Solieva Malika Abduzuhurovna - Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Abstract: the article discusses role-play as a methodological technique that belongs to the group of active ways of teaching practical knowledge of a foreign language. The basic didactic structures of role-plays for young educators are analyzed. And also main structural components of the teaching role plays are highlighted based on the main characteristic features of all role plays in language learning. The main functions and purpose of role-plays are revealed by analyzing the educational and pedagogical literatures from the point of view of students and teachers.
Keywords: role-playing games, element of games, structure of the game, characteristic features of role-playing games, functions and purpose of role-playing games.
Солиева Малика Абдузухуровна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент, кафедра сравнительного языкознания, факультет зарубежной филологии, Национальный университет Узбекистана им. Мирзы Улугбека, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются ролевые игры как методический прием, относящийся к группе активных способов обучения практическому владению иностранным языком. Анализируются основные дидактические структуры ролевых игр для молодых обучающих. А также выделено 5 основных структурных компонентов обучающей ролевой игры на основе характерных черт всех ролевых игр в обучении языку. Выявлены основные функции и цель ролевых игр с помощью анализа учебно-педагогической литературы с точки зрения учащихся и учителя. Ключевые слова: ролевые игры, элемента игр, структура игры, характерные черты ролевых игр, функции и цель ролевых игр.
UDC 303.01
As experience shows, role-playing games most often have the character of assimilation, i.e. situations that are typical of the surrounding reality are played out in them, which are familiar to students from personal experience (when visiting a movie, museum, etc.) or are observed by them in real life of adults (doctor and patient). Sometimes role-play can be more theatrical: with conflict, climax and denouement. But the element of conventionality is inherent in all types of role-playing game.
The didactic structure of the teaching role-plays is based on the theory of children's role-playing games. According to D.B. Elkonin structure of the children's role plays consists of 4 elements:
1) the roles that children take on;
2) game actions and actions by which children realize their roles and relations between them in the general context of the game;
3) props of the game;
4) real relations between playing children (remarks, comments, regulating the game) [3].
Having extensive experience in playing activities related to pleasant emotions, a teenager
easily and with pleasure accepts a game during the educational process. As experience shows, in foreign language lessons, the game does not lose its attractiveness to students, although they, of course, are aware of non-game characters embedded in the role-playing game, i.e. training goals. However, for the teacher, the structure of the game is complicated precisely by the inclusion of educational tasks, as well as the creation of didactic conditions necessary to achieve game and educational goals [1].
The main features of all role-plays are:
a) the existence of the problem underlying the game;
b) the presence of certain characters / roles that have a different relationship to the issue under discussion;
c) the presence of a problematic situation that contains the conditions for cognitive conflict.
There are 5 main structural components of an educational role-playing game:
1) goals (game and educational);
2) the content of the game (the language material of one or more conversational topics, a set of training situations);
3) a set of roles through which the game is realized;
4) the plot (script) of the game;
5) props.
Role-play in foreign language lessons is used primarily for the development of speaking skills and correlates with both forms of speech: prepared and unprepared, creating the prerequisites for the natural transition of the first to the second. This, in turn, presupposes the preliminary assimilation of linguistic material, the formation of appropriate skills and abilities, which ultimately allow students to focus on the substantive side of their statement.
Researchers have developed certain rules for role-playing games, namely:
- the student must be able to put himself in a situation that may arise in real life;
- the student must adapt to his role in the proposed situation, while in some cases he can play himself, and in others
- take on an imaginary role;
- game participants should focus on the use of foreign language units for communication purposes, and not on their consolidation.
The work on the role in different students proceeds differently. You can use individual, paired and group training. All of them have independent didactic value, allow you to combine classroom and extracurricular activities, educational and educational work.
Role-play in pairs is the easiest type of role play. Here you can use questionnaires that students must fill out by asking each other questions.
The fact that educational roles absorb the capabilities of different types of speech activity provides a variety of functions that they can perform in the educational process.
Consider the main functions of role-playing games:
1. Role play has great potential motivational-stimulating plan. In the process of role-playing, the general motivating background is laid down in the script itself, and the specific situation and the role that the student receives narrow it to a subjective motive and dictates the learner's speech / non-speech behavior.
2. A role-playing game can be regarded as the most accurate model of communication, since it involves the imitation of reality in its most essential features. In a role-playing game, the concept of "communication" is revealed in its entirety as the speech and non-speech behavior of a person in the given circumstances.
3. Role play performs the so-called programming function, i.e. expands the associative base in the assimilation of language material.
4. The role-playing game is inherent in the educational function. The game helps to unite the children's team, as the performance of roles involves the entire group of students who must interact in a coherent manner, accurately take into account each other's reactions, and help each other.
5. Role play has educational value. The student, although in an elementary form, gets acquainted with the technique of the theater, develops artistry, the ability to master gesture and speech. The very reincarnation helps to expand the psychological range, understanding of other people.
In the role-playing game, the communicative function of the language as a means of communication is realized to the maximum extent, and moreover, the very essence of the language. In this regard, we can talk about role-playing as an effective tool in the teaching of oral speech [2].
From the point of view of students, role-play is a game activity during which they play certain roles. The educational nature of the game is often not recognized by them. For the teacher, the goal of the game is the formation and development of speech and student skills. Role-playing game has great potential in terms of implementing the practical, educational and educational tasks facing the subject of "foreign language".
In a properly organized role-playing game, student behavior should be defined in situations. In this case, the selection of training situations should model the speech behavior of each and unite the whole group with a single activity of speech communication. Thus, a role-playing game is a speech, game and educational activity at the same time.
An analysis of the educational literature shows that the role-play:
- this is training in action that improves the quality of training;
- This is a highly motivating factor, because the game is of interest to students, especially in terms of unpredictability of denouement;
- gives students support: suggests what kind of speech models it is possible to express this or that thought in this particular situation;
- It is accompanied by an emotional upsurge, which positively affects the quality of training, increases its effectiveness.
So, we can conclude that the use of role plays gives the learning process a communicative focus, increases the motivation for learning a foreign language and significantly improves the quality of language proficiency. With such an organization of the educational process, the communicative function of the language is best realized, becoming the core of all educational activity in the lesson. The more developed is the communicative function of students, the more interesting is their joint activity, the effect of mastering linguistic material increases. Role play can be considered as one of the active forms of organization of the educational process, which allows to effectively and comprehensively implement the communicative, educational and educational tasks of teaching a foreign language.
References / Список литературы
1. Zimnya 1A. "Psychology of teaching foreign languages at school". M., 1991. 273 p.
2. Kalmulina O.V. Role-plays in teaching dialogic speech // Foreign languages at school,
2003. № 3. 183 p.
3. Elkonin B.D. Child psychology: textbook. Allowance for students. Higher institutions /
ed. comp. 4th ed. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. 384 p.