M.I. Kholmuminova
The article is devoted to the study of the essence and methodological basis of the language education of younger students. Competence-based and communicative approaches are substantiated in the work as the leading conceptual foundations for the implementation of language training of students in the primary education system at the present stage. The paper considers the main methodological recommendations for the formation ofspeech competence of younger schoolchildren in the system of primary education when teaching their native language.
Key words: speech, speech competence, competence-based approach, communicative approach, speech development of children, primary school students, language education, primary education system, dialogic speech, monologue speech, speech literacy, game teaching methods.
At the present stage of reforming the school as a whole and improving the teaching of the native language in particular, one of the main tasks is the formation of an initiative, independently thinking personality, able to freely and perfectly master the native language as a means of communication, knowledge of the world around, self-realization and life-creation. In modern conditions of modernization of school education, the problem of mastering the native language by schoolchildren is of particular relevance, not only as a means of learning, but also communication, familiarization with the treasuries of the culture of the nation. New trends in school language education suggest strengthening the practical orientation of the process of mastering the native language, subordinating work on language theory and speech development of students. On the basis of taking into account the current requirements for language education in modern linguodidactics, a priority and promising communicative approach is identified, in which the development of communicative speech acquires the status of the leading principle of teaching the native language, and the goal of the school language course is seen as teaching students to freely use their native language as a means of communication , spiritual enrichment and the formation of intellectual culture, in ensuring the proper level of speech competence of children, which is one of the most important conditions for their successful socialization.
Main part
So, the main goal of teaching the native language at school is to form a person who has the skills and abilities to freely use speech means. In this regard, language education in a modern school should be aimed at developing students' language and speech competence, starting from the level of primary education. This actualizes the appeal to the competence-based approach in education. Language is the main instinct that distinguishes man from other living beings; it is a social connection between people, a means for revealing one's inner world and for receiving new boundless knowledge. In this context, it is advisable to cite the opinion of K.D. Ushinsky, who called the language a powerful and great teacher, who "not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, with some unattainable lightweight method." "The native language performs, first of all, two social functions: it serves as a means of personal development as a prerequisite for the development of the people and is used as a means of cognition and communication" [9, p. 54].
"Readiness for cooperation, development of the ability for creative activity; tolerance, tolerance for other people's opinions; the ability to conduct a dialogue, to seek and find meaningful compromises are the requirements that today's society imposes on a younger student" [8, p. 176]. Compliance of the results of education with the specified requirements can be achieved by substantiating the communicative and competency-based approaches as the leading approaches to the implementation of pedagogical activity in elementary school. The communicative approach to teaching the native language as a complex multifaceted process involves the study of the language system as a means of communication between people, as a set, the unity of language and speech, as the speech embodiment of the language system, which fulfills its communicative purpose only through speech, as a means of knowing and reflecting reality, which is inextricably linked with the communicative purpose of the language [2].
The communicative approach focuses on language learning through communication. In practical terms, this approach is implemented under the following conditions:
© M.I. Kholmuminova, 2022.
-communicative orientation of all types of education;
- the main thing in the learning process is not the teacher, but the student;
- the interest of students in the learning process in accordance with their interests, abilities and needs;
- educational and methodical materials are submitted according to the situational-thematic or functional principle;
- the main types of work of students are: pair work (dialogue), group work (polylogue), independent work (written work on the development of speech).
- the focus of teaching the child is not to obtain language knowledge, but to develop skills (grammatical, lexical, phonetic, speech skills) that provide the possibility of speech activity during communication, the implementation of language in acts of communication;
- taking into account the principle of communicative organization, which provides for the communicative nature of the exercises used in the educational process to develop skills and speech skills;
- the formation of an incentive-motivational phase of activity among students - the creation of a need for verbal communication.
The competence-based approach to the study of languages in the scientific literature is considered as a means of organizing educational and cognitive activity, which ensures the assimilation of the learning content by students and the achievement of educational goals in solving certain problematic tasks. The result of the learning process, from the standpoint of a competency-based approach, is the formation at a certain level (depending on the educational level) of a set of competencies and competencies. Thus, the language education of younger schoolchildren in a broad sense is aimed at the formation of communicative competence and its components. One of the components that ensure the formation of communicative competence is the speech competence of younger students. Under speech competence, according to O.A. Dorozhkina and V.N. Dronova, is understood as "a child's ability to practically use their native language in specific situations of communication, using speech, non-speech, (facial expressions, gestures, movement) and intonation means of speech expressiveness in their totality" [3, p. 259].
Researchers distinguish the following components in the structure of speech competence:
- phonetic;
- dialogical;
- monologue;
- communicative [3].
Every modern teacher is well aware that the development of speech is a task not only for Russian language lessons, but also for other academic subjects too. However, for the lessons of the subject of the Russian language, this task is the main one. At each lesson of this subject, the teacher takes care of the children's correct and accurate use of words, teaches them to build sentences, retell, express their thoughts" [1, p. 290]. An important place in the formation of the speech competence of primary school students is given to the development of skills in oral dialogic and monologue speech (oral and written). Dialogue forms of knowledge acquisition are forms built on the basis of active interaction and stable feedback between the specialist who transmits knowledge and the one who perceives it [7].
The work on the dialogue involves two stages:
1) reproduction, acting out a dialogue based on a listened or read text;
2) drawing up a dialogue based on situational drawings, with a verbally described reliance on auxiliary material, as well as independently, observing the rules of etiquette, communication culture.
The methodology for working on the development of dialogical speech provides for taking into account the psychological structure of this type of speech activity, which includes the following components: -motive, -goal,
-means (language)
-final result (expected reaction of the interlocutor) [6].
Dialogue requires a clear formulation of questions, precise and concise answers, polite address to the interlocutor, tolerant and correct expression of comments, objections, advice, and the like. The question-answer form of dialogic communication is the most typical and methodically developed. In the dialogue, it is used to solve the following groups of educational tasks:
- cognitive (informative);
- social and communicative (contact-establishing) [3].
In the process of forming the dialogical speech of students in the primary education system, much attention should be paid to the assimilation of models of speech etiquette by younger students. Students must memorize the
basic formulas of etiquette, know under what circumstances each of them is used, and also use them correctly and appropriately in their own speech. On the basis of sufficiently formed dialogic skills of younger students, it is advisable to turn to the game method. According to researchers O.A. Dorozhkina and V.N. Dronova, "the role -playing game meets the needs of children to realize their own ideas, to express their experiences. In the course of the game, they move from the implementation of well-learned plots to the independent construction of new ones" [3, p. 263]. The game is the most learned activity for primary school students. It stimulates cognitive, labor and creative activity. In this regard, when developing the dialogic skills of younger students, relying on the game (game actions, game forms, means) is the most optimal way to include students in educational work, a way to provide an emotional response to learning without overload.
The formation of monologue speech should be carried out in two main stages:
- retelling of the texts read or listened to;
- building your own statements on the basis of what you see, experienced.
To ensure the content of the statements, it is necessary to offer younger students to speak or write only about what they know well, so that their narratives are built on the facts known to them, based on their own observations, life experience [4]. When realizing the goals and objectives of the speech development of younger students, it is necessary to apply various training exercises. It is most appropriate to use exercises of different levels, designed to assimilate speech material and develop speech skills in a real communicative situation, as well as meeting the learning goal - the formation of speech competence [5].
Conclusions. Thus, when implementing the language education of younger schoolchildren, communicative and competence-based approaches should be recognized and taken into account as the leading conceptual foundations. One of the results of the language education of primary school students should be the formation of a certain level of speech competence, which is expressed in the ability of children to complete and meaningful communication. Achieving this result is possible through the use of various technologies, methods and forms of teaching dialogic and monologue speech, lexical, syntactic and orthoepic literacy of younger students. However, a variety of technologies, methods, techniques, and forms of education should not be an end in itself. Their use and combination should be subordinated to the content and purpose of pedagogical interaction, in this context - the formation of the speech competence of primary school students.
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KHOLMUMINOVA MOKHIRA IBODULLO KIZI - Master student of the faculty Primary Education, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute.
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