Copyright © 2023 by Cherkas Global University
Published in the USA
Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)
Issued since 2005.
ISSN 1994-4160
E-ISSN 1994-4195
2023. 19(4): 549-560
DOI: 10.13187/me.2023.4.549
Features of Preparation of Students of the Secondary Vocational Education System in the Direction of Screen Arts
Elena Lomteva a > *, Alexey Demidov a > b > c
a Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation b Public movement "Information for All", Russian Federation c Moscow State Institute of Culture, Russian Federation
Creative industries today is a fast-growing branch of the economy that covers a wide range of areas, from design and media to art, music and computer games, capturing animation and the film industry as a whole. In the conditions of digitalization and globalization, this area is becoming more and more popular and promising. In Russia, creative industries have now become one of the priority areas of economic development, the engine of the leisure and entertainment industry, but also a means of preserving and developing the spirituality and morality of the population. In 2022, the volume of the creative industries market in Russia amounted to 6.9 trillion rubles, which is about 3.5 % of the country's GDP. According to experts, by 2025 this figure will grow to 9.2 trillion rubles. In this regard, the system of secondary vocational education and training (VET) faces the task of training qualified personnel for creative industries.
The relevance of this topic is determined by the demand for personnel in the field of screen arts with secondary vocational education, especially in the conditions of withdrawal from the Russian market of foreign film studios, whose share in 2021 was about 75 % of the total rental in Russia.
The authors of the article come to the conclusion that currently the system of career guidance is poorly focused on college applicants in the areas of training 55.02.00 Screen arts. For a sufficiently large proportion of graduates of the vocational education system, obtaining a specialty in the field of creative industries is an intermediate link for admission to a higher educational institution. The conducted sociological survey showed that this category of young people has not formed an idea about their professional prospects when the main motive for employment is migration to Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to respondents, career support services of educational organizations of vocational education and training provide all possible assistance in finding employment, but this, according to students, is not enough. It can be concluded that without a comprehensive solution to the problem, starting from career guidance at school or even in kindergarten and ending with the involvement of employers in the educational process within the framework of the creation of colleges of creative industries, this issue will be quite difficult to solve.The article was written on the basis of the RANEPA and the MSIC state assignment research programme.
Keywords: animation, dual education, competencies, film industry, creative industries, secondary vocational education and training, labor market, sociology, federal state educational standard screen arts.
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Lomteva), [email protected] (A. Demidov)
1. Introduction
In January 2023, a new federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education (FGOS SPO) 55.02.03 "Film and television production" was approved in Russia. Thus, expanding the range of training programs in the areas of 55.02.01 Theatrical and audiovisual technology (by type) and 55.02.02 Animation (by type).
Today, video creation is one of the most popular forms of art. It combines imagination, fantasy, technology and modern innovative technologies. It allows us to display the world in visual images and sound compositions. Students studying these disciplines acquire the skills of creating photographs, videos, the basics of television journalism and even blogging. All these skills become an integral part of individual culture and are in demand in many professional fields.
The issues of introducing media education into the educational process and the strong informational impact of the film on young people were noted back in 1987 by A. Fedorov (Fedorov, 1987). Media education is a direction in education that is deservedly considered one of the most promising in world practices. It is based on the use of mass communication (media) for the development of personality and the formation of communication skills, creative thinking, critical analysis and perception of media texts. Media literacy plays an important role in modern society, helping people to use information resources such as television, radio, video, cinema, the press and the Internet (Konkina et al., 2021; Razlogov, 2006).
Media education covers a wide range of skills and knowledge. It helps to develop the ability to analyze and interpret media texts, as well as the ability to assess their reliability and reliability. Thanks to media education, people learn to be active consumers of information, and not just passive listeners or viewers. Modern technology and the availability of media means allow everyone to become a content creator (Buckingham. 2010; Galik, 2019; Galikova Tolnaiova, Galik, 2020; Gibson et al., 2000; Toiskin et al., 2023).
Media technology is becoming a powerful tool for self-expression and communication. Through media education, people master various forms of self-expression, such as creating animations, videos, audio recordings, blogs or podcasts (Tyner, 2000; Tyner, 2010; Demidov, 2022; Lomteva et al., 2022). This promotes the development of creative thinking and helps to find your voice in the digital age. In addition, media education helps to develop critical thinking and the ability to analyze information. In today's information society, where fake news and manipulation are becoming more common, it is important to learn to distinguish truth from lies (Chibbaro, 2007; Lee, 2007; Smith et al., 2008; Thoman, 2010; Wright, Wachs, 2020).
Media literacy allows people to develop critical thinking skills and be knowledgeable citizens (Fedorov, 2004; Levitskaya, 2022). Media education also contributes to the development of a culture of communication using media. It helps people understand the peculiarities of the language of media culture, such as genres, styles and ways of transmitting information. This allows them to effectively communicate and interact with other people through various media formats. In general, media education plays an important role in modern education and personal development. It helps people become active participants in the information society and knowledge societies, develops their creativity and critical thinking, and improves communication and communication skills. In the modern world, where media play an increasingly important role, media literacy is becoming an integral part of everyone's education (Demidov, Lomteva, 2022). Therefore, certain requirements should be imposed on the quality of training of middle-level specialists in the 55.02.00 Screen Arts programs aimed at meeting the general cultural, educational and professional needs of society.
At the same time, during the preparation and holding of a number of events organized by the RANEPA and the Moscow State Institute of Culture (MSIC), a deficit was identified and fixed both in the national policy of media education development itself and in the system of training middle-level personnel. The Center for Economics of Continuing Education of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the RANEPA Center for Economics) within the framework of a series of events "Management. Financing. Education" with the participation of the laboratory "Media Culture" of the Moscow State Institute of Culture (hereinafter - IPCC) and the Public Movement "Information for All" (hereinafter - OD "Information for All") held an expert seminar "Additional education of children and youth in the field of cinema and animation: problems of interdepartmental and intersectoral coordination" on June 30, 2023 (Demidov, 2023).
And on August 20, 2023, within the framework of the round table "Development of the animation and CG industry as part of the digital economy of Russia" at the All-Russian Meeting of animators, where leading experts in the field of animation and cluster construction of Russia gathered, employees of the Center for Economics of Continuing Education of RANEPA presented a report "Education for Multimedia in numbers", demonstrating that today the industry animation is not provided with personnel not only for 150 films per year (as stated in the list of instructions of the head of state dated August 17, 2023), but even for 50 full-length cartoons, the minimum production of which was announced by the participants of the round table.
In the higher education system in 2022, 735 students were admitted to such specialties as animation and computer graphics artist, animation and computer graphics (computer games) and animated film artist. Most of them entered on a commercial basis, which indicates a high demand for these professions. However, it is worth noting that only 16 % of the subjects of the Federation offer educational programs in these specialties. This means that the availability of education in these areas varies for students from different regions of the country.
Also in 2022, 635 students were accepted for the specialty of multimedia director and animation and CG director. Of these, 500 students enrolled on a commercial basis. The cost of training for these programs ranges from 220 to 300 thousand rubles, which is the minimum price for obtaining such an education. However, the situation with the system of secondary vocational education in the field of animation is even worse. Most of the training programs in the field of screen arts are focused on a commercial basis, which means that students have to pay tuition. This creates additional barriers for those who want to get a quality education in this area, especially for those who cannot afford to pay for their education. Thus, although the demand for specialists in the field of animation and computer graphics remains high, the availability of education in this field is limited. This could potentially lead to a shortage of qualified personnel in the animation industry in the future. This was the conclusion reached by the speakers from RANEPA, the Moscow State Institute of Culture OD "Information for All", and leading experts in the field of animation - the real sector of creative industries (Lomteva, Demidov, 2023).
2. Materials and methods
The main research methods were the analysis of statistical information from official sources; the study of normative documents on training in the field of creative industries; conducting a sociological study of college students in the areas of training 55.02.00 Screen arts, as well as the analysis of real practices of dual education and social design in the field under consideration.
3. Discussion
Currently, creative industries, including cinematography and animation, are actively developing in the world. It can be noted that the film industry is a fairly significant branch of the economy, bringing quite high incomes to the state. The leading position in the film industry market is occupied by the USA, being one of the largest and dynamically developing sectors of the country's economy. In 2019, the industry provided $188 billion in wages and $9.6 billion in trade surplus. It provides millions of jobs, generates billions of dollars in revenue and has a significant impact on culture and society. According to the US Department of Commerce, in 2019, the industry's revenues from video production and distribution amounted to $ 73 billion. Of these, $34 billion was spent on cinema and animation, and $39 billion on television.
The main sources of income of the industry are:
- licensing of rights to audiovisual works ($19 billion);
- sale of audiovisual works ($10 billion);
- contract production of audiovisual works ($7 billion).
- Exports of audiovisual works from the USA exceed imports by 2.3 times.
The US film and television industry is actively developing, it is increasingly influenced by factors such as:
- the emergence of new production technologies (especially digital);
- methods of selling audiovisual content (including via the Internet);
- currently, there is a tendency in the industry to increase the production of content for streaming services.
The industry employs about 2.5 million people, which is about 1 % of the US workforce. At the same time, the industry is one of the largest employers in the field of creative professions, such as directing, acting, film production and television (Analysis..., 2021).
In Russia, the film industry is in the process of revival. After the collapse of the USSR, it was in disrepair, but in recent years there has been an increase in the production of domestic cinema. The development of the film industry in Russia is largely influenced by the support provided by the state. In particular, the state provides subsidies for the production of films, as well as tax incentives for film companies (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. The volume of state support for film production (2015-2022). Sources: Cinema Foundation, open data portal of the Ministry of Culture of Russia
In 2022, 417 feature films were released in Russia. This is a record figure for the last 20 years. The dynamics of the volume of films produced in Russia is shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Number of Russian films produced by year (2017-2022). Source: open data portal of the Ministry of Culture of Russia
The trend of growth in the volume of films produced in Russia is already constrained by the lack of necessary specialists. As of August 2023, over the past six months, the number of vacancies for actors in Russia has increased by 17 %, while film production specialists can boast of a 77 % increase in vacancies. Experts note that the competition for talented employees has become especially acute between online platforms developing new content and television channels. According to the HeadHunter portal, the number of vacancies in the production and distribution of TV programs and movies (including online cinemas and cable TV) increased by 24 % in the first half of the year. Industries need makeup artists (the number of vacancies increased by 33 % compared to last year), as well as installation and service specialists (an increase of 60 %). At the same time, the demand for procurement specialists in general decreased (by 20 %), and vacancies in top management fell by 17 %. The authors of the Vodacott profile Telegram channel report that there is still a shortage of technical specialists, such as mechanics, focus pullers (assistant focus operators), operators of special stabilization equipment.
To solve this problem, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation took the initiative to create a college of creative industries. A number of authors have already made an attempt to substantiate approaches to the specifics of personnel training for this field: the possibility of creating an electronic information and educational environment for advanced training in the field of creative industries was analyzed (Tabatadze, 2021); a model of personnel training infrastructure for creative industries was developed (Trufanov et al, 2023); employment of personnel in the field of culture in European countries (Dent, 2020), as well as in other jobs (Khestanov, 2018; Uvarov, 2019). However, the issues of young people's choice of specialties in the direction of 55.02.00, their employment and migration were practically not considered.
4. Results
Currently, the support of domestic content producers is one of the most important tasks for the development of creative industries in Russia. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to carry out regulatory regulation of creative activity and create new projects, as well as train personnel capable of working in the field of creative industries. One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the creative industry is its economic success. It is important that domestic content producers have the opportunity to compete in the market and achieve financial success. However, in addition to economic indicators, it is also necessary to take into account the social effect that is created through the development of creative industries. The federal project "Professionalitet" provides huge opportunities for the implementation and support of Russian media, film and animated films, content for social networks, book publishers, the fashion industry and software. This project is aimed at developing and improving the system of secondary special education in the field of creative industries, as well as training qualified specialists who are able to work successfully in these areas. The support of domestic content producers not only contributes to the development of the economy, but is also able to create a powerful social effect. Russian films, cartoons and media content can not only entertain and inspire people, but also convey national values, history and culture of the country. In addition, the development of the fashion and software industry contributes to the prestige and competitiveness of Russia on the world stage. It is important to understand that the development of creative industries requires an integrated approach and cooperation between representatives of culture, creative business and professional education.
Currently, the pilot project "Training of personnel for creative industries in the system of secondary vocational education based on the model of the College of Creative Industries" is being implemented in 7 regions of Russia - Kaliningrad Region, Republic of Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). First of all, this is due to the fact that most of these regions already have similar experience. According to the training programs for mid-level specialists 55.02.01 Theatrical and audiovisual equipment (by type), recruitment in 2023 took place in 5 regions: Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Irkutsk region. According to the training programs 55.02.02 Animation (by type) this year the reception was held in 12 regions -Moscow, Moscow Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvash Republic, Orenburg Region, Chelyabinsk Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Tomsk Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Figure 3).
Thus, the share of students in these specialties in the total number of students in the system of secondary vocational education does not exceed 0.06 %. This can partly be explained by the low
resource capabilities of the system, including both the necessary human resources and the necessary material and technical base. In this regard, a fairly large proportion of young people choose colleges at higher educational institutions for admission - the share of those receiving secondary vocational education majors in the direction of 55.00.00 Screen Arts at universities in 2023 was 19.9 %.
Fig. 3. Admission to state professional educational organizations in 2023 in the areas of training 55.02.00, people. Source: data from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
The demand for specialists in the field of creative industries suggests that the share of employed graduates of the vocational education system should be quite high. According to the Federal Service for Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation, the employment of college graduates in the direction of 55.00.00 on average in Russia in 2022 amounted to 63.9 % (Figure 4).
Of the remaining share of graduates, slightly more than half (54.5 %) already had a permanent job at the time of graduation, and 8.2 % of graduates continued their studies in higher education programs. In 2 regions, the Vladimir region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the share of employed was 100 %. When we talk about creative industries, it is impossible not to mention the Yakut cinema, which is a real phenomenon. According to the results of 2019, Yakutia ranked third among the regions of Russia in terms of film production, second only to Moscow and St. Petersburg. From 8 to 10 films are produced annually in the republic. In recent years, Yakut film producers have received many awards on the Russian and international stages. Among these films are Private Chaerin, His daughter, Scarecrow, Hara Haar, Agent Mambo and many others. A list of the most popular Soviet films can be found in the book of A. Fedorov (Fedorov, 2023).
Separately, we would like to focus on the social portrait of school graduates who have linked their future lives with cinema. In April-June 2023, the Center for the Economics of Continuing Education conducted a sociological survey of final-year students of professional educational organizations. The purpose of the sociological survey was to study the educational and professional tracks of SPO graduates. The sample of the study was 1,098 respondents from the Sverdlovsk region. Volgograd and Ivanovo regions. The purpose of the study was to study the educational and professional practices of students of secondary vocational education, studying in the direction of 55.02.00 Screen arts. A large proportion of students in this field of training are girls, their share is
almost 89 %, 86.2 % went to the vocational education system after grade 9, the rest preferred to finish grade 11.
ci 0 10 10 G Tverregion, Tver College îiamedafterN.A. Lviv 1
il G 10 10 Cl 0 Moscow, "Theatrical Art and Technical College" '
CI G 10 10 G Moscow, "Theatrical Art and Technical College" '
CI G 10 10 Cl 0 Moscow, "Ivan Fedorov Moscow Publishing and | Printing College"
Cl G 10 10 Cl 0 Moscow, MoscowInternationalFilm School 1
Cl G 10 10 Cl 0 Moscow, "College of Entrepreneurship 11" 1
Cl G 10 10 G Moscow, College ot Entrepreneurship 11 1
Cl G 10 10 G Vladimir region, "Vladimir Regional College of Art | Culture"
Cl G 10 10 Cl 0 Omsk region, "Omsk Music and Pedagogical College" 1
Cl G 10 10 G St. Petersburg, "St. Petersburg State Institute of | Cinema and Television"
Cl G 10 10 Cl 0 Udmurt Republic, "College of Information and | Multimedia Technologies"
Cl G 10 10 G Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), "Yakut College of Arts | Culture"
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 So 90 100
Fig. 4. The share of employed college graduates in the direction of 55.00.00 Screen arts in 2022. Source: data from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
Of those who entered the specialty 55.02.00 came from an ordinary, secondary school 64.6 %, one of the best - 2.3 %. Speaking about the academic performance of those entering college, respondents noted that 72.3 % studied "well" in the last grades of school, 12.3 % -"excellent", 15.4 % received a certificate with satisfactory grades.
Of interest is the answer to the question "By the time you graduated from school, did you already imagine what you wanted to do professionally?" only a third had an idea about the future specialty, 47.7 % had a general idea, and 23.1 % had practically no idea about the future specialty. This, first of all, indicates a weak system of professional orientation in the field of creative industries, which of course affects the contingent of students and with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that this part of the youth will not go into the profession.
Among the main motives for choosing training in the specialties 55.02.01 Theatrical and audiovisual technology (by type) and 55.02.02 Animation (by type) was its prestige. Almost 97 % of respondents answered this way, noting also the ease of employment after graduation (Figure 5). Interest in obtaining these specialties was noted only in 46.2 % of students. Until now, a fairly large proportion of young people follow their parents' advice when choosing a specialty (16.9 % of respondents), almost 14 % of students were guided when choosing a future specialty only by the ease of admission.
Itwas all the same, chosen by chance
It was assumed that with this specialty it would be possible to get a well-paid job
Itwas assumed that with this specialty you can easily find a job
Ease of admission and subsequent training Itwas a popular, prestigious specialty-Teacher recommendations Interest 111 the specialty Family tradition, professional dynasty-Advice from parents, relatives
,o 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0
Fig. 5. Motives for choosing specialties according to training programs 55.00.00. Screen arts, %
At the time of receiving secondary vocational education, 50.8 % of students already had a permanent job. Of those who did not work, ideas about plans after college were divided into the following groups: 41.1 % are going to get a higher education, 28.2 % are looking for a job, 2.3 % of young people do not want to work and do not want to study.
When applying for employment, most graduates are going to use the connections of relatives and acquaintances, as well as the services of recruiting agencies. College career support services are not actively used by students. 23.8 % of students found it difficult to answer the question whether they have such a service in an educational organization, 27.6 % of respondents did not turn to the help of this Service and are not going to, 29.2 % plan to apply, in fact, use the potential of the educational organization when employing 19.4 % of final-year students. But it is colleges that first of all should build ties with employers in the industry at the stage of career guidance and training. make the necessary adjustments to the educational process in order to master the competencies necessary for work.
When preparing educational programs for college students in the specialties 55.02.00, it is necessary to take into account the following trends:
1) Digitalization. Creative industries are increasingly relying on digital technologies. Therefore, in educational programs it is necessary to pay attention to such disciplines as programming, design, 2D and 3D modeling, etc.
2) Multidisciplinary. Creative industries often require a combination of different skills and knowledge. Therefore, educational programs should be focused on the formation of a broad outlook and flexibility of thinking among students.
3) Practical orientation. Students should have the opportunity to gain practical skills of working in real projects as part of the implementation of the policy of development of dual education. Therefore, educational programs should include internships and internships in specialized organizations.
Unfortunately, this is one of the main issues that needs to be addressed in the near future. Since even when selecting applications for participation of educational organizations in the experiment on the creation of colleges of creative industries, the main reason for rejecting applications was the lack of a systematic practice of interaction of educational organizations with partners, as well as a model of partnership and interdepartmental interaction was not provided.
A striking example of building a dual model with the earliest possible career guidance is the activity of the Department of Animation and Multimedia of the IPCC, where Moscow schoolchildren either directly enter the IPCC after receiving a general full education, or choose the
trajectory of higher education through the SPO system, enrolling after school in the Center for Audiovisual Technologies of the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of Moscow College of Entrepreneurship No. 11, where they are trained in animation and animation cinema. In addition to two computer classes, the profile department of the university has several practically production sites where MGIK students, but also schoolchildren and college students, within the framework of a partnership of educational organizations, themselves, but under the guidance of the creators of the best animation products in Russia, the same animated series "Masha and the Bear", begin to create their animation products in the techniques of shifting, puppet, 3D and so on, up to the animation of paint on glass. At the same time, the trainees' practice began not at the university bench, but at school, as part of the implementation of the social project "Animation in your smartphone", which has already covered more than half of the regions of Russia, but also Belarus, Kazakhstan, Serbia and a number of other countries.
Earlier it was noted that the pilot project "Training of personnel for creative industries in the system of secondary vocational education based on the model of the College of Creative Industries" is being implemented in 7 regions of Russia - Kaliningrad Region, Republic of Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It must be said that these regions, but also with the active presence of the Republic of Crimea, are most effectively involved in the implementation of the Animation in Your Smartphone project. And the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) begin the earliest possible career guidance in the field of animation already from preschool age within the framework of the 2nd project (Yakutsk+Yalta). In Yakutia, within the framework of this project, more than 50 cartoons have already been created by preschoolers with the participation of educators and parents, placed as copyright objects on the server space of the National Library of Yakutia.
The problem of migration of college graduates remains an important issue of employment, since a significant part of them are going to change their location and find employment in other regions, not always in their specialty. Summary data of the survey on youth migration plans are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Territorial and settlement orientations in employment after graduation, % of those suggesting the possibility of finding a job outside the region of study, no more than two answers were allowed
Groups The region in which they are supposed to look for work
In a region other than Moscow and St. Petersburg In Moscow or St. Petersburg Abroad
Generally 29.8 37.3 8.7
Men 31.0 42.4 10.5
Women 28.8 32.5 7.0
Regional centers 27.8 42.1 11.3
Non-capitalcities 31-7 33.0 6.3
Only about 40 % of graduates are confidently focused on staying in the city of study after graduation. At the same time, attention is drawn to the number of the group (more than a third of the respondents), whose representatives have not yet made the appropriate decision.
The significant factors that most influence the perception of the success of employment by young people include: the content of the job, the initial level of remuneration and prospects for its increase, career prospects, as well as the comfort of the schedule and working hours.
5. Conclusion
Screen arts play an important role in educational processes, and their importance is growing every year. In the list of instructions of the head of state dated January 27, 2021, addressed to the Ministers of Education and Culture, it was instructed to prepare proposals for the development of film education at school, and in the order of August 17, 2023, the Russian Government was instructed to organize the development of animation, but also creative industries in their normative
dimension. Currently, the study of screen arts is not limited only to professionals working in the field of video production. They have become an integral part of humanitarian education and penetrate into various spheres of our life, in order to promote a correct understanding of the quality of video content, specialists in the field of film education and media pedagogy are needed, whose training begins in pedagogical colleges primarily for the preschool education system. In addition, screen arts are actively used in the media and on other media platforms. In the modern world, where information is transmitted mainly through videos and images, it is important to learn how to critically analyze and interpret media materials. Teaching media literacy skills allows people to understand the information flow and distinguish facts from opinions, which is very important in the conditions of information confrontation and, in fact, information wars. However, it is necessary not only to follow new technological trends, but also to preserve and develop traditions and creative processes. All too often forget about the importance of creativity and that digital technologies should serve as a tool for the implementation of ideas, and not become an end in itself. We cannot rely entirely on tradition alone, otherwise there is an imbalance. We need to introduce new technologies while preserving the experience gained over decades. A possible solution to this problem may be the creation of colleges of creative industries, which will be dedicated to modern media, cinema and media education in general. These educational institutions will foster the development of new talents and promote innovation in the field of screen arts, but also digital transformation and technological independence.
In terms of the resource capabilities of colleges of creative arts, it is quite realistic to train personnel with not only creative, but also technical, managerial and entrepreneurial competencies, where the economic and legal aspects of management should not be in the last place.
Pilot projects are already being implemented in Russia to create new educational programs for creative industries. These programs include such areas as: computer graphics and animation; design; modern media and content production; art. The new educational programs are focused on the training of highly qualified specialists with competencies in demand in the labor market.
Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations can be formulated for the training of personnel for the field of creative industries in educational organizations of SPO:
1. Improving career guidance work with children and youth, starting from preschool age.
2. Expanding the interaction of colleges with employers and other social and economic partners.
3. Improvement of the system of training and retraining of pedagogical personnel for the training of specialists in the field of screen arts and media education in general.
4. Development of forms and expansion of state support for gifted students, creation of special programs to help talented children and youth.
5. The formation of a modern material and technical base necessary for the successful functioning of this system, the organization of practices based on the main employers of the industry, the development of a dual education system taking into account the specifics of creative industries.
6. Ensuring regular exchange of experience in the field of education both at the regional and federal, but also at the international level.
7. Unambiguous integration of specialized educational organizations of the SPO system into the process of creative cluster construction in all regions of the country, despite the fact that in small agglomerations colleges should assume the function of anchor structures in the created municipal creative cultural and educational clusters.
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