Научная статья на тему 'Features of Japanese management model and possibilities of applying it in Russia'

Features of Japanese management model and possibilities of applying it in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Isaev A.V.

This report presents the main features of Japanese management model, as well as considers the possibility of their application in Russia on the basis of the SWOT-analysis, reflecting the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities of weaknesses overcoming and threats that may prevent their removal and options on how to prevent them.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features of Japanese management model and possibilities of applying it in Russia»

УДК 65.01


Исаев А.В.

Южно-Российский институт управления - филиал

Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы

Isaev A.V.

South-Russia Institute of Management - branch of Russian Presidential

Academy of

National Economy and Public Administration

Аннотация: В данном докладе отражены основные черты японской модели управления, а также рассмотрена возможность их применения в России на основе SWOT-анализа, отражая сильные и слабые стороны, возможности преодоления слабых сторон, угрозы, которые могут помешать их устранению и варианты того, как их предотвратить.

Ключевые слова: система пожизненного найма, оклад по старшинству, система непрерывного обучения, метод похлопывания по спине, японский менеджмент.

Annotation: This report presents the main features of Japanese management model, as well as considers the possibility of their application in Russia on the basis of the SWOT-analysis, reflecting the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities of weaknesses overcoming and threats that may prevent their removal and options on how to prevent them.

Key words: system of lifetime employment, seniority pay, lifelong learning, the method pat on the back, the Japanese management.

Japanese management has been a mystery for the rest of the world for nearly 30 years. Today developing countries such as Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore are using the ideas, methods and lessons of Japanese management,

Presently in Russia, the issue of management system improvement is one of the most pressing. Hence, the question arises: is it possible to use the Japanese model of management or its individual elements in Russia or not?

In our opinion, the mechanisms themselves, which compose the Japanese management system, might be transferred into the practice of Russian organizations. However, these mechanisms may be modernized, according to specifics of the Russian mentality. Actually, this issue is the main goal of our research.

To achieve this goal the following objectives were identified:

• to identify the main features of the Japanese model of management

• to consider the possibility of their application in Russia on the basis of SWOT-analysis.

In addition, we carried out a survey among the students of our academy, its results are presented in the study.

The point of the applicability of the Japanese experience outside Japan is most deeply observed in papers of such authors as Kudryashov, Vasiliev, Khachaturov, Strizhenok, Bazargan, Khol, Ronald, Mohammad, Cordeiro, William. Their papers are the most interesting studies of this problem.

So let us consider the key features of the Japanese model of management, which are as follows:

a) The system of lifetime employment. [1] The Ministry of Labour of

Japan gives the following definition of the system: «the practice of hiring key

employees directly from universities, planning their future learning and

development within the company or corporate group until they reach retirement age, guaranteeing them a prestigious job in the company, except for emergencies».

B) The remuneration system. The remuneration system means that wages depend entirely on seniority. Recently, however, the principle of wage formation has been a subject to certain changes, the abandonment of the principle of "salary according to seniority" and the transition to wages as a result of labor, when the basic rate includes the fee for the performance of production functions, charge for age, seniority and experience, and perk up various bonuses.

C) The system posts. Transitions of personnel are carried out in the following way: horizontal rotation of job, personal evaluation of each unit of labor, interviews with the management of the department for the purpose of performance appraisal, promotion and appointment to the vacant position. Rotation is the periodic shifting of an employee from one job to another.

D) The system of motivation. Pre-negotiated payment of benefits at retirement is a kind of economic incentive for employees of Japanese companies. The only condition is that the employee must have worked at the plant for at least 20 years without interruption. The total size of the severance pay depends on the length of service and level of education of the employee.

Among the psychological stimuli can be identified informal method of business communication: the so called "method pat on the back" when the head unit daily bypasses different parts of the "production" and communicates with employees giving them short greetings directly at their workplace.

E) The system of lifelong learning

Training of personnel in most cases occur during manufacturing process and without separation from it. In Japan, continuing education is a part of the work. Everyone spends about 8 hours a week, which include 4 working hours and 4 hours of personal time.

2. Possibilities of application in Russia. Strengths and weaknesses.

Examining the results of researchers and taking into account the results of a survey of students of our academy, we have come to the conclusion that the possibility of using the Japanese model of management in Russia has the following weaknesses:

• firstly, there's a point of view that the origin of the Japanese management system depends on cultural and historical features of Japan, and therefore the transfer of Japanese management practices in other cultures is impossible.

• secondly, there's another opinion that the components of the Japanese management system are interrelated and, therefore, the use of some of its elements is not quite rational. [2]

We share the opinion of impossibility of automatic transfer of all elements of the Japanese management system to Russian enterprises. However, in our opinion, Japanese system is easier for us to accept, due to the similarity of culture and labor relations in Russia and Japan. To do this, we are going to examine the possibility of using the strengths of the Japanese management system in Russia.

In Russia the concept of "lifetime employment" is not applied, but for many Russian people it is typical to work at one and the same enterprise.

But in Japan, lifetime employment exists because of the real interest of

employees to ensure the maximum career length on a single enterprise. In our

opinion, to operate effectively, managers of Russian enterprises need to create

conditions for long-term employment. In addition, it is advisable to introduce a

system of personnel rotation in a long-term employment. Employees are forced

to work at the same workplace for years, which reduces their interest to job. The

implementation of the rotation system will allow employees of Russian

companies avoid repetitive work for an extended period and let them gain skills

in various sectors of organization. [3, С. 74-79.] It seems appropriate to use

elements of the Japanese system of training at workplace. We think, Russian

enterprises should strengthen the adoption of their own systems of corporate education, so as not to lose perspectives for potential employees who do not have specialized knowledge, as well as to ensure the professional growth of employees. In our opinion, management of Russian companies need to pay special attention to the new Japanese payment system. It seems that it is advisable to adopt the most appropriate methods of Japanese wage system, providing motivational impact on people's organizational behavior.

Threats. Japanese management system has several disadvantages and it does not meet modern economic and psychological conditions. [4] The main component of the system - lifetime employment, becomes disadvantageous both for firms and workers. Payments of seniority as the basis of lifetime employment are justified in case of scaling up of the company and, accordingly increase leadership positions. But it is a heavy burden for businesses with no chances of further expansion. From the point of view of employees:

• Firm is not able to provide rapid promotion to more competent workers;

• Job changing is problematic;

• Talented employees are not paid as they deserve. [5, C 33-41.]

The possibility of overcoming disadvantages. As practice shows, the Japanese develop their system without abandoning aspects, traditionally inherent in the eastern management systems. [6, C 85-96.]

They strive to adapt their management style to rapidly changing socioeconomic conditions. In our opinion, management practices of Russian companies are most valuable, it would be helpful to learn from the Japanese model, while not denying the traditional experience, gradually moving to the modern management model. I believe there is a positive result from the implementation of any foreign management practices, including the Japanese. However, it is possible only if they can be fully adapted to the Russian business culture.

Conclusion. Of course, it is impossible to transfer automatically the entire Japanese management system to Russian enterprises. However, such elements of Japanese management system, as a system of lifetime employment, personnel rotation system, the system of training in the workplace, the wage system should be used for positive changes in management system in Russia.

As a result, to operate effectively managers need to create the conditions for long-term employment. Moreover, in conditions of long-term employment it is reasonable to apply staff rotation system, which allows employees not only avoid monotonous work for a long period, but also fosters their professional development, as well as understanding of various company strategies and act exactly in the interests of the entire company.

As soon as very few Russian companies have their own staff training programs, it is reasonable to use training at workplace, which affects the availability of promising potential employees who do not have specialized knowledge and fosters their professional growth.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to the Japanese wage system, using the combined system. These payment methods assist in creation of motivational environment in organization. Thus, the implementation of Japanese experience of human resource management in Russia should be considered as gradual and positive trend focused on positive dynamics of changing in sphere of management.

Список литературы:

1. Khol, Ronald. "Maybe We Can Learn Something from Japanese Managers After All." Machine Design 70, no. 8 (7 May 1998).

2. Хачатуров Александр «О возможности прямого заимствования опыта японского менеджмента в России» "Финансовый менеджмент" №6 2001г.

3. Сазонова О.М. Проблемы управления персоналом: тенденции и перспективы // Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2012. № 2.

4. Стриженок О.А. «Особенности внедрения японской системы организации рабочих мест в России» Выпуск: №1 (31) январь 2013 г. Рубрика: Экономические науки

5. Миляева Л.Г. Методические аспекты управления стимулирующей функцией заработной платы персонала организаций // Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2014. № 3.

6. Албастова Л.Н., Хашева И.А. Технология бережливого производства как фактор повышения эффективности деятельности органов власти // Государственное и муниципальное управление. Ученые записки СКАГС. 2014. № 2.

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