the medium sized cities are Izmail, Chornomorsk, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, in Mykolaiv - Pervomaysk, in Kherson - there are none, since Nova Kakhovka moved from the middle category to that of small city). In large cities, 59% of the total urban population live, while in the middle sized cities - 8.1%.

The Odesa agglomeration is outlined by the administrative boundaries of the cities of regional significance such as Odesa, Chornomorsk, Teplodar and Yuzhne and five districts of Odesa region: Bilyaivsky, Ivanivsky, Limansky, Ovidiopolsky and Rozdilnyansky, which together form the Odesa suburban area (Fig. 1). In the Odesa agglomeration, there are two powerful, fast-developing planning axes - Odesa-Chornomorsk and Odesa-Yuzhne. The seaside-facade linear planning organization of the agglomeration repeats the reorganization of the territorial structure of Odesa itself, which in the second half of the twentieth century, changed from a city with a compact building pattern into a linear city, stretched along the sea shore.

The comparative analysis of the population density of the suburban area and Odesa region gives the following indicators of population concentration. The average population density of the suburban area (together with Odesa) is 265.9 people / km2, while the overall population density of Odesa region is 71.9

Table 1. Distribution of population by cities of different categories in the Ukrainian Black Sea region (2018, ths. people)

Category of urban settlements Odesa region Mykolaiv region Kherson region Ukrainian Black Sea region

Big cities (more than 100 thousand people) Odesa 1,011 Mykolaiv 493.6 Kherson 291.4 1,796.0

Medium cities (50-100 thousand people) Chornomorsk 59.5 Pervomaysk 65.6 245.8

Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky 50.1

Izmail 71.6

Small cities (up to 50 thousand people) Podilsk 40.7 Voznesensk 35.1 Kakhovka 36.3 574.0

Teplodar 10.2 Ochakiv 14.2 Nova Kakhovka 46.0

Yuzhne 32.3 Yuzhnoukrainsk 39.8 Tavriysk 10.7

Ananiev 8.2 Bashtanka 12.6 Beryslav 16.4

Artsiz 14.9 Novy Bug 15.4 Genichesk 19.7

Balta 18.7 Nova Odesa 12.0 Gola Prystan 14.3

Berezivka 9.7 Snigurivka 12.6 Skadovsk 18.2

Bilyayevka 12.3 Oleshki 24.7

Bolgrad 15,1

Kilia 19.7

Vilkove 8,1

Kodima 8.6

Reni 18.7

Rozdilna 17.9

Tatarbunari 11.0

Cities 1,437.3 700.9 478.0 2,616.2

Urban-Type Settlement 33 156.4 17 86.2 31 163.5 406.1

Total 1,593.7 787.1 641.5 3,022.3

Compiled for (Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Hersons'koi ', 2012, Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Nikolai'vs'koi', 2012, Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Odes'koi ', 2012, Statystychnyj, 2018)

people / km2, that is, the population concentration in the coastal zone is 3.6 times higher than the average indexes for the region. The population density of the five districts of the suburban area without Odesa is 78.9 people / km2, which is higher than the average regional indicator (Table 2).

A similar situation is observed with the concentration of urban population: the density of the urban population, along with Odesa, is 4,844.4 people / km2. Such a high concentration is due to the presence of a city of a million, although the concentration of

urban population of OSZ (without Odesa) is also quite high at 2,100.0 people / km2 and exceeds the regional index almost 50 times (the average population density of the urban population is 48.1 people / km2). There are large differences in the concentration of the rural population. So, if the density of the rural population in the OSZ is 42.4 people / km2, the average indicator in the region is 23.8 people / km2, and in some peripheral districts, this indicator is 13.6 people / km2. The obtained indicators characterize the population concentration in OSZ in various aspects and confirm

Table 2. Density of the population of Odesa suburban zone

Variants Odessa suburban zone (OSZ)

Territory, thousand km2 Population, thousand people Population density, persons / km2

The whole population of OSZ together with Odesa 5.37 1,428.2 265.9

Total population of four districts (without Odesa) 5.21 411.4 78.9

The urban population of OSZ together with Odesa 0.25 1,211.1 4,844.4

Urban population of OSZ (without Odesa) 0.09 84.0 2,100.0

Rural population of OSZ 5.12 217.1 42.4

Odesa region as a whole 33.31 2,396.3 71.9

Odesa Region - urban population 1,603.4 48.1

Odesa Region - rural population 792.9 23.8

Compiled for (Statystychnyj, 2018)

the general tendency of concentration of population around city of Odesa and Odesa agglomeration.

Over the last decades of the 20th century, the Kherson agglomeration was structured, which includes Kherson and the surroundings of Oleshky, Gola Prystan and a number of settlements - Belozerka, Kamyshany, Zelenivka, Antonivka, Naddnipryanske, as well as villages under Kherson city council and in Belozersky district. The total area of the agglomeration is about 1,500 km2, in which more than 440 thousand inhabitants live.

Mykolaiv is located at the confluence of the River Ingul and the Southern Bug, 65 kilometers from the Black Sea with a population of 494 thousand people. The city agglomeration is formed on the basis of Mykolaiv, which consists of 6 urban settlements and 139 rural villages of Vitovsky, Mykolaiv, Novoodeisky, and Ochakivsky districts. Within the agglomeration there are 643.1 thousand people. The population is 54.8% of the total population of the region. The Mykolaiv agglomeration belongs to the classification large, monocentric and underdeveloped. Within the Mykolaiv agglomeration there is formed a rather powerful industrial agglomeration with industrial-port functions of national and international importance (Kolomijec', Javors'ka, 2015).

In general, in the Ukrainian Black Sea region, it is possible to predict with high probability the formation of the Mykolaiv-Kherson conurbation. This conclusion was made on the basis of the analysis of the dynamics of migration between the inhabitants of the adjacent suburban settlements located in the 30-40-kilometer zone around Mykolaiv and Kherson. The distance between these cities does not exceed 60 km, and they are the "most adjoining" regional centers in Ukraine, and therefore marked by significant economic interaction.

It should be noted that in recent years within the urban agglomerations there is a deepening of socioeconomic differences between the cities that form them (the main activity is concentrated in the core of the agglomeration and in its immediate periphery). Against this backdrop, the interdependence of settlements, which are united by agglomerations, is growing (including in the significant growth of pendulum migration); the main city "pours out" of its administrative boundaries, expanding the range of its economic influence. Thus, suburban areas provide protection against excessive industrial and demographic pressure and perform "unloading" functions.

We could see now that in the region the structure of the coastal settlement system is undergoing

changes - in the cumulative demographic potential, the share of small cities decreases due to the protracted increase in the population of large cities, which leads to the polarization of the settlement system and the formation of its agglomerative forms. According to its architecture, the important role of the agrarian sector and, ultimately, of mentality is predominant in the "semi-urban" environment with demographic characteristics that vary significantly depending on the season (the population in the period from June to September in all seaside settlements increases from 1. 5 to 2 times) and, accordingly, with conditions of doing business and income of the population. At the same time, the expressed existential differences (in the density of population, the degree of urbanization) are maintained between the actual coastal strip and other, adjacent territories of the region. The aforementioned agglomerations are dominated by environments typical of rural settlements, which are characterized by large settlements (the average size of rural settlements in the region, for example, in Transdniestria - 1000-1400 people). In the process of forming the suburban zone of Odesa, a growing role is played by the cottage resettlement (dacha). The phenomenon of "dachization" (increase in the area of cottage settlements) of the territory, on the basis of which "agro-recreational" forms of resettlement are formed, attracted the attention of researchers back in 1994, and at present it has become even larger.

It can be said that the coastal settlement system is more localized and covers only a certain group of administrative districts, which tend to (along with its location, socio-demographic and economic ties) hug the seacoast and outline the coasts with a "chain" of settlements (seaside towns and villages). In the coastal zone of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, with a total area of 32.118 thousand square kilometers, or 37.2% of the total territory of the region, as of January 1, 2018 lived 2,973.7 ths. people, or 65.0% ofthe whole number of inhabitants of the Ukrainian Black Sea region. Within the coastal zone there are 16 urban settlements, 31 urban-type settlements and 745 rural settlements. The general index of population density here is quite high - 94 people per km2 (in general, it makes up 54 people per km2). More than 40% of the rural population is concentrated in the coastal regions, increasing the tendency to agglomeration.

Table 3 shows that 2335.4 ths. people of the urban population are concentrated within the seaside (facade) strip, accounting for 78.5% of all townspeople in the Ukrainian Black Sea region.

In general, the network of urban settlements in the Ukrainian Black Sea region is sparse. For

Table 3. Population of the seaside strip of the Ukrainian Black Sea region (as of January 1, 2018)

Names of indicators Odesa region Mykolaiv region Kherson region The Ukrainian Black Sea region

Administrative districts of the seaside strip Renyiskiy Izmailsky Kiliysky Tatarbunarsky Belgorod-Dnistrovsky, Ovidiopolsky, Limansky Berezansky, Ochakivsky, Mikolaiyvsky, Vitovsky Belozersky, Oleshkivsky, Golopristansky, Skadovsky, Kalanchatsky, Chaplinsky, Novotroitsky, Genichesky The total area of The Ukrainian Black Sea region - 86,360 km2 Total population of the Ukrainian Black Sea region - 4,571,380 people (2018)

The area of the Seaside strip, km2 9,564 6,027 16,527 32,118

In % of the total area of the region 28.7 24.5 58.1 37.2

Total population of Seaside strip, people 1,634,400 618,900 720,384 2,973,684

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Urban population of Seaside strip, people. 1 351,600 515,900 467,967 2,335,467

In % to the entire urban population of the region 84.7 66.2 72.9 78.5

Population of Seaside strip without region centers 623,400 132,645 176,539 932,584

Rural population of Seaside strip, (person) 282,800 103,000 252,417 638,217

In % to the entire rural population of the region 35.8 28.5 62.2 41.1

Number of urban settlements 9 2 5 16

Number of urban-type settlements 11 4 16 31

Number of rural settlements 225 172 348 745

Calculated by (Statystychnyj, 2018)

every 10 ths. square km of the territory there are 13 city settlements (including urban areas), which is considerably less than in Ukraine as a whole (22 units). The most dense network of urban settlements is observed in Odesa region (15 units), and the smallest values of this indicator (10 units) are in Mykolaiv region. From the above quantitative indicators it can be concluded that the supporting framework of urban settlement in the Ukrainian Black Sea region is characterized by a fairly sparse network, and the settlement process itself in many respects is still in the stage of formation, incompleteness.

If we analyze the relevant settlement indicators of the seaside strip, then we will see that here they are much better, there is a denser, more mature network of urban settlements and they are represented within the coastal strip not only as small and medium, but also large cities (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson), which contributed to the formation of urban agglomerations with wide distribution functions. The density of the urban settlement network here is 1.5-2.0 times higher than the average indicators of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, urban processes in the seaside strip are

characterized by higher intensity. Small cities of the seaside strip in genetic typing mainly relate to seaport cities, urban-type settlements, resorts and centres of recreation.

In rural resettlements within the region there are noticeable territorial differences, both in terms of density ofthe settlement network, and in the population of rural settlements. For example, the highest indices of the population of rural settlements (1,063-2,626 people) are characteristic ofthe Transdnistrian districts of Odesa region, as well as for the districts included in the Odesa agglomeration (Bilyayevsky, Ovidiopolsky, Lymansky), the Mykolaiv agglomeration (Vitovsky district), and Pridneprovsky district of Kherson region (Belozersky, Beryslavsky, Oleshkovsky, Golopristansky). For Bilyayevsky and Ovidiopolsky districts the highest values are characteristic of the density of the rural population - 52.6 people / km2. Note that the rural settlement network in the southern regions of the region is sparse. On average , for every 100 km2 there are from 0.8 (the region's smallest index is in Reny district) to 3.1 rural settlements, and the average distance between rural settlements

is almost 6 km. At the same time, Genichesk district of Kherson region is characterized by the lowest population density indicators - 8.9-13.3 persons per 1 km2 and low density of rural settlement - 1.8-2.3 settlements per 100 km2.

More than 40% of the rural population is concentrated in the coastal zone districts and this increases the tendency to agglomeration. Residence in the suburban area gives the village population a number of advantages, including the sale of agricultural products in the city, better facilities and the possibility of receiving higher-ranking services; the formation of urban lifestyle through the processes of urbanization. Large villages are located near their district's center or town of district significance. Thus, there is a steady reduction of the network of settlements remote from the centers of economic activity. In the last quarter century, the rural population of suburban areas increased its size due to migratory inflows from other districts of the region. This also affected the fact of a significant increase in the average population of rural settlements. But it should be noted that in the last 5 years, the demographic situation, both in the whole Ukrainian Black Sea region, and in the suburban system of the settlement of Mykolaiv region and Kherson region, has deteriorated significantly, and here, as in other areas, there is a natural decrease of the population (Table 4).

Demographers and geographers traditionally divide the population into urban and rural areas, analyze the level of urbanization of the territory, allocate urban and rural settlement systems. In the zones of attraction of large cities, a new type of settlement was formed - in fact, suburban. Along with the usual urban and rural population, in the suburban area there is a mixed type of settlement, which modern statistics cannot attribute to either urban or rural. This phenomenon concerns zones of cottage, country and garden land use in the suburban area, which do not have a clear administrative link to either the big city or to certain administrative districts. In the world statistics, these territories are called «urbanized areas» and included in the urban population. In the long run, suburban areas may receive a certain administrative status in Ukraine. In the suburbs, however, it is necessary to take into account three types of population - urban, rural and suburban (Sych et al. 2015). Consequently, a new form of modern evolution of resettlement systems in the Ukrainian Black Sea region exists, improves, becoming more complex, it approaches the tertiary sphere, the sphere of agro-recreational components and needs thorough qualitative research. Conclusions. Thus, the general features of resettlement suggest uneven resettlement, both in the region as a whole, and within the coastal zone. The poles of attractiveness to resettlement are the Odesa,

Table 4. Dynamics of the population of the Ukrainian Black Sea region (ths. people)

Territorial units 1990 p. 2001 p. 2011 p. 2012 p. 2013 p. 2018 p.

Odesa region 2,638.2 2,469.0 2,388.7 2,388.3 2,395.2 2,383.1

Mykolaiv region 1,330.0 1,264.7 1,183.3 1,178.2 1,173.5 1,141.3

Kherson region 1,249.4 1,175.1 1,088.2 1,083.4 1,078.2 1,046.9

Seaside strip 3,237.0 3,131.8 3,009.0 3,005.1 3,009.8 2,973.7

Ukrainian Black Sea region 5,217.6 4,908.8 4,660.2 4,649.9 4,646.9 4,571.3

Ukraine 51,838.5 48,457.0 45,778.5 45,633.6 45,553.0 42,386.4

Urban population

Odesa region 1,746.1 1,624.6 1,594.8 1,595.0 1,602.1 1,594.9

Mykolaiv region 874.0 838.8 800.8 798.1 796.1 779.7

Kherson region 768.5 706.2 665.5 662.4 659.5 641.4

Seaside strip 2,555.7 2,465.8 2,361.7 2,357.5 2,362.0 2,335.5

Ukrainian Black Sea region 3,388.6 3,169.6 3,061.1 3,055.5 3,057.7 3,016.1

Ukraine 34,871.8 32,574.0 31,440.7 31,382.2 31,376.9 29,370.9

Rural population

Odesa region 892.1 844.4 793.9 793.3 793.0 788.2

Mykolaiv region 456.0 425.9 382.5 380.1 377.4 361.6

Kherson region 480.9 468.9 422.8 420.9 418.7 405.5

Seaside strip 681.9 677.9 647.2 647.3 647.6 638.2

Ukrainian Black Sea region 1,829.0 1,739.2 1,599.2 1,594.3 1,589.1 1,555.3

Ukraine 16,966.7 15,883.0 14,337.8 14,251.4 14,174.4 13,015.4

Composed by (Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Hersons'koi' regioni,2013, Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Mykolai'vs'koi' regioni, 2013, Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Odes'koi' regioni,2013, Statystychnyj zbirnyk, 2018)

In the suburban areas of large cities of Ukraine Mykolaiv and Kherson agglomerations, as opposed there has been a special type of population settlement. to the low-populated depressed peripheral districts

of the region. The aforementioned disproportions also affect the distribution of the urban population in a spatial sense. The prevailing majority of the urban population is concentrated in large, middle-sized and small cities and towns of the urban type, namely, in the coastal zone of the region, another 8% of the urban population is concentrated in small and medium-sized cities in the northern part of the Ukrainian Black Sea region, and 4% live in small towns of the Novokahivsko-Kakhovka-Beryslavskaya agglomeration. Since urban settlements form the basis of a framework of a territorial organization, such territorial concentration leads to the separation of the territory of the region. The seaside-facade position of these cities and most urban settlements form a special seaside type of settlement system. The prospects for the development of the seaside resettlement system are directly related to the further intensification of maritime and recreational activities, and, first of all, to the development of recreational, tourist and port infrastructure.


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