FEATURES OF ABDULLA ORIPOV'S POETRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Abdulla Oripov / poetry / poem / literature

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Isayeva H.S.

In this article highlights of the poet, we will witness that the symbols of Homeland, mother, child are sung in a very loud paphos. Abdulla Oripov's poetry plays an important role in the development of Uzbek national artistic thinking and spirituality.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FEATURES OF ABDULLA ORIPOV'S POETRY»

UDK 808.5

Isayeva H.S. master student Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan


Annotation: In this article highlights of the poet, we will witness that the symbols of Homeland, mother, child are sung in a very loud paphos. Abdulla Oripov's poetry plays an important role in the development of Uzbek national artistic thinking and spirituality.

Key words: Abdulla Oripov, poetry, poem, literature.

The great Uzbek poet, the hero of Uzbekistan and the people's poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Oripov wrote dozens of new poems praising Homeland, freedom in the period of independence. A new wave of creativity of new historical conditions. ar took and entered. The last stage of his philosophical-didactic poems further deepened the horizons of Uzbek literature. Thanks to the lyrics of Abdulla Oripov, the Uzbek poetry received an image of the emotions of grief, the landscape of spiritual suffering, the dreams that turned into a harmony left in human senses. In the period when this poetry arose, it was customary to rhyme the words of a Falcon, to form lines that were raised in the league of happiness. It is believed that the subject is not a poem, but a poem, the subject is a mukarram, for sliu it is more an exaggeration to date what it is about than how to write a poem. Feelings of Abdulla Oripov brought thoughtful grief and sad thought to the Uzbek poem. The poet was a separate person and his grief was thought of in liaqi, penned. The man was the poet himself. Consequently, it would be inconvenient to shout about a man, it was necessary to read poems whispering about him. Because the noise, a loud voice, makes a person stay away from other people, deprives him of sincerity.

In the poem Abdulla Oripov it is said that man is an integral part of existence, the exchange of seasons in nature is expressed in the philosophical way of its similarity with the way of life. The poet, who has an enormous burden of meaning on every word and phrase, expresses his philosophical thoughts about death and eternity, life and existence, harmony and harmony between man and nature. Especially the poet skillfully reflects the state of color, snapshots of nature, creates a bouquet of impressive, attractive lines.

The poet of ulugrus N.A.Nekrasov writes: "Always follow this rule: words - need narrowness, and thoughts-width" [1,224]. In fact, getting acquainted with the poems of the hero of Uzbekistan, people's poet Abdulla Oripov, we feel more clearly how this rule is correct. To be able to place the words in the works as if they were a ring, to dial the lines as a necklace to the band, to create a ring of hair

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(46) 2020 science-j.com

and a sense of sound in a Rubab Torida tuned every word in a poetic context is one of the specific aspects of a sensitive creative style. A wide, huge idea in the narrow poetry field with a little words provided the attractiveness of Abdulla Oripov's poetry. When the poet describes the unique moment landscapes of nature in a variety of colors and states, man can find harmony between the past and eternity, life and existence, feeling deeply that he is a part of being.

In childhood, during adolescence, the world, the enviable environment, nature seems mysterious-synoetic to the eyes of a person, the lush green lawns, the tulips of the countryside overflow your pleasure, the distant high mountains invigorate, the stars that flashed in the clear summer sky burst into mystery and take away your dream. In such moments, a seventeen-year-old teenager who could not fit into the bosom of his "sweet feelings that scarred his pleasure" will decide to leave his astonishment in poetic Egypt, dreams of reaching an adult faster, becoming a worthy child in the land, shining like a star: Ipak iz qoldirib uchar quvnoqlar. Bir-birin quvlashib, chaqishar chaqin. Osmon go'zallarin kumush yotoqlar Qo'yniga chorlaydi, subhidam yaqin. Deyman: osmonlarning hiloli bo'lsam, Hulkar va Zuhrosi bo'lgim keladi. Shu go'zal o'lkamda kamolga to'lsam, Porloq yulduzlarday kulgim keladi.

The period can give themes, feelings to the creator. But all in knowing, realizing, expressing this intention in a selective pseudonym. The skill of Abdulla Oripov as an artist-creator is that, within the framework of a lyrical poem, he can bring a universal problem to the center of the axis and break his poetic intention into lines the true landscape and image, interpretation and analysis of the world of society and a separate individual through thoughts and feelings, which are the reflection of In this place, the word itself goes to the question of the lyrical hero in poetry, including in the poems of Abulla Oripov.

In poetry, the lyrical hero is always in the center of the work. Poetry lovers will have the opportunity to become from the poetic world of the poet through the lyrical "me" of the author, to enter into the whirlpool of his senses and feel his feelings. When called a lyrical hero, it is natural to ask the question of who - the poet himself or any other person we mean.

The lyrical hero of Abdulla Oripov in most cases manifests himself as the poet himself, his "me". But from this it should not come to the conclusion that the lyrical hero with the poet is a person, they are put in the middle a sign of equality. Lyrical hero of the poet . a spiritually rich, aesthetically active, high Patriot, struggling, faithful typified in friendship and love, proposing the advanced ideas of his time. Due to the nature of poetry, specific laws, features, the lyrical hero is not limited only to the personality of the poet.

In this respect Y.Yevtushenko's thoughts are remarkable: "the poet's biography is his poems... The poet must write a cruel truth about himself, too, in order to have the right to write the truth about others with impudence. The separation of the poet's personality into a real person and a poetic personality leads to unconditional creative suicide...Keeping silence about himself in poetry will undoubtedly lead to silence about all other people, not to about their suffering, their grief. (Y.Yevtushenko. Politika-privilegeegiya vsex. Izdatelstvo Agentstvo Pechati Novosti, Moscow, 1990, 589-page). This is exactly how the lyrical hero of Abdulla Oripov is a lyrical Hero, which makes a senseless cruel reality both about himself and about other people.

When determining the concept of the lyrical hero, it is desirable that each show follows from a specific creative individuality, only the principles of which each show is specific in describing life. Abdulla Oripov in the poem often speaks on behalf of "I". But there are also such poems of the poet, in which the poet narrows the circle "me", the poet speaks in the name of a certain group, the people, not only puts his suffering into poetry. However, another aspect of the issue is that the poet directly tries to give his "neutral" experiences, which he did not pass by, as well as his own experiences, and without this he succeeds without much. So the lyrical "me" of the poet, first of all, is the image of the poet himself, at the same time generalization.

Abdulla Oripov entered Uzbek poetry with his lyrical hero, who has his own tone, his own way of expression, his own vision of existence - nature and society, the spiritual world of people. In the poems of the poet, the lyrical hero is represented as a multifaceted and at the same time harmonious image. The evolution of his lyrical hero can be understood by revealing the problems posed in the poem, their meaning, identifying the main motivations and moods in the poet's poetry, the sources of the poem.

He wrote a series of poems, which included "Hikmat sadolari", "Haj daftari", "Jeneva daftari". In such poems as "Xalq", "Vatan", "Turkiston bolalari", "O'zbek qomusi", "Fidoyi" new sides of the theme of Vatan were opened, the image of the noble people who created the chorus of the land was created. The meaning of these poems does not constitute a mere highlight of the existing reality, to say Homeland and Hymn to the people's dignity. In them, the images of the ancient land, which made a significant contribution to world civilization, "there is a gold in the soul", "the light of faith is constantly flowing", "the great journey", people's past and prospects are drawn in their blood, the characteristics of responsible bug are artistically praised, modern thoughts on the subject of man and society, man and nature are continued.

Reaching the value of independence, preserving the motherland as a pupil, drawing a strict conclusion from the lessons of the past, finally encouraging the right to throw away the psychology of "crowd", to become a people who recognized the value of the world, the happiness of the future great Uzbekistan is expressed in an emotional-figurative way.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(46) 2020 science-j.com

After independence, Abdulla Oripov sang full of hints of freedom, Uzbek nationality is a mistake. Because in the poem "Ona sayyora", created in 1969 year by the poet, the spark of hope, which is sure of this Homeland's independence, is felt.

Yillar o^tar, balki o^tar ko p zamon Eryuzi chulg^anar, baxtga, chamanga Agar dardlaringga bololsa darmon Ruxim fido bolsin shunday vatanga


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