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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Troian V.

In modern conditions of economic turbulence, the formation and maintenance of the development of enterprises that affect the functioning of the state are of particular importance. The current conditions of functioning of construction enterprises are characterized by the lack of clear tendencies of their development with the formed legal and regulatory support. This requires a study of the current state and identification of the interaction between stakeholders of construction enterprises to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of their activities. The article aims to determine the features of managing the cooperation of stakeholders of construction enterprises. According to the aim, the following tasks were solved: to identify management models for the interaction of stakeholders of construction enterprises; to form directions for the development and implementation of a mechanism for managing the cooperation of stakeholders in construction enterprises. Approaches to creating and maintaining relationships between stakeholders are proposed. The study substantiates the directions of stakeholder management at construction enterprises, considering the experience of foreign corporations. The essential characteristics and features of the functioning of the models of interaction between interested parties were determined that made it possible to propose the use of a partner model at construction enterprises considering the interests and characteristics of the relationship between stakeholders. Based on the study, a monitoring system for managerial decisions and relationships between interested parties, in which the department of information and analytical support is especially important, which ensures the formation and use of data flows by stakeholder groups has been developed. The proposed organizational and economic management mechanism creates opportunities for the diagnosis of management decisions and the prevention of negative phenomena in the relationships between groups of stakeholders. The developed areas for introducing this mechanism into the activities of construction companies, which are systemic and consider the specifics of the functioning of enterprise units with the transformation of existing structural units or the creation of new organizational units, are particular importance.

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Список лггератури

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14. Томчук О.Ф., Чоpнaтa Т.П. Iнтеpпpетaцiя непpямиx витpaт тa ïx вплив нa фiнaнсовi резуль-тaти пiдпpиeмствa. Iнфpaстpyктypa ринку. 2017. № 3. URL: http://www.market-infr.od.ua/uk/3-2017.


Troian V.

Phd student of the Department of Enterprise and Business Administration O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2142-2873


In modern conditions of economic turbulence, the formation and maintenance of the development of enterprises that affect the functioning of the state are of particular importance.

The current conditions of functioning of construction enterprises are characterized by the lack of clear tendencies of their development with the formed legal and regulatory support. This requires a study of the current state and identification of the interaction between stakeholders of construction enterprises to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of their activities. The article aims to determine the features of managing the cooperation of stakeholders of construction enterprises. According to the aim, the following tasks were solved: to identify management models for the interaction of stakeholders of construction enterprises; to form directions for the development and implementation of a mechanism for managing the cooperation of stakeholders in construction enterprises. Approaches to creating and maintaining relationships between stakeholders are proposed. The study substantiates the directions of stakeholder management at construction enterprises, considering the experience of foreign corporations. The essential characteristics and features of the functioning of the models of interaction between interested parties were determined that made it possible to propose the use of a partner model at construction enterprises considering the interests and characteristics of the relationship between stakeholders. Based on the study, a monitoring system for managerial decisions and relationships between interested parties, in which the department of information and analytical support is especially important, which ensures the formation and use of data flows by stakeholder groups has been developed. The proposed organizational and economic management mechanism creates opportunities for the diagnosis of management decisions and the prevention of negative phenomena in the relationships between groups of stakeholders. The developed areas for introducing this mechanism into the activities of construction companies, which are systemic and consider the specifics of the functioning of enterprise units with the transformation of existing structural units or the creation of new organizational units, are particular importance.

Keywords: construction enterprises, brand, stakeholders, management, organizational and economic mechanism.

In modern conditions of economic turbulence, the formation and maintenance of the development of enterprises that affect the functioning of the state are of particular importance. These include construction enterprises that affect the development of the other 30 areas. In recent years, mixed trends in the functioning of construction enterprises have been observed. In particular, from 2015 to 2019. Negative values of their business confidence are found. The highest level of influence on the activities of construction enterprises is carried out by factors: financial constraints, insufficient demand, lack of labor. A moderate level is characterized by the influence of factors associated with weather conditions, factors of lack of materials and equipment affect at a low level [1]. With the functioning of construction enterprises, the current volume of orders for construction work is either sufficient (average for the season) or insufficient (below the norm). According to experts, there are no significant and promising changes in the formation and use of labor [1]. It should be noted that potential expectations of rising prices in the construction sector are growing. This is due to the influence of internal and external factors, namely the conflict in the east of Ukraine, population migration, political instability, etc.

In recent years, the legal and regulatory support for the functioning of construction enterprises has been formed: Economic, Civil, Land Codes of Ukraine; Laws of Ukraine on investment activity, on the regulation of town-planning activity, on scientific and scientific-technical activity, on architectural activity; Decrees of the President and the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on measures for improvement of state regulation in the field of housing construction and stabilization of the situation on the primary housing market, on the plan of priority measures in the sphere of investment activity, approval of the Procedure for conducting architectural and urban planning competitions, approval of the Procedure for state financing of capital construction, etc.

Thus, the current conditions of functioning of construction enterprises are characterized by the lack of clear tendencies of their development with the formed legal and regulatory support. This requires a study of the current state and identification of the interaction between stakeholders of construction enterprises to develop recommendations for improving the effectiveness of their activities.

In the conditions of transformation processes of the construction industry is essential to the functioning of the economy of the state. It is an indicator that reflects the direction and the peculiarities of its development affects other areas, reinforcing the production and economic potential, increase the efficient use of human and investment capital. The growth of the construction sector leads to the economic growth of the state and solving of the complex problems arising in various spheres of its functioning.

Along with this, the functioning of construction sector is influenced by factors representing a threat to its development:

acute and unfair competition in the construction market;

the monopolization of the construction market large enterprises;


the evolution of the phenomena of commercial bribery;

internal fraud;

the decrease in the level of human capital;

low investment attractiveness of the construction enterprises;

the appearance of marriage and the decline in the quality of construction products.

It should be noted the decrease in the level of interaction in the system of execution of functions of management in construction enterprises: organization, management, control, planning, staffing. In addition, budweise there is the braking areas of functioning investment mechanisms and development of innovative programs. There are certain problems for ensuring the effectiveness of corporate governance and social welfare in construction companies.

To solve this complex problem of particular importance is the development and growth of efficiency of formation and implementation of corporate social responsibility of construction enterprises. It is necessary to identify the main trajectories and peculiarities of functioning of the construction sector.

The presented scale allows, to determine the influence of each of the indicators on the integral criterion of a favorable external environment based on the method of expert assessments and to quantify it to ensure the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing stakeholders of construction enterprises in the context of determining the development index of a favorable information environment. Thus, if the coefficient of a favorable information environment takes values in the range from 0 to 0.37, then an unfavorable information environment is formed in the absence or critical level of partnership, in the lack of interaction or high competition between interested parties, as well as under the negative influence of market conditions.

A favorable information environment is determined if the value of the corresponding coefficient varies between 0.38 and 1. Besides, a favorable external environment is characterized by a possible latent or high level of partnership; moderate, low competition, or common interactions; favorable conditions of the external market environment, or its negative impact on the relationships between stakeholders.

To determine the coefficient of a favorable information environment at construction enterprises, a questionnaire is used that allows determining the appropriate level of favorable information environment based on the opinions of experts. In this context, it should be

pointed out that it is necessary to attract qualified specialists to the study to increase the effectiveness and reliability of the results.

A generalizing indicator characterizing the level of the information environment and its impact on the relationship between stakeholders in the organizational and economic mechanism for managing stakeholders of construction enterprises is the development index of a favorable information environment. This indicator is determined by the ratio of the coefficient of a favorable information environment in the reporting period of construction enterprises with the factor of a favorable information environment in the base period of construction enterprises.

The development of a favorable information environment at construction enterprises is evidenced by the corresponding values of the development index of a favorable information environment. In particular, if the presented indicator exceeds 1, then we can talk about the positive impact of the information environment on the interaction between stakeholders of construction enterprises. Moreover, if for several periods, this indicator exceeds the proposed value, then this trend indicates the development of a favorable environment in the interactions between stakeholders of construction enterprises. However, if the index of development of a favorable information environment is less than 1, then this environment negatively affects the relationship between stakeholders of construction enterprises.

It should be noted that in accordance with the organizational and economic mechanism of management of stakeholders of construction enterprises if the index of development of a favorable information environment exceeds 1, we proceed to the development and adoption of management decisions by management bodies based on the recommendations of the Coordination Council. If the index value is less than 1, then information flows are sent to an aggressive external information environment through a local information center.

At the stage of development and adoption of management decisions, informational interaction with external and internal stakeholders is ensured, the relations between which are carried out based on relevant principles. The presented local information centers perform the functions of processing and transmitting information to ensure an appropriate level of protection against the external and internal influence of factors on the process of interaction between interested parties. To determine the coefficient of development of cooperation between stakeholders, an indicator of the overall significance and importance index of stakeholders of construction enterprises is estimated based on questionnaires.

According to the organizational and economic mechanism of managing the stakeholders of construction enterprises, if the coefficient of development of interaction between stakeholders exceeds 1, then the information flows to the information support body and, subsequently, to the management bodies for decision-making taking into account the interests of stakeholders. If less than 1, then through the local information center, information flows are directed to the level of analysis of relationships between stakeholders, where

appropriate decisions are made by the information support body while ensuring interaction with the governing authorities.

Ensuring the growth of the effectiveness of interaction between stakeholders is aimed at the development and adoption of management decisions that are implemented in the activities of organizational units of construction enterprises based on a quantitative determination of the coefficient of effectiveness of management decisions. The presented indicator is a generic criterion based on which the developed management decisions are implemented in the activities of specific organizational units based on quantitative values of the coefficient of effectiveness of management decisions in accordance with the threshold value (1). In particular, if the presented factor exceeds 1, then accordingly developed and adopted management decisions are implemented in the activity of organizational units of construction enterprises. In the case where the coefficient of effectiveness of management decisions is less than 1, then management decisions are not made based on providing feedback, and through the local information, the center is sent to the stage of development and decision making by the governing bodies where they are refined, and additional information flows are used. The information support agency is involved in this process. Besides, it should be pointed out that the developed and adopted management decisions can be rejected or sent to the initial stage of development, starting with an analysis of the level of influence of the information environment and stakeholders.

In ensuring interaction between the different levels of development and management decisions, their implementation in the activities of organizational units of construction enterprises, appropriate levers are used that contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the corporate and economic stakeholder management mechanism.

To ensure the development of brand equity, it is necessary to create the conditions for the introduction of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing stakeholders in construction enterprises. The study proposes directions for implementation and use of this mechanism in the activities of construction enterprises:

- analysis of the organizational structure of the studied construction enterprises;

- identification of the features of the functioning of organizational units of enterprises;

- definition of responsibility centers for managing the interaction between stakeholders;

- identifying sources of funding and assessing the appropriateness of spending on the creation or improvement of structural units of construction enterprises that will manage or manage interactions with stakeholders;

- the creation of new business units or the increase of existing business units that will maintain or manage interactions with stakeholders;

- implementation and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism of stakeholder management.

Conclusions. Therefore, the study substantiates the directions of stakeholder management at construction enterprises, considering the experience of foreign corporations. The essential characteristics and features of the functioning of the models of interaction between interested parties were determined that made it possible to propose the use of a partner model at construction enterprises that takes into account the interests and characteristics of the relationship between stakeholders. Based on the study, a monitoring system for managerial decisions and relationships between interested parties, in which the department of information and analytical support is especially important, which ensures the formation and use of data flows by stakeholder groups has been developed. In addition, a Coordination Council was proposed as a decision-making body that is advisory and takes into account the interests of all stakeholder groups. As part of the stakeholder strategy, an organizational and economic mechanism for managing stakeholders in construction companies has been developed. This allows making managerial decisions taking into account the interests of all groups of stakeholders, ensure appropriate monitoring of these decisions at all stages, create a system of information protection, and create a favorable information environment. The proposed organizational and economic management mechanism creates opportunities for the diagnosis of management decisions and the prevention of negative phenomena in the relationships between groups of stakeholders. The developed areas for introducing this mechanism into the activities of construction companies, which are systemic and take into account the specifics of the functioning of enterprise units with the transformation of existing structural units or the creation of new organizational units, are particular importance. A corporate and economic management mechanism, which allows the creation and adoption of managerial decisions considering the interests of groups of stakeholders with which construction companies interact has been developed. Besides, the proposed system of information protection and processing of information flows allows controlling the process of making managerial decisions, their implementation in the

activities of organizational units. The corporate and economic management mechanism provides feedback between levels of management decision making. The possibility of preventing the impact of negative phenomena in the context of interaction of construction companies with stakeholders should be pointed out.


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Феняк Л.А.

ассистент кафедры экономики, Винницкий национальный аграрный университет

Винница, Украина



Feniak L.

Assistant of the Department Economics Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Наблюдаемый на сегодняшний день значительный рост цен на промышленные товары в совокупности с неблагоприятными прогнозами дальнейшего роста цен увеличивает вероятность возникновения диспа-

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