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Sciences of Europe
Ключевые слова
distance learning / pandemic / computer technologies / telecommunication technologies.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kryvetskyi V., Kryvetska I., Kryvetskyi І.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the pace and rhythm of life in all spheres of economic, spiritual, educational space. The spread of the disease has prompted governments in many parts of the world to shift the educational process to distance learning. This situation has led to inequalities in access to education. According to a report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a third of the world's students (about 463 million) were unable to access distance learning after school closed through COVID-19. A significant part of higher education institutions in the world has switched to distance education. In Ukraine, distance learning has also been introduced in higher education institutions. This form of educational process is not new for our country. Distance learning has been actively implemented in Ukraine since 2002. The MOODLE software platform (distance management system) has been introduced in many higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Today, distance learning is one of the world's leading trends in education this technology implements the principle of continuing education and is able to meet the growing demand for knowledge in the information society. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 25.04.13 № 466 "On approval of the Regulations on distance learning" states that "the purpose of distance learning is to provide educational services through the use of modern information and communication technologies at certain educational or educational levels in accordance with state standards of education "[3]. In order to avoid inequality in the provision of educational services, it is envisaged that the period of distance learning should be not less than full-time education at the appropriate educational and qualification levels, areas of training and specialties.

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model of the real situation in clinical practice, the solution of which is based on knowledge of anatomical material.

Deepening the applied orientation of teaching anatomy is determined by cooperation with clinical departments, which should be expressed in the form of advanced training of anatomists in clinical departments and by attending lectures, workshops and final modular classes on anatomy by teachers - clinicians. Requires coordination of the use of Latin medical terminology in the teaching of anatomy and clinical disciplines.

In connection with the discussed issue, it is worth noting the great interest in anatomy and its clinical aspects, which is manifested by foreign students who know that information about the normal structure of the human body is part of the questions used in postgraduate testing of young doctors abroad.

In connection with the study of normal anatomy only in the first and second years, the material on normal anatomy should be presented to students in the topographic and anatomical aspect. When conducting a comprehensive certification of future surgeons, along with clinical issues, anatomical issues should be clarified.

Also, to improve knowledge of human anatomy and successfully pass a single state qualifying exam - a comprehensive certification of specialized knowledge of medical students, the Department of Human Anatomy. M.G. Turkevych has developed an elective course program for 3rd year students, which will restore and significantly improve students' knowledge of the discipline they studied in 1st and 2nd year.

Conclusions and offers. Thus: the expansion of applied aspects in the process of teaching normal anatomy is focused on the end result and will undoubtedly help to improve the quality of training of doctors at the present stage. Interaction to clinical and clinical departments allows students to: get motivation to increase the level of theoretical, especially fundamental training; to get acquainted with modern methods of diagnosis and

treatment, the experience of which will be studied at clinical departments; to acquire guidelines for choosing a future narrow medical specialization; specify your educational interest; to deepen the study of the main disciplines of the educational program of junior courses with the prospect of improving the efficiency of the educational process at clinical departments.


1. Golovatsky A.S. Psychological aspects of the discipline of human anatomy in medical universities / A.S. Golovatsky, V.G. Cherkasov, I.V. Dzevulska, I.O. Tymoshenko, O.I. Kovalchuk // Scientific publication of Uzhgorod University, series "Medicine", issue 2 (52), 2015 p. - P.162-165.

2. Huseynov T.S. Improving the quality of education at the department of human anatomy of medical universities / T.S. Guseinov, S.T. Huseynova, A.Sh. Kadiev // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2013. - No 11. - P. 21.

3. Zagalna psychology: Pidruchnik / For zag. ed. S. D. Maksimenka. Vinnytsia: Nova Kniga, 2004. -704 p.

4. Kirilenko T.S. Psychology: Emotional sphere of specialization: Navchalnyy posibnik. - K.: Libid, 2007. - 256 p.

5. Knyazevich-Chorna T.V. The basic methodical approach to the anatomy for the students of the faculty of training of the earth community at medical universities / T.V. Knyazevich-Chorna // Svit medicine and biology. - 2012. - No 3. - P. 166-168.

6. Kuzminskiy A.I. Pedagogy of the school of food: Navch. posib. K.: Znannya, 2005. - 486 p.

7. Fundamentals of practical psychology: Textbook / For general. ed. V. Panok, T. Tytarenko, N. Chepeleva and others. K.: Libid, 2003. - 536 p.

8. Slepkan ZI / Scientific principles of the pedagogical process in higher education: Textbook. way. -K.: High school, 2005. - 239 p.



Kryvetskyi V.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy named after M.G. Tur-

kevich, Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Kryvetska I.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology named after S.M. Savenko, Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Kryvetskyi I.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operational Surgery,

Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the pace and rhythm of life in all spheres of economic, spiritual, educational space. The spread of the disease has prompted governments in many parts of the world to shift the educational process to distance learning. This situation has led to inequalities in access to education. According to a report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a third of the world's students (about 463 million) were unable to access distance learning after school closed through COVID-19. A significant part of higher education

institutions in the world has switched to distance education. In Ukraine, distance learning has also been introduced in higher education institutions. This form of educational process is not new for our country. Distance learning has been actively implemented in Ukraine since 2002. The MOODLE software platform (distance management system) has been introduced in many higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Today, distance learning is one of the world's leading trends in education - this technology implements the principle of continuing education and is able to meet the growing demand for knowledge in the information society.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 25.04.13 № 466 "On ap proval of the Regulations on distance learning" states that "the purpose of distance learning is to provide educational services through the use of modern information and communication technologies at certain educational or educational levels in accordance with state standards of education "[3]. In order to avoid inequality in the provision of educational services, it is envisaged that the period of distance learning should be not less than full-time education at the appropriate educational and qualification levels, areas of training and specialties.

Keywords: distance learning, pandemic, computer technologies, telecommunication technologies.

The purpose of the article is to study the assessment of distance education by applicants for higher medical education at the Bukovynian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in quarantine measures due to the spread of coronavirus infection in Ukraine.

Research methods. Analysis, synthesis, modeling.

Research results. Today, the distance form of education gives us all the opportunity to create a system of continuous self-study, general exchange of information, regardless of spatial zones [4].

In such an educational process, the best traditional and innovative tools are used in the educational process, and forms of learning based on computer and telecommunication technologies are also actively introduced. Distance learning is an electronic version of full-time or part-time learning, which is based on adaptation to traditional forms of classes [5].

Distance learning is necessary to strengthen the active role of the student in their own education: in setting educational goals, choosing the dominant directions, forms and rates of learning [6]. It gives students the opportunity to communicate with professional teachers, with peers, to consult with highlevel specialists, regardless of their territorial location. It creates more comfortable conditions, compared to traditional ones, which are necessary for the creative self-expression of the student. For example, students have the opportunity to demonstrate the products of their creative activity to everyone. But distance learning can only be done for those students who live in communities where there is Internet. Then they have access to any information.

Thus, distance learning is a form of learning that results in the transfer of a significant amount of information from teacher to student, using modern information technologies: computer telecommunications, telecommunications, communications. The effectiveness of such training directly depends on the teacher. Therefore, he must have modern pedagogical information technologies, be ready to work with students in the new information space. Thus, it is possible to identify certain advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. The advantages of such training include: high efficiency of professional training; independence of the student from the territorial location of the higher educational institution. This gives him the opportunity to study at the same time in both Ukrainian and foreign

universities. The disadvantages of distance learning include the following positions: the student does not have constant access to sources of information, lack of practical training, which requires quality equipment; lack of constant control; there is no direct communication between the teacher and the student; there is no individual approach to learning; students do not always have the self-discipline, awareness and independence that are necessary for distance learning. It also happens that the tasks offered to the student, to test knowledge, are performed by his friends. The main difficulty is to force yourself to study.

With such advantages and disadvantages of distance learning faced by the Department of Human Anatomy. M.G. Turkevych of Bukovynian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. With the announcement of the quarantine, education at the BSMU, as well as in all educational institutions of Ukraine, is carried out remotely. This makes it possible to extend it without compromising the risk of viral infection of all participants in the educational process. The organization of distance learning is carried out with the use of the Moodle platform in the Intranet network of BSMU. Since SDO Moodle was introduced into the educational process of BSMU in 2007 [4, 5, 9, 10] and has been actively used for many years by both students and teachers. Work programs, lecture presentations, materials for preparation for lectures and practical classes, as well as methodical instructions for practical classes, are available on this platform. During the quarantine, the teachers of the Department of Human Anatomy developed individual tasks that correspond to the practical part of the lesson, and sent them to students communicating through created groups in Viber. Communication with students in organizational terms was very effective through groups in Viber. The most practical classes were held on the Google Meet platform.

Students were connected in both audio and video mode. Teachers demonstrated presentations during the practical classes, which included both photos and videos of natural anatomical preparations. In the mode of copying the screen, the teacher was able to display any graphic information that was displayed on the screens of students.

Students conduct negative assessments and missed practical classes remotely according to the schedule of exercises, which is posted in SDO Moodle.

Google Meet allows you to conduct quality and most effective online classes. During the pair, teachers show students macrophotographs of the organs being studied, focusing on the features of their structural organization. To better master the topic of the lesson, sit-uational tasks, clinical correlations, and videos are considered and discussed. Participants in the educational process also communicate with each other in the Google Meet chat. Lectures are held in video mode.

Knowledge control is carried out with the help of SDO Moodle, where students take tests, as well as teachers evaluate the results of individual assignments and oral answers in Google Meet online classes. The grade for the practical lesson, as the average for the performance of all tasks, is placed in the electronic journal of BSMU success.

Using individual e-mail addresses, the participants of the educational process maintain a constant communication. Teachers provide consultations to students both for practical classes and for modular classes, answer questions, help to solve problems.

It is important to note the shortcomings of distance learning during quarantine at the Department of Human Anatomy. Being outside the university, students do not have the opportunity to use models and anatomical preparations of organs, can not visit libraries and reading rooms, do not have wide access to the base of modern science. There is also no direct communication between students and the teacher.

Due to the increasing load on the Internet, it is necessary to improve the quality of communication in both departments and dormitories. Each student should have a personal computer, not just a smartphone on the screen of which it is difficult to see the photos and videos shown by teachers of the department.

Conclusions and offers. Thus, the introduction of distance learning at the Bukovynian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in connection with the global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, took place quickly and in an organized manner. Qualitative developments of teachers and programmers

of the university for the last decade allowed to adapt quickly to the new conditions of educational services and gave students the opportunity to qualitatively acquire knowledge in quarantine. In order to improve distance learning methods, a gradual reorganization of SDO Moodle on a new newer platform is planned, a new version of the electronic journal of success is introduced, a video resource of both practical and lecture classes is created, which will be displayed on the university distance learning server and https: / /www.youtube.com.


1. Features of distance learning in the framework of postgraduate training of doctors in emergency medicine / A.O. Volosovets, B.I. Slonetsky, I.S. Zozula [etc.] // Medical education. - 2020. - № 3. - P. 5-8.

2. On approval of the Regulations on distance learning: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 25.04.13 No 466. - Access mode: https://osvita.ua/legislation/Distosv/2999/.

3. Fedchyshyn NO Distance learning of foreign language of future doctors: challenges of time / NO Fedchyshyn. Fedchyshyn, NI Yelagina, OG Permyakova // Medical education. - 2020. -№2. -P.32-39.

4. Divnych T. Ya. Distance form of education in higher educational institutions as one of the technologies of organization of educational process / T.Ya. Divnich // Medical education. - 2015. - № 3. - P. 66-69.

5. Pilaeva T. History of the development of distance education in the world / T. Pilaeva // Scientific notes of Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vynnychenko. - 2016. - № 147. - P. 114-117.

6. Yastremska SO Application of MOODLE system in distance learning of masters of nursing / S. Yastremska. Yastremska // Bulletin of the Lviv State University of Life Safety. - 2017. - № 16. - P. 186190.



Narcia V.

getter, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy named after M.G. Turkevich, Bukovynian State Medical

University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Kryvetskyi V.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy named after M.G. Tur-

kevich, Bukovynian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


The peculiarities of morphogenesis of the cervical spine of 40 fetuses and 30 newborns were studied by a set of morphological research methods. Peculiarities of morphogenesis and chronological sequence of formation of topography of cervical spine during prenatal period of human ontogenesis are established. Keywords: spinal column, cervical vertebra, ontogenesis, human.

Introduction. The study of the morphology of the organ complex is of great practical importance [1-4]. In cervical spine and other related structures as a single Chernivtsi region, as well as in Ukraine as a whole,

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