Научная статья на тему 'Features health and physical development of schoolchildren 14-17 years old in Moscow'

Features health and physical development of schoolchildren 14-17 years old in Moscow Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Burdyukovа E. V., Orlov V. A., Pustovalov D. A., Dmitrieva E. A., Gurevich K. G.

We studied the relation of physical health of students in the post pubertal period with the peculiarities of their development. It is shown that the maturation of schoolchildren accompanied by an increase of the index of physical health (IPH). It is proved that the health of school children is dependent on gender, age and body mass index (BMI). Physical development of boys ahead of such girls. Those with normal BMI is characterized by the best state of health.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Features health and physical development of schoolchildren 14-17 years old in Moscow»

UDC 616-053.7



E.V.Burdyukova, V.A.Orlov*, D.A.Pustovalov, E.A.Dmitrieva, K.G.Gurevich

UNESCO Chair «Healthy life style» for sustainable development, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

(MSUMD), [email protected] *Department of Physical training and health culture International University in Moscow

We studied the relation of physical health of students in the post pubertal period with the peculiarities of their development. It is shown that the maturation of schoolchildren accompanied by an increase of the index of physical health (IPH). It is proved that the health of school children is dependent on gender, age and body mass index (BMI). Physical development of boys ahead of such girls. Those with normal BMI is characterized by the best state of health.

Keywords: index of physical health, body mass index, risk factors

В работе были изучены связи физического здоровья школьников в постпубертатный период с особенностями их развития. Показано, что взросление школьников сопровождается ростом индекса физического здоровья (ИФЗ). Доказано, что состояние здоровья школьников зависит от пола, возраста и индекса массы тела (ИМТ). Физическое развитие мальчиков опережает таковое у девочек. Лица с нормальным ИМТ характеризуются наилучшим состоянием здоровья.

Ключевые слова: индекс физического здоровья, индекс массы тела, факторы риска

vant and highly complex scientific and practical problems. Especially when it comes to the younger generation. After generation of the population follow each other in a relatively short time scales even in the life of


Control and management of functional reserves and psychophysical human health will always be rele-

one man. In this sense, one lost to improve the recovery of children and adolescents five years or a maximum of ten years already wrapped almost hopelessly lost in the valeological sense generation. Thus, it is important to maintain the health of children for schooling, because after it ended they still need to either further study or work activity [2-3].

Long-term trend of deteriorating health of children and youth entails a subsequent decrease in health in all age groups, and further affects the quality of manpower, the reproduction of generations. Since the early 90's trend towards worsening indicators of health, in particular, an increase of psychosomatic disease of adolescents and youth, especially in graduation classes of major cities and industrial cities. So by 4.7% in 2008 above the number of children suffering from chronic diseases compared with 1998. The mass screening of students found that among healthy children can be attributed only 34% of the studied, with high risk of developing chronic disease and severe functional violations can be attributed most (52%) examined children [3].

During the school time the number of children with myopia increases 5 times, disorders of the locomotor apparatus incearses in 1,5 times, diseases of the nervous system increases in 2 times. 33% of youths who were released from service in the Armed Forces have mental disorders. 77% of students are at high level of influence of pollutants and 68% have high levels of CO2. In these children there is the heavy breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough, and rhinitis are more likely than other students. Children affected by high levels of CO2 are more vulnerable nasopharynx than their peers, they were 3.5 times higher at risk of nocturnal dry cough and a 2-fold higher risk the development of rhinitis [1,3].

During puberty there are changes at all levels, especially in the biological, as well as psychologically and socially. Changing the intensity of physiological processes, hormones, function of organs. Skeletal growth is faster than the development of muscle tissue, hence the awkwardness, disproportionately, the angularity of the figures. In girls, increasing fat mass by 10-20%, which is subjectively experienced by them very difficult. Heart volume is increased puberty twice, while there are significant variations in blood pressure, often upwards, frequent headaches. Doctors often put adolescents diagnosed: vasoneurosis [1].

The aim of our study was to examine the relation of physical health of schoolchildren in postpubertatny from the peculiarities of their development.

Materials and methods

The study included 2,408 schoolchildren in Moscow 14-17 years, including 1193 boys, 1215 girls.

Recorded anthropometric parameters of development. Measured height, weight, calculated body mass index (BMI) Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). With the help of spirometer measured lung capacity (LC).

Performed the following functional tests: motor coordination (determined in the test by throwing at the

wall and catching the batted ball from a distance of 3 meters), the timed inspiratory capacity (breath holding at inspiration in the sitting position), flexibility (in cm below the floor level).

Evaluated the physical performance as pushups and press (number of times within 30 seconds). Using a computerized program calculates the index of physical health (IPH) [2].

For static processing results of the study used the t-Student test and factor analysis (ANOVA).

Results and discussion

Boys had significantly higher BMI than girls (Table 1). This led to an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure reduction alone, which may indicate the existence of boys imbalance regulation of the cardiovascular system. The flexibility of the boys was reduced in comparison with girls. At the same time the boys had the best indicators of physical development and coordination of movements. Therefore, the index of physical health in boys was higher than in girls.

Table 1

Gender-related influence of studied parameters

Indicator Boys Girls

BMI 21,7±4,5* 21,0±3,3*

LC 3600±1000* 2900±700*

HR 85±15 86±14

Systolic blood pressure 130±13* 120±12*

Diastolic blood pressure 71±9* 72±8*

Timed inspiratory capacity 61,5±24,2* 51,9±19,5*

Flexibility -0,3±9,8* 5,4±8,8*

Coordination 4±2* 3±2*

Pushups 23±11* 17±9*

Press 22±7* 18±6*

IPH 3,6±1* 3,4±0,9*

* p < 0,05 difference between boys and girls

With increasing age significantly increased physical performance of school children (Table 2). Increased flexibility, improved speed of visual-motor reaction. This indicates that the processes of normal physiological maturity. At the same time, with age there was a significant increase in BMI. This may indicate an increase in the proportion of people overweight in the group of older students than younger. It is known that overweight is a risk factor for chronic noncommunica-ble diseases. Therefore, despite the increase in the IPH, a group of older students may have a greater risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases. In particular, this can indirectly indicate no significant differences in the index of physical development in schoolchildren 16 and 17 years.

Table 2

Relationship of studied parameters with age

Indicator 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years old

BMI 21,1±3,7A 21,2±3,7 21,7±4,8*# 21,9±3,4*#

LC 3100±800#A 3200±1000* 3400±900*# 3500±1100*#a

HR 87±14A 85±15 83±14* 83±14*

Systolic blood pressure 124±13 126±13 126±13 127±13

Diastolic blood pressure 71±9 72±9 71±9 72±9

Timed inspiratory capacity 54±21A 56±22 60±25*# 61±23*#

Flexibility 1,1±9,7#A 2,3±9,6* 4,7±9,5*# 4,1±9,7*#a

Coordination 4±2 4±2 4±2 4±2

Pushups 18±10 20±10 21±11 22±12

Press 20±6 20±7 20±7 22±7

IPH 3,3±0,9#a 3,5±1,0*# 3,6±1,0*# 3,7±1,0*

*p < 0,05 difference from 14 years old # p < 0,05 difference from 15 years old a p < 0,05 difference from 16 years old

We have shown that BMI in addition to age and sex is the main factor affecting the health of schoolchildren. Students with normal body weight had a higher IPH than those with insufficient or excess body weight (Table 3).

2. Physical development of boys ahead of such


3. Maturation of schoolchildren accompanied by an increase of physical development.

Table 3

Relationship studied parameters with BMI

Indicator BMI norm Excess or deficiency of BMI Excess BMI Lack of BMI

LC 3200±900 3200±800 3500±900* 3000±800

HR 84±15# 87±15* 86±16* 87±15*

Systolic blood pressure 125±13A# 127±14A 133±13*# 121±12A#

Diastolic blood pressure 70±9A 72±9* 73±9* 71±8

Timed inspiratory capacity 57±23 55±22A 57±23 53±21A

Flexibility 3,1±9,5#a 1,2±10,1* 1,3±9,6* 0,9±10,5*#

Coordination 4±2 4±2 4±2 4±2

Pushups 20±10A 18±10A 16±11* 19±9A

Press 20±7 19±7 20±7 20±7

IPH 3,6±1,0A 3,2±0,9A 2,8±0,9*# 3,5±0,9A

* p < 0,05 difference from group c normal BMI

# p < 0,05 difference from group to lack or excess BMI a p < 0,05 difference from the group with excess BMI

Those with normal body weight were more flexible, better at squeezing out the exercises. Change in body weight compared to normal was significantly increased heart rate, blood pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Thus, we have studied the relation of physical health of students in the post pubertal period with the peculiarities of their development. Shown that the maturation of schoolchildren accompanied by an increase of IPH. At the same time increases the mean value of BMI, which may indicate an increase in the intensity of risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


1. The health status of school children is dependent on gender, age and BMI.

4. Individuals with normal BMI characterized best state of health.

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2. Grigoriev A.I., Orlov V.A., Fetisov O.B., Shavyrin I.B. Prenosological control and strengthening of physical health and functional reserves of the human body. M., 2006. 42 p.

3. Shmatova N.I., Volfsdorf E.I., Dedukh E.L., Ruchkin N.A. The health status of schoolchildren and the role of the «School of Health» in developing healthy lifestyles of students. M.: Research Center for Children's Health, 2009. 850 p.

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