FEATURES OF NEWSPAPER HEADLINES TRANSLATION (BASED ON “THE GUARDIAN”) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bondareva A.F., Sereda E.

This article is dedicated to the translation analysis of the headlines of the British newspaper “The Guardian”. The study of newspaper headlines and methods of their transfer from a foreign language into Russian is relevant in a constant flow of information. Newspaper headlines are of great importance in modern life as they perform the task of attracting the reader's attention and conveying essential information at the same time. In this work, we review in detail the types of translation transformations by which the English-language titles are translated. Considerable attention is paid to particular examples of headlines and the identification of their translation specifics. Based on the study of the features of the newspaper headlines translation, the most frequently used transformations in the translation into Russian are identified and detailed statistics are given.

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.
iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.

Особенности перевода газетных заголовков (на материале газеты “The Guardian”)

Данная статья посвящена анализу перевода заголовков британской газеты The Guardian на русский язык. Изучение газетных заголовков и способов их передачи с иностранного языка на русский язык является актуальным в условиях постоянного потока информации. Газетные заголовки имеют большое значение в современном мире, выполняя задачи по привлечению внимание читателя и в то же время передаче важной информации. В данной работе подробно рассматриваются разновидности переводческих трансформаций, с помощью которых осуществляется перевод англоязычных заголовков. Значительное внимание уделяется конкретным примерам заголовков и выявлению специфики их перевода. На основе изучения особенностей перевода газетных заголовков установлены наиболее часто применяемые трансформации при переводе на русский язык, а также приведена детальная статистика.


следования. В такой интерпретации именно филологическая теория перевода, а не лингвистическая и тем более не семиотическая как ее частные случаи имеет «законное право по истории и по эмпирическому объекту» выступать в качестве общей теории перевода в рамках открытой системы, логически включающей в себя в качестве частных и специальных целый ряд лингвистических, стилистических, лингво-семиотических, терминологических, а также и другие конкретные переводческие модели.


1. минъяр-Белоручев Р. к. Теория и методы перевода. М.: Московский лицей, 1996. 298 с.

2. топер П. м. Перевод в системе сравнительного литературоведения. М.: Наследие, 2000. 254 с.

3. комиссаров В. н. Современное переводоведение: учеб. пособие. М.: ЭТС, 2001. 424 с.

4. никитин м. м. Предел семиотики // Вопросы языкознания. 1997. № 1. С. 3-14.

5. Алексеева и. С. Профессиональное обучение переводчика: учеб. пособие. СПб.: Союз, 2001. 288 с.

6. казакова т. А. Художественный перевод: учеб. пособие. СПб.: Ин-т внешнеэкономич. связей, экономики и права, 2002. 113 с.

7. De Waard J., Nida E. A. From one language to another: Functional Equivalence in Bible Translating. Nashville: Nelson, 1986. 224 p.

8. Цвиллинг м. Я. Переводоведение как синтез знания // Тетради переводчика. 1999. Вып. 24. С. 32-37.

9. крюков А. н. Межъязыковая коммуникация и проблема понимания // Перевод и коммуникация. М.: Ин-т языкознания РАН, 1997. С. 73-82.

10. Вопросы теории перевода в зарубежной лингвистике / под ред. В. Н. Комиссарова. М.: Международные отношения, 1978. 232 с.

11. Mounin G. Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1963. 290 p.

12. швейцер А. Д. Перевод и лингвистика: учебник. М.: Воениздат, 1973. 280 с.

13. Соссюр Ф. дe. Труды по языкознанию. М.: Прогресс, 1977. 695 с.

УДК 81'25

А. Ф. Бондарева, Е. Середа

Особенности перевода газетных заголовков (на материале газеты "The Guardian")

А. F. Bondareva, E. Sereda. Features of Newspaper Headlines Translation

(Based on "The Guardian")

Данная статья посвящена анализу перевода заголовков британской газеты "The Guardian" на русский язык. Изучение газетных заголов-

This article is dedicated to the translation analysis of the headlines of the British newspaper "The Guardian". The study of news-

Алина Федоровна Бондарева — студент Санкт-Петербургского университета технологий управления и экономики.

Елена Середа — доцент Санкт-Петербургского университета технологий управления и экономики, кандидат филологических наук. © Бондарева А. Ф., Середа Е., 2019

ков и способов их передачи с иностранного языка на русский язык является актуальным в условиях постоянного потока информации. Газетные заголовки имеют большое значение в современном мире, выполняя задачи по привлечению внимание читателя и в то же время передаче важной информации. В данной работе подробно рассматриваются разновидности переводческих трансформаций, с помощью которых осуществляется перевод англоязычных заголовков. Значительное внимание уделяется конкретным примерам заголовков и выявлению специфики их перевода. На основе изучения особенностей перевода газетных заголовков установлены наиболее часто применяемые трансформации при переводе на русский язык, а также приведена детальная статистика.

ключевые слова: заголовок; газетный заголовок; перевод заголовков; трансформация; «Гардиан».

контактные данные: 190103, Санкт-Петербург, Лермонтовский пр., д. 44, лит. А.

paper headlines and methods of their transfer from a foreign language into Russian is relevant in a constant flow of information. Newspaper headlines are of great importance in modern life as they perform the task of attracting the reader's attention and conveying essential information at the same time. In this work, we review in detail the types of translation transformations by which the English-language titles are translated. Considerable attention is paid to particular examples of headlines and the identification of their translation specifics. Based on the study of the features of the newspaper headlines translation, the most frequently used transformations in the translation into Russian are identified and detailed statistics are given.

Keywords: headline; newspaper headline; headlines translation; transformation; The Guardian.

Contacts: Lermontovskiy Ave 44/A, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 190103.

The headline is an indispensable and integral part of any newspaper and newspaper article. This is the utmost actual and generally first thing that a reader sees and further understands whether he should read the article disposed. It is particularly the title that draws the reader's attention to the article contents.

Quite often, while translating a headline from English into Russian, various kinds of transformations are used. One of the classifications was proposed by the Russian Professor V. N. Komissarov. The linguist divides translation transformations into three groups: lexical, grammatical and lexical-grammatical. To each group of transformations he relates various translation techniques. Thus, lexical transformations include transcription and transliteration, calques, and lexical-semantic replacements (specification, generalization, modulation). Grammatical transformations are formed by grammatical replacements, syntactic analogy, the division of sentences and sentence integration. The following methods belong to lexical-grammatical transformations: antonymic translation, explication, compensation [1, p. 172-173]. This classification was the basis for the analysis.

Attention was also paid to the classification of the well-known Soviet linguist L. S. Barkhudarov. In the book "Language and translation" he considers four main types of translation transformations, such as: permutations, substitutions, additions and omissions [2, p. 190]. Such types of transformations as permutations, additions and omissions were taken into consideration, since, as it was revealed, when translating headlines they are used no less often than other types of transformations identified by V. N. Komissarov.

In this article we will discuss in detail the translation transformations used to deliver the headlines of "The Guardian" newspaper into Russian. Each type of transformation will be supported by several examples from different headings. The link to "The Guardian" website, where the headlines were selected from [3]. The counterparts of the original headlines translated into Russian were taken from HноСMH.Ru website [4].

The study identified a total of 301 cases of transformations in 104 newspaper headlines. The calculations of the number of each transformation will be presented here, as well as general statistics of transformations applied in all the considered newspaper headlines.

Lexical transformations are the first to be reviewed. V. N. Komissarov includes transcription, transliteration, calque, specification, generalization and modulation into lexical transformations group. In the course of the study, each of the varieties was more or less singled out among the considered headlines of "The Guardian" newspaper. In this case, the least common transformations were transliteration, calque and modulation, while transcription was the most frequent transformation. In total 31 lexical transformations were allocated of 301 identified case which is 10%. Each specific variety of lexical transformations will be discussed further.

Thus, in transcription and transliteration the form of a lexical unit in the source language is transmitted using the letters of the translating language: in transcription the sound form is transmitted, in transliteration — the graphic form. One can certainly admit that the boundaries between these two types of lexical transformations are rather fuzzy, as it is commonly known that they are frequently used together in translation. Nevertheless, within the framework of the analyzed 104 headlines, it turns to be clear that a greater preference is given to the transmission of the sound form of a foreign word, i. e. its transcription.

In the course of the work, 10 newspaper headlines were identified, in the translation of which transcription of individual words was used. Transliteration was applied in the translation of only two titles. In accordance with this, the percentage between them is distributed as follows: transcription — 32% of all identified cases of lexical transformations, transliteration — 6%.

Actually the names of public figures, different names, political events, etc. are normally transcribed and transliterated in the translation. Many of them eventually take hold and become accepted in the translation, therefore, in this paper only those names that are unlikely to be widely spread were considered.

One can refer to the following title: "Russian prosecutors bring fresh charges against Kremlin critic Bill Browder". At the end of the headline the name of the Kremlin critic is mentioned. ИноСМИ.Яи website translates it with the help of the transcription as Билл Браудер. Some other examples of transcription discovered in translated newspaper headlines include the following names: Гэвин Уильямсон (Gavin Williamson), Солсбери (Salisbury), Ратко Младич (Ratko Mladic).

As mentioned earlier, transliteration was applied to the translation of two English headlines. This type of lexical transformation was applied in combination with the transcription method: Эмбер Радд (Amber Rudd), Марк Галеотти (Mark Galeotti).

Calque is the transfer of the lexical unit of the original by replacing its constituent parts with the corresponding parts in the translating language. Along with transliteration, the calque transformation was highlighted only in two translated newspaper headlines, which also accounts for 6% of all identified cases of lexical transformations.

The first title, as a result of the translation of which a calque was applied, was the following: "UK targets Eurovision viewers to counter Russia's "infowars". The following translation was provided: Великобритания собирается воздействовать на зрителей "Евровидения", чтобы противостоять "информационным войнам" России. Hence the phrase "infowars" is информационные войны, i. e. each part of the original word has been respectively translated into Russian: info — информационные, wars — войны.

Another headline, in which one can observe a word translated by means of calque, is "At a time of permanent cyberwar, the UK must stand firm against Russia". In this case, the calque was applied to the word "cyberwar", later translated as кибервойна.

The method of specification implies the replacement of a foreign word with a broad meaning by a word in a translating language with a narrower meaning. While generalizing, the opposite replacement occurs: a word with a narrow meaning in the source language is transmitted by a word with a wide meaning in the target language.

The transformations of specification and generalization became the second most frequently used lexical transformations after transcription in the translation of newspaper headlines. The study revealed seven cases of the use of specification and seven cases of the use of generalization. Thus, 23% of the group of lexical transformations was allocated for specification and generalization.

In particular the specification was applied in the following heading:

"UK on collision course with Russia over chemical weapons vote"

Британия идет курсом на столкновение с Россией в связи с голосованием в ОЗХО

When translating the title, the translator applies specification to the phrase "chemical weapons vote". The literal translation of the phrase could be as follows: голосование по вопросу химического оружия. However, the translator decides to apply the specification, which in turn leads to the replacement of the attribute by the adverbial modifier. Thus, the place of the vote referred to in the headline is specified, since ОЗХО is Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons.

When translating the headline "What could the US target in Syria and how is Russia likely to react?" specification was also used. In this example, the sentence member was replaced as well. The translator replaces the adverbial modifier "Syria" with a specified object: сирийские объекты. The translation of the headline appears as follows: Какие сирийские объекты могут взять на прицел Соединенные Штаты, и как на это отреагирует Россия.

Specifications have been identified in other translated headlines. For example, such phrases as "the Salisbury attack" (отравление в Солсбери), "we will have truth" (мы узнаем правду), and the word China (Пекин) were specified.

As an example of the use of generalization the following newspaper headline can be submitted:

"Russia's scramble for influence in Africa catches western offices off-guard"

Российская борьба за влияние в Африке застала Запад врасплох

In this case, the translator replaces the phrase "western offices" with a word bearing a broader meaning (Запад), which includes the meaning of the corresponding lexical unit of the original.

Other examples of the use of generalization in the translation of newspaper headlines are the following: on Wednesday (сегодняшние), foreign powers (иностранные государства), front pages (газеты).

Another type of lexical transformations is modulation. It is a translation transformation in which the unit of the source language is replaced by the unit of the translating language and the meaning of the second logically follows the meaning of the first.

In the course of the study, the lexical transformation modulation was found only in three headings, which is 10% of the number of all identified cases of lexical transformations. We should consider one of the examples:

Figure 1. Lexical transformations

"Putin gets puppy and hero's welcome on Serbia trip"

В ходе визита в Сербию Путину подарили щенка и приветствовали,

словно героя

Instead of literal transmission of the verb "gets" (получил), the translator resorted to its replacement with the verb of action, which is logically connected with the original, i. e. if the President got a puppy, then it was given to him (подарили).

For a visual representation of the frequency of each lexical transformation usage, refer to figure 1.

The following group of transformations to be reviewed is grammatical transformations. As a result of the study it was discovered that grammatical transformations are most often used in the translation of headlines into Russian. Of the 301 identified cases of transformations in translation, 163 refer to grammatical transformations, which is 54%.

It should be noted that the analysis of the translation of newspaper headlines did not reveal such a transformation as the division of sentences. The following grammatical transformations allocated by V. N. Komissarov were identified: syntactic analogy, sentences integration and grammatical replacements. The discussion of their peculiarities will be raised below.

Thus, some English newspaper headlines are translated into Russian by means of such grammatical transformation as a syntactic analogy. In this case, the translated title retains the entire set of sentence members and their sequence. It was found that as a result of the translation 32 newspaper headlines underwent this transformation, which is one fifth of all identified cases of grammatical transformations.

One example of the translation of a newspaper headline by means of syntactical assimilation is presented below:

"The best way to scupper Putin and Trump? Scrap Brexit"

Лучший способ противодействия Путину и Трампу? Отказаться от


While translating the headline, the sentence structure was kept. All parts of the sentence in the translated title are kept and located in the same place as in the original title.

Other examples of syntactic analogy are the following headings:

"Suspended Skripal poisoning: who might have ordered it and why?" Предположительное отравление Скрипаля: кто мог отдать такой приказ и почему?

"If Trump has nothing to hide, why is he so soft on Russia?"

Если Трампу нечего скрывать, то почему он так мягок по отношению

к России?

"Western allies should stand up for Georgia against Russia"

Западные союзники должны выступить на стороне Грузии против России

Apparently, in some cases it is inevitable to add some tokens in the translation; however, the syntactic structure remains unchanged.

The analysis showed that the transformation of sentence integration was least applied as a result of English newspaper headlines translation into Russian. Only six newspaper headlines with the sentence integration were distinguished out of 163 identified cases of grammatical transformations, which is about 4%.

Most often, if the title consists of two sentences, the syntactic structure is preserved and the title is translated into Russian by syntactic analogy. However, it was found that in some cases there was an integration of sentences into one. You should consider some of the examples:

"It's not just Trump. Much of America has turned its back on Europe" Не только Трамп, но и большая часть Америки повернулась к Европе спиной.

In this case, two simple two-member sentences were combined into one compound sentence, parts of which are connected by the conjunction "but".

"Putin will run rings round Trump in Helsinki. Bad news for the rest of us" Путин обставит Трампа в Хельсинки — и это плохая новость для всех нас

Here, too, the two simple sentences were combined into one compound sentence, and the parts of the sentence were joined by another copulative conjunction "and".

"Softly-softly isn't working. Time to play hard with wealth Russians living in Britain"

Мягкость не работает — пришло время начать жесткую игру с богатыми россиянами, живущими в Великобритании

When translating this newspaper headline, the translator used the transformation of combining sentences into one compound sentence with asyndetically coordination.

The transformation of grammatical replacements has become the most frequently used of all types of grammatical transformations. 125 grammatical substitutions were identified out of 163 cases of grammatical transformations, which is 76%. In addition, it is safe to say that this type of translation transformation has been applied the most times compared to all the transformations highlighted in 104 headings.

It is necessary to allocate four types of grammatical substitutions: replacement of a noun number, replacement of members of a sentence, replacement of the type of a sentence. At the same time, it was found that when translating newspaper headlines, 49% of all identified grammatical substitutions were presented by the replacements of sentence members (61 cases), 37% — replacements of parts of speech (46 cases), 10% — replacements of the sentence type (13 cases) and 4% —

replacements of a noun number (five cases). In this regard, we should consider in detail each type of grammatical substitutions.

Replacements of members of a sentence were the most popular among other types of replacements. When translating English newspaper headlines into Russian most often there were such replacements as a replacement of a subject with an object (11 cases), an attribute with an adverbial modifier (eight cases), an object with a subject (seven cases), an attribute with a subject (five cases). The other cases of replacement of members of a sentence were either isolated or identified two or three times.

Some examples of headings in which major replacements of members of a sentence were found should be considered next.

"If the novichok was planted by Russia, where's the evidence?"

Если «Новичок» подбросила Россия, то где доказательства?

In this example, we can note the replacement of two members of the sentence. The subject of the original headline "the novichok" becomes an object as a result of translation into Russian. Conversely, the English object "Russia" becomes a subject in the Russian headline.

"Revealed: UK's push to stronger anti-Russia alliance"

Великобритания настаивает на укреплении антироссийского альянса

In this case, the translation of the newspaper headline also resulted in the replacement of the members of the sentence. Thus, the subject "push" in the original title becomes the predicate in the translated title, and the attribute "UK's" becomes the subject. Along with the replacement of members, the replacement of parts of speech of the corresponding words was made.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

When translating newspaper headlines into Russian, another type of grammatical substitution, replacement of a part of speech, was often used. Basically, verbs and nouns were replaced, there were also two cases of replacement of adverbs with a noun and with an adjective and four cases of replacement of an adjective with a noun revealed. Mainly the replacements of a noun with an adjective (16 cases) and a verb with a noun (13 cases) were detached. We can also single out such case of replacements as a replacement of a noun with a verb (seven cases). Hereafter, we should consider this type of grammatical substitutions through examples.

"Catalonia's independence movement is not just a problem for Spain"

Движение за независимость Каталонии — не только испанская проблема

In the translation of the second part of the headline the noun "Spain" was replaced by an adjective (испанская), which was followed by the replacement of the member of the sentence - the object with an attribute.

"Former Trump aide approved 'black ops' to help Ukraine president"

Бывший помощник трампа одобрил «секретную операцию» по оказанию

помощи украинскому президенту

In this case we can also notice the use of replacing of the parts of speech in the translation. The verb "help", transformed into a noun (по оказанию), was replaced along with the noun "Ukraine", which was transformed into an adjective (украинскому).

"Why isn't there greater outrage about Russia's involvement in Brexit?"

Почему никто особо не возмущается из-за роли России в Брексите?

When translating this newspaper headline, the noun "outrage" was replaced by the verb возмущается.

The third type of grammatical substitutions in the framework of grammatical transformations is the replacement of the sentence type. 13 headings with the changed type of sentence were allocated. The rate is approximately 10% of the total number of the revealed cases of the use of grammatical replacements. The most frequently replaced sentences were simple two-member sentences in English, which were later transformed into simple one-member sentences in Russian (six cases). Also there were identified such cases of replacement as a replacement of a simple sentence with a complex sentence and vice versa, a replacement of a complex sentence with asyndetic connection with a complex sentence with syndetic connection and vice versa.

As a result of translation, 11 out of the 13 newspaper headlines, the replacement of the sentence type caused other grammatical substitutions — substitutions of the sentence members and sometimes of the corresponding parts of speech. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze some newspaper headlines, for example:

"Putin gets puppy and hero's welcome on Serbia trip"

В ходе визита в Сербию Путину подарили щенка и приветствовали,

словно героя

The translation of the newspaper headline includes three types of grammatical substitutions. First of all, the original sentence, which is a simple two-member sentence, has been transformed. The translated title is a simple one-member sentence with homogeneous predicates (подарили, приветствовали).

In accordance with the change in the type of the sentence, the members were also replaced:

1) The subject of the original headline "Putin" became an object in the translated headline.

2) The word, which is an object in the original headline ("welcome"), was converted into one of the predicates in the headline in Russian (приветствовали). Here we can mark another grammatical replacement — substitution of a part of speech, namely the noun "welcome" with a verb.

3) The attribute of the original newspaper headline "hero's" took the form of an adverbial modifier of manner in the form of a comparison (словно героя).

"Trump's silence on Syria contrasts with his criticism of Iran"

Трамп молчит о ситуации в Сирии, но критикует Иран

Considering the following example, the replacement of the sentence type should also be noted first. The original newspaper headline is a simple sentence that, when translated, has been transformed into a compound sentence with a conjunction "but". Since the sentence has been completely changed, many members of the sentence have also been replaced:

1) The subject of the English title "silence" is transformed into a predicate (молчит) in the translated title. In this case, the part of speech of the corresponding word changes: a noun becomes a verb.

2) The attribute "Trump's" as a result of the translation turns into a subject.

3) Another attribute "on Syria" becomes an adverbial modifier of place (в Сирии) in the translated title.

4) The object of the original title "criticism" is converted as a result of translation into Russian into a predicate критикует, which is the second predicate of a compound sentence. In this case, there is also a replacement of the part of speech — the noun is changed to a verb.

Figure 2. Grammatical transformations

Replacement Replacement

of a sentence type, of a noun number,

Figure 3. Grammatical replacements

The last type of grammatical substitutions in frequency of use is the replacement of the number of nouns. The use of this transformation was found only in five newspaper headlines, and this is 4% of all identified cases of grammatical substitutions. The change in the number is most often due to the creation of an occasional correspondence in the translated segment.

Some examples of headings with the applied replacement of the noun number as a result of their translation into Russian are:

1) "The Guardian view on the Salisbury poisonings: Russia's responsibility" — Мнение „Гардиан" об отравлении в Солсбери и об ответственности России.

2) "Russia paved way for Ukraine ship seizures with fake news drive" — Россия подготовила почву для захвата украинских кораблей, распространяя фейковые новости.

3) "Full texts of Boris Johnson's resignation letter and PM's reply" — Полный текст письма Бориса Джонсона об отставке и ответ премьер-министра.

For a visual representation of the frequency of application of each type of grammatical transformations, refer to figure 2.

Since grammatical replacements made up the vast majority of the identified cases of grammatical transformations used in the translation of headings, it is advisable to note separately the statistics of the use of different types of grammatical substitutions. This information is shown in figure 3.

As the last group of transformations used in the translation from English into Russian V. N. Komissarov distinguishes lexical-grammatical transformations. In

the course of the study the cases of lexical-grammatical transformations were least singled out. Approximately 2% of all identified cases of translation transformations were assigned to the group of lexical-grammatical transformations. Three cases of antonymic translation and three cases of explication were identified. No compensation was found in the translation of English newspaper headlines into Russian.

So, further we should consider specific cases of the use of antonymic translation and explication. Speaking about the application of the antonymic translation it is necessary to note the following headlines:

"The Salisbury attack was appalling. But we must avoid a drift to conflict"

Отравление в Солсбери было отвратительно, но нам нельзя допустить

сползания к конфликту

While translating this title the translator appeals to the use of antonymic translation in relation to the second sentence. You may also notice that the integration of two original sentences into one was implemented. The second part of the resulted compound sentence is antonymous to the corresponding sentence of the original: "must avoid" — нельзя допустить.

"Once again, Boris Johnson is a liability to Britain. Why is he still in the job?"

Борис Джонсон вновь стал источником неприятностей для Британии.

Почему его до сих пор не уволили?

In this case, as a result of the translation of the headline into Russian such transformation as antonymic translation was also applied. Let us pay attention to the interrogative sentence. Its literal translation would be: Почему он до сих пор на работе? or Почему он до сих пор работает? However, the translator decides to create an antonymous translation: Почему его до сих пор не уволили?

Here the descriptive translation of the word "liability" should also be noted. If translated into Russian the word has different meanings, for example: 1) обязанность (duty); 2) ответственность (responsibility); 3) помеха, обуза, препятствие (hindrance, burden, obstacle). In this case in relation to the subject "liability" it is used in the meaning of "burden" for the UK. In this regard the translator uses a small descriptive translation — источник неприятностей.

Next, consider the use of explication as a result of translation into Russian of another headline:

"America last: Trump has brought US to irradiance in Syria"

Америка — не «прежде всего», а наоборот: по вине Трампа США в Сирии

больше не нужны

In this example we can note the use of explication as a result of the translation of the first part of the title. Note that "America last" in the original title is a kind of opposition to the existing concept of "America First", which refers to the foreign policy of the United States. This slogan emphasizes American nationalism and unilateralism. The author of the article and the title itself ironically notes that America is not the first, but the last. The translator tried to convey the same thing in the Russian headline.

Another transformation that is worth noting is the addition. This transformation is used to disclose the information reflected in the original title more fully in order to transmit it to the recipient. Often the so-called "appropriate" verbs are omitted in the English language while they are needed in a Russian sentence. Such

verbs are restored in translation by adding. Sometimes to apply this transformation the translator has to refer to the text and add words or phrases from the original article of the newspaper.

The transformation of the addition was singled out in 37 cases out of 301, which is approximately 12% of the total number of identified cases of application of transformations. Some of the headlines with the additions include the following:

"The Apprentice review: Trump, Putin and the subversion of US democracy" Книга Грега Миллера «Ученик»: Трамп, Путин и подрыв американской демократии

"White House close to refusing interview with Russia investigation" Белый дом близок к отказу от проведения допроса в рамках расследования "российского дела"

"Theresa May accuses Russia of fake news and interfering in elections" Тереза Мэй обвиняет Россию в распространении фейковых новостей и во вмешательстве в выборы

In the second and third example the translator added the necessary verbs in the translation of the headlines into Russian, which make the expression semantically correct.

You should also pay attention to the newspaper headline which is presented below:

"G20 agreement backs 'rules-based' order but bows to Trump on trade reforms" В итоговом коммюнике страны Большой двадцатки поддержали „основанный на нормах" международный порядок, но уступили Трампу в вопросе реформы ВТО

Two additions were made in the translated version of the headline. The translator placed one of the additions in the first place in the sentence, indicating the place of action (в итоговом коммюнике), which is mentioned in the text of the article itself. The attribute международный added to the word "order" was taken from the original article as well: "rules-based international order". Thus, the additions do not always appear due to the absence of an "appropriate" verb for the Russian language. Sometimes it is necessary to refer to the article the headline of which is to be translated for a more complete translation into the target language.

In contrast to the additions, which are used for better reflection of the information, omission of words or even phrases is used when the information transmitted in the original headline is unnecessary and you can do without it when translating into Russian without losing the main idea.

It was found that this transformation was used in 28 cases from the list, which is 9% of all identified cases of various transformations. Next, consider some of such newspaper headlines.

"Russia moves to mask its soldiers' digital trail with smartphone ban" Россия скроет „цифровой след" своих военнослужащих, запретив им пользоваться смартфонами

This example reflects one of the features of the English newspaper headlines — the use of an infinitive, which implies the commission of an action in the future. Translated into Russian the future tense is applied. The translator uses the verb

скроет in the title translating only "to mask" and omitting the verb of the present tense "moves", which shows the intention to perform the action. In this case omission is acceptable because it does not distort the meaning transmitted in the headline.

For example, when translating the headline "Trump adviser thought WikiLeaks emails via Farage ally, Mueller document alleges", the translator omits part of the sentence after the comma — Советник Трампа пытался достать попавшие к WikiLeaks электронные письма через союзника Фараджа.

If we compare the title "Theresa May's draft Brexit deal: what is it and what happens next?" and its Russian analogue У Терезы Мэй появился проект сделки по Брекситу, we can notice that the translator omitted information after the colon. As you can see, such omissions do not cause understatement but at the same time they focus on main information of the original headline.

Along with additions and omissions, permutations often occur in the translation of headlines from English into Russian. The study identified 36 newspaper headlines that have been rearranged in the translation process, accounting for 12% of all identified cases of transformations. Most often permutations are caused by changes in the order of words and their movements in the sentence as a result of translation. Such changes are mainly related to another transformation — the replacement of the members of the sentence. For example:

"Ukraine president proposes martial law after Russia's ship seizure"

После захвата Россией украинских катеров президент Порошенко предлагает ввести военное положение

In this example, you can see the change in word order. In the translated headline, the adverbial modifier is put in the first place, as it usually is in most cases in the Russian language. The order of all other members of the sentence is changed as well.

Here are some other examples of newspaper headlines with applied permutations being translated into Russian:

1) "Salisbury pair's unlikely story only makes UK's case stronger" — Неправдоподобный рассказ пары из Солсбери усиливает аргументы Соединенного Королевства.

2) "Second Trump-Russia dossier being assessed by FBI" — ФБР изучает второе досье о связях Трампа с Россией.

3) "The UK sanctions imposed on Russia by Theresa May" — Санкции Великобритании, которые Тереза Мэй ввела против России.

Hence, a newspaper headline is of great importance in the newspaper discourse. It is an important part of a newspaper article and it performs a number of functions. English newspaper headlines and headlines in Russian differ from each other and have their own characteristics; this is why the study had the aim to identify the specifics of the translation of headlines from English into Russian. As a result, the objective of this work was achieved.

It was found that about 54% of translation transformations were devoted to grammatical transformations, 12% — to additions and permutations, 10% — to lexical transformations, 9% — to omissions and 2% — to lexical-grammatical transformations. Taking into account the predominant use of grammatical transformations in the translation, it was also found that of all the cases of transformations use 76% were grammatical replacements, 20% — syntactic analogy and 4% — sentence integration. The major grammatical substitutions in the result of translation were the replacements of members of a sentence (49%) and replacements of parts of speech (37%).

Omissions, 9%

Additions, 12%

Lexical-grammatical transformations, 2%

Permutations, 12%

Lexical transformations, 10%

Grammatical transformations, 54%

Figure 4. Translation transformations

In conclusion, we present a diagram (see figure 4), reflecting the general statistics of the application of each individual group of transformations in the translation of newspaper headlines into Russian within the study material.


1. Комиссаров В. Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты). М.: Высшая школа, 1990. 253 с.

2. Бархударов Л. С. Язык и перевод: вопросы общей и частной теории перевода. М.: Международные отношения, 1975. 240 с.

3. Официальный сайт The Guardian. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://www.theguardian. com/international (дата обращения: 23.02.2019).

4. The Guardian // Ino.SMI.Ru. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://inosmi.ru/guardian_ co_uk/ (дата обращения: 23.02.2019).

УДК 81'37

А.-М. Ариас, И. А. Щербакова

Имена собственные vs имена нарицательные: вопросы значения и функционирования

A.-M. Arias, I. A. Shcherbakova. Proper Names vs Common Names: The Questions of Meaning and Functioning

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Данная статья касается специфики значе- This article is devoted to peculiarities of the ния и функционирования имен собственных meaning and functioning of proper names in в сравнении с именами нарицательными. comparison to common names. The relevance

Анна-Мария Ариас — доцент Санкт-Петербургского университета технологий управления и экономики, кандидат филологических наук, доцент.

Ирина Анатольевна Щербакова — старший преподаватель Санкт-Петербургского гуманитарного университета профсоюзов. © Ариас А.-М., Щербакова И. А., 2019

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