Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2021. Т. 10. № 4(37)
ISSN print: 2311-0066; ISSN online: 2712-9780
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ABDULLAYEVA Mehriban Aliabbas, assistant professor Baku Slavic University (AZ1014, Azerbaijan, Baku, Suleyman Rustam street, 33, e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract. Turkmens mainly belong to the Oghuz tribes that appeared on the historical scene after the VIII century with a combination of Kynyk, Salur, Kai, Bayat, Beidilli. There are very few studies in Azerbaijani linguistics related to Turkmen onomastics. Onomastic units are language units that are common all over the world today. Their main difference from other language units is that no matter what language they are used in, these words remain unchanged, but only the sounds change. The main reason for the spread of onomastic names, of course, is the migration of the population. Every nation strives to preserve and perpetuate its origin in the areas where they have transferred something. National and moral values may change over time and be forgotten as new generations appear. Onyms, especially place names, rarely change, but even in this case they are saved in registration documents. Such names are more common in Turkey. Turkey is interesting because of its unique location and population diversity (in terms of ethnicity). In this article, the main direction of our research is to identify and etymological analysis of Turkmens living in different parts of Turkey, and their onomastic units. Keywords: Oguz, Turkmens, Turkey, toponym, etymology, onomastics
© Автор(ы) 2021
АБДУЛЛАЕВА Мехрибан Алиаббас гызы, доцент
Бакинский славянский университет (AZ1014, Азербайджан, Баку, улица Сулеймана Рустама, 33, e-mail: [email protected]) Аннотация. Туркмены в основном принадлежат к огузским племенам, которые появились после VIII века с сочетанием кынык, салур, кай, баят, бейдилли. В азербайджанской лингвистике очень мало исследований, связанных с туркменской ономастикой. Ономастические единицы - это языковые единицы, которые сегодня распространены во всем мире. Их главное отличие от других языковых единиц заключается в том, что независимо от того, на каком языке они используются, эти слова остаются неизменными, но меняются только звуки. Основной причиной распространения ономастических названий, безусловно, является миграция населения. Национальные и нравственные ценности могут со временем меняться и забываться по мере появления новых поколений. Онимы, особенно топонимы, редко меняются, но даже в этом случае они сохраняются в регистрационных документах. Такие имена чаще встречаются в Турции. Турция интересна своим уникальным местоположением и разнообразием населения (с точки зрения этнической принадлежности). В данной статье основным направлением наших исследований является выявление и этимологический анализ туркмен, проживающих в разных частях Турции, и их ономастических единиц. Ключевые слова: огуз, туркмены, Турция, топоним, этимология, ономастика
General formulation of the problem and its connection with important scientific and practical problems. Onomastic units are proper names used in the language. One of the most relevant research areas in modern linguistics is onomastic units, the study of their signs and features. The article provides detailed information about some historical and cultural names that are associated with the ethnic group of Turkmens living in Turkey, analyzes the etymological root of these names. Turkmens are the eastern branch of the Oguz group of Turkic peoples. The Oguz-Turkmens spread to Khorasan, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, and especially to Anatolia and other countries, which led to a significant reduction in their number on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. Turkmens, as one of the Turkic peoples, are distinguished by a greater attachment to their traditions, national values and roots. Perhaps for this reason, they managed to perpetuate their toponyms in the places where they live. It seems that Turkmens are more settled in the so-called regions of Antalya, Izmir and Aydinli in Turkey. In addition to assigning the names of their dynasties to places where Turkmens often settled, they also took into account local peculiarities.
Analysis of recent studies and publications, which considered aspects of this problem and on which the author justifies; highlighting previously unresolved parts of a common problem. Many works have been devoted to this problem [5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]. We mainly relied on the works of Kashgari M., Sumer F., Khalilov B., etc., who analyzed the history of onomastic names in the Turkic languages. During the research, materials from the National Library of Azerbaijan were used, conclusions based on their analysis. The article examines the ancient forms of personal Turkmen names in Turkey. The study of the basics of personal names preserved in the names of territorial localities, and names with ancient forms in the modern vocabulary, allowed us to determine the origin of some of them from a common root or a word close
in lexical and semantic meaning.
Formation of the goals of the article. The main goal of the paper is to provide information about the Turkmens' names in Turkey, and to conduct an etymological analysis by collecting the names - toponyms of the territories in which they live.
Methods, techniques and technologies used. The article uses the method of linguoculturological analysis, which reveals the essence and considers the text as a phenomenon of culture and the perception of cultural information in the linguistic sign and the text as a whole.
Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results obtained.
Avshar village - Dinar (Dombayova bujaghi) - Afyon - it was founded in 1919 by the Afshar dynasty from the Turkmen tribe.
According to the Oguz-Kagan saga, the Afshars are one of the 24 Oguz tribes, and according to Mahmud Gashgari, this is the sixth of the twenty - two Oguz tribes in the "Divani Lugat-it-Turk". This family comes from the right branch of the Boz-Oguz, a descendant of the Afshars, the eldest of the four sons of Ulduz Khan, the son of Oguz-Kagan. The Afshars lived in Central Asia, in the Syrdarya region, called Oguz Eli in the epics "Dede Gorgus". They arrived in Anatolia by mass migration through Khuzistan, Khorasan and partly through Iraq and Syria, and then spread to Iran, Iraqi Syria, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. The Afshars, like other descendants of the Oguz, founded such a state as the Kynyks and Syuryushi, and raised great rulers and dynasties.
After the division and weakening of the Great Seljuk State, the Afshars founded principalities in the first half of the XII century, to some extent independent and to some extent related to the Iraqi Seljuks. Afshars live in the districts of Kayseri, Adana, Kahramanmaras, Konya, Ankara, Hatay, Gaziantep, Sivas, Malatya, Balikesir, Aydin, Isparta and
ABDULLAYEVA Mehriban Aliabbas
Baltic Humanitarian Journal. 2021. T. 10. № 4(37)
ISSN print: 2311-0066; ISSN online: 2712-9780
Manisa in Turkey.
We find the name of this tribe in the book of Mahmud Kashgari "Divani-Lugat-it-Turk" [1, p.58]. According to Faruk Sumer, the Afshars are the only Oghuz tribes that began to play an important role in history in the XI century and retained their name [2, p. 257]. According to Rashidaddin, Afshar means mobile and eager to hunt wild animals. Afshars also played an important role in pre-Islamic history.
There are different opinions about the etymology of the ethnonym. Here is the most convincing of them, belonging to Professor B. Khalilov: It can be assumed that the first component of the ethnonym - av // af // ov. Ar // er is used in the ancient Turkic language to mean "man, husband". Afshar was formed from a combination of av // af // ov and ar // er components. It can also be assumed that the ethnonym afshar came from the name of a person who, according to Rashidaddin, is related to the grandson of Oghuz Aushar, and the names of the descendants of the Oghuzs then became the tribal names of the Oghuzs.
M. Kashgari noted that the name of the son of Yulduz Khan is not Aushar, but Avesh // Aush. It is possible that in order to become the name of the Avesh // Aush tribe, a component of the ethnonym "af' was added to it, meaning "man, husband". Aveshar // Aushar later became Efshar // Afshar (Af§ar // Efshar). The fact that the word Afshar means "enthusiastic, agile and agile in hunting wild animals" suggests that hunting was more developed within the Oghuz tribes, they were distinguished by heroism and courage [3, pp. 101-102].
Bayatbademler district (Bayatbadamlar) - Korkuteli-Antalya-Bedemle is a Turkmen village known as Bademli since 1928. Korkuteli is a village of Bayat Turkmens who moved here from the Bayat district. Supporters of one of the points of view associate the name "bayati" with the word "boyat", which means "old, outdated". However, this idea does not seem very convincing. Because it would be incorrect to explain bayati in the meaning of "old, outdated", which reflects the current state of a person's life, living conditions and various feelings and emotions associated with them. It seems to us that there is only a coincidence between these words. According to another point of view, the word "bayati" is the name of a totem.
Professor A. Demirchizade believes that a person at the stage of cosmic consciousness cannot separate his collective and tribe both from himself and from the totem. Therefore, this person called both the collective and the totem of the labor process, which has one and the same name, "Bayati". In folklore, the most widely spread opinion is that the word bayati is associated with the name of one of the Oguz tribes - "Bayat". This opinion, first expressed by S. Mumtaz, was also defended by A. Abid, F. Korpulu, M. Khakimov. S. Mumtaz came to the conclusion that Bayat is the grandson of Oguz Khan, the second son of Gun Khan. For his intelligence and ingenuity, he received the name "Bayat", which means "famous".
Based on this, the author believes that this is where the name of the Bayat tribe came from, and this image originated from the word "Bayati". Although even European Turkologists support this point of view, there are also those who disagree with this opinion. However, it should be borne in mind that not all processes in a language always obey its mechanical laws. There are exceptions, and this is natural. In our folklore, there is also a tradition to call a form of poetry by the name of the tribe that created it [4].
The current name of the district should be "Bayat Bademlisi", but it was changed to Bayat Bademleri. Due to the large number of almond trees growing in this valley, the names of the villages here were formed together with the names of the villages from which the Korkuteli nomads came. It is noted that the population of the village of Bayat Bademlisi are Turkmens who moved here from the village of Korkuteli / Bayat. Until recently, the upper village of Kargin Bademlisi was used only as a tent city. The village of Akkoch
is known as "Yeryuk Bademlisi".
Haydarli municipality - Dinar (Haydarli bujaghi) -Afyon. This village was known as Cholabad district since 1876, Haidarli district since 1928, and then Cholovasy. This village, which is mentioned under both names in historical sources, was built by Turkmens. Known in historical sources as Cholabat or Cholovasi, the area is now part of the municipality of Dinar with a population of more than 10,000 people. It is one of two urban settlements with a hospital in Turkey. It is an administrative and economic center consisting of 7 settlements and 9 villages, known as "Cholovasy". Cholovasy is a territory inhabited by Turkmen tribes known as Danyshmend Turkmens. In particular, the Jevanshir tribe of the Danyshmend community settled mainly in Cholovasy.
Kaykilli village - Karahalli - U§ak is a village that was built by the Turkmens in 1481. The first historical information about this place dates back to 1481. It is also claimed that the village has an Avshar origin, as a result of the settlement of two Turkmens named Karye Kaukulu and Veli with their families. These two houses consisted of a place called Erembeg. In 1898, the number of houses here reached 83, and the population - 517 people.
Kurdkoy was built by Turkmens. In 1919, the village was renamed to Patirkurtkoy. Although the ancient name is "Kurtkoyu", it is noted that it is associated with the Danishmendli Turkmens. According to the information, the village was built in the XVII century by the Danishmendli Turkmen dynasties. The villagers still consider themselves Turkmen. The reason why the village is called "Kurdish" is that this dynasty came from the east of Anatolia, so the area where they lived was named by the indigenous inhabitants. Information about this is available in the Registration Book of the city of Afyon.
Karahayit district - Efeler (Dalama bujaghi) - Aydin -the district was built by the Turkmens in 1916.
Eldelek district - Salihli (Karatash bujaghi) - Manisa -the area was built in 1891. Halep / Rakka is the name of the Turkmen community, probably because the Turkmen who migrated from Aleppo settled there.
Kuchuklu district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - was built by the Turkmen in 1912.
Chivgalar district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - was built by the Turkmen in 1912.
Kayabashi district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - was built by the Turkmen in 1912.
Osmankalfalar district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) - Antalya - was built by the Turkmen in 1911.
Yeshiloba district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - was built by the Turkmen in 1911.
Chikinova /Chirkinoba district - According to the local population, the old and real name is Gechirgin Oba. May 11, 1956 became the village of Yashiloba. The willow lake has dried up here, the territory has expanded.
Mamatlar district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - was founded by the Turkmen in 1914 and was called Mahmutlar. In 1928 the area was renamed Mamatlar.
Soyut district - Korkuteli (Kizilcadagh bujaghi) -Antalya. The district was built by the Turkmens in 1912: the real Soyut Mahali was supposed to be a place called Boyuk Manai. Because the lake with the same name dried up and was named Boyuk Manai. Turkmens live here. The reason is that the Turkmens, who have settled around the lake since ancient times, chose the name of the lake for their area. For this reason, when the lake dried up, its location was known under a different name.
Duraliler highland - Korkuteli - Antalya - was built by the Turkmens in 1912.
Kiziljadagh district - Korkuteli (Kiziljadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - a district built in 1936 by the Sunni Turkmen. It was built by the Turkmens in 1912 under the name Buyuk Piyadin. Kyzyljadag was the name of the administrative unit, Piyadin was the name of the central village, and after 1946 the village was renamed Kyzyljadag.
Kizilaliler district - Korkuteli (Kiziljadagh bujaghi) -
OECD: 6.02 Languages and literature; ASJC: 3310; WoS Subject Categories: OY
Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2021. Т. 10. № 4(37)
ISSN print: 2311-0066; ISSN online: 2712-9780
Antalya - was built by the Turkmen in 1912.
Chighighlik highland - Korkuteli - Antalya - was built by the Turkmens in 1912.
Bahcheyaka district - Korkuteli (Kiziljadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - built in 1928 by the Sunni Turkmen. The original name of the area was "Yalynli Sagir", and in 1968 the name of the village was changed to "Bakhcheyaka".
Nebiler district - Korkuteli (Kiziljadagh bujaghi) -Antalya - the district was built by the Turkmens in 1912.
Tekin village - Dinar - Afyon - the village was built by the Turkmens in 1946.
Yakakoy village - Dinar - Afyon. The village was founded in 1928 by the Turkmen tribes Bigaqgi A§irati from Danishmandli and the first name was Seyidmelek.
Chaghlayan village - Dinar (Dombayova bujaghi) -Afyon - the village was founded by Turkmens in 1928 and was called Chadykey. The population of the village is Turkmen, who belong to the Turkmen tribe from Danishmendli Golegir. They are also blood relatives of the village of Kazanpinar.
Kazanpinar village - Dinar (Dombayova bujaghi) -Afyon - it has been inhabited by Turkmens since 1919. The villagers still call themselves Turkmens, and they all belong to the Golegir tribe of Turkmens from Danishmendli. In addition, they are considered relatives of the Turkmen village of Chaglayan.
Yeshilyayla village - Korkuteli - Antalya - one of the Turkmen villages, which was called Yavuz in 1928 and Andijan in 1914. In 1984, the villages of Yavuz (Andida) and Belen merged into a municipality and were renamed Yashilayla. During excavations in these places, coins of Andida or Sandida of the I century BC were found.
Chomakli district - Korkuteli - Antalya. This is one of the oldest Turkmen villages. It was registered as Phogla in the II century BC. Since 1530, his name has been mentioned in sources as Fighla, and since 1928 as Chomaklidede.
Akcha village - Dinar (Dombayova bujaghi) - Afyon - one of the Turkmen villages registered in 1919 under the name Akchekoy. According to Turkish researcher Alparslan Kartal, the population comes from the Suleymanli or Selmanli tribes living in the Danishmendli region of Turkmenistan.
Chayustu village - Dinar (Dombayova bujaghi) - Afyon. This is one of the Turkmen villages, known as Kimilli since 1919 and Chayustu Kimilli since 1946. The inhabitants of the village are known as Gimilli.
Tepekoy village - Emirdag (Umraniye bujaghi) - Afyon. In 1968, this village was known as Kuiruklu. It was built by Turkmens who moved to Turkey in the early twentieth century.
Gokcheyaka village - Emirdag - Afyon. The village was registered in 1928 as Genlik, and in 1960 as Geynik. According to the source, the ancestors of the villagers are Turkmens from Aleppo.
Tekeler district - Karpuzlu - Aydin. The only Turkmen settlement in this area dates back to 1891. Turkmens have many villages in different parts of Turkey, especially in Izmir.
The Teke-Turkmens were one of the largest Turkmen tribes that were resettled by Keimir Kor at the beginning of the XVIII century in the Merv and AkhalTeke oases in the foothills of Kopekdag in the Mangyshlag region. The name of the tribe is associated with the "goat", which is considered a kind of mountain goat, considered an ancient totem and brand.
Conclusions of the study and prospects for further research in this direction. In general, there are many territories in Turkey inhabited by Turkmens and named by them. The history of the Turkmen migration to these areas has ancient roots.The ancient Turkic Alans, Aaks and Kaspi, who lived in this region, also played an important role in the formation of the Oguz-Turkmen culture. According to historical sources, the ethnic name "Turkmen" has been known since the V century, but it became popular in the X century. Just as Western historians call the Turkmens pure-blooded Turks, some authors consider them to be the roots of
the Turkic peoples. The Turkmens spread to Syria, Iraq and Turkey, settled in these areas with dynasties, built their own villages and settlements, living their traditions and names for many years, and brought them to our days.
Onomastic names that have passed through various stages of the development of society are ancient artifacts that have been passed down from century to century. When analyzing the values from a historical point of view, we find the preservation of various information. Old lexical-semantic and lexical-grammatical relations that are not visible externally, and are determined only with the help of an anthrop-onymic meaning. These connections emphasize the integrity of the Turkmen toponymy in Turkey, as well as the general principles of the name of education.
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Статья поступила в редакцию 01.08.2021
Статья принята к публикации 27.11.2021