Sotvoldiyev E. assistant
Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies
Annotation. Efficiency and Economic in economics concepts of efficiency there is They are country, network, enterprise, directions and some products according to to be determined can " Economic the concept of " efficiency " to the concept of " efficiency ". relatively wider to the content have Economical efficiency when you say one year during done increased events system with depends has been costs as a result of them net profit earned amount with is compared. Then spent expenses in return net profit earned amount how much a lot if so, economic efficiency level that's all increased is considered and on the contrary Efficiency and he or this events, work products Cultivation as a result achieved achievements represents So, " efficiency " and " economic efficiency » categories each other with depends has been the most important indicators is considered them upgrade for farms all issues positive solution reach it is necessary Farms of activity efficiency if it increases, our country economy of our people marriage level rises.
Key words: efficiency, farms, social production, crop area, agricultural production
Efficiency created national of income to the resources used ratio with is determined. Efficiency is a synthetic and generalized indicator, which has an integral character, that is, it combines the results of several indicators [ 1].
The efficiency of social production is the economic result of production activity determined by comparing income with costs in the farm. Increasing the efficiency of agricultural production means increasing the weight of national income and production per unit of labor, material, and financial costs [2].
Production indicators of farm efficiency in crop production consist of the following main indicators of its development: crop area, yield, gross amount of harvested crop, structure of crop area, as well as costs per unit of crop area. In animal husbandry, it consists of: the number of livestock, the annual average amount of cattle and poultry, the productivity of livestock, the gross production of livestock products.
Economic indicators of its production efficiency play a decisive role in the assessment of agricultural activity in the current conditions of scientific and technical development. The main economic indicators of farm production
efficiency are: efficiency of funds, profitability of production, cost of production, level of labor productivity and amount of net income.
Science and technology development includes improvement of existing technology, creation and introduction of new, more efficient technology, technology, raw materials, materials, as well as improvement of labor and production organization. Development of science and technology is one of the decisive directions of intensification of production and increase of its efficiency
Efficiency in agricultural production is an important direction of technical development, consisting of regular improvement of equipment, replacement of outdated equipment with new, somewhat more efficient and economical equipment.
Improvement of machinery in the farm, increasing the power of machines, aggregates and mechanisms, increasing their speed of operation, usually requires a lot of physical labor in management.
is moving from simple machines to semi-automatic and automatic machines and lines, to complex mechanized and automated workshops and enterprises.
Agricultural production is being transferred to intensive technology, all of which contribute to increased production efficiency.
The development, implementation, administration, development and improvement of the management system in the farm is related to certain live, itemized labor costs, their relative weight occupies a significant place in the structure of the total costs of production. Therefore, their reduction is one of the important factors for increasing production efficiency.
Increasing the economic efficiency of agricultural production requires the rational organization of production in agricultural enterprises, the wide use of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, the introduction of new high-efficiency machines and tools, agrotechnical and zootechnical methods, and new methods of labor and production organization. does. In order to select and introduce the most effective methods and methods, it is necessary to check them in advance, to evaluate them from an organizational and economic point of view
Based on these rules, the following main indicators are used to determine the economic efficiency of new methods and methods of production on the farm: the amount of high-quality products obtained per hectare of land and per head of cattle; labor productivity; product cost; net income and profitability; capital funds and their replacement.
the farm:
• creation of high-yielding varieties of crops and high-yielding breeds of livestock, accelerating their introduction into production;
• improvement of land reclamation, water supply of crops and development of advanced irrigation technologies;
• providing livestock with quality feed and feeding at the level of demand;
• ensuring the appropriate use of local, cultural fertilizers and chemical agents in the production processes, taking into account the ecology, at the level of demand;
• quick implementation of logistics measures to improve the quality of products, their transportation and storage processes;
• to speed up the effective deployment, specialization and organization of production;
• full mechanization, automation, electrification of work processes as a result of introduction of new techniques, advanced technologies, effective use of existing means of production;
• employees training and promotion system development;
• period and financial expenses chance level reduce
• village economy products work release, sell liberation, between them equivalence provider marketing activities current to be done acceleration;
• non-state ownership forms set up to be done based on entrepreneurship types development;
• investments attraction to be done provider economic mechanisms current reach and others
Thus, the prospects of increasing the economic efficiency of farm production constitute organizational - economic assessment, planning, organization, control, management and other methods of new methods and methods of production.
1. Ronald D. Kay, William M. Edwards, Patricia A. Duffy. Farm management. Eighth edition. - USA: Texas and M University, 2016.
2. Samatov G'.A., Rustamova I.B., Sheripbaeva U.A. Agricultural Economics and Management. Textbook /- T.: 2012.
3. Umrzakov O'.P., Toshboev A.J., Rashidov J., Toshboev A.A. Agricultural Economics and Management. Study guide. - T.: "Economy - finance", 2008.
4. Kasimova D.S. Management theory: a textbook. - T.: TDIU, 2009.